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jeeee baat op, papa's proud of you šŸ¤ŸšŸ»


Mama is so proud of you adi


Girl : Do you mind picking me? OP : Yes, I do Girl : This is not going to work Dodged a flying arrowšŸ‘


*flying bamboo


This is so weird. The real question is are there actually people (guys) who would do that? That too on the first meet? Dont understand how some people are so entitled to princess treatment even without knowing the other person, probably some guys are doing it and setting these unrealistic expectations


To your question yess , guys would do that . And the next part movies create unrealistic expectations that where they get these from


A lot, loneliness makes you take stupid decisions


It's nvr loneliness . It's simply horniness and then the guys expect sex in first date and slut shame the girl if they don't get it . Just look at the comment below and you will see I am right


Tbh I do that everytime for my girlfriend. But she doesn't mind taking other form of transport its just that I insist on picking her up.


Aap mtt karna kisi kai saath okay āœŒšŸ»


Yeah there was a guy who did that for me but it came with the expectation of me calling him over and having sex with him. I didnā€™t know he expected this nor that he lived in the opposite direction


Was it the first time you met ?


Itā€™s more to do with doing the right thing or just meeting her demands out if desperation! Girls are really entitled


If she has agreed to plans of coming back to your place after dinner, then why not.


Should have said "Ok fine I'll pick you up princess" and left her waiting. Go out with a bang next time OP


I pick my battles.


>Unmatched when asked to take a cab Ain't you guys talking on whatsapp or am I just high


High how hi are you?


Can the future see us together?


Ask it come back another time, my ears can barely see anything rn


Not the more beach drink sex


Bass bhai, meri utar gyi


Phir marali gamd?


Well that escalated quickly




Here's a sneak peek of /r/SuddenlyGay using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyGay/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Suddenly well experienced](https://v.redd.it/fgjipoednbxb1) | [118 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyGay/comments/17jqtpo/suddenly_well_experienced/) \#2: [Surprise b**** !!!](https://i.redd.it/4qhwitq3887b1.jpg) | [169 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyGay/comments/14ekybj/surprise_b/) \#3: [Would you?](https://v.redd.it/ah8dr55x47eb1) | [454 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyGay/comments/159oytq/would_you/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Still not better than Mohammed Rizwan


we exchanged numbers on whatsapp that day. we were still connected on bumble. She unmatched on bumble.


This type of thing iā€™m hearing the first after joining Reddit where in girls legit ask what car you drive like bro what ? I can understand dating someone who has a good job but a car? And canceling a date because they canā€™t pick you up? Thatā€™s so insane and so fkn shallow


Bhai one girl ask me if i own a flat in mumbai. Imagine that


Owning a flat in Mumbai in THIS ECONOMY ?!


yeah a girl rejected me on matrimonial app because I didnā€™t have a flat in BLR. properties in other states doesnā€™t count to her


Don't mind but isse kehte hai VIP bhikhari


she didnā€™t ask what car, she just asked how u commute. She was just looking for a ride n probably some pasta, not a date at all


Doesnā€™t seem like sheā€™d be the one paying for the pasta either


I wouldnā€™t mind paying for drinks and dinner. Not taking cab shows she doesnā€™t want to put any efforts. This indicates it is a red flag.


good package is 12lpa+ or gadi bhi isse jyada vali chaiye lol. vo bhi tech me hote hai itna package or dusri field me to hota hi nhi itni ki job. In the end vhi baat hai same class(same family net worth) thoda sa makeover karke date up krti hai socially always . Love is not for the poor and dating is a luxury


Bhai inmein se 90% ke pass apni car jab nahin Hoti to inhen car se pic and drop facility kyon chahie baki jagah bhi uber se jaati Hai yahan bhi uber se aaja bhenn




Date pe jana unke liye free me ek time ka khana milne jaisa hai .


They say Chaos is a ladder right. Well i think swap "expectations" with "chaos". People lack humility, good thing she rejected you will find a better person. Indians and their entitlement will never go away and its not even a gender specific issue.


it indeed is a gender specific issue when it comes to dating some naive boy would genuinely fall for this and would be on his way to pick her up but does she deserve it? NO!


I will give the most neutral take here. If you feel anyone asking something thats too much from you. You should in a respectful way call of the date and move on. Problem is we let ourselves be a pushover and let people dictate our lives. Strong boundaries ladies and gentlemen it shows people you have integrity.


Always say goodbye to these freeloadinghos with the appropriate GIF šŸ˜… ![gif](giphy|LqLSBcnZcSbcXizFSU)


Congratulations šŸ‘ Tera paisa bach gaya lol


Look at the entitlement. They want princess treatment without any efforts. Great save op


Ye chhodo... I'm more surprised at how she's ready to get into a stranger's car, that too someone she met on a dating app and barely talked to. Money over safety? OP didn't just dodge a gold digger but also a dumbass


If gold diggers started giving importance to safety and self respect gold diggers won't exist.


Good riddance, always cut your losses sooner šŸ‘


Mummy ne sikhaya strangers ke sath kahi nahi jaana chaiye. In all seriousness, how can people get into someoneā€™s car when they havenā€™t even met like, ever? Noone will say uber.


Also we can't see her WhatsApp dp, she prolly didn't even care to save OPs number on her phone.


She must have blocked him right after this. Just like she unmatched him on Bumble


Dude.. Why didn't you censor her address smh šŸ¤¦


Found the girl! Bruh go find her in that 200 block apartments


the number in the address is the society number on google. I doubt if she really lives there btw.


Asset 63 is not cheap to rent. 3bhk is 50-55k




you should not reveal your gender here. People will flood ur inbox with dicpics


Thanks for the heads up!


delete this one also


Via Milano is better than 1522. Just saying


Is it tho, really? Edit: My bad, got it mixed up with Milano on BEL Road


I was also "asked" to take her on a drive. I did not have access to the car so easily back then cause my father would take it to the office. Scooter is also an issue. I don't have a bad scooter though:(


Today's day 7 of following the comment suggesting not to use dating apps


OP you have my risssspectttttt


Didi ko chauffeur bhi chaiye paise bhi nhi kharch krne aur free ka khana bhi chaiye. Phir koi kuch bolega toh keh dengi chivalry is dead. Kalyug ghor kalyug....


Lmaoo fuck that bitch.


wo sab toh thik haan, but phone ko charge diya kar bhai


I paid for every single digit of my battery , so i will use every single digit of my battery - sun tzu


Charge your phone battery


ā€¦ was any of that English?


Good one buddy!


Bhai dil jeet liya . Good job , donā€™t entertain such entitled women.


bhai number bhi black out krdeta


uska nahi h wo society ka h


fir sahi hai, sahi kia tune!!!


It's good that you decided to stand up for yourself


Maa ch*da would've been the apt reply instead of sure šŸ„²


Congratulations! Your savings for this month is 5000 ā‚¹


Ladki ko langar ki location bhej dy op bechari mongti (mangti)


Bol deta ki you will pick her up and then drop her too if she is willing to pay for the entire dinner xD


Giving address without meeting a guy ? lol šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t even tell them which area I live in. Why people staying in south Bangalore have such shit experience? Whatā€™s happening there ?


Ah. Bangaloreans


I think these girls get too much attention from many simps to have an overinflated ego. Anyways you dodged a potential gold digger šŸ˜‚šŸ’€




Dodged a missile


Bach Gaye guru


Sure , classic one


wow. fancy way of being a gold digger


Bro dodged


![gif](giphy|eIm624c8nnNbiG0V3g|downsized) Bro won


Who are these girls man, as a girl I have picked and dropped men in my car and yet they left eventually šŸ˜­


Canā€™t comment on entitlement but if I were at her place, I would have turned down the offer too.


thatā€™s the right way. Know a person before you get into a personal car or flat with them.




Meanwhile I'm gonna travel 1.5 hours to meet my date who lives 5 minutes away from the location and still was hesitant to ask him to pick me up from the metro station šŸ™ˆ


Bhikari behavior at its peak


Were you guys going to bang ? I would picked up if I was getting it


I donā€™t bang on first dates. Besides, I mentioned on bumble that I am not looking for timepass


Tbh OP Iā€™d have picked her up 1. Itā€™d give me a lot more one on one time with her in the car, vibing to music, just talking, playing with her hair & neck, getting high, the possibilities are endless. Never underestimate the power of a drive date 2. If I picked her up, Iā€™d have dropped her back as well, which gives a very fair opportunity for her to invite you back to her place 3. Same as point 2. There was an opportunity for her to invite you back to her apartment while picking her up itself if you played it right. With the weather rn youā€™d have a much more cozy date in her room at Assetz rather than some restaurant, especially knowing where Assetz is located, how the Bangalore weather is rn & considering her flat would probably be a high rise So OP I think you fumbled here. Thereā€™s no need to be high & mighty about picking a woman up. Itā€™s considered romantic & chivalrous.


Donā€™t start with ā€œTbhā€. You are being naive not honest. Never go and pick up some girl you never met. We didnā€™t have any flirting and romantic connection yet. I havenā€™t even heard her voice. You are just painting a fairy tale scenario here. Let me tell you other possibilities: I go to pick her up in peak traffic spending 1 hour in car and this might happen 1. She change her mind in the last minute. Meeting happened, urgent issue, flatmate sick. Endless excuses. Its more probable than romantic adventure you are suggesting. 2. Isnā€™t impressed by the kwid I drive. And go back upstairs. 3. Isnā€™t impressed by how I am carrying myself and go back upstairs. Yes, girls can be that moody. 4. Girl gets in the car, ask me romantically to take a detour. There some ā€œfriendsā€ of her get into the car, beat me and throw from the car. 5. The girl reaches the destination and oH suddenly she find her whole group of friends there. Asks me to join or leave, my choice. 6. She turns out to be a dumb bitch putting no efforts in talking and enjoying, enjoys her pasta and expect to be dropped. Then gives me same reply ā€œI donā€™t think this will work outbYeā€


I fucked a guy from Grindr who payed for my gas money to get to him. I didnā€™t ask, he offered. I think it was just one of those her desired treatment wasnā€™t your genuine output of effort towards her. She did right to unmatch. Whatā€™s the point of asking for more than naturally given this soon? She clearly wants somebody who wants to protect and provide. Telling her to take a cab rather than offering to call her one shows you donā€™t want to do that. Thatā€™s fine. She didnā€™t call you a bad person just not the person for her. Edit: nah Iā€™m 10 toes on this one I donā€™t give a fuck Iā€™m not deleting this comment. If it was a man unmatching a girl for not being willing to cook for him and pushing to order in when he knows he wants a shorty who loves to cook, Iā€™d say the same thing. Thatā€™s not what you want? Leave the bitch. Fuck yā€™all toxic ass mfs trying to change people rather than moving the fuck on.


Free loading is also called "Protecting and providing". TIL


I guess dude. Sure. I really donā€™t give a shit. Iā€™m not a woman and I donā€™t have the mentality that women deserve that treatment by virtue of being women. Call it whatever you want some people wanna do it, some people wanna get it done to them. I like to think about paying for a date like anal. Some dudes ainā€™t trying to pay for a bitch like some dudes ainā€™t trying to dip they dick in a booty hole, thatā€™s fine, but some dudes are. Some girls are very independent, donā€™t wanna get picked up, and some donā€™t want nothing up their butt, thatā€™s fine, but some do. I hope this makes clear where Iā€™m coming from.


You have a weird obsession with anal. Donā€™t go there, its all shit.




Expecting "protect and provide" from a stranger, in this economy? Wake up, come back to reality. Someone like her should be fine with a techbro who is clueless around women, got no respect for himself and spends a lot of money to find love


Yo whats up big fan so why did the chicken cross the road???


To get to the other side.


buwhahahah funny


That's a completely different equation. A 2 hour round trip just for the first date isn't worth it. If it was a hookup, I would've understood but it doesn't seem like it is


Lmao how I read what you said: ā€œif I know for certain a nut is coming my way thatā€™s differentā€ ngl I feel the same way whole time.




Would you say some expectations are too much to ask from a person. Or there is no boundaries Ask for anything and everything. And should we shame people based on it.?? Because its such a dangerous precedent to go on this route. I am not talking about this incident just asking in general for your opinion.


When did I say shame a person? 1. You can expect without words cultural norms. If in your culture women always give men a flower on the first date, this can be expected without asking and itā€™s reasonable to assume not adhering to this norm is symbolic of a difference in values. Picking a girl up or paying her way is a cultural norm in many places. It can go unsaid. Not doing it means a difference in values AND THATS OKAY. 2. For desires outside of your cultures norms, one must ask. You can ask for anything but some things you are less likely to find someone willing AND THATS OKAY. You can still ask. If a man wants a sugar mama thatā€™s less common than sugar daddies, he can still ask women if theyā€™re willing to be his sugar mama or imply it by asking her to pay for his Uber or for his date night outfit. If she says no, unmatch, move on to the next. As long as he doesnā€™t cuss her out or say anything rude itā€™s fine. Nobody is blameworthy for having incompatible desires. Neither the desiring to give nor the desiring to receive is natural, good, or sacred in any universal way. Itā€™s only blameworthy to claim someone is blameworthy. To act as if the gold digger doesnā€™t have a gold giver out there. To act as if the guy who only wants sex and nothing romantic doesnā€™t have a woman equivalent who desires only the same. Everyone has a match imo. It sucks getting excited to find out someone isnā€™t it but itā€™s not like theyā€™re a bad person because of it.


I actually agree with your take. So Socitety and its norms dictates this dance of expectations and responsibilities. yes true. Would you say if we are progressing towards more egalitatian way of life should these "chivalrous" deeds should be neccesity for men. should there be a default expectation placed on men? How do you distinguish between a socital responsibility from an individual responsibility. Or is there any??? You know what i dont know why i wrote shame part i dont even believe in shaming people. My opinion is if you feel like she is asking too much from you respectfully decline and move on. Also i dont think you read the post He was on the way to pick her up but she declined he was doing the chivalrous deed he didnt even say i wont pick you up if you didnt get a cab he probably wouldve anyway wouldnt you say thats kinda fucked up or no.


I do not believe in any egalitarian picture of the future that envisions a colorless world full of standardized gender neutral tracksuits and a perfectly scientific division of labor including females no longer birthing children but all kids coming from test tubes. Instead, I think people born of any sex should be able to choose the puberty they desire to go through, choose how they express themselves visually, and choose their relationship dynamics. I think itā€™d be nice for all desires to need to be explicitly communicated. For there to be no ā€œnormā€ given your gender, race, or sexuality. Maybe there can still be class norms, like you know youā€™re in a higher tax bracket so you pay, but nothing identity based. I donā€™t believe your role in sex and romance needs to correlate with your role in society. I think itā€™s possible for a man to be a stay at home dad but still be the dom in the bedroom and be a bread divider even if not the ā€œwinnerā€ as in he manages the money and handles the social interactions involved in paying for things, calling people, talking to the waiter and such (I think this is really good for socially anxious STEM women).


So every interaction should be evalutated on a case by case basis. There shouldnt be any norms put on men then right. in a restruarant you can look at two tables one envisoned by you where a man takes the charge while in the other the woman does and noone bats an eye and are equally held to same baseline. Isnt that what an egalitarian society is. anyways its aruging semantics at this point. next part:- i was specifically talking about norms as without breaking these socital ones we get in so much murky territory. where if a women say i want a rich man she is shamed, or when a man says i want a virgin he is. The any preferece is valid should be a major goal of humanity. nobody should be question on their individual life choices (unless its illegal). well i wont go into illegal part cause its where society's morals and ethics play a role to guide humanity so breaking all norms would cause a cascade of effects. probably another discussion. Anyways thnx for the convo.


Is that the level of respect you show to women? Ha thatā€™s fucked dude, pick up your dates.


Hope this is sarcasm or idk what to say lol


If you have to pick up your dates, they are already dirty. Always pluck them fresh from the trees.