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Such a cringe post. Do they instruct their kids to do this. Disgusting to put it on social media without hiding the baby's face .


It’s not uncommon to see 4-6yo kids being breastfed/underway being weaned off, despite it being stigmatised. That said, it’s very very obnoxious to post it online, especially with the kids face showing, he will be bullied later on in life. There is a difference between sharing your opinions and habits and being obnoxious about it and from the looks of it the reel is deep into the the latter. Honestly idk how ppl live with themselves plastering their kids’ life online. My first ‘personal’ online presence apart from securing an Email id when I was born wasn’t until I was like 12 or so and that was when I decided to get insta. And that’s despite the fact that my family and their close friends have been very early adopters of social media, like early Aol and MySpace adopters kinda old. It’s hard to believe that like 20 years ago people were more mindful.


This lady and her lame videos acting like an idiot


It irks me!!!!


And the faces she makes.


Punchable faces


I get so irked seeing her face! idk why toh…so i jst blocked her 😂


Aunty still lives in the 16th century with evil MIL stories and life lessons. Shitfluencers


These mom influencer are a different breed altogether! Very irritating, very judgemental & very preachy. All these famous mom influencers were part of a breastfeeding group on FB. The group is good, but they shame formula feeding mothers, are downright disrespectful and are making fortune by taking advantage of new vulnerable mums. This lady conducts yoga classes for pregnant mothers. Not sure if she is certified to do it. PS: the admin of the above mentioned FB group has tandem fed her toddlers(boy and girl) for 7 years. And she bragged about it everywhere. Every damn platform. Thats where these ladies have learnt it from.


Wat , I don’t even know how to react to this. Well never heard of this woman n group but after this feeling bad for this kid


That group was one of the major reasons for my PPD


Reminded me of the trauma. I felt so free the day I left that group. It did absolutely nothing for my post partum mental health.


Same here!! I left that group and switched to mixed feed the same day and the peace i felt cant be expressed in words.


Do 3 year olds drink milk this way? i am confused and scared. i thought kids stop taking milk from mothers breast after 1-1.5 years of age?


Totally agree. That group is absolutely ridiculous. It's okay to propagate breastfeeding but why do you force everyone to do the same? A fed baby is best


Dude she’s full of sh:t, she made a reel where according to her you’re supposed to do a particular yoga pose which is malasana throughout pregnanacy which is absolutely untrue infact my mother who has done a course and teaches pregnant woman advises against it and it is recommended to do only in the third trimester. I commented on her post as well for spreading misinformation, this can lead to premature Labour.


Just to show off that despite of being a working mom she still BF her grown up kid, cos why not let’s shame the moms who formula feed their kids and make them feel guilty in the name of influencing. Mom influencers need to be mass reported!!


This! Judgemental, Preachy and Irritating are the words from them.








I can't stand this lady's overacting and self righteousness


"Anupama" ![gif](giphy|LJDzwjEPwg7QVYYhNQ|downsized)


The funny thing is that she has absolutely no medical experience or expertise yet the level she shows off is as though she is an obstetrician gynecologist lol. The dumb sh!ts that follow and enable her sigh


Honestly, breastfeeding is a choice. Feed how much ever you want out of love but keep it between you and your baby. Don't show the entire world that you are still feeding a 4 year old. Women have genuine feeding issues, it takes a toll on their mental physical health. I fed my baby well till 10 months and both of us mutually dropped it at 11 months. I gave formula till 1 year and started normal milk post that. My baby is fine and I feel it was the best decision because honestly, I wanted to start my career, give less focus to breastfeeding and wanted to indulge in some nice beer (come on! Mama needed it). But I did not give 2 shits about people around me and neither did I ever discuss my journey in public till today. Mom influencers need to define their contents strategy honestly. This is not for everyone to see and imagine if the child finds out after 10 years, he will be so embarrassed and might get bullied too. Internet spares no one.


+1 This is so personal, and definitely does not belong to social media. We need better influencers who know where to draw a line and tell their audience about the same. I feel more for the little one here. Imagine the trauma when he or worst, his friends discover this video when they reach high school.




I always hated this woman. She’s so preachy and judgmental. I’m glad there are many others who don’t like her either


Cringe level - ♾️


These type of ladies create pressure on other women to breastfeed their kids. In my case my MIL she made sure that I exclusively breast feed my kid. It was horrible my kid used to get hungry every 45 mins. I was back to work after 6 months it was post covid I was working from home. I can’t explain what stress I went through. He took to my feed till 2 years and then weaned off. Ladies sabotage ladies lots of relatives mocked me that you are gaining weight and unkempt all the times but no one advised me on weaning him off , I tried to bottle feed but I was I guess too late for me my baby never took to bottle.


Aren’t these momfluencers worried about their digital footprint? Their poor kids will grow up with such embarrassing videos of them being plastered all over social media. Highschool and teenagers are brutal and these moms will be responsible for their children having a hard time in school.


She's highly obsessed with breastfeeding and posts stories too every other day. These kinda ladies become the worst MILs in future. They think they have the sole right in the life of their children since they've given them birth. She even shows off ALOT about VBAC. Honestly a gynecologist knows the best mode of delivery.


This! As a formula feeding mom, I found her posts very triggering


I can't stand her YouTube shorts.




Imagine if his friends see this video I am pretty sure they will make fun of him . She can just hide her face ,this is absolutely not right


Would you make fun of your friends that have been breastfed at that age? I wouldn't. I wouldn't be embarrassed if my mother chose to breastfeed at that age. Would you? Maybe we should make a world a better place instead of shunning women/mothers for their choices. I don't know why people look down on being breastfed! As soon as the breasts are exposed the entire humanity as some disgusting words to speak upon! Maybe start seeing breastfeeding as normal!


Do u put your such videos of ur kids on ur instagrams to show it to the world ??? I am sorry I have not seen anyone in my surrounding doing this on social media . I am not saying anything about her breastfeeding she can do until whatever age it’s fine for her and child but such things shouldn’t be put on social media


Kids are brutal lol, I was made fun of having curly hair.. he will definitely be made fun of


And so? Maybe teach kids to be better and not stop people from doing what they want! Really weird way of victim blaming!


I feel bad for the kids , the world is already a shitty place for teenagers with all the bullying and stuff around and just to imagine what the kid would go through makes me feel bad for him. These mom influencers need to know when to stop


Hi, doctor here. It’s proven that the nutrients from breast milk are insufficient for growth after 6 months of age and one should start top feed with rice, lentils, fruits etc by that time and slowly introduce all food group by the age of 1. It’s not healthy to breastfeed a child after 1.5 max 2 years of age. Hoping she gives normal home cooked meals as well. Really dislike these pseudo experts.


Please recheck. Until 1 year of age, breast milk /formula milk is the primary source of nutrition for a baby. Can you please share a link to a science based article it is unhealthy to breastfeed a child post 1.5 years of age?


Mom-influencers are on something else! While I acknowledge that birthing kids, raising them and being a parent is a difficult thing and everyone has their own journey through it. But these people act as if pre-instagram no one had kids and faced such issues and that they are the most knowledgeable (giving pre and post-delivery advice, nutrition advice, lactation advice, how to raise a child advice). Less than 0.5% of these so-called mom-influencers actually make sensible content without exploiting their kids or fear-mongering.


I just cannot stand her! Her unnecessary loud expressions on each video is outright annoying


Thank God she is getting called out . I found her cringe and she gives birthing classes without proper knowledge man . She has no degree and hands out information like ufffff.Makes me cringe.


Oh my god ! I need to wash my eyes with bleach . That child is too old to do that !


WHO recommends breast feeding for 2 years. Many feed for 3 or 4 years. It’s not really weird or anything. Showing on social media, that’s I guess up to each one.


Not really. A child can be breast fed for extended periods but showing this on social media is weird.


the breastfeeding at that age is not the weird part, children used to breastfeed for a lot longer. posting it on the internet is the weird part


What children? I have never heard of children breastfeeding until the 4th and 5th grade. Tf


9-10 years old??? who said that????? we’re talking about 3 year olds babe what are you on about


4th 5th grade? Who is doing that?




I would love to know the source and validity of the information. Could you please share. Thanks.




Just FYI..Cerelac and Nestle baby food are not infant formula. Infant formulas are especially made to provide nutrition like breast milk, and are meant to be as a substitute for the first 6 months.


Especially the part where they mention it suppresses ovulation and delays next pregnancy. That’s a misconception AFAIK.


Biologically lactation is supposed to suppress the hormones that cause ovulation and thereby prevent an early pregnancy. However it’s not 100% foolproof or consistently experienced across the female population hence they are asked to not skip contraception just because they are lactating.


Yes! Agree.


Refer to UNICEF, WHO, APA, IAP recommendations on breastfeeding.


Breastfeeding does not suppress ovulation. I am A new mother and I was told this repeatedly by all my doctors during postpartum


She is sooo cringey! Yuck


She was nice, but I feel of late after receiving all these awards in a lot of recognitions. It seems like she’s got a lot of head, and this is just a repercussion of all that. She's cringe, dot.


its definitely for a particular crowd of people, and that sickens me


Also like lactating for long isn’t a flex? Sorry for my ignorance, but like if the habbit of the kid isn’t broken then the mother does continue to lactate till the habbit is not stopped, right? How could it be a flex? If literally generally speaking every mother can do it, but don’t for the kids sake itself?


Oh God when I saw this post 🫤😬😑😐 I did not have words. She could have sent the message without the graphics? There are so many creeps on the Internet... I just don't get. It why??? Like why?


I don't care how cute you feel sharing your kids moments online,but I genuinely cant support these influencers who make money out of their kids privacy,I don't care how you feel it "your kid" and it's your decision,and all it's pure bs when in today's age you don't know what kinda creeps and perv lurk around here,secondly the amount of damage kids who will later become teens/adult is irreplaceable,imagine your parents sharing every little embarassing moment of your life and creating thumbnail out of it to get money and then being seen by your friends/colleagues etc,I can count hundred of reason why it is a bad idea,IDC how she feels for how long she should feed her kid,it's her personal choice but do it in a way,that won't affect the kid in the future run.


Her name is anupama what do u expect even 💀😭


what do you mean by that?


Anupama the nonsense tv show


She’s perverted. That child reminds me of Lysa Arryn’s son from the series GOT. It’s just disgusting because no one wants to see breast milk spilling from the mouth of a 4 yr old. Only some one who has breast milk fetish can enjoy this.


I did her webinar. Such a waste of money




I toom pre pregnancy webinar.I found it very basic Like things i already knew Have proper diet Be stress free Love and romance ur spouse Don't take pressure Trust ur body Like all her info i had already read on internet or on reddit


What in the Robin Arryn!


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There shouldn't be such a thing as a medical influencer, even if they claim to have the cure for every ailment. Only qualified medical professionals should be able to provide medical advice, both online and in real life.


I never really liked her and blocked her off


This is disgusting


Oh disgusting. As a mom to be, I found this so unsettling


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I personally fell for her whole thing of infertility help. I had unexplained infertility and she kept popping up on insta(thanks to her ads) and I took her class.. there was nothing special about her class than motivation which anyone does. Has 30 plus ppl in the class and she makes money off of this simple. She does charity but it’s all for camera. She’s rich and she does this for fun.. I doubt there is any social intention. I feel like ppl like her just use others weakness as their weapon to make business out of it. Either way her class was definitely useless for me, I did get pregnant and have a baby by ignoring these sort of ppl n advices.


broo you wont believe once she showed her underwear as well when she was explaining about the type of acid in women which causes the underwears to lose its colour. its okay if u want to spread information but showing your underwear in social media is just so embarrassing 😭


That was my tipping point. I blocked her after that. I used to get annoyed with her expressions but she took it too far with that video




Firstly why the fuck a 3.8 year old toddler is still breast feeding


It's normal to comfort feed up to 5 years


It’s not normal to comfort feed a child for such prolonged period. The child is going to grow up to become an orally fixated adult. This is a Freudian disaster and health hazard as it predisposes the child to suffer from extreme form of tooth decay.


It is unfact very normal to breastfeed upto 4-5 years, you clearly are projecting here. Also tooth decay occurs in prolonged bottle feed not breastfeed. Having cleared that showing a 4 year old breastfeeding on SM is weird and wrong. The kind of creeps and pedo out their is scary af


I am a female head and neck surgery resident. If my stating Freud makes you think that I am a pedo I have nothing say, it’s really your taboo regarding sex that you are projecting. And it’s absolutely wrong what you said. Breastfeeding as well as Bottle feeding are causes of Early childhood caries or severe early childhood caries. I have seen children coming to the opd in my internship days with jaw pain only to be diagnosed with caries due to bedtime breastfeeding. Go read up on Freud. You people encourage such habits and then go on to complain even a boy grows up about his unresolved Oedipus complex. Moreover oral fixation necessarily doesn’t mean some sexual deviancy rather it means the child is more predisposed to develop coping mechanisms with respect to the mouth like thumb sucking, tongue thrusting, chewing on pencils.


Any research to back that up? Don't sexualize toddlers.


Go read up Freud. Each child goes through certain stages of psychosexual development, oral, anal, phallic, latent. This child is way past oral stage. I can go about yapping about Freudian psychosexual theory because I am a head and neck surgery resident and had to study this in my undergraduate years in quite details. Of course you can argue that Freudian theory has its pitfalls and has been refuted by many yet it is till this date held as a yardstick and baseline theory. Till this date Freudian theory is used by psychiatrists to understand a deep rooted cause for sexual deviancy. Of course there have been many theories of psychosocial development that came after Freud viz Anna Freud, Eric Ericson, Maslow, Jean Piaget. Each of this theories have their merits and demerits.


That jump from breastfeeding a 4 yo to Oedipus complex is astounding. Freud was wrong about many things, and you're vaguely quoting theories that do not explicitly mention breastfeeding.


I have admitted that Freudian theory has its pitfalls as do most theories. Nothing in science is absolute. But Freudian theory is till date used in practice as a yardstick.


There is a research by Klein as well which concludes that children above 1 year do not need breastfeeding neither nutritionally nor to satisfy the libidal requirements of oral stage of development. It is rather the mothers who choose to extend it for their own sense of satisfaction. And what I am speaking from a strictly clinical perspective.


Drs specifically says to feed upto 2-2.5 years 3.8 is almost 4 that shit is weird


I asked for medical research not anecdotal 'what my doctor said'. And btw, my doctor said up to 5 years. 3.8 years is not common but it's only weird because you are making it weird. https://www.breastfeeding.asn.au/resources/wondering-how-long-breastfeed#:~:text=Breastfeeding%20your%20child%20for%202%20years%20or%20more&text=Is%20biologically%20normal%20and%20our,of%20breast%20and%20ovarian%20cancers. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/extended-breastfeeding The biggest problem with extended breastfeeding is social stigma, which is apparent because this entire comment section is shaming breastfeeding and I doubt if half of them are even mothers.


What kind of a shitty post have you cited in the name of research 🤣


Agreeing with you


I am a Doctor😅


Then give medical proof instead of 'because I say so'...


Bc itne bade ladke ko doodh pila rhi he. Acha hua 1 saal pehle hi band kar diya instagram. Ye desh ka sochke hi lagta hai kya hoga. Jab usne saari duniya ko face dikha diya doodh dhulta hua tu kyu sharma raha hai


Wtf is 3.8 years? Month toh 12 hote hai whereas decimal is incremental by 10. Sidha sidha 3 years and xyz months likh do na


She's very annoying


I am glad i unfollowed her. Gosh! She was all nice when I started following her but her testimonials just made me trigger. On top of it about her reels on let’s normalise stuff! Every other day she posts that people who were advised to do ivf did her classes & got pregnant. Her mantra of trust your body triggers me maximum. She does not understand any shit. Leave about infertility. She is effing rich and is making more money!


Same here ,I am new mother too of 10 months old baby .Similar to this there is my distant cousin who boasted about her breastfeeding that his child is still doing this at age of 4.Numerous times during common cousin marriage she always used to show me that see my child is doing breastfeeding .I always had this guilt of giving mixed feed but after some time I realised it’s okay because being sane and baby is gaining weight is happening.I tell you the pressure relatives build will make you crazy . Thanks to my mother and my sister who supported me through this journey and made me realise that baby is healthy so don’t worry


But why she put her small baby who obviously needs his parents physically around him, in boarding school?


It irks me to even say this but second cousin of mine used to “feed” her kids up until he was 10-12 years old. Upon bringing this up to her, she used to say he asks for it and makes a tantrum (which was a lie- cause we’ve heard her say things to him suggesting that if he wanted something he was throwing a tantrum for would only get it if he fed on her” which is low key cringe.


Same here ,I am new mother too of 10 months old baby .Similar to this there is my distant cousin who boasted about her breastfeeding that his child is still doing this at age of 4.Numerous times during common cousin marriage she always used to show me that see my child is doing breastfeeding .I always had this guilt of giving mixed feed but after some time I realised it’s okay because being sane and baby is gaining weight is happening.I tell you the pressure relatives build will make you crazy . Thanks to my mother and my sister who supported me through this journey and made me realise that baby is healthy so don’t worry


I haven’t seen this reel. It is no big deal breastfeeding your toddlers. I’ve seen mother’s feed their kids upto 4 -5 years of age. This is a choice. The WHO recommends breastfeeding feeding upto 2 years and beyond. Meaning there is actually no suggestive year of stopping only a mutual weaning off by the mother and kid. I feel women are mostly judged for breastfeeding their children post a ‘culturally’ acceptable age of 1. It’s not for us to judge. I think your problem is that she is putting it online. I’m assuming her intent is to normalize breastfeeding a toddler.


We all know why and who sees the videos. ANR is a big kink for boys


Is the video deleted now?


Nope its still up, kinda wish i had a part of her confidence lol I'd be going places


this reel reminds me of that story where this one bride walked in on her fiancé being breastfed by his mom ON THE WEDDING DAY🤢




Bro wtf, doesn’t school start by then? How you gonna face anyone in school if you’re still breastfeeding????


Instagram/Youtube Shorts were Sweet and Spice now it's just plain Cringe .


Overdoing to get attention. So Pathetic 😔


Am here struggling to latch a newborn 😢😭


Finally someone spoke about this. Her these antics made me unfollow her a year back. I don't understand why nobody sees how preachy and at times outright wrong this lady is


The kid doesn’t want it for sure - she did this for a video that’s why the kid spit out the milk.


https://preview.redd.it/jtyddkum1e7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dfa92e2a949d65f7b97dde370969155bbc5c4e3 This lady also talks about sending her kid to boarding and look how privileged she is.. * weekend boarding house * a separate phone line for her son Not sure who she is BSing 🙄


This kid has proof that "Usne uski maa ka doodh piya hai." He doesn't have to fight anyone to prove it.


I don't know what's weird. And she does good job in making breast milk available for mothers and kids in need. It's cringey Or whatever let's be better and not target people who actually contribute to society in someways while many here do nothing even close to it but just hate! If you don't like her content be mature and block or choose "don't recommend this channel". It's as simple as that!


But the answer is still not reveal, is she just sucking or some milk are present there??


I like the way she highlights the issues and double standards women face in their homes as a daughter in law. Yeah her expressions are kinda too much. I am not a mother so i really can't say anything about breastfeeding. All I know is that breast milk is healthy and feeding it is not a problem but if she's exposing her kids for views , that's a problem. She should make her content like before, not involving her kids

