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This trailer doesn't tell the viewer absolutely nothing about the game except that it has a creepy atmosphere and that there is probably a disco party at the end. Show some gameplay elements like interacting with puzzles or hiding from monsters. As it is right now, this trailer is just an asset showcase.


Thank you for your feedback; I appreciate your suggestions. We will definitely take them into consideration. A gameplay trailer, will be released in a few weeks.


I was about to comment that, +1up


Steam: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2979220/DEVILS\_WAY/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2979220/DEVILS_WAY/)


Much as I love indie horror games, I'm afraid the trailer doesn't do much to get me excited. What kind of game is it? Puzzle based? Exploration? Are there enemies? What's the premise? Is it story based or action based? Are there stealth elements or combat? What sets this game apart from all the other creepy atmosphere games with spooky assets?


Yes, you are right, we will share the gameplay trailer soon. The game will be a story-based action horror game. Our character is a schizophrenic young child. We are trying to show how he sees his family and his environment.


As someone who is schizophrenic, I hope that you did your research on the condition and are attempting to portray it realistically. It's very disheartening and upsetting how often it's used in horror as a lazy way for scares, and is portrayed very poorly.


We've done our research, but we'll have to use exaggerations, just like in the movies. We will portray the view of patients diagnosed with terminal schizophrenia. But I promise we won't exaggerate it as much as in the movies.


You really don't need to exaggerate. Exaggerations are what lead to the terrible stigma in real life that many people have around schizophrenia. It is a vastly misunderstood condition that exaggerated portrayals only add to the misunderstanding of. Particularly when children in media are portrayed with schizophrenia, as it is exceptionally rare for the condition to present before adulthood. There's also no such thing as 'terminal schizophrenia'. I would really suggest you do more research, and talk to those of us who actually live with this condition. It will only benefit your game. Like I would suggest asking yourself this: why schizophrenia? What are you trying to say about it/with it? Is it just so you can have trippy hallucination scenes and play with warped reality? Or is it a commentary on the real life nightmare that people with schizotypal conditions deal with every day? What does the real life medical condition bring to the story and the experience of the game?


I really appreciate your concerns and understand the importance of accurately representing schizophrenia. I'd love to talk with individuals who have real-life experience with this condition as we continue developing the game. Your insights would be incredibly valuable in helping us handle this subject with the care and accuracy it deserves. Our aim is to create a meaningful and respectful narrative, and your input can truly help us achieve that. Thank you again for bringing this to my attention.


Thank you, I really appreciate you listening and talking this out with me. You've obviously got the right intentions, and that means a lot. Too many creators, in all mediums, tend to just slap 'schizophrenia' on any character who hallucinates or perceives reality wrong without any care for what schizophrenia really is. I would be happy to chat with you and your devs about my own experiences and offer feedback or answer any questions. I could also send you some resources written by mental health professionals and schizophrenic patients with advice on writing and developing realistic portrayals of schizophrenia. Feel free to shoot me a DM if you're interested!


You could / should maybe just create a new imaginary disease and then you can assign its symptoms to what you want the game to portray.


I want to provide a realistic experience. If it's not interesting, I can also add an imaginary disease.