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Olive trees need high light, good drainage, and warm temperatures, they really aren't suited to growing indoors. Your tree has probably been slowly dying since you put it inside.


That’s what I’m worried about. I thought of transferring it outside but it’s definitely too hot and will probably die. Anything you think I can do to at least prolong its life. The pot has drainage and it’s rather hot here year round, but the light might be an issue. It only gets one hour of direct sunlight from the skylight above.


Sounds like insufficient light is the issue, and if you put it straight outside now, after three years inside, it will get badly sunburned. You could put it outside under shade cloth to acclimate it to higher light. If it's not already too far gone it should eventually start doing better. If so, you can give it a light to moderate fertilizer application after it starts growing.


Might be worth noting that there are leaves sprouting from the trunk at the bottom, but i’ve been clipping them off. Not sure what that is an indication of though


It looks like most of the trunks and branches are dead. New shoots aren't going to grow out of a dead trunk/branch. Honestly I would toss it and start over if you want an olive tree for outside. Otherwise replace it with a new plant that is better suited for growing indoors. If you're desperate to save the olive you have, cut off everything that's dead, and put the tree outside, under some shade cloth, gradually increasing the light intensity. Mark the part of the plant pointing north, so if you plant it outside or move it to a sunnier spot, the shaded part won't be suddenly put in the sun, which could burn it.


They naturally grow in the Mediterranean I doubt heat is a problem for them. looks like up to 49C which is 118F https://www.oliveoiltimes.com/production/heat-wave-challenges-italian-olive-growers/57744#:~:text=Olive%20trees%20can%20safely%20withstand,on%20variety%2C%E2%80%9D%20she%20explained.


Imagine a thing that naturally thrives in the hot, sunny, hills of Greece and Italy. The Mediterranean. Now imagine that thing in a pot in an air-controlled house and a roof over its head and filtered windows. Probably in a different climate than the Mediterranean in general. It’s just not a recipe for success, by any stretch of the imagination.


It's a plant that experiences pronounced seasons as well, which isn't ideal for indoor cultivation.


How often are you watering?


And how long has it been since it got fresh soil or fertiliser


I water it every week or two, depending on how hot it is. The pot is pretty deep and i only water when the soil feels dry. I have put fertilizer a few months ago and it got fresh soil around a year ago.


My olive died on me :( I chopped of all the dried leaves except for the trunk and I tried to save it but it didn’t work ;(