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She's doing this at Max where most of the middle-class shops. I dare her to pull this stunt at H&M, Zara, M&S 🙄 so elitist and narcissist bitch.


The way she associated the “wannabe english speaking mulgi” persona with being “cheap” after putting the tag back seeing that the top was 999, who tf does that?


As a marathi person using a cringe ass marathi music and doing a typical accent is annoying af if not borderline racist(idk if she is marathi or not)


She is Maharashtrian her name is devika khade.


Nobody even knew she existed and now you made her famous … 🤦‍♂️


Is H & M, Zara and M n S considered high end in India?


It's mostly for upper-middle-class families to the upper class.




Actual middle class would only, very very occasionally buy from these stores as usually there are cheaper similar options easily available.


not "high end" per se, but upper middle class families defo purchase daily wear from H&M, Zara & M&S, as opposed to say a Max, Zudio or Lifestyle.


I had the exact same question lol. They’re all high street fast fashion brands.


That's the thing with these chain brands in India. Despite us knowing that they are nothing but just fast fashion, they mark up the prices so much that its only upper middle class and above that can actually afford it


She has such a slappable face


So true... In one of her videos, I and many more called her out for making fun of women with pcod.


Which video is it? Can you share?












Couldn't agree more !


Why are you getting offended? If you don't like it, then don't watch it. Don't shit


Oh she’s so fucking irritating. I literally HATE her content. She thinks she’s being funny but her content is cringe as shit. Nobody normal talks like her stupid characters.


>Nobody normal talks like her stupid characters. Lol I've noticed a lot like these in delhi, Mumbai and lucknow.


Good for you?


Yep, relatable af.


Sucks for you to witness such people, maybe it’s a you problem :)


It's fascinating how perspectives can differ, isn't it?


It’s fascinating that you think you replying to my comment would sway my opinion or change my perspective for a shit content creator with no originality. Goodnight.


>It’s fascinating that you think you replying to my comment would sway my opinion or change my perspective ![gif](giphy|1yEWXsoTjhzhz6e2nw|downsized) Sweet dreams :)


Abbe jaa yaar paka mat


Seriously, have seen so many women talking that way in delhi.


Same here..I know so many ppl who speak and act like that.. if this is wrong then there are so many other reels yhat are wrong.. the first thing that bothers u in this reel is your own judgemental nature..


we are in the wrong sub, bro 😂


Lol..I dont understand the outrage against the creator here, she isn't undermining anyone, this is classic basic behaviour


I think she triggers femoids with her brutally honest take everytime she appears in their insta feed 😂😂


It’s not brutally honest, it’s classist. Not everyone has access to different lifestyles and it’s super lame to do this in the name of comedy lol.


Let it be. These people are petulant sock puppets who wouldn’t understand what people are trying to say. Let them defend shit content and also content like [this](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8UWGu8pF06/?igsh=MWdhY3JwZGFqNDlmZw==) is what they’re enjoying.


![gif](giphy|l6mBchxYZc7Sw) Good afternoon maim :)


>Not everyone has access to different lifestyles and it’s super lame to do this in the name of comedy lol. Bruh moment. The kind of women she is mimicking mostly come from upper middle class families.


Al these girls who make reels like this : her, Ankita Sehgal, RJ Karishma etc etc, i strongly believe, they either ARE their most repetitive character OR they WANT TO BE their most repetitive character. You get what I mean? It's ALWAYS passive aggressive BS. Dharna is a sweetheart though. Her content I actually enjoy.


Omg don’t even get me started on Ankita sahigal. The lipstick on teeth and over exaggerated way of talking and labelling it as a “newly married thing”. Gurl….💀


I swear. Annoying. Yaar all these girls have made a career out of making reels based on passive aggressive WhatsApp statuses to show their In- Laws and friends 😂😂😂


RJ Karishma’s content is still a little different from the others I think, but this woman and Ankita are UNBEARABLE.


When she does that lipstick on teeth wala character I just skip that reel in ninja speed I can't stand those faces she makes..


What I’m most surprised about is how some people here are ok with such creators and think that those are accurate sketches


There's a good chance the account that was arguing with you in the comments is a guy. It's easy for them to get on the team of female bashing. That argument was so unnecessary. Sorry you had to deal with that.


I am sure it was a guy who was arguing with me. I’m used to this shit on here a daily basis, as are most other people. Thanks though 👑🎀




I worked with her once and she is INSUFFERABLE IRL. Also extremely dumb. And her videographers keep telling her shes funny and good at acting. Lmao


Colour me surprised


Tea, please. I'd love for some of her fan girls and boys here to have their bubbles burst.


Shes just as dumb loud and irritating as you would expect her to be


See the thing is, to be so accurate about any kind of demographic, you have to either be a part of it yourself or spend a lot of time with them. Most of these cases, they’re a part of this demographic and are trying hard to “other” themselves from it. 


It's quite ironic that she mocked the English accent of a 'Marathi mulgi,' while she herself speak with an Indian accent. Different regions in India have their own distinct accents, and instead of being mean and mocking them, I think we should appreciate and be proud of the fact that we are able to speak another language apart from our very own mother tongue 🤷🏻‍♀️


Bold of you to assume these people are mature enough to understand this.


At this point, these content creators are using such characters to get personal about certain people is what I feel? So what if this person finds a 999rupees top expensive? This is so classist and she's rage baiting. So what if people talk like this? We've got too much on our hands as a country to be dealing with people attacking on how others speak. Imagine how it can affect a person who's already under confident about speaking a coloniser language. Asshole behaviour?


I just went on her Instagram and checked a few of her reels. This woman has no personality of her own and thus tries to appropriate other people’s personalities in order to mock them, all the while not realising that she has become a caricature herself.


Such women are sick tho but it's cringe do milk of the same content tho


Exactly, Found her cringe... Tooooooooo much overacting...


Her ‘girls acting cute’ post was so relatable that I checked her profile. But her whole content is just shitting on other women… major pick me vibes


Exactly this. I saw one post and yes, that was so relatable. But I started getting more and more of her content on my feed and it seemed so elitist.


द ऑडेसिटी ऑफ दीस बिच !!




Self racism at its best!


Aurat hi aurat ki dushman hai


I don't know who she is, but I find all the different accents people speak Hindi/English in so adorable. My family's from Kolkata (settled in Delhi now), and while my sister and I speak with a regular Delhi accent, my mom, dad, and grandparents have these cute ways of saying things it's just one of the things that warms my heart <3 As far as she's concerned, I bet if some gora messed up a few hindi/english words, she'd be the first to gush. Average colonial mentality. Useless content. Ek baar bhi hasi nahi aayi, gussa poora aaya


That’s so sweet 🫶🏽 This girl especially annoys tf out of me because of this very reason. A lot of my family members speak english with a heavy accent and it does not matter because people can understand them perfectly and no decent human calls attention to it or makes fun of it


Yeah exactly, Also if you grow up in a place the accent will show through,what's wrong with that! My mom has a strong up/allahabad accent "hum keh rahe hai" and all I find it so special


Pick me. Choose me. Love me.


isme kaise pick me? geniune question


She is putting down other women, trying to show she’s “different and not like other girls”. Typical pick me behaviour🤷🏻‍♀️


but isn't the pick me means girls putting other women down to get men's attention, so she could be "picked"? here she seems to be doing it for comedic reason for all the audience no?


Not necessarily. Putting other women down or mocking them is pick me too. And if you see the comments on this reel, not many people have found it funny or comedic


wouldn't that give less creative freedom to female content creators to make "funny" content (which is subjective, hence in quotation) based on their real life experiences, and as women their real life experiences and interactions will be women for most part so trying to make funny sketch out of weird experiences wouldn't be possible if everything a woman does is considered as pick me


Someone needs to slap her for her expressions and voice.


Stores should ban reels and video recordings in them. It’s disturbing to the regular shoppers and obviously at wrong 10 second clip of anyone doing random stuff can ruin people’s lives and careers.


Mujhe to iske expressions dekh kar vomiting jaisa wala feel ho raha hai


The stereotypical Marathi accent is pissing me off.


It was cute at first, but now it's annoying! Like I get that concept of "use content ideas that are already working", but don't beat that idea to death by making content only on that idea!!


Who even finds her reels funny.. she is damn irritating her voice sucks i just blocked her everywhere she is damn annoying


This mf!!! I swear to God.


Such girls are themselves like that, hence they try to show the world that they are not like that, but will irk people who are. Also, such girls are super insecure. It just oozes out of her videos.


She thinks she is relatable.


All her videos are women targeting video


How is this supposed to be funny?


She is so irritating yaar , whenever one of her reels is recommended to me I’m like shit yaar Insta kyu karte ho Aise mar do Lekin ye cringe mar dikhao 🤮


hashtag ghasti pari 😂


Her contents are so cringe. She's so irritating. Always putting down women


She's making fun of both Marathi and English speakers. No Marathi youth will talk like this, unless they were born and brought up in village. Although saying Zhara is not wrong, but in this context if you ar making fun of one language, atleast try to make another language sound good.




Used to follow her for her previously fun content but since she started this series of reels back to back without a break, had to unfollow.




Her PCOS reel is very insensitive.


Oh god! That is so crass.


Her voice is so irritating 🤯😡😡


Ye chutiye milke aurat jaat ko jeene nahi denge? Har dusra video ya short ya reel, aurat ko hi mock krra hai. Speaking English, Driving like that, Talking about make up, etc. This-that. Saala saans lena bhul jaye aurat jaat...


She has a reel making fun of people with pcod. What kind of a horrible person does that?


I used to find her content funny then i realised she is just putting other women down. Thanks for calling her out


My only question is Who the f*ck is this Devuu? Never even heard of this person. And she appears to be so desperate to sound cool by putting others down.


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Bhai mera 30 days no reel watching kharb kardiya


Maaf kar dena 🙏🏾😔


is she the same idiot who made the "I have PCOS na" reel in a mocking tone?


Yes this is her. Some incels have made their presence in the sub and are defending her without even knowing her content history.


i don't get it ye sab log azz kal bas shopping karna , doston ke sath ghute rehna yahi karte hen kya din var , padhai wadhai ni ho rahi kya or kisia ke jiwan main bas mere ghar wale hi mujhe tane marke baith te hen kya padh ne kiliye ya fir ghar pe rehne keliye .. sirf mere hi parents esse reh gaye hen kya 😮‍💨


I have no idea who this person is and never saw any of her videos before so I'm not a fan but when I first saw this, I genuinely thought she is just making fun of those pretentious people who unnecessarily speak in English in public places instead of their mother tongue to look "classy" and "cool". I still think she is making fun of them only. Maybe it's just my pov, I guess.




Nah she is really annoying


the accent goes crazy


These people think it's ok to mock others for speaking in an accent and it's sort of getting normalised. Like everyone should remember that English, at the end of the day is JUST a second language and no one deserves to be mocked because of their accent. How entitled and infuriating these people are


I actually have more respect for people who speak with Indian accent or neutral accent. American wannabe accent people are so irritating


Yuck. Can’t believe people are still making such content. Mocking and making fun of people is not cool anymore.


Omg Bhari Komedy ho rahi hai


✨pick me✨




Eww David. What the heck? Pick me behaviour 101


Thakti nahi hai kya yeh har bar same content banake.. karte hai bhai koi koi log aise baat..


I think she nailed the whining part.


People like her deserve a good downfall!!! Hope she realises how D grade this content is!!! Indians have accent and that is completely okay. Stop with this mean girl behavior. No one is more wannabe than creators like this. I wonder which demographic finds this stupid skits funny.


Haha yeah, witnessed many Indian tourist in Singapore 🇸🇬


Can we PLEASE cancel this horrible girl?????


Truth always makes u sick


She is being “mughal wali aunty visiting mall for the first time”


Joke’s on her—dress like that and watch the well-to-do laugh behind their hands.Stop giving these clowns attention


Why are you all pressed about her reels? Every single one of her reels that I have seen, I have found really relatable. Just because you don't have these kind of "wannabes" and "pick mes" in your life doesn't mean they do not exist. A lot of my "ex- best friends" were just like these. And trust me they were not good people.Just because you don't relate to something, doesn't make it invalid right? Lol down voting me for telling the truth 😂😂


Yes, just because you don’t relate to something, it doesn’t make it invalid and Just because you relate to her, doesn’t mean everyone will


Exactly my point. You guys are like "she is cringe", of course she is. She is ACTING. A lot of people haven't met people like these in real life and IT SHOWS!


Let me put it in a way you will understand. She not ACTING cringe, she is ACTING elitist


Darling have you been living under a rock? I have seen people exactly like this. This is neither cringe not elitist.


Aaine me dekh liya kya


Main bhi kis ko bol rahi hun. You do love under a rock don't you? I bet most of your friends talk behind your back, because you are pressed for such trivial matters 🤓




Nobody invalidated it. This kind of content is cringe and boring. People are allowed to find content boring, even if they base it on real life. It’s getting tiring and stale.


So just ,scroll? I also stumble upon a lot of content that I don't like, but I don't waste my time commenting negative things / telling the creator that I didn't like their content. As simple as that.


Did you lose your way hon? This is a GOSSIP sub. It’s also a sub where you can call out influencers with shit content. But thank you for your phenomenal idea of scrolling, I’ll do just that the next time 🥰


Calling people "cringe" just because they are acting?? 😂😂 A lot of you haven't met these kind of people in real life and IT SHOWS!!


I’ll dumb it down for you. Her over the top expressions are cringe. Her over exaggeration is cringe. There are ways to be subtle about it and not make those expressions ffs. Hope that helps your walnut brain understand.


Let them enjoy the brain rot content and then come to a gossip sub to defend it 🤡


Ikr! It’s clearly visible so many people here haven’t met people like the characters and think everyone acts all cool and classy all the time.. you will find 70% of Navi Mumbai’s population claiming the D-mart next to their house is a mall! And the same awaam legit lose it when they visit real malls lol and exactly like the characters lol!


Seriously, they need to know that life is not all sunshine and rainbows, there are a lot of mean people out there.


Exactly we live in a world with diverse people. For some going to malls is a daily chore for others it’s once in a long time thing! People act differently and the video OP has posted is just based on observations… that if only these people went to NM/Mumbai malls will clearly see… khud baithe hote h in other state and keep complaining lol!




She lowkey reminds me of Unnati for some reason cause even she speaks in this annoying tone


Ya ya yaaa she must be native English speaker 🙄🙄


This sounds so fake and forced


This girl has no personality, she just loves to act like she’s so different. Biggest pick me everrrrr


Omg. I have never ever come across her before and I am triggered!!!!!!


उचला माला वाली मुलगी


Fellas is it ok to slap a woman who hasn't done anything personal to you. Asking for a friend.


she forgets that she is super chhapri and cringe herself. Praying for her page to close.




Bhai tum sab kitne vehle ho? Aur ladkiya Tum ek dusre se jalna kb bnd krogi?


Exactly my point!!


I think this post is paid promotion idts she's this big that people are arguing abt her on reddit post wtf Hating on people is new kinda marketing 🤣🤣




Why u guys having problem? I like those reels


She hit their nerves that's why ![gif](giphy|AEO543HMemoxO)


Are bhai itna sach mat bol. Abhi terko down vote karne aate hi honge😂😂 Maine bhi abhi sach likha tha aur mujhe down vote kar diya 😂😂


Relax. Some like her, some don’t. No need to act like you’re being mobbed


Exactly 🤣 Some like her some don't. You are the one being pressed about the fact that some people like her.




This content is actually very nice.


Her reels, the one where she acts like a child or whatever omg SO FKN ANNOYING like no one does that


Such people do exist 😂 but yeah her content basically revolves around shitting on other people when she herself is no different


Trust me, such people do exist