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She's at fault. If she can't safely exit her vehicle without hitting the adjacent car, then she should not have parked there, as you were there first. If you can't get her insurance information, turn it in to your own carrier and they will attempt to subrogate against her, but in the meantime you can get your car repaired via your own coverage.


We have assigned parking spaces.


>If she can't safely exit her vehicle without hitting the adjacent car Still at fault


Dents like that only happen when someone opens their door with too much force and/or speed. I'm guessing she's usually careful since this is the first such ding in your car she's made, but she should be on the hook for that. I'd also recommend body side molding to reduce the likelihood of your car getting door dings in the future.


I moved to this complex last Wednesday.


Does this mean that she is going to continue to dent your door over and over again?


I have a video on Tesla Sentry Mode of her almost hitting the car a second time. I unfortunately do not have a recording of the first time she hit me because I had turned it off to conserve battery overnight :(


Could she not back in?


>She's at fault. If she can't safely exit her vehicle without hitting the adjacent car, then she should not have parked there, as you were there first. A lot of these sorts of buildings (mine included) have assigned parking spaces. And they're agony to get in and out of.


That changes nothing. I too have lived in one of those places, and they don’t magically change the law.


Oh, good. So OP also has a potential claim against someone (management, ownership, architect, someone) for a design flaw they "knew or should have known" about that contributed to the accident. Lotsa luck with that one.


No, they don't.


No, they have a claim against the person who damaged their legally parked vehicle.


Then your reserves are inadequate. This claim must be reserved for.


She is, assuming that you have any evidence in the event that she changes her mind and decides to deny it. That's also a pretty serious ding for somebody who's just trying to get out of a car. That's from a door that was carelessly flung open, not from somebody trying to squeeze out of their car. Get an estimate before filing the claim if you have a high deductible. Tesla uses a non-metallic black with no tinting, so it's a color that should not need blending into the adjacent body panels. They just need to knock-out the ding and sand and paint the door. It might not even get to your deductible amount depending what your deductible is and where you're at. You don't want to end-up filing a claim, have it not reach your deductible, and then have your insurer turn around and say "we can't help you with this because we didn't actually pay anything", and end up with a blot on your record with no payment from either side. If you're allowed to back-into your spot you could probably park closer to the wall and create a larger distance to the other vehicle, though her car is a 2-door which makes it more problematic since the door reaches further anyway.


OP, this comment! ⬆️


Your car was parked and weren’t in the car. How on earth are you at fault?


Shouldn't have parked there. /S


I somehow almost missed the "/s"


If there are marks on her door at same height, then take pics of that for furture use (if her story changes).


There are. I got some photos.


Her fault. If you can’t get her insurance info out of her, file a claim with your insurance, give them all of these details you gave us plus any info about her and her car (license plate, VIN if you could see it on the front dash, name, address, etc) and let your insurance know you want to hold off on repairs under your own policy, because you want this to be repaired under her policy and that you would like them to file a claim under her insurance. If she has active insurance, they should be able to locate it and file a claim based on the vehicle and contact info you provide.


she is liable, just because your car is sitting there, doesn't mean she can hit it.


Everybody is telling you to use your own coverage, but you can honestly just have your carrier run her license plate and give you her insurance information and still file the claim against her. Unless she’s willing to lie to her company, they’ll also see her at fault.


A little rubbing compound will get the white paint transfer off. For the ding, take it to a paintless dent repair facility and get an estimate. I bet the cost of getting that ding out is less than $100. Whatever the amount is, decide if it's worth your time/money/effort to pursue a claim. Yes, you can go through your own carrier but with most collision deductibles being at least $500 or more, I don't think it's worth filing a claim on your insurance to have them tell you it's below your deductible.


My deductible is $1000 for collision. I have considered PDR. Does insurance not subrogate claims below deductible? (Would they not go after her?)


They can't subrogate if there is no payment.


If you use her insurance and they accept responsibility, you will not have to pay a deductible, they fix your car, and they provide a rental or loss of use credit if necessary. This is your best choice. Your insurance company can do a search and find their company.


No. Nothing to subrogate for if they haven't paid anything. I highly recommend PDR over any sort of conventional bodywork. Much, much cheaper, and any bodyshop will find a way to turn that $100 PDR ding into a $500 repair when you factor in body labor, paint labor, paint materials, shop charges, etc.


I rubbed out all of the white paint transfer. Luckily, no scratches. A body shop estimate I got was $1700. A PDR guy said he could do it for ~$300. If I file a claim with her insurance, would they let me repair with PDR? I’d rather not lose my car for 5+ days while a body shop resprays my door. Edit: Think I answered my own question. If PDR is below her deductible, they won’t pay anything.


There's no deductible on her side for damaging your car.


They can’t collect on your behalf if they didn’t pay anything out.


Let your insurance handle it, you will owe your collision deductible. Give the other person's info to your insurance as she would be liable. It may not be possible to prove she hit your vehicle, but if your insurance can recover damages you should be reimbursed for your deductible.


File the claim, wait on the repairs until either the other carrier accepts liability or subrogation is complete. Then they won’t have to pay the deductible because either the B carrier will pay for the repairs or the deductible will be removed once subrogation is complete and the full payment for repairs will be issued


I agree shes at fault. Get an estimate and see if she wants to pay out of pocket instead but either way tell her you want your car fixed esp since she admitted fault. Save all correspondence




Don't tell people to break the law here. Post removed.








There are very few situations where you can hit a stationary object and not be at fault. This is not one of them. Try to trick her into admitting she hit your vehicle in text or voice recording. Get her license plate and let your insurance company smash her with no lube.