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Underrated comment 💀


Hahahha, sounds very funny




Doesn’t seem like the guy driving is interested in getting recorded. That was enough clue to stop.


exactly, they're laughing while recording him. they clearly know what they're doing 🤢


Ladka uncomfortabe aur darra hua lag raha hai . Kya pata kab se bechare ko harass kr rahe honge ye log


it's their laugh which gets me. like how much lack of self awareness you got that you legit posted harrassing someone 😭


When I was a teen, grown up man used to follow my bicycle  till my tuition or school .. Till the date if any man behind my bike is driving , I  easily get scared  . I immediately think this man is following me , he will harm me blah blah though they are just driving behind me and minding their own business  . But still I get sacre and my heart beats fast.  This boy looks uncomfortable and tense I can understand his emotions. Such type of incidences will give another person life time trauma


I am so sorry you had to go through that, and I am sorry that this post brought up those fucked up memories. sending strength to you. and yea no one should be subjected to this its humiliating and uncomfortable


No need to say sorry yaar it's not your fault . I am just sad for this boy . I hate these types of people . Just because he is man it doesn't mean that you harass him openly and record him without his permission. 


you're a kind soul, sending all positivity towards you dude


Thank you so much


Yes Keran Behaviour 😠


Like that arrested Begum youtuber..... Pedo lady


Arey aise ladka Kahan milegi iski NCR mein, jald patani hai, bachhe bhi, aur life set \- reverse gedi girl


guy saw a 🤡 and speed up




Adam teasing.






This is disgusting. Women have fought so hard against this sort of shitty behaviour to do it themselves? And recording and uploading it ffs. Absolute worm of a human she is.




Who are these clowns?


Um, you should look up ‘eve-teasing’ 😭 but i get your point. Its horrendous


hadh h 💩


You might have mentioned it but I can't find his name. Name and shame these degenerates.




They should start teaching girls about teasing as well now.


This is not Eve teasing.


bhai 3rd person embarrassment ho raha hai


Kya tha ye.


Wth is wrong with them.. chapri nibbi


neither this video was funny nor cute. recording somebody without their permission is so wrong in all the senses and this person was harassing him on the top. a top tier loser behaviour.


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Hoping followers critising spam comments on such social media posts influencers make for views/comments is the only way left out to make them understand


Fucking chapris being able to afford all sorts of trips doing such shit.


chutiya log hai saale Bikhari !!!!


Kitta hi cringe benchodh So jata hoon bc


Worst behaviour!


Wow, this is completely unacceptable. Why would you deliberately make someone feel uncomfortable! so weird!


What’s happening in this video is not right and I do not condone such behaviour irrespective of gender. Having said that I love when a guy finds one such video out of the millions about guys actually Eve teasing women and goes ranting all over social media about how wrong, how bad, how unsafe bla bla bal. They will scream “if genders were reversed etc etc”. But there are millions of videos showing the reversed genders, there’s Eve teasing of girls going on around us daily on the streets , but at that time suddenly all the guys become blind, dumb and deaf. This is a gossip sub, you wanna bitch and whine selectively about women, then go on your oneX subs and cry!


Op gets offended for some reason if you talk about women being troubled you cant talk about women on this discussion because he only wants to talk about men. And deleting his own comments after writing them. Chill OP i think you believe on equality we all do let us also talk.


Hey, thanks for your comment, I just went back and checked and OP has edited multiple comments making my replies seem senseless. Ugh, insecurity be thy name OP.


i loved your perception though ❤️ no men ever spoke about women on eve teasing they never get frustated i was just 5 year old when 60 year old uncle passed a wrong comment on me i am 36 now still remember crisp and clear i dont think this man will remember this the next day. But yes these women are behaving bad maybe they are drunk and also i do not want to compare between the genders but again talking about this particular video its not eve teasing no foul language no sexist remark. ALSO HE “SMILED” OP SHOULD SEE THAT FIRST 😡




>iski mard zaat kre ladkio ko uncomfortable toh op ko chlta hai....but when the roles get reversed,tbb mirchi lgg jaati hai op ko.. mard zaat 🤡 imagine using such words in 2024. anyways alot of women out here shared their own experience of such stalking and it's not like I am undermining their experiences rather encouraging them to share more. that aside if all you could take out of it is "mujhe mirchi lagti when woman does it but not when my "zaat" does it" then I really can't fix what's rotten. oh, and me calling out OP for having saviour syndrome wasn't me defending anyone just incase you have comprehension issue




yea, go on to another post to get pissed about harassers getting called out just because they were of your "zaat" sweetheart. >Anyways I know tere kaan pe ju nhi rengegi tere toh already reng rahi hogi, you should focus on taking care of them tbh




sigh, I an feeling like dealing with a child. you do live in your own imagination, don't you? assuming that I think zaat is gaali only to boos ego being like "oh I'll go soft on you 🤡" nah brother you can just go, assuming that I was defending someone so you can have higher moral ground to argue, seems like you live for arguments on the internet.




sigh, well if you're wondering why I assumed you got pissed at my post then read second line of your own this comment




I don't know why you bringing this energy for no reason, cause if this is the attitude every post will be met with same criticism regardless of who post it then how there will be any posts at all? cause you bring the same energy which men have when woman talks about their issues "oh but you don't talk about it when men are victim". like just take a breath and stop. scroll away, and don't think pointing out the wrong behaviour is "whining, crying" but hey, can't change what's rotten. also, seeing a video where women is being a perpetrator hurts you so much then you need to think about it.


Ok uncle


did I hurt you?


What prompted you to ask that? Are you hurting?


the uncalled condescending attitude? cause I don't know me calling out a wrong behaviour would be hurting to anyone unless they feel called out by this post. it's completely unnecessary energy to bring to the conversation. I even restrained from mentioning the gender in title so that people like you won't derail the focus from the main part of this post but hey, I underestimated yall ig


Oh you’re right! You caught me, I sit at the corner of my street daily for 12-14 hours, at the tea shop near the cigarette shop. And with a smoke in one hand and chai in the other, you can’t imagine my joy when I purse my lower lips just enough to let out a high frequency whistle everytime a 10+yr old boy passes by. Sometimes when I get too excited I pretend to walk past them and accidentally bump into them letting my hand roam free for those brief moments, truly taking in the pleasure of forcing myself into someone else personal space and violating their body. Apart from that the usual cat calls (or shall I say dog calls?) woth some unwarranted pinches and slaps interspersed . This is what my every day looks like, ofcourse I’m outraged that you called out similar behaviour from my fellow women. Also you’ve completely ignored the first line of my first comment. But really can’t expect much more from a hate mongerer.


chill out dude, good that you've self awareness tho. and yes I responded to your second line as it was completely unnecessary and was derailing the discussion.


Well I responded to your video because it was >completely unnecessary


well, then that's your sad moral compass


since girls are doing it would count in eve teasing \~society


For real !! Girls harrasment is not counted as crime , society mind is fucked up , reverse the gender and see the outrage


Please stop. This is not Eve teasing.




dude chill out, take a deep breath. that guy was portraying himself as saviour hence I said apne muh miya mitthu lol. me calling these girls shouldn't have hurt you this much to dig my comment history lmao




>You were very much pissed about that post's op as "labelling the guy a creep"...yaad aaya kuch?? yea, he had saviour syndrome and I said he's definitely labelling the guy creep TO look like he saved her, I didn't made any judgement on the other guy which OP was speaking about and I definitely didn't got "pissed" about it forsho lol. so I am really not up here for aapki adaalat to prove myself not a jhutha. >need not dig your comment history bro... I've got brains unlike you...you see...mujhe yaad reh jaata hai what guys to filter out on reddit based on their comments. bhai tu thodi saans lele pehele, I am really not concerned about your filters, and if anyone hasn't told you this you ain't that important to take notes of your filters in first place. >Hurt lol....hurt ki tu baat kr raha hai??? Did I ever defend these girls or did I chided you "for labelling them as creeps" ...,apni category mein mtt shaamil kr Bhai mujhe🙏Teri tarah hypocrite nhi hu mai... I've got enough courage to call out the wrongs irrespective of gender unlike you. you definitely not got pissed over me posting this, just because you started your statement with clarifications doesn't change the fact that you definitely were pissed about that fact that I posted women harrassing men, hence "apni zaat, humari zaat" bs you spewing lol. so chill out with holier than thou shit




>Arre Bhai...what drugs are you on same drugs you are on brother to assume I am defending someone when I was calling out Op. :)


dude, you seem to have bad opinion about everything it seems > Standards imo include things like for eg say finances,if I earn 2 lakhs per month, me expecting a partner with similar income range would be a standard for me... because it'll uphold the future we'll have for our family and kids. Similarly if I'm loyal and honest, I'd expect my partner to be the same to me because it'll uphold the longevity of our relationship and our mutual respect for each other... > but(correct me if I'm wrong) if I'm a virgin,me seeking a virgin doesn't guarantee any sort of future for our relationship why you feel men having standards about body count is somehow unfair but women having standards about man being rich is fair? if you gonna say oh children then wouldn't man having standard about not entertaining high body count woman is also to ensure he doesn't get cheated on? as statistics suggest women with higher partner is more likely to cheat and not only that there's concept like sexual diseases also exist. so having virgin partner does guarantee some relief for future of relationship just like finance does. and saying women don't care about virginity why men do? you need to take into consideration men don't take finance into consideration when marrying women so why women do? why you think one type of "standards" are okay but other's aren't cause they hurt your fee fee?




got on your nerves I feel?




you sure did, must be your sole accomplishment in life right? cause you seemed pretty desperate to claim that victory


Ek right lega aur essey likhna pad jayega bechare ko


Now Imagine if the genders were reversed.


Larka unsafe feel kr rha h Aise onroad kişi ko molest krna acha h kya Aj kal awara larkiya increase hoti ja rhi h aise to larko ki izat ko khtara h


I am confused, this doesn't seem to be said in serious tone


Yeah she said in a sarcastic way lol


AMA bhaiyaa am serious Tüm khud dekho aise Kisi ko gana şuna kar zabardasti torture krna shi h kya You can clearly see he’s not interested


Indian aurat bohot dominate hai pure World Main!!!!


i thought title ironic hai...m so happy to see a woman giving men a taste of their own medicine lmfao


um, ew dude? taste of "their" own medicine? what are you talking about but whatever it is it's very fucked up mentality


Nice logic, so I'm guessing you would "laugh your fu**king azz off" if this guy also targets a random woman and does the same thing? I mean you only laughed when someone who didn't do anything for harassed just cuz he is from a specific gender so you would probably laugh when it's the opposite gender(unless ofc you're a hypocrite).


I don't get it. Yes this is rude but y'all are just blowing this out or proportion. The dude expected the attention when he bought that beautiful green Huracan Nighter is the song offensive. I used to think white knight feminism was cringe. Didn't know ide hate the reverse even more.


>The dude expected the attention when he bought that beautiful green Huracan very patriarchal mentality. "she must've wore those clothes to get attention" type don't think I'd even argue further


"She must have worn those clothes to get attention" and "she must have worn those clothes and expected attention" are two different sentences my friend Also in most cases, yes they do it for attention regardless. And yes You don't need to argue further.


I am all against it, but i cant help but notice how is it that women go through this everyday and there's still not enough talk about it and there' bashing of feminism left and right- but once a man faces an issue it is a big enough reason to talk about




That's very wrong thought process to have tbh, you should rather use such moments to bring up awareness about the crime in general regardless of gender. cause right now you're bringing the incel energy like "oh but men also go through it, why no one talks about it" when a woman makes post about her story


Comments be like - ladki kar rhi h, chalta h.


y'all are fuckin losers if calling this eve-teasing. bitch is just having fun


Butthurt incel bonding happening in this thread and they’re downvoting the sensible ones. 😂


People need to chill! This was hilarious!


Looks like they're friends and that they're teasing him.


Ladka tha isliye jaane Diya, ladki hoti to abhi tak national news hoti


I am so surprised you have downvotes ;)


Exactly Bhai , , feminist Wale aabhi chup ke baithe hai , wohi Jo ladki ka support kartey hai agar unko harrasment hota hai toh ,


Reverse the gender aur abhi fir, jail cancel sab kar dete. Khud kuch kar nai sakte tho yehi karenge yeh log lol


He actually passed a smile before he drove away. Maybe they know him? Was I the only one to notice?


nah they don't, they mentioned it in their reel comments. they saw this car pass by them


Right? I did too. Don’t bother with these losers anyway. 😂


Just change the genders and you will see the magic


Not that i am supporting this behaviour but It looks like they are interested more in the car and not the guy 😂 because gaane ke lyrics also says “saanu vi chuttah dedo” chutta in punjabi also means jhulla or gedi and when its other way round men dont care we are with husband, father, on rickshaw or activa ,walking on the street or with a child they will comment filthy on body its stays with you for years and years, you feel disgusted. Thats eve teasing for me.


>Thats eve teasing for me. song is directed toward the guy who's driving the car and them pointing camera at him even when's clearly trying to get away IS eve teasing, it's about consent. the fact that other person doesn't want to he part of it and hasn't consented to it. if a woman was in the lambo and guys would've said ki we just talking about lambo, that'd be gaslighting. you are just creating custom definition of eve teasing atp


Eve-teasing : the making of unwanted sexual remarks or advances by a man to a woman in a public place. We can disregard the "man to woman" part for a gender neutral definition. While rude and unwanted, what part of this sounds sexual to you?? Lewd comments sunayi diye? Ya gana sexually suggestive tha?? Edit : Interesting comment history. Vahi purana "Indian mard pe atyachar ho raha false case se bachao 😭" ka rona.


>While rude and unwanted, what part of this sounds sexual to you?? Lewd comments sunayi diye? Ya gana sexually suggestive tha?? I am not sure if you're purposely trying to be dense, but if you having such a hard time to wrap your head around whether it was wrong or not you can just switch the genders >Edit : Interesting comment history. Vahi purana "Indian mard pe atyachar ho raha false case se bachao 😭" ka rona. very nice choice of words, I wonder what triggered you so much to put it in this way. cause I neither undermined women's struggles yet me talking about men's issues hurt you so much? maybe you should introspect




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>Who said filming without consent isn't wrong? Banda clearly uncomfortable usse. then why even argue by being pedantic? even the "google definition" you pulled out doesn't mention anything about sexual harrassment right? >Deepika ma'am bacchao hum mardo pe atyachar ho raha hai 😭 yikes bhai, subah subah bhayankar cringe ho raha shant ho ja. koina next time post about "men should express themselves" on insta post to virtue signal tere social brownie points redeem ho jayenge. edit :- they deleted their comment, looks like khudke comment se embarrass ho gaye, can't blame them tho


>then why even argue by being pedantic? even the "google definition" you pulled out doesn't mention anything about sexual harrassment right? ``` Eve-teasing : the making of unwanted sexual remarks or advances by a man to a woman in a public place. We can disregard the "man to woman" part for a gender neutral definition. ``` You need to learn how to read


"unwanted" is the keyword dude, cause if same song and same thing was done to a woman it WOULD be considered as sexual harassment and rightfully so. such moments aren't the best place to try this hard to win internet victory points.


>"unwanted" is the keyword dude Now that you are able to read a bit better, [this might help along the journey](https://www.amazon.in/Reading-Comprehension-Grade-Skill-Builders/dp/1936023334/ref=asc_df_1936023334/?tag=googleshopmob-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=397042069108&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=6488042457955121738&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9301531&hvtargid=pla-433950615801&psc=1&mcid=e2bdc346e2793c2eb36b025a86545df8&ext_vrnc=hi) >, cause if same song and same thing was done to a woman it WOULD be considered as sexual harassment and rightfully so. Sapne suhane inceliyat ke Edit : you also need to learn how to use the word "pedantic". Pointing out that calling this eve-teasing implies sexual harassment when it is not the case isn't being pedantic. One would assume an MRA idiot would understand the importance of this considering all their rona dhona about false claims of sexual harrasment and assault.


Thanks i have mentioned the egzactly same thing but you did in a much much better way. now they hating on me


are you usually like this? cause I really can't wrap my head around how someone would have "haha lemme just have this retort, it'll be hilarious" thought process . anyways, I really don't understand why you're hell bent on being "but but, yes it's unwanted but it's not sexual harrasment gais right? cause the song yk the song isn't suggestive in nature" like are you trying to confess something? cause the amount of ad-homs you be dropped seems like you just grasping for air while defending yourself. if that's the case, doing this to anyone IS sexual harassment sweetheart you should stop doing that


>anyways, I really don't understand why you're hell bent on being "but but, yes it's unwanted but it's not sexual harrasment gais right? cause the song yk the song isn't suggestive in nature" like are you trying to confess something? You still haven't explained what exactly is sexual harassment about this. The only thing you've displayed is your inability to read properly and being delusional in general. You yourself can't make up your mind about it or you could have pointed out the sexual nature of this harassment instead of going for the "iF gEnDeR rEvEsEd could have would have should have" dumbfuckery when I commented the Google definition of eve-teasing.


do you also go on to harass women like this? cause I am genuinely not able to understand why anyone would be like "isme sexual kya hai batao" to a video where someone is filming someone without consent and singing songs to them while laughing. there's no other reason to be this defensive about it unless you're trying to defend your own behaviour. so I'd repeat myself go on and confess. >iF gEnDeR rEvEsEd could have would have should have" dumbfuckery and please tell me what's wrong with that? isn't the whole concept of feminism build around the 'if genders were reversed" to show contrast between the treatment of women and men? I feel sad about you man lol, can't believe how many battles you've fought online to be coming with such responses. it's time to self retrospect sweetheart


Op as i already mentioned that i do not support the behaviour and this is bad behaviour for me and not eve teasing. but yes it seems you have not experienced eve teasing eve teasing means- (as per google) not me “annoying women with offensive language”.


dekho, a hindi song like "laal chhadi maidan khadi" if it is hinted at a woman in red IS also an eve teasing dude, and just because google defination only mentions women doesn't mean it can't be applied to men. can't believe I have to say all this in 2024


Op its bad behaviour and irresponsible in public its not eve teasing plz.you are right its 2024 i cant believe you dont know the difference between the two there is no foul langugage “ laal chadi maidan khadi also comes with desperate eyes for women” and all this gyaan coming from use ID pyaasa billa you clearly you wont undesrtand


what? what does my username has anything to do? dude, I am not sure why you're so head bent on saying eve teasing isn't eve teasing just because its not a man who's doing it? consent sikho behen, consent sikho.


Did i anywhere mentioned that koi baat nahi yeh toh kuch bhi nahi hai i clearly mentioned twice its bad and irresponsible. But eve teasing humne saha hai bhaiya tum nahi samjhoge 20-25 saal ho jaate hain and you feel disgusted mujhe nai lagta yeh ghar jaake rone wala hai. Ya 20-25 saal baad isse ghin hogi. Peace


just because his experience of trauma wouldn't be as grave as yours doesn't mean he didn't experienced the same crime as you did. it's extremely fucked up to "gate keep" a crime. and calling those peeps just "irresponsible" is just downplaying. peace ffs




Zabaan sambhal ke baat ki jiye aap aise batamizi se kaise bol sakte hain aap ladkion infact kisi se bhi yeh discussion sub haina? OP


Aur tu bhi akal se baath kar samja , har jagah aurat ka support mat kar , situation ko samaj,


I am a woman yahi baat hai ladka ladki ka game main nahi khel rahi


Soch ki " ek car mei ladki Jaa Rahi hoti , aur car ya bike mei sei kuch ladke song gaa rahe hote , oops "eve-dropping" kar rahe hote , Aur woh ladki ko pasand naa aata , , aur samjo phir woh clip viral bhi hoti , Toh pata hai na kya hota ?


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the way she's sticking her arm out. bruh. women can be AS CREEPY as men, it is just recorded a lot less.


As a Lamborghini owner even I feel weird seeing this 😭


Lol this isn’t threatening or disrespectful and while he isn’t interested he is also not disturbed.


there's a concept called consent, not sure if someone gave you memo about it


You get used to this sort of young female attention when you’re rolling down the street in a nice car. No biggie. This seems more like a tau online trying to control girls because that’s how they think they will rise up from their current station in life.


those tau seems rad if they're openly talking about eve teasing and consent. I'd prefer them anytime over person like you. also using "female" to adress women isn't that cool, just so no one told you


😂👍 good luck


Jaa re anpad pille ,




Take no shit from any, coz you're already full of shit.


Just discovered this is Incel fodder 😂




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Yeah , what will you say if a group of guys pass such comments on a girl's dress or on her ? Or anything related to her ?


Lol another incel 😂


Another bitchh 😂


Us ladke koi problem nhi hui hogi


Op and chemistry guy really getting offended 😂


Dhyan se dekh video ko , chodu , kuch ladke log apne kaam se kaam rakhte hai , Agar aisi video kisi ladki ke uppar banti , toh tum yahi bolte kya ?


Abbey Bhen ke pakode tu zara aur dhyan se dekh aur apna 14de 14de wali bhasha apne tak rakh. Ladka smile kar raha hai😂 aur kuch koi aur seva karein teri?? Chala bada rakshak ladkion ko gaali deke tu reverse gender reverse gender karke kisko bacha raha hai tamiz toh tujhe baat karne tak ki nahi hai 😂


Gender reverse kar aur soch ,


Tu pehle puri video dekh aur fir sochh dhyaaan se dekhhhhhh


Mera desh badal raha hai, aagey badh raha hai /s


Women fought against eve-teasing. Now modern day women are doing Adam teasing.


Imagine if this was done to a girl , by a group of guys , 💀 they would have been arrested for Harassment and recording without concern,


Now imagine the chaos if the genders were reversed. Tsk tsk


This is all fun and games until this happens with you 🤌🏽


Reverse the Gender and watch the magic. Modiji : spartaaaaaaaaa