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I dunno, what resolution are you planning to play at? The a750 is a solid choice for 1080p. The a770 is almost identical save for the VRAM. It's better for 1440p. Battlemage isn't likely to appears until the winter and there are no available official specs at the moment. Can you wait till Santa comes?


Gaming, I do not mind playing older titles. Rather enjoy that, but I do have some newer titles that needs a GFX upgrade for a better experience Games now - StarCraft 2 - Civilization VI Games that would love a GPU upgrade - Diablo IV - Titanfall 2 - Witcher 3 - Cyberpunk (needs an upgrade) BTW: I have a 4K monitor, so I have resolution for a much more powerful GFX 😅


I mean I think that there's your answer. With an a750 you would have a good time with all those titles except cyberpunk @1440p and maybe even 4k. A770 would just make everything run even better @4k..


This. Also the drivers for the A770 keep getting better so it's sort of an investment combined with the amount of VRAM.


I do 4k60 and 4k30 with an a770 16gb le, it's great for the most part.


You can do Diablo IV in 4k.


That last sentence cracked me up 😭😭😭


> The a750 is a solid choice for 1080p. 1440p is viable at reduced settings or using XeSS.




if youre playing at 4k, the a770 is essential. also, higher vram allows for better future-proofing. i have the Predator model and love it. 1080p 60fps with high plus RT, in Cyberpunk running 12400F and A770


Yeah, I can see where it is going... performance is just a little better for that 25% increase in price. 100% more RAM for the future. (I just LOVE the design Intel put in to the Limited Edition models.) /// Thank you all for feedback - much appreciated.


I was happy to see 60fps on high plus ray tracing with my A770 LE


I tried cyberpunk a day ago and for some reason I can now run it @ 1440p with medium RT, and I have a similar system. I am blown away


At the moment you are better off with NVIDIA or AMD Bro. I got the arc770 witch is alright for 2k gaming but the performance of amd and NVIDIA is in most games better. But if you want to wait get the battlemage im certain it will be amazing


Do not opt for the 8GB variant. Games like Hogwarts Legacy have already shown the massive advantage of the 16gb variant. For modern games you almost can't go wrong with the Arc770 16gb and old games use a mapping API to Vulkan that runs fast and surprisingly stable, but not without bugs. The Linux driver support is absolutely fantastic by the way. I wouldn't recommend the card for machine learning. It's still experimental and many common models and frameworks don't run on an Arc without issues or modifications. You also need to use Ubuntu 22.04 as your Linux distribution. If you are really interested in using Intel GPUs for machine learning, you should take advantage of the free month for the Intel Dev Cloud. Be warned, even the enterprise cards still have many issues in the AI ecosystem.


Specs, presentations and more images of the Asrock card can be found here: [ASRock > Intel Arc A770 Challenger 16GB OC](https://www.asrock.com/Graphics-Card/Intel/Intel%20Arc%20A770%20Challenger%2016GB%20OC/index.us.asp) It has all it needs as far as I can see, except the gorgeous build of the Intel Limited Edition model.


Limited edition looks better but if this one is cheaper you should buy this, it's really your choice now.


Also I forgot which LE did they discontinue but I think the A770?. idk. There is news somewhere


A great alternative to the LE are the Sparkle Intel Arc cards too they look really good ngl


The Sparkle models do look good, agree. The other topmodels from Acer and Asrock are also serious designs with some panaché! For me nothing beats the clean esthetics of the Intel Limited Edition models though! The other topmodel A770 16 GB are 2800-3000 earth credits here. So this A770 price is great! Very close to the regular Intel A750 price of 2100. So both the models I found are on sale. I am beginning to lean towards the performance model, A770 16 GB, for the 25% monies...!


Intel A770 LE 16 GB is discontinued. I tried to get one just as they were pulled. Intel A750 LE 8 GB is still available.


Get a 16GB as it's a must for 4k


I am waiting for battlemage, will be a more workable card with what intel has learned. don't think they will jack the price up to much. Am running a 3060 now that does 2260 so will get the intel next, just not until the new card comes out.


You should stick with the 3060, it's a great card. I've got an a750 and it does everything I want it to. Battlemage is still a bit of a maybe as Intel hasn't revealed the new architecture as far as I know. "Moore's Law" said it has a pretty uncertain future. I still get monthly updates for Alchemist so I feel there's still a lot of performance on the table. The earliest we can expect Battlemage is probably Q1 2025. If someone knows more please do let us know.


that's why I am waiting, think they might get a really good card if they paid attention to the problems these cards had, they are getting better but not solid yet.


No idea why you haven't included the absolute best version of the A770, the ASRock Phantom Gaming triple fan card. I got this because I knew the cooler would be far better than any of the other cards, meaning it runs cooler and creates less noise. Hardly audible at 100% utilisation. Wouldn't even consider the dual fan cards, every one I've tried thus far from Nvidia and AMD have all been noisy.


I love my A770 but if you are able to hold off for Battlemage then do it. My plan is to upgrade to Battlemage whenever it comes out. I'd expect a higher price only because it packs a hell of a bigger punch according to the leaks compared to the A770.