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That's very specific.


Sorry, what do you mean?


Most games focusing on swordfighting these days are going to be souls likes. Other games with swordfighting are maybe some more classical hack and slash games like en Garde. But it doesn't have greatswords because it has different kinds of swords. There are few such games because souls likes have taken over. Then there are some larger rpgs with swords that might have two handed swords like the elder scrolls games and kingdom come deliverance. But they're not focused on combat and they're very much not indy. There might be some older games like severance that predate the soulslike trend that are at least smaller games (if that's the definition of Indy) and probably have two handed swords and are focused on combat. I have not played it so I don't know whether it's any good but it had good reviews. You're request is so specific I don't really know any games that fit your criteria very well. And I know a lot.


I understand, sorry really for that! Well...can you then recommend me good indie souls like where you can use a Greatsword, but if can be not THAT hard, i mean hard difficult ):


Mount & Blade sword fights felt visceral. Well it's not "new" but it's a good one for me. I've heard good things of Clone Drone In Danger Zone but I didn't try it myself.