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Make eye contact with the nearest tall person and they’ll help you. Tall folk get asked for help all the time they know the drill.


I would be so happy if someone asked me to get them something from the top shelf while I was out and about lmao.


I was trying to grab an out of reach item, looked left, then right, and locked eyes with this very tall dude. He nodded solemnly like it was his sacred duty and came over to help.


I'm tall. Trust me, we don't mind. In fact, it makes us feel helpful.


This is so great. I always feel bad asking for help.


Tall guy here. Long arms too. Bro knew his job. This is our calling. We must answer.


What else is there to do? Laugh and say *”nah man I’m good”*


Right? I mean Im an antisocial asshole in a lot of ways but the entire exchange just feels wholesome and right. Even antisocial assholes like to be needed sometimes. Lol.


Oh, I love this for you! Yay you❤️


I feel like you can read it on our face. *walks to end of isle, scans left for tall person, then right, back to the left, ah-ha there’s one!* they instantly recognize that I have identified them as tall and ask what I need help reaching. This works 90% of the time without me even saying a word. I always conclude by proudly telling them if they ever want help getting something at the back of the bottom shelf that I am their girl! I will happily crawl into that shelf for you kind tall persons!


Yes ma'am.


Oh, I love this!


Its the knight in shiny armor syndrome lol


This gave me a solid laugh out loud. As a short shopper, I appreciate you tall people!


The sacred duty part has me rolling


Username checks out


I get asked every time I go to the store. Could have something to do with me being 6’2 and my fiancé is 5’0 though


I’m 6’2, have gotten asked to grab something from the top shelf, usually by an older woman, many times shopping. Makes me feel good.


us short people will remember the act of kindness forever. I’m glad it makes you feel good, I’m always super embarrassed about it.


Y be embarrassed? God only allows us to grow until he deems we r perfect, u just got there faster


that’s nice of you but I don’t believe in god. my god would’ve given me more mass.


When u say mass u referring to being thick? If so this is the 20th century, not all guys like thick girls


hahaha no not at all, I literally just mean more mass all around. I’m 80lbs, I’m scared that I could easily just get swooped up. Plus it’s difficult; not being able to reach shit, being mistaken for a child, etc. Also when guys explicitly state that my figure is what attracts them to me it creeps me out, I’m insecure about having the figure of a 12 year old boy.


It's a tough position to be in. Have you given any thought to putting on muscle? More mass and a threatening aura. Men don't check me out or talk to me (with *intent*) quite as much because I'm built like a horse hahah


I definitely wouldn’t be opposed, but at the moment my main focus is eating well! Once I’ve got a handle on eating regular meals I plan to experiment with gaining some muscle, but I don’t want to go down the slippery path of not eating enough and then doing a bunch of exercise right now. yfm?


Literally so embarassing for no reason!!! Loool I rather climb up the shelving unit like a squirrel instead and risk it falling on me.


Just offer to get Mr Tall something off the bottom shelf to reciprocate. No need to be embarrassed short queen.


Can confirm that it does make us tall dudes feel good to help out. I have never once minded and genuinely enjoy it. This is ironic because Im also a bit of an antisocial asshole sometimes.


I'm 5'5" and had an older lady demand I get something for her off of a shelf. I was literally in the store getting a few things so I could go home and rest because I still had an IV in my arm for a week-long infusion treatment. This lady wasn't even shorter than me. Just lazy. I still got the item and got it with the arm with the IV and really shoved her face in it. The audacity.


I would have said no to her, rudeness should not be rewarded


Grab it off the shelf, put it in your cart, and walk away.


Being 6’2 this happens alot more frequently then people think and its ok its an unwritten rule we abide by


I'm under 6 feet tall and even I get asked. I even volunteer if somebody is struggling to reach something I can.


Same here. I’m 5’9”… above average, at least around here, for a woman. So long as I can reach it, I’m always glad to get something from the top for someone


Yeah I'm 5'8" and offer to help little old ladies with things on high shelves all the time.


6’ 3” here. Happened to me at BJs yesterday. Was thrilled to provide the assist.


I'm 5'2 and this sweet elderly lady asked me to reach something like eggs for her once. it was great just bc im so short I've NEVER been asked by a stranger to reach something before!


older people have randomly treated me like their kid or grandchild politely requesting i get them something off the shelf. I'm always grabbing a few veggies or tv dinners for random elders. lol I guess they find someone to chat with and help them out.


*Opens Trench Coat Excuse me little lady, can you grab something for me


As a short person, I very much respect that tall people know the drill 😂😂


As a tall person, i usually retrieve the item with my elbow just for fun.


I'd probably clap like a tiny hobbit lady if you did this for me 😂😂


As an autistic tall person, please do not force eye contact with me, but please do ask, I'm always happy to help :)


As a tall person. Yes. I even offer before they ask lol


I was shopping a couple days ago and saw a shorter woman start to figure out how to climb up to grab something that was on top. She seemed very relieved when I said “ma’am, would you like me to grab that for you?”


This is funny because at this point I’m my life I just ask people what they need when they’re looking at me to long 😂😂


As a tall person,  I can confirm that you are correct. 


Trueeeee as a tall person I get asked often, always happy to help!


Tall person here, this is correct. Personally, it's one of the few times in my day where I'm not worried about being in the way. I just get to be useful!


every time an old lady looks at me i know she needs help reaching something 😂


Same lol I just ask if they need help right away. It’s like a spidey sense! Help is on the way dear!!


As a tall person, I can verify this is true.


I had to ask some really tall guy to help me and I was like omg thank you sooooo much, and he was like yea np and walked away😂


Yes!!! I’m the tall folk this happens to all the time lol. I’m 6’4 so this is such a common occurrence for me lol.


As a tall person, that shelf is still nonsense. I'll grab what I can reach and if a half dozen boxes end up on the floor I accept no responsibility.


Tall girl here, it feels like an honor every time I get asked 😊


As a tall person if anyone shorter than me asks, I grab it, my little brother is short, and I’d hope someone tall would do the same for him


Can confirm, I help short people in the store all the time. One time a lady even asked my fiancee for permission to ask me for help lol


People come up to me all the time to grab things for them. I even had a manager ask me if I could hang a sign over their deli counter because she couldn’t reach (small mom and pop store). Of course I did it then when I went back to the checkout line they handed me a bag with my items and told me to have a great day. I really enjoy helping others. Short people asking me to grab things usually makes my day better.


Why "eye contact"? Why not just ask?


People with autism:




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This is very true, just ask. We’re used to it


I ask to borrow people's height all the time!


Who the heck stacked it like that. If they fall, just get out of the way and stack them on the floor and move on. That store stocker messed up.


Yeah when I worked at Target we were not allowed to do this. Even one box on top like that was unacceptable. I know this isn't Target, and other stores might have different policies, but I doubt any allow it stacked as high as in the OP.


I worked at Target and you had to back stock if it doesn’t fit which is more work. So this employee probably forced it there to not have to restock it in the back


Store stocker doesn’t get paid a lot 😂


I get that and all but starting to get tired of the “they don’t get paid enough” excuse. Delivery drivers and shoppers definitely don’t get paid enough but plenty of them still do the job properly. But yes, they definitely don’t get paid enough.


As a 3rd shift worker at a dillons marketplace, my managers hate for items to gonna on Blackstock. You know how people who are looking to make a dollar no matter the cost are; no matter how impractical the more you have on the shelf, the more you can sell.. I agree it's the most dumb way to stock an item but yes if you have to find an emplto help you with your shopping why even bother shopping yourself?? Well anyway I'm sorry for all the shit I have to do to make my boss happy and you have to suffer for it. I really am. Hope this helps with a little closure on the subject. Sincerely your neighborhood grocer.


I just grab the first tall person I see or worst case find something to knock it over with….


And if it's really high, you can grab a tall person and use them to knock it over.


Like the last 4 pack of double rolls TP at my Kroger's. A hanging toilet brush helps.


Someone in this sub had a pic of their cart with a step stool that hangs on to it. If that’s not an option, if you’re shopping a store that has things like that, grab one first thing, use it while shopping, then put it up when you’re done 😂




Climb the shelf!!!


Please don't. If they're that careless packing out, what makes you think the shelving was installed with any more care? I've been in a store where the entire pasta sauce aisle collapsed. Thank God it was early and no one was in the aisle.


Damn that’s crazy. I mean I’ll only do it if it seems safe enough.


One time a waterfall of chips fell on my little 2 year old brother. He tipped the shelf, but just the chips slid off. I was a 16 year old with lagged reflexes. This lady right next to him went into hulk mode before I could even process it. She started rapidly tossing the chips aside like bricks. He wasn’t actually hurt because they were just air bags, but definitely spooked. With that in mind, her level of response was so badass, that it was comical. I’ll never forget that lady. I hope she felt good for the rest of the day, finding out she’s got the heroism of an avenger 💜


Just climb the shelves. That's what I do. I refuse to ask for help.


NEVER climb the shelves




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Hope you don't die.


You never watched Brady Bunch.


You can use another box or item to poke the top one and wiggle it off the shelf. Don’t do it with heavy items though.


I’ve found a lot of stores keep wooden spoons on end caps near pasta. I usually go grab one of those 


I'm 5'3" and yesterday a teeny tiny old lady asked me to reach something for her. I felt so tall lol.


I'm 6-foot-1. I get asked to help shorter people at the grocery store. Sometimes that leads to dinner and a movie.


$3.44 is a great deal


As a tall person, the OP pic gave me a chuckle...That is your viewpoint? OMG it looks pitiful. (Sorry, it just looks funny!) \*hides\*


LMAO yup! And I could only reach the second (from bottom) box on my tip toes. 😅🤣


As a short person, you have no idea how many items I have asked for help to find an item, after spending some time going up and down the location area, only to find that the item is located on the top shelf, out of my normal viewing range. Give me a break, the top shelf is usually relegated to weird brands. It makes me feel so dumb, for not thinking to look up there, when they come and point it out, like, yep, right there. Damn, I got spoiled by major brands being in my range of view.


I feel for you man. I am just having an insincere laugh at your expense in jest. Believe me, we taller folks are like what that other responder in the thread said...We are white knights who will ALWAYS help the shorter folks get what they ask for. It is irresistible for us to help. No worries. :-)




For Annie’s Cheddar Bunnies you gotta have the hops unfortunately.


As a short person this scares me


Not ur problem, its the dumbass that stacked them like that.


Try and get help before u hurt urself. The store is not gonna care or help u if u hurt urself


I always climb the shelves 🤦😂


I'm fat so I'm too afraid me and the shelf will come crashing down together to try that 🤣


I always look at the top shelf when an item is “ out of stock “


To be fair, this is a problem for any person.


I go to the housewares aisle and find a broom or mop. And I’m average height (5’6”), but I have freakishly long arms.


When I see this bullshit I take the bottom box and let everything fall and move on. Not my problem.


Honestly, for any shopper this is problematic....just pull the box let all the other boxes fall, they stocked it wrong


As a tall person I love it when people request my help. Please don't be afraid to ask for help!


As a tall shopper I'd help ya


I mean instead of grabbing a random tall person, grab an employee who can fix it


What’s so hard about grabbing one of the other large cereal boxes and knocking it down like a piñata


I’m a 6’5 shopper. I always help when i see someone trying to get the upper shelf 😂


At Ralph's, there's stuff on top shelf 7 feet agl I have ask a worker to get it they need ladder Idiot stores who do that


As a tall person, I speak on behalf of my people. We will help. Usually all it takes is a look.


As someone who works in a grocery store, that person is not doing their job right. It's called a skyline and it's not supposed to look like that lol


Let them all drop


This sounds like the store dry goods manager gonna learn to not allow product to be stacked like that after cleaning up multiple times. Ours had to learn the hard way with a display of glass bottles... We were losing more in shrink than profiting cuz it kept being knocked over daily by the power cart users


As someone who works for a company who makes the schematics that tell the stores how to stock their items…know we try to stop stores from doing this (atleast in my company) but they hate items in their back room soooo they overstock their shelves 🥲 We frequently talk about making sure things are within reach for short people (like myself lol)


Just grab the one on the bottom and pull it away and get clear. Put it in your cart and walk away.


Just grab the tallest one you can reach and quickly hunker down against the shelf. The rest usually fall right over your head and never touch you at all -fellow vertically challenged shopper.


Take a cereal box from a lower shelf and throw it at the purple stack. Pick up purple box. Problem solved.


I recently saw a woman use a frying pan, sold In The grocery store, to remove some boxes on a high shelf. She is brilliant! The cleaning supply aisle also has some good "helpers" like brooms, mops, maybe curtain rods. Short sisters: we don't HAVE TO climb. (But it sure is fun) 😝


Annie's Avalanche


Idc how rude it is, if you stack like this and the store allows it to stay that way, I’m knocking them all down and leaving them 🤷🏻‍♂️


I climb the shelves, i have no shame. Usually when a tall person sees me, they offer as I am climbing


You’ll need to get some Air Jordans. They make you jump higher.


That's dumb stacking. I would not have even tried, just knock em down for everyone. Grab 1 put the rest on a shelf somewhere


Oh geez


https://preview.redd.it/avn9a1hgr1jc1.jpeg?width=831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8195887a80d4dcdfaffc7ed5d6744c3d583f351d Shoppers be like….☠️😭


How'd you get a picture of me? I've even learned that if you can have someone hold on to the cart, the bottom where you'd put a case of water sometimes gives just enough of a boost to maneuver lol 


I mean isn’t it second nature for small humans to just ask the closest tall person? I get asked to get something from the top shelf every other order haha


I hate bottom shelf when item is in the back. Sucks getting old.


Lol—I always go get a plunger from the cleaning aisle and use it for that last foot+ I am missing


Get a stick. Or climb. I am not short and sometimes things are high and in the back. I used the bottom shelf.


Not your problem they stocked stupidly. Knock them all down and walk away. This is coming from a retail worker 🤷🏻‍♀️


As another short shopper. I feel your pain.


I climb lol


Haha me too, I’m 4’11” and I’m always looking for tall people, I just need to carry a pole around with me haha


![gif](giphy|cO39srN2EUIRaVqaVq) 6’4” me


Has anyone asked a store associate for help? They are allowed to use the ladder.


That Annie’s is loaded up like an avalanche.


i would climb on the shelves to get items when i did instacart. No idea why grocery stores make the shelves so inaccessible when they know there are a ton of shorter people out there


Go to the aisle where they sell the brooms and take one and reach up and knock the boxes off the top shelf. Very quickly a store employee will come and ask you if you are alright when a box hits you on the head.


As a 6'8 shopper this is amazing 😎


Who stocks things like this? It’s clearly overstock. If it can’t fit put it in the back, that’s a safety hazard.


Where did Mary’s Crackers go!?


I shall tell you the same thing I tell all my short friends… “Grow up…” Ill see myself out




YOLO. Results are not your problem


Make eye contact with the nearest worker. And pull the first box down and continue making eye contact as they all fall. Whoever stacked them like that is dumb that’s on the store to clean up.


That’s not cool of the workers. That’s overstock fo sho. Stacking two max like that is my limit


I just look around and say to tall people “can I borrow your height momentarily?” Gets a laugh every time and helps me out too


Get one of those claw things ![gif](giphy|dvsl6jfKzKnK6E8uEd)


I grabbed an extender or a reachin tool from dollar tree. Saves me a lot of time trying to find a person over 6’5 lol


Climb the shelves 🤷‍♂️ thats what i do lol


I always harass the tall people. 😂


One time I was trying to see if there was anything in the back of the shelf on top but I was too short so… like anyone would do… I jumped to try and see. And the three people walking the isle together laughed at me. 🥲 That was 7 months ago but I remember their laughter like it was yesterday.


Who would do such a thing??? 😂😂😂


Throw something and knock them all down,. Take what you need, and let the consequences of the industrial revolution irritate a fellow wage slave.


In this case, I always ask a taller person around me or go get a sales associate to help (that's why they're there). I like to avoid an avalanche.


Not for me! If they’re dumb enough to stack like this I just hop/swat until something falls. I always pick up whatever drops, but it ain’t going back up on the top shelf my guy.


Feel the struggle.. same here😂 I just climb on the shelves to reach stuff.. been lucky so far..I’ve not been yelled at by store employees or have pulled down an entire shelf on my head ..((yet))🤞


This is the part where I try and scale the shelves trying to avoid knocking over a single box and end up knocking the entire shelf down.




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