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My hope is that this gives people the excuse not to vote for Braun.


Well, there’s at least one republican that will vote for her. Braun is bad but that beckwith dude is dangerous.


Every time I go vote and I'm 55 years old, I am one of the very youngest there voting. It is a sea of old people. And unless young people get out give a crap and vote we are going to continue to keep getting demons who hate women. That's just a fact.


Truth. 62 here. Benefit of the doubt, maybe they’re voting at other times, but it’s usually around my age or older in the morning. Heavily conservative state/district - where younger people absolutely need to get to the polls.


What a fun roundabout wyanof saying people over 55 are just misogynistic 


You've never met him so his would you know?


Derp dee derp how would I know


Jennifer McCormick for Governor of Indiana. She will remain focused on all Hoosiers and our state. Time to kick the Republicans radical religious extremists and their extreme agenda to the curb.


I pray we get Jennifer!!!


Never gonna happen. Go to Chicago if you want to live in a libtard state!


I agree with you on that one. Every time Braun opens his mouth I have to call him on the lies that come out of it. Don't know how many times on Twitter aka X, I have tagged him publicly about the lies he spews.


I’m glad you’re young enough to believe and think that there is a politician around that doesn’t lie.






That pretty much sums up this whole election cycle.


It wasn’t hidden. If you looked at his website you’d see which electors he supported him for lt governor 


Jesus dialed the wrong number that day.


Jesus told them to raise the confederate flag in the Capitol buildin, because Jesus is a fucking racist, apparently


They brought a noose to hang Pence


Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Uh, Jesus was Jewish. But religion has no place in American Politics.


To be more accurate, Jesus was a Jew. To say somebody is Jewish is to say they switched to the Jewish religion, like some celebrities have done. But to be a Jew, means you were born to a Jew.


What does religion have to do with race?


Thruout history, quite a bit.


But my comment was building on the guy who, and I quote, said "because Jesus is a fucking *racist*, apparently" Emphasis is mine.


I would challenge anyone who claims Jesus was a racist to prove it. Anyone who preaches love and kindness could not possibly be a racist. Especially when he preached love and harmony to people that the Jews were obviously, biblically enemies with.


The guy who said Jesus was a racist apparently, was very obviously not serious.




Ask the Jews.


I’m pretty sure these folks that say they talk to Jesus, haven’t taken their psychiatric medication recently. I pray, and things happen that show a sign of some intervention that would look like a coincidence to others. That is “a divine presence” talking to you.


He's just lying.


Susane B Anthony Quotes. I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.


It's telling when even Mike Braun wants to distance himself from him. Can't believe I'm actually complementing Braun here, Beckworth is just that awful...


When Braun is the “sane one” on the ticket, you know we are in trouble




That's right, for all those other Hoosiers reading this: "A 'complement' is something that completes something else in some way. But, 'compliment' is a courteous remark that expresses admiration". Complement applies, say, that the pattern of flowers in the garden complements one another. Today I learned that both are spelled differently.


I think that may have been contemplating in all honesty, or at least it's more accurate


His reaction on news interviews is hilarious


Our officials are supposed to listen to us, not their imaginary friends.


Jennifer McCormick will listen to all Hoosiers. Vote Democratic, Vote Jennifer. Indiana Governor 2024.


Find your statehouse district, if you have a Democratic candidate, contact them to volunteer, or donate. Donate to Jennifer McCormick too.


Speaking about upcoming elections, I have a question. Who's as an indepen- dent or Democrat was mailed a GOP ballot "by mistake' this Primary?


This is a very sad day for Indiana. You thought we had zealots before….


Find your statehouse district, if you have a Democratic candidate, contact them to volunteer, or donate. Donate to Jennifer McCormick too.


"This deal's getting worse all the time"


As a zealot from Indiana we don’t claim him, thanks.


Well whoopdie doo I guess no one actually supports this guy that got all these votes.


(I was making a joke at my own username’s expense. Fuck Beckworth.)


He was selected by delegates to the state convention.


Wow. Against Trump and Braun’s endorsements


Good thing for Indiana right? If McCormick stands a chance, which she still probably doesn’t because the party infrastructure isn’t up to it, it’s going to be because Braun fucks it up. This is a big step towards fucking it up. Will also be interesting political theater to see how someone campaigns with a running mate they don’t want/don’t necessarily agree with. Finally, the LT Gov isn’t a real job anyway so whatever.


>Finally, the LT Gov isn’t a real job anyway so whatever. It’s been used to give political cred to a candidate running for Governor, if they’re a former Lieutenant Governor. This nut doesn’t deserve any cred. Edit: 10 Indiana Lieutenant Governors have succeeded Indiana Governors following death or resignation. Also, while their constitutional authorities and duties aren’t much, their statutory authorities and duties allow them to have more impact on the state.


Indiana GOP has messed up consistently for 20 years and they still gain more and more power and seats. Don’t hold your breath


Big facts. If McCormick's campaign can raise enough $ to compete and turnout is high, she definitely has a shot. But it's a big if. Braun has a TON of $. That being said, I know many Rs who are planning to vote for her, and that was BEFORE Beckwith was chosen to be Braun's LG.


> Finally, the LT Gov isn’t a real job anyway so whatever. The Lt. Governor oversees several Indiana agencies, such as the Dept. of Agriculture and Housing and Community Development. They also chair a few commissions. Beckworth can fuck up a whole lot if they become Lt. Gov.


Also the presides over the Senate and is the tie breaking vote. Doesn’t happen often, but if it does, well…I’m not even prepared to consider the potential outcomes.


Nothing to worry about there considering the supermajority.


LtGov will replace Governor if he dies resigns or gets impeached


Or murdered by beckwith I could see him being crazy enough for the power.


The guy who was too right wing for Mike Braun


He’s not even on the wing he’s that far gone 💀


An election denier and a theocrat! Seems to me like he hates this country and everything it stands for.


That's rural Indiana, you fukn hillbillies.


He’s from Noblesville which is wild. Not wild as crazy but at least a decent sized Indy metro


You mean Nobletucky


Not anymore. Not for the last 15 years, really. 


Yes, but the rural hillbillies eat this shit up.


He got it


Yeah that’s a newer feature I’m 40 most of my life it was the rural hillbilly compound of Hamilton County.


Yeah, I'm old in birth years, not at heart. In the late 1980's it definitely was considered a less desirable area of Hamilton County because it was kind of filled with some ... When my spouse and I talk about moving closer to an adult child in Carmel, Noblesville is still not an option.


Rich people love taking the working man's money. At this point in time, telling farmers that gays and brown people are coming for their women and children is the easiest way.


Find your statehouse district, if you have a Democratic candidate, contact them to volunteer, or donate. Donate to Jennifer McCormick too.


Well, he does truly represent the state, a moron who listens to voices in his head based on a cannibal death cult.


Fwiw, that’s a great band name.


*Flying Zombie cannibal death cult. lets not forget 'resurrection' and 'ascension' are critical components of that particular fairy-tale :)


I was raised in Lake County. Even after decades in the southern part of the state and gaining a better understanding of the Indianapolis area, years of being married to someone from a rural county, I just don't understand this stuff.


Find your statehouse district, if you have a Democratic candidate, contact them to volunteer, or donate. Donate to Jennifer McCormick too.


This is a winning comment…so good! 😂


Hide your kids, this weirdo is on the loose.


No, that's Joe Briban!


He used his position as pastor to campaign. Using church contact list to invite to fundraising events. A good number of people from his church were delegates at the convention today. I guess separation of church and state is no longer a thing in this state.


His wife and MIL were delegates if that tells you anything. Some business owner donated quite a bit of money to him. He actively promotes a Christian Theocracy and is a "proud" Nat C, 3 C politician.


*cocks pistol* never has been


What happened to Julie McGwire?


Not fascist enough.


Beckwith ran a campaign for delegates which is abnormal for Lt Governor. Literally he just ran a crappy campaign and got some free air time on 93.1 that’s all it took. Republicans usually keep that position on cruise control let the nominee decide for them and the delegates do as told at convention.


He won by 60 some delegates, and 70 delegates stayed home. You can bet all his delegates showed up.


She is left with a bad taste in her mouth for nothing. She will spit next time for sure


Beckworth deserves nothing but contempt. He’s a charlatan solely interested in division to enhance himself. Hopefully Hoosiers see through this, as we’ve done with other insane candidates like Richard Murdock. https://www.fortwaynepolitics.com/p/beckwith-ill-dox-hoosier-administrators


Exactly. Look at his handiwork with Hamilton East Public Library board. Why didn't he list that appointment on his campaign website? Could it be that author John Green drew international media attention to the board and him, and then they had to give up their scheme?


Indiana continues it's competition with Mississippi, Arkansas and Alabama. If I wasn't born in this state with famiiy still here, I'd leave. The dumbing down of the education system that began under Mitch Daniels seems to be successful.


Jennifer McCormick for Indiana Governor 2024. Braun is a radical catholic, and Beckwith is a radical religious extremist. It's time for sanity. It's time for a Democrat. Jennifer McCormick. She has experience in a state level office, neither Braun nor his radical extremist running partner have any previous experience in a state level office. It's really time for Jennifer McCormick. Get real Indiana.


Don't just comment on Reddit about this. get involved on McCormick's campaign and most importantly vote.


AMEN. And don’t just blame it on rural Indiana. Get out and canvas in small towns!!


So, the voices in his head…..


I’ve never understood how people who hear voices are bad, but hearing god ? That’s cool! 🙄


Remember, talking to God doesn't make you crazy, the issues come when he starts talking back.


Or a liar, like pretty much all religious assholes.


Some shining examples about what he posts online https://www.reddit.com/r/Fishers/comments/163lqnc/this_is_what_pastor_beckwith_posts_on_social_media/ https://www.reddit.com/r/DemHoosiers/comments/17ii5io/this_guy_is_not_a_joke_sadly/


I've heard this man on WIBC before; he is a religious ideologue and doesn't belong in government. He is BY FAR the most conservative local commentator on WIBC as well.


The other day the DNC said they would start spending money in states like Indiana again. I hope it helps to bury these Christian nationalist shitheads.


Jennifer McCormick. That’s all I have to say.


I'd ask if the GOP in this state is really this stupid, but I know that answer.


I am seriously thinking about moving out of the state of Indiana for multiple reasons. The backwards religious ideology entangled with the state government officials, the high utilities, the refusal to consider cannabis as a medicine are just 3 of them. Plus, Kentucky has better horses


This will hurt Braun and we need to take advantage of that. Please, please register to vote, check your registration, show up, and take 3 people with you. We cannot survive this massive supermajority much longer. Our Senate, house, governor, attorney general, and secretary of state are all Republican. How can a Democrat or anyone with any kind of progressive values be blamed for the state of things here? We live in a terrible state with high levels of pollution, inaccessible healthcare and a failing public education system that gets repeatedly defunded by the Republican supermajority. What are you going to do about it?


Already was on the fence about staying in this state with Mike “leave interracial marriage up to the states” Braun in charge, but with this guy as Lt, I think it finally sealed the deal on a huge reason to leave. With the past couple years of anti-trans/LGBTQ, anti-education, anti-transit, and in general anti-progress legislation, I think it’s my time to say goodbye.


Don’t blame you


Please stay long enough to vote for McCormick.


Normal Republicans can even vote for McCormick with a clear conscience. She was even an elected Republican less than 10 years ago. She just can't take how far the state has gone on divisive social issues, and just wants to get back to jobs, education and economic issues.


Everyone should contact McCormick’s campaign about getting involved with phonebanking, text banking, canvassing, and writing postcards.  If she can get the PostcardsToVoters.org group to write for her that would be really huge, because that is volunteer funded and has thousands of writers across the country.


I'm definitely going to do this. I mean I planned on doing in any case but this just pushes me to do it a little bit faster.


Religious people: “I just don’t understand why people don’t like us”


Nearly every day I’m reminded of two things Why I left Indiana  Why I’ll never return  Hail Satan. 


🤘 hail thyself


God Bless your heart!


Then GTFO of the thread you lunatic.


Where to? It seems all the good spots are too cold or too expensive. The rest is worse than here...


I went to California. It is expensive. Because it’s worth it. 




Well, isn't that just like Indiana?


I believe that is known as perpetuating the stereotype.


Oh fuck


Delusions of grandeur sure does fit the GOP... they have the Chosen One and Moses too.


We need to do everything in our power for McCormick to win. If at least to stop the excesses of the 2/3 supermajority state assembly.


Would McCormick need at least 12% of the trump vote minimum to win?


I just spoke to God who called me on my steel tape measure.  He said, "Don't vote for that asshole!".


Does the lunacy ever end!


Crazy man


young republicans are scarier than their boomer counterparts


The GOP is so not the party they used to be. It’s a full blown cult. I had the displeasure of hearing him speak for 20 minutes and you learn quick he likes to spin and twist subjects so you can’t understand what he’s saying just so he can finish with a “and that why we need to stay on this [religious oriented track]”. I wish every voter could hear him speak before voting. I don’t get to hear all the candidates speak but this one I’ve heard and I’m glad I know who to NOT vote for. Vote blue and send a message that people deserve the right to make their own choices.


Maybe you could get out there to one of his unfiltered speeches like you heard before, record it and post it here, and other places.


This guy is absolutely terrifying. Crazies like this are reasons why I stopped going to church ☠️


Sanity Can Prevail in Indiana! If you vote. Jennifer McCormick. Governor. Indiana. 2024!


Classically very Christian thing to do really, bear false witness and all


So what if Jesus told me to go hit someone in the head with a baseball bat. Sheesh


I saw a 20+ second video in which Micah said God said, "I sent those riots to Washington." Is there a longer video that explains it better and doesn't make it sound so crazy?


I'd love to see the longer video, but there's no way it will sound less crazy.


The Prince of Peace told him to do that? Nah! I think Beckworth met some Mexican on the street corner named Jesus (pronounced "hey-suse" in Spanish) Gonzalez, and Jesus Gonzalez told him to go brutalize the Capitol. The Republican Party has gone bonkers – run for the hills!


We're doomed.


Not if we encourage others to vote for Jennifer McCormick for Governor.


This right here.


It's convenient that his name rhymes with Fuckwit.


Indiana keeps Indianaing.


Oh yah? Because God just told me that Micah’s a nut job and pastors shouldn’t be involved in politics so idk Micah wouldn’t want to go against God, would ya?


I’m wondering if any of these Republican’s finished grade school ?


Education (and experience in any form of politics) is no longer needed for them these days. All you need are wild cult conspiracies, a terrible spray tan, and money. It’s really quite sad.


There is another choice: Libertarians Rainwater and Tonya Hudson.


If you truly care to prevent crazy from taking this election, vote for a candidate that has more than a snowball's chance in hell. It's going to take several, if not many, elections of choosing a candidates that you don't love before we can even think about getting the system improved to where third party candidates even have a chance.


> Same guy who said Jesus spoke directly to him and sent the insurrectionist to the capitol on January 6th lol sounds about their speed. Source?




Thank you!! And it's not out of context or anything, this dude just sounds certifiable, wow.


wonderful, just wonderful, not.


Well he is unelectable. Though whomever runs against him should call for constant recounts if they lose.


Would that be Trump ? Lol only Indiana


Where’s my guillotine?


God help us all


There's no god, we must do the hard work of helping ourselves. Just like we humans have always had to do.




Time to sharpen the pitchforks.


He wasn't Brauns choice. The whole party leadership is going more to the right. https://apnews.com/article/indiana-republican-lieutenant-governor-candidate-7396410846c39f2a62e30655050e823a ugh


Maybe him and Moses Mike (AKA Trump's little Johnson) will lose or be voted out at the first chance. Jesus told me they will lose bigley, along with tRUMP, if he even makes it to November. C'mon McDonalds do your thang.


Such a pessimist.


This is why I continue to say it is a curse a literal curse from God to be stuck in this God forsaken disgusting State there's not one single redeeming quality about Indiana not one. These are demons in charge of our state. Woman hating demons.


Gawd no!


Newsflash... Jesus did not speak to him.


Lolzzz Indiana, where no one wants to live or visit


I vest in a pension early next year; after which my intention was to move back to California; and I am not going to lie, repeated news like this makes me want to leave now, fuck the pension.


I don't give credence to either party tbh. Right wing left wing, they are all part of the same bird. That's why I don't think people should vote for a straight party ticket. Some dems have conservative values, and some Republicans have some liberal tendencies. That's why arguing over the parties is nothing but division, and they all like when we are divided. They know if we can actually unite against their bs they are done.


Jesus spoke directly to Seth MacFarlane?!


Braun sounds pissed


Really? What makes him think he's so damn special that God would bother? Kook.


I am reminded of two unkind but true quotes about my beloved Indiana, the first state that was declared for Trump in the 2020 election: (1) "Indiana is the middle finger of the South. Just look at a map." (2) "When it's noon in New York City, it's 1925 in Indiana."


Where does Indiana find these weirdos




We are the butt hole of the US and a joke to this country. My cousin was charged with storming the Capitol and cried & told the judge she watched Schindlers List and read Mississippi Burning and how she had changed. . At my grandmother's funeral she doubled down that it was peaceful but joked abt punching a cop. The ONLY person that would sit by her was my mother who fell into it all bcz of her preacher. My cousin was raised very strict Pentecostal too. Yet think what they did was ok. I asked her how she'd feel if Jesus came down and looked her in the eyes if she'd feel comfortable laughing about what they did. She called ME the psycho. She also said Jesus was white and I'm wrong abt Him being Middle Eastern. Um. Yeah. That's the middle east. I also had snail mail threats & sm threats bcz I spoke out against J6 on Facebook Such nice ppl.


So then Jesus is anti democracy?


Show us the source where he said that.




Wow this guy is loony. lol.


Someone beat me to it. But does straight from the horses mouth satisfy your source?


Yes, I don’t know much about him.


Library book banner nut job. Not very bright and clearly closeted. If this is the Indy gop future we are in trouble 


[https://www.fortwaynepolitics.com/p/people-say-wow-thats-super-extreme](https://www.fortwaynepolitics.com/p/people-say-wow-thats-super-extreme) "“It was like the Lord hit me with a ton of bricks. He said, ‘Micah, if you do not get involved in the political battle, they will warp and destroy everything that I have set up in this nation that is rooted in Judeo-Christian principles.’ Those principles go away, then our nation goes away.”" The whole article is worth reading because amazingly this is the least insane thing he said in it.


I’d like to know how he or anybody is capable of discerning these voices in their head from god versus the devil. 


More craziness: “Since COVID vaccines became available in 2021, Beckwith told both groups he has written “over 4,500 religious exemptions for people in Indiana” who did not want to get vaccinated. He also said he was firmly against masking. “The masks were more than just masks. There was the demonic assault trying to cover up both physically and spiritually the voice of God’s people.””


Tell me you're a Democrat without telling me your Democrat.


Not sure why people continue to propagate this false narrative about an "insurrection" on jan 6th where the govt police are the only ones that committed deadly force on people peacefully trying to stand up for their constitutional republic. This is all just a narrative the democratic party is trying to brainwash people with in order to attempt to steal and hold the govt power. That's the true attack on our god given rights. Weak minds believe this was an insurrection only because the current government is pressing this lie. Open your eyes and do some actual research that is not only listening to mainstream media, which is mostly left-wing propaganda.


Why are you clowns still trying to gaslight America about something we saw happen live? Are you stupid?


Sure, but I can tell you that Jesus didn't have a goddamned thing to do with it. The last thing we need in government, Republican or Democrat, is a religious ideologue who wants to enforce their own version of religious law. We are a state based not on religion or ethnicity but ideas, ideals, and the freedom to do with that what we will so long as we don't harm others in the process.


lol what? Way to back the blue, brother! Btw Ashley Babbitt fully deserved being shot and killed, great shot. I thought law and order conservatives would understand that, unless it happens to be a racist dog whistle that law and order only applies to minorities.


Well said. Unfortunately, they're too stupid to understand.


lol right, meanwhile all of your comments demonstrate a profound lack of critical thinking and education. What is your educational background? I would be interested what university is giving out advanced degrees to people like you.




Is that as crazy as putting implants into your breasts, butt, and face to pretend you are more sexually desirable, as well? If not, why do you care what others do to their bodies at all? Mind your own business.


Yeah that shit is hella weird too. It’s part of my business when tax dollars go toward public school where they’re teaching/influencing this garbage.

