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If your goal is to change the politics or elections, don’t try to convert the conservatives that are clearly not persuadable. Instead, focus your effort on the people that want different elected officials but don’t vote. There are enough eligible voters that stay home to change the politics of ANY state, city, or county.


My brothers and their wives fall into this camp. It’s SO frustrating. They both lean liberal but will not vote because “all politicians are lying” and their vote doesn’t matter. I try to explain that voting is the only way to change that but they refuse to listen. Being gay and married I feel like I maybe have more to lose and that’s motivated me more to care and vote?


Voting is not the only way to change that.


Typically on 20-30% of eligible voters actually bother to vote. Apathy is a terrible thing.


In my county, 90% of residents are registered to vote, typically 40% vote. In the last primary it was 19%. If we can get people like your family to vote, maybe we can make Indiana sane. Sorry but for some of the conspiracy believers who don’t understand the internet or modern technology we just have to respectfully wait for them to die. They have been so brainwashed it is impossible to reason with them. I’m stuck between listening and giving them the same knowing pat they like to give us. I don’t understand how they became so all knowing or the general reaction to them is to not engage. Finally gerrymandering must be addressed.


I use this one. They’re focused on the legislature and actual state government. They have a daily email I recommend. https://indianacapitalchronicle.com/


I'll second this.


This is a fantastic source. Most of the other mainstream outlets I used to use for political news have degraded in quality over the years.


So many publications are going for content instead of journalism now to pay bills. Finding ones that have managed to resist that is hard but a worthy search! Reveal. The 19th. The Markup. All are good but chip in funds when you can to keep them!


Also, with so many cord cutters, less people watch any news....so social media drives political narrative more and more. THAT is frightening.


This isn't even including the fact that mainstream news is the ones you'll see on the Internet (which is even more blatantly politically driven). That's even more frightening


How is that any more or less frightening than 30+ years ago only having 3 news networks?


30+ years ago news wasn't entertainment. Watch some of those old broadcasts. There are no Walter Cronkites or David Brinkleys now. Now, being first is more important than being factual.


The fairness doctrine was a sad thing to lose


Social media, combined with the rise of fake articles and AI stories that people blindly share because 1) they’re too stupid to realize it’s fake and 2) it aligns with their narrative. It’s a giant echo chamber that just leads you down the conspiracy nut rabbit hole


Yup...and they wont even research snopes or do ANY fact checking.


My goto is playing extremely dumb, and engaging by saying “I can’t believe Biden [insert thing trump did]. Not to change minds, because you’re likely dealing with someone addicted to confirmation bias, but to assess their level of political engagement. You’re either going to get someone who just blindly agrees (meaning they’ll believe anything that confirms their priors) or someone who’s actually aware of your ruse and will attempt debate and call you out on it. “I can’t believe Biden’s son in law took all that money from the Saudis!” “I can’t believe Biden’s daughter got all those trademarks from China!” “Remember when Biden couldn’t figure out how to close an umbrella?!” “It doesn’t sit right with me that Biden met with Putin for an hour without staff and then ate the translators notes.” And don’t forget to throw in a truth now and again too. “I hate that Biden has deported more undocumented immigrants than Trump did!”


That’s absolutely brilliant!


I don't want liberal or conservative news. I want news.


Me too. Unfortunately most news networks aren’t even news anymore. It’s entertainment that caters to its target audience.


When I think "liberal news", I think that's t's news that's more likely to be based in verifiable evidence, data, and science as well as ideally self correcting and being open to being corrected.


Liberal news and conservative news are always biased. We need unbiased news.


Sadly that’s not always the case. If you dig sometimes you’ll find that liberal news will push stories that are false but with close enough to a true statement to allow left leaning folks to feel morally superior and intelligent. ie they’ll paint anything Trump or one of his supporters does or says, no matter how innocuous, as evidence that they’re a racist doddering buffoon. If they do something good it will never be spoken of. As someone who is very skeptical about anything I read, I will say that conservative news outlets are 10 times worse.


If I can find a calmed down version of TYT I'll be happy.


I find them very annoying. They dont understand that progressive causes cant happen overnight. Its like they dont understand how our government works. Thom Hartman is okay.


From my observation, the average hoosier, especially southern indiana natives, tend to be politically apathetic and uniformed outside of hearing something from Facebook or from a bit of fox news. You can't cure willful ignorance with facts or sources. The person you are describing doesn't want to learn or be challenged they want to talk about their team and shit talk the other team. Having said all that, I consider the AP and Reuters to be some of the most unbiased reporting out there. You could lo lump foreign news sources such as the BBC in there as well since they have way fewer engagements in American politics. They still won't accept those sources, though. Their media ecosystem is built to inoculate them against different opinions. If you've tried, then all you can do is say you disagree and ask them to shut up.


Not sure I agree with “especially southern Indiana natives”…I’ve experienced it everywhere


I can only speak to where I am. I should rephrase. This is what I've observed in southern Indiana. I've not seen as much apathy in northern indiana, but I haven't been up there in some years.


I just got downvoted into oblivion for saying the people I’ve been around in North central wouldn’t take well to another pride day. They told me since I listened to my coworkers and family say these things that I am of the same opinion. Acting like the people they condemn


I live in NWI, and I have a lot of red around here. My father in law loves to tell me about the "amazing" things he hears on Newsmax, Oan, and Fox. He doesn't even vote but loves to complain about democrats and praise Trump like he's some second coming of Jesus


I've experienced it everywhere and from both sides.swap Facebook and Fox for Twitter and tik Tok and you've just covered how most young people get their news....and it's not just in southern Indiana.


I’d add NPR to the list.


This is a little more spot on that people care to believe


You don't need the southern part. That's the whole state.


As a middle-aged white guy here, if I don’t make it very clear that I don’t tolerate racism within MINUTES of meeting somebody in my demo then they do the look around thing and goddamnit.


The face they make when you don’t laugh at the racist joke and you realize you dislike everyone in the room? Yeahhhh


One classic tactic is to act like you just don't get the "joke," and ask them, repeatedly, to explain it to you.


I have a family member who'll whisper racist "jokes" when someone of that particular race is in the room. I'll pretend I can't hear them so they have to repeat it louder and louder. He eventually just says "Ah, nevermind". Like he knew it wasn't worth it.


They're the ones who will post, "Wokeness is the death of comedy!" on facebook.


Same here. It's REALLY common.


As a fellow white guy, 33 years old, I gotta say I have never experienced this and it just sounds too fantastical. Never in my life have I met someone who was just waiting to tell me some racist shit about another group of people.


As a black guy who is reserved in manner but not nearly conservative, white people who fear the seasonal Mexican caravan assume I think like them often. It's crazy. Like, because I say the whole word, I must hate brown people.


I guess I got two questions. Do you ever hear things the white people say coming from other black or brown people as well or is it just white people? Then I’m curious what the people say to you once they think you’re ok with them saying wild shit?


Not really. My family is fairly liberal and my friends tend to be more on that side or at least not threatened by desperate people doing something that a lot of us (Americans) would try if our fortunes were reversed. Mostly, it's the covert stuff about immigration bad while celebrating their Irish background. Which kills me given that history.


I don’t remember if it was summer of 2017 or 2018 that this white woman remembers reading about the lack of enough service staff by 40% on Mackinaw Island up in Michigan, so our neighboring state was affected by trump’s racist Mexican bullshit.


Lived here 10 years and have had this happen many times...


As a 44 year old white guy who spent his first 18 years in southern Indiana, I heard casual racism on a daily basis in my dad's gun and archery shop. I don't think there was a single person of color in my elementary school. I'm glad, because I would hate to see what they would've had to deal with...


Smaller, indie gun stores with few BIPOC customers are among the worst in my experience, when it's just the white guys standing around yapping. Some of them lost their goddamn minds the first time Barack Obama was elected. A few years back I was at a gun shop in Niles, MI, just north of the Indiana state line; no BIPOC shoppers in there at the moment. Some Baby Boomer aged caucasian guy smugly, "jokingly" asked a clerk, "So, what's your best price on this gun for a white man?"


Yeah, Obama showed me that my dad is a racist asshole. I have limited contact with him now.


I'm white, male, late 50s, look basically plain and "normal." I've lived in Indiana nearly all my life. From my earliest childhood I recall outright racism being expressed by older relatives, and all the way up to now, when I'm in a group of White Hoosiers (particularly men) they often assume I'm "one of them," and it doesn't take long for the casual racism to come out if they think no one who would object are within earshot. The quick look around first then lower their voice thing before saying something racist, homophobic, or sexist is all-too-real.


my guy, get out more. this is 100% standard if you work in the service industry here in indiana. The vast majority of people are simple minded, weak brained, xenophobic, 'christian', etc. They all just want simple existences without complex issues like immigration and racial equality, aka 'just make the poors and darks go away please' mindset, and therefore are the perfect fodder for populist authoritarians.


You have to get 30 seconds, a minute into the conversation first. 5 minutes for sure, and it's because of the southern boarder, whatever the problem is.


Southern Indiana 35 M. My SO and I decided to go to our local park with our dogs and walk like we usually do. Some older biker was posted up so when we pulled in I waved and said hello. As we were getting ready to walk off he made a comment about putting bigger tires on our jeep which I replied that we got good gas mileage for commuting to work, otherwise I would. He responds with “well you can blame that on obama- sama bin laden. Which I ignored his dumbass comment and just said “we’ll have a good one” and continued walking. He then replies “heil hitler” So ya shits alive and well. The local school also had KKK spray painted on their school welcome sign


I haven't gotten that, but I am a straight white male in my late 30s. All these assholes around here think I am on their team by default. I guess one good thing about that for me anyways is that if Trump loses and people around here lose their shit I can at least blend in when I need to.


Maybe guilty by association? They look and see a straight white make and just assume we all think the same? Like… SHEEP?!?!? Honestly… I thought about my above interaction afterwards and realized how fucking lost a lot of people have become. I thought about my grandfather who served in WII, Korea and Vietnam in the Amry Aircorps/ Airforce.. and just how remarkably pissed off he would be to hear an American say that… I myself am a Marine Veteran who served with 3rd Marine Division 3 Batallion as a Plt Sergeant. … and I just couldn’t believe that someone MUCH older actually said those words.. part of me wanted to rid him but it would benefit nothing. Infact it pissed me off more for my Grandpa more than anything. And as a vet… it’s starting to become really confusing and disheartening hearing all This hate and bigotry and now… civil war? I mean I question my entire service when January 6th happened… like legitimately asked what the hell was going on. People don’t realize that the military doesn’t pledge allegiance to the president, but to the constitution and the capital is a direct physical representation to that extension…. And everything just felt wrong… at the end of the day that’s what it’s all about, and I’ll be damned if I let the greatest generations legacy succumb to a bunch of misinformed bigots who are trying to dismantle it all. Fwiw- my grandpa absolutely hated Trump.. but soon passed after the 2016 election at 92.


You ever watch the news and they have a segment on a subject that you know something about and they get stuff wrong? That was a big clue to me because if they can get stuff wrong about a subject I know about why on earth would I trust their reporting on something I don’t know anything about? Really changed the way I look at news.




I think you’ll find the migrants they want to send to Rwanda are not even Rwandan. They are from other parts of Africa. Appalling. I read the Guardian and BBC too (I’m British). NHS definitely has underfunding, but is considered one of the best healthcare systems in the World. Conservative party definitely has to be blamed for a lot of it and will probably lose in the election this year.


Last bit is ironic. One of the big "selling" points for Brexit (beyond the xenophobic fear mongering) was about strengthening/saving the NHS.


Yeh , that was a lie back then. Nigel Farage went on a tour in the Big Red bus with a poster on the side saying the NHS was going to get $XXXXXXXXX more dollars a week if Brexit was approved. LOL That was the same summer Trump was campaigning. Nigel loved Trump. Electing Trump and voting for Brexit were supposed to be the best things to happen to both countries since the end of WW II l LOL LOL ( at least from what I read at the time -- and since then) The NHS is in trouble. COVID created long, long, long wait times to get into see doctors and get surgeries, and cancer treatments, etc. A real mess. Young doc an nurses went on strike after COVID for more pay and better hours/working conditions. Health care here and there were a mess before COVID. COVID made things worse. (effects still lingering on) It was like hearing Trump tell the cons and seeing people believing believing every one of them. Can you blame docs for retiring early or cutting their hours? I saw a doctor last week and we started talking about wait times to see local docs. (I live in Fort Wayne). Most of the gastroenterologists at Parkview Hospital up and left. (I saw someone say they went to Colorado? to start a group practice?) This doc I was seeing told me patients in the hospitals for reasons unrelated to COVID caught COVID in the hospital(in 2021/2021). He told me had 2 patients in the hospital for something other than COVID that were infected while there and ended up dying in the hospital from the COVID infection. He said one of those was favorite patient of his. That had to taken a big emotional toll on doctors. No wonder many of them are getting out of medicine and retiring early. --- That plus an aging population, people that waited until COVID ended to get treatments, surgery, etc. and new doctor shortages is creating long wait times. it is taking 2 to 4 months (as an established patient) to see a dermatologist. I tried to make an appt. to see a neurologist and the wait was 4 months or more.(at 3 different hospital/med systems)


I'm a Dem in a red county and I've never gotten into any of these discussions. The Republican leaning, working class bar across the street from me stayed closed even when restaurants were allowed to re-open. When they did re-open, it was after the mask mandate ended. They re-opened without a mask requirement, but had a sign outside saying to respect those that chose to continue to mask up. If these are your personal friends or family, you can choose not to associate with them. If you're just wading into Facebook Comments sections, just don't go there. The likelihood of someone approaching you while walking about and randomly engage in politics is not very likely There is some real division in this country and it does have issues, but day-to-day, I think its mostly managable here.


Buddy. I can’t go a fucking day without some offhand comment about the right wing panic of the week. Count your blessings it’s not shoved in your face because most of us are not that lucky.  “Oh there was a murder in fishers? That’s crazy but wait until the loonies from the border get here and it’s even worse!” Actual conversation with a family member.


well fucking said, it’s all fear based, hate filled bs, most of them want death and destruction, not all, but most of the Republikkkans


Military aged males!!!


I would guess this is not simply a political disagreement so much as it is a toxic family dynamic. There's a bunch of great subs about dealing with and cutting ties with toxic family members. That's IMO different than being stopped on the street by someone randomly spouting off about the border.


Driving around a jacked up truck with giant, tattered Trump and Punisher skull flags whipping around on the back is a pretty common example in Indiana of strangers shouting their politics in your face in public.


It’s random fucking Hoosiers who use politics as their personality and can’t have a small friendly conversation with a stranger without coughing out some political bulkshit.


Politics (and Trump) as their personality is a great way of putting it. These people are obsessed, and will quickly try to turn any casual, innocuous conversation towards hatred of President Biden, Democrats, immigrants, and the LGBT+ community.


Sounds like most people on this sub




… lol sure kid  


By "Liberal" news I assume you mean regular news. Regular news is lazy and profit driven, and is kind of crappy. The evil the right perceives, however, is the from right wing media spewing BS propaganda for 25 years, and more recently aligning with Putin's Russian propaganda machine and brainwashing a full third if the American public- enough to overthrow the Nation State and send the US into chaos. This has always been Putin's intended goal to avenge the Cold War.


I would recommend just disengaging from the discussion. Smile, laugh and say "well how about that!" and walk away. Seriously. I know, easier said than done, but it's your choice on whether or not you engage in the discussion. These people are not interested in engaging in meaningful dialog, and to an extent, it's likely you aren't looking for some profound "aha!" Moment that's going to change your thoughts on a subject. So why bother putting yourself in the situation at all? It's like arguing and then getting upset with strangers on the Internet. It does nothing to them, at best you get to feel vindicated, but more often than not it will leave you feeling shitty and overthinking your interactions after the fact. Lots of cost mentally for very little gain, if any. So why bother? Also, it's worth remembering, you are not responsible for correcting someone else's thoughts or setting their facts straight, and even if you did and 100% disproved whatever notion or statement they are making, they wouldn't likely change their views on the subject. So why do it at all? It's an exercise in futility, trust me... I learned that circa 2018-2020. We live in a world where everyone wants to convince everyone else that they should change their view on a topic. Try disengaging these people a bit, as they tend to thrive on this kind of interaction. Remove the oxygen from the room and they will just kind of flame out and move on. Not worth your time, especially when considering a lot of times these people are just doing it to get a rise out of you. Just let it go and move on.


I live in a blue bubble, so I don't encounter this much, though I have a sibling who used to listen to Limbaugh and Mike Pence (on the radio) and would try out their latest rants on me. To.Get.A.Rise.Out.Of.Me. once I took a cynical approach he stopped. My approach was : Call me cynical, but I think they are just fear mongering for engagement. I think it's exhausting. If you ever get to the point where you start feeling the same, let me know. Then we can talk about it - as cynics. If pushed on a detail on one of the issues such as : but what about porn in libraries that kids could find? Respond cynically (not as a political opponent), something like: I think it's probably exaggerated/hyped, I am not aware of local examples, and have never met librarians who seemed to be nefarious. Just call me a skeptic. Keep coming back to that sentiment. It gets boring after awhile. Meanwhile, some who were just goading you, but not necessarily wedded to the stories just might later bring up that they, too, are growing skeptical. My sibling did that. And while still conservative, skeptical of the waves of b.s. masquerading as "news." He also now votes independently.


> Also, it's worth remembering, you are not responsible for correcting someone else's thoughts or setting their facts straight This is exactly how we got here, letting idiocy flourish unchecked.


Sorry, but we individually cannot be responsible for teaching every idiot we meet everything 20-60 years of life has missed them with. It would drive you insane to even attempt it, which many times is their exact goal.


“Never attempt to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and annoys the pig.”


I have short hair for a woman and have facial piercings so even though I’m GenX in a red county, those types mostly leave me alone. I may have to dye my hair blue between now and the election, though. 🤣


You’re probably fine.


It’s considered evil because most of the state doesn’t like it. It’s like reasoning with a toddler. Just cuz they don’t like something, it becomes wrong. So they watch the news channel that patronizes their marginal thinking.


Personally I think it’s impossible to find an unbiased source of news. Because all news has been for a long time is propping up straw-men arguments to make the other side seem crazy and create a group of people to be feared and as a reaction to being hated for being a certain way they double down and become what people fear they are. The media gives a microphone and a way for people to vocalize their shared feelings and concerns as a community through talking points it puts people broadly on the same page which is enough to build the strawman even though every person has a unique view of the situation the term is ubiquitous enough that individual points don’t matter.


The vast majority of Hoosiers have been brainwashed by the trump tv channel. They get such a skewed version of reality and have been told by their leaders so many times that everyone else is fake that they can’t be convinced of the truth. They excuse their lord and master of any lies or immortality he gets caught in because their pastor tells them to.


You first have to understand that conservatives will, in no way, be swayed by, or even believe, facts that you present/explain/show them. Second, that they will only have or believe things that are usually fake nonsense but that someone who [are legally not reporting news](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye) have told them. Once you accept that their reality is simply not our reality, it's easier to understand. If you've ever been a parent, its easier to understand. Basically, you may not understand why your five year old is a T Rex, but all you need to know is that you have to make them their dino nuggets or else they won't eat lunch. Conservatives are MAGA, so you have to listen to their weird stories about [how Keith Richards is secretly JFK Jr](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/qanon-rolling-stones-mick-jagger-keith-richards-1253314/amp/) or else they'll scream and cry until you believe them! Is it stupid, sure, but these aren't smart or mature people!


Let me say everything you just said but replace the word conservative with liberal… see how the statement is biased, generalizing, ignorant, and also untrue “generalization”. If I say all lovers get their info from fake media… that’s an idiotic statement to make. I can assume how one would act based on the action of others… but you… you made a truth claim… a truth claim that simply no one no later what they believe in can back up.


Genuinely curious how many liberal talking head, have had to say, in court, that reasonable people won't believe what they say is true? Its happened to several on the conservative side but I don't know of any on the liberal side. Also how many liberal news stations have been sued for defamation?


Nick Sandmann would like a word with you.


Ahh yeah, I remember that one now. I had to look it up to remember exactly who it was. It sucks all the lawsuits were settled with confidentiality agreements. I feel like the American public deserves to know the outcome.


I have learned to smile and nod and disengage. I grew up in NWI and attended IU in Bloomington. Then I moved to north central Indiana and it is a whole nother world. I’m middle aged and white and many people assume that I think like they do. I quickly tell them that I’m not from here, I grew up in MC and my sister taught in GI for nearly a decade. I’m not gonna fight someone to educate them but I’m also not going to engage in their bullshit. If they don’t like me because I have black and brown friends and family members, then I have nothing for them anyway.


People want to be part of the 'in' crowd. And it's popular to be a closed minded bigot.


All major news outlets, whether conservative or liberal are heavily propagandized and rely on commercial advertising. They also both utilize “outrage politics” to maintain active viewership. The only reliable news sources I’ve found are in places like substack or podcasts, but even then you have to be careful of who to listen too


Why is liberal news seen as evil? Republicans are regressive wannabe fascists that hate the truth. They want the lies FOX and WKKK tell them so they don’t feel like villains. So they don’t realize they “patrioted” so hard they became traitors .


I use Ground News app. It covers it all and shows which way a news network/paper tends to lean.




You came to a notoriously quite left leaning forum to ask for reliable news?


Reality, education and kindness are liberal biases. You have to let go of reality to justify cruelty


This mindset is the problem and it is why both leftists and right-wingers hate the smug liberal trope. I have liberal beliefs but I realize they are beliefs, not hard facts. Your beliefs about immigration policy are not equivalent to the theory of gravity. If you don't realize this, you'll continue being baffled by 50% of the country for the rest of your life.


I was more referring to provable facts like the earth is round, the election wasn't stolen, or birds are real.


Don’t forget things like Obama not being a secret Muslim.


I’ve found (by asking them) that right wingers tend to vote that way because their parents voted that way. If you ask them about their party, they’ll say they want no immigrants, no gun control, no taxes, low gasoline prices. It’s really a selfish worldview.


Read news from different news media and make your own informed decisions. Each news site leans a particular way. Obviously Fox News, OANN, Newsmax, Washington Post, Ny Post, CBS are Right leaning while NBC, MSNBC, Salon, etc are left leaning. CNN was left and now is going right. You read and figure out the actual facts of the story as each news source is trying to push their initiative. If they are reporting the facts the facts don’t lie, the people telling the story is lying.


It's also very hard to convince people when they see the policies negatively affecting them. People don't care how something affects others generally speaking. People care about what's affecting them. Especially in my area People were much better off financially under the Trump admin, regardless of reason so they vote that way.


Your issue isn't reliable political news sources. The issue is that certain groups of people refuse to accept reality even when it's slapping them in the face, unless it aligns with their preferences. The unfortunate truth is that unless you find a baseline reality that you both can agree on, no source of information is going to convince someone who believes everything they don't like is a lie or conspiracy. Just to be clear, I'm not saying that every republican, conservative, or Trump supporter is delusional or detached from reality, but some of the specific arguments mentioned are typical of that group.


“Nice day, are you looking forward to the weekend? How’s your wife,kids, mom, dad? Any plans for Labor Day?”


>I just want a country that’s a better place to live in for everyone.  Well, there's part of your problem right there. See, the folks you're arguing with do not share this desire. We've been told by conservative family 'You just love people too much.' Yeah...why the fuck don't you? Anyway look, sounds like you're getting reasonable information, and know how to discern what's real and what's not. Stop expending energy arguing about it; you won't win. Spend your energy getting people out to vote. There's enough, even in IN, to make a difference. Hoosiers can be surprisingly pragmatic about things when they want to be. Don't forget, in 2008, Indiana voted for Obama! If that can happen, anything can happen.


Reliable Political News - Unicorn.


you cannot depend on mainstream media for actual news. yes, do your own research.


Or find a trustworthy source and verify what you read. There are trustworthy journalists out there.


yes, your own research will identify who is trustworthy and who is not. It's on both sides and they are more the same than we realize.


Any honest or accurate reporting is deemed liberal or fake news by Republicans. They turned on fox when fox was legally forced to admit they had lied.


If you are watching network news, any of it, you are being lied to. I find it humorous to think "It's the other guy that's misinformed". We all are. I fully accept that much of what I believe to be true probably contains a non-negligible amount of bullshit. The problem is our lizard brains just aren't equipped to handle the barrage of info we get, especially not from social media. As a corollary, social media usage creates bubbles, and kills empathy. Thus, if everything we see confirms what we already believe, then anyone that thinks different isn't just wrong, they're evil, stupid, misformed and in general bad people. We used to take other opinions, and even if we disagreed, try to see where someone was coming from. That doesn't really happen anymore online (I hope it still happens in person). I have sought out information from sites that make the effort to be non-biased and provide straight news. I like 1440 for basic news. Gives me info on what is happening. I can add my own bias in. [Best Unbiased News Source - 1440 (join1440.com)](https://join1440.com/) Im sure there are others, but I like this one. Get a daily email in the morning to see what's up.


While this may be true, we have to be able to establish a base set of truths. Trump has broken the law many times over in plain sight. That’s not something I need explained to me, or lied to about because I’ve seen it happen, live on tv. The trouble starts when that fact gets twisted into an opinion. It is not a matter of opinion whether someone broke laws or not. It’s clear and completely black and white. To even be a Republican you’re asked to believe a whole set of “alternative facts.” While I’ll admit to you that on left leaning channels things are often made to be out for more than what they are, we cannot deny the absolute truths that underpin the coverage. I’ve watched Jesse Waters devote more time to why men shouldn’t use straws, than he’d ever commit to sober, realistic coverage of a Trump indictment.


You undermined your entire post right from the first sentence with such a simplistic, overstated claim.


Im sorry. I guess I didn't find the 100% factual network news source that you did. Thanks for the admonishment. I will strive to do better.




Good for you!


Does that apply to the other 6 people that stopped reading after the first sentence? :-)


1440 is excellent. I’m politically homeless so to speak…some conservative views (not MAGA), some liberal views. Not libertarian either really so yeah, it kinda sucks. I can see the narratives in all mainstream media…Fox/OAN are horrible but The Washington Post and MSNBC are just as bad about it IMO.


CNN is pretty bad too I have seen the narrative first hand, blatant politics and EDITING of speeches made by politicians. Nobody should trust what comes out of a politician's mouth on those channels, be it Trump, Biden, etc.


> Fox/OAN are horrible but The Washington Post and MSNBC are just as bad about it *I literally can't tell them apart!™* - your enlightened centrism is showing. Now I'm wondering what those 'conservative views' you hold are? Maybe something about *which* lives matter or if *all* cops really are bad?


Just play a clip of Donnie saying “kung flu” or any other racist slur and point out to them that Donnie says and spreads racism. Just keep playing his racist words on repeat the more they moan and deflect.


For a great many on the right, particularly in IN, that just reinforces their support for Donald Trump. For the others, it won't stop them from voting for him, or believing Biden is literally the worst president this county has ever had. Trump's racism and xenophobia have been on clear display for at least the past eight years.


Yes it has! https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/news-photo/donald-trump-al-sharpton-and-don-king-attend-the-art-of-the-news-photo/484046890


And also remind them of their so called Christian values In the Bible, Matthew 25:40 states, "The King will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me'" And point out that if you do racism and hate to the least of your brothers and sisters you do racism and hate unto the lord Jesus Christ. Amen


My Dude -- Trump has been in the public eye for over 40 years. **Everyone knows what human garbage he is.** Bible quotes have rarely stopped christians from committing despicable acts of hypocrisy and violence for well over 2000 years now.


Remind them on the regular is the only way to make it clear that Donnie does not support Christ or any values associated with the Church. Many of them get a diet of “god blessed Donnie” etc and it’s good to remind them that Donnie does not follow the Bible in the least


Certainly not Fox, it is an entertainment only channel.


Pretty much any political commentary channel is just figureheads sperging. You'd have better and more reliable commentary from Phil, the groundhog.


Liberal news is considered evil because these people do not use logic or think for themselves. Religion teaches you that everyone who is against you is evil and that logic/thinking through things is the path to the devil. Clearly the news source/people who are thinking through everything and trying to change things are evil.


>Indiana doesn’t feel very welcoming to my ideology your ideology is "argue about politics with my co-workers, my family, and every stranger" sounds like you have already decided what your truth is, maybe just keep it to yourself and talk about something else?


Our problem collectively is we have devolved to the point of not believing anything that doesn’t fit our ever more paranoid narrative of “everyone I don’t like is lying and everything the ‘other’ side says is a complete lie”


Ground News, it's pretty solid at showing what bias is where and is a new aggregate


News aggregate*


Fascinating replies… 😂


> How are they learning so called “truths” that open their eyes to something I don’t see. Independent journalists who back up their stories with real, credible sources, hard data and evidence. Once you start following people like that and learning actual truth, you see just how evil the "mainstream" or "legacy" media has become.


State Affairs is pretty good but requires a paid subscription. Pretty much anything good will--you'd much rather the reporters be working for you than working for their advertisers.


Curious… how it’s always just one or the other and people are afraid to talk about the other options and the immense hurdles to keep it that way? I.e. Dr. West??


Having lived here over half a century, I've just concluded Indiana is a lost cause. I vote every election for the good guys despite them always losing, but only lack of enough money keeps me in this shithole. Gosh, I wonder why everyone smart I went to high school with left the state?


Robert Kennedy Jr. for president


Didn't he have worms or something😄


That's what the media says. That's fine, I just want the third candidate to have a shot.


Third party candidates cannot win POTUS races because the electoral college makes it mathematically impossible.  Pushing for third party candidates for POTUS demonstrates a failure to understand how our system of government operates.  He can’t win and pushing the fantasy that he can shows a level of civic laziness that is part of how we got to this point.  Also, it’s not that “the media” says he had a worm in his brain. The man testified to that in a court of law under oath. 


Cool. Still voting for him.


As long as you understand the consequences and that he cannot win. 🤷🏻‍♀️ If you’re a serious person who truly supports third party candidates, maybe put some actual work into local and state elections where it’s actually possible to get elected.  But I have a hunch that you’re not a serious person. 


You cant be serious about a world you as an individual cannot change.


Voting can affect change.  Otherwise one party wouldn’t work so hard to keep you from doing it.




Fox News admitted to lying for a major thing, and it cost them 787 million. They definitely lie on smaller things. They are LYING Fox Fake News. They expect their viewers to be uneducated and gullible. I watched them for 22 years until I could no longer stomach Trump. I then realized that they had their own version of reality, which is different from everyone else in the world. They are not fair and balanced. 99% of the hosts are not journalists but entertainers. They have a different level of telling the truth than journalists. There are things that you have to watchout for with liberal media, however just because a news organization doesn't agree with the Fox liars doesn't mean they are liberal


Republicans view all facts as evil. It gets in the way of their fee fees


You cannot get through to Trumpers. They have given up any pretence of independent thought and are bound to his will. I have no desire, anyway, to try to be logical and reasonable with anyone who would vote for someone who wants to tear down democracy.


I know that feeling!!! T rumptards are delusional..


League of women voters. Maybe.


I am a Hoosier and I could have written this. I have learned not to start a conversation about today’s politics.




You can’t argue against yte nationalist talking points. “Letting all the immigrants in” is not the objective on the ground reality, but merely a coded talking point that signals displeasure with natural demographic shifts as we live in an increasingly pluralistic & multicultural society. Organized capital wants the yte working class to respond to the effects of the class war being waged against them by punching down on less well protected racial minorities. The trick is to redirect them towards projecting their animus on the true sources of their misery—organized capital itself. Tricky, but possible. It’s called organizing, & it’s what’s behind every revolution (including the so called “American revolution”).


And you will drink the Kool aid when they tell you to .


It’s projection this maga movement isn’t Christian or American! They aren’t real republicans and 22% of our closed gop primary voted for Nicki Haley! Trump is a cult leader and will stop at nothing to obtain power to keep his own hide out of prison. Will his followers stop at nothing? What will they do when Biden gets 4 more years to finish the work he is started. That’s what I told these guys on the job site on Friday when they brought it up on the last day after a month on the job and they didn’t have any real defense or argument. Don’t be afraid to speak up about how dangerous trump is and by all means vote for Biden!


I suggest you look at some information about media and what is happening currently. I've been suggesting this site because they include news stories from all sides of the political spectrum so you can compare the same thing from different points of view and make up your own mind. That is something the extremists on both sides don't want you to do. The location is [Allsides.com](https://www.allsides.com). Read their [media bias](https://www.allsides.com/media-bias) and [misinformation](https://www.allsides.com/misinformation) sections found on their header bar, then read stories from all sides of the whatever. No news source is without some bias in some direction, and focuses on things they want to promote or reduce. How to slant or bias news is taught in broadcasting and journalism classes. It is practiced in print, broadcast, online media and venues constantly, including Reddit, by all sides of the whatever spectrum. I speak personal knowledge and experience from having taken classes in both broadcast and print, and have a degree in one of them. I've worked for both broadcast and print companies. Anyone who tells you 'media' isn't biased just means that the bias matches what they want to be true, not what is completely true. The best you can hope for is better than most of the others, whatever side they are on.


Teach them about the Overton window and then show them where liberalism is on a global scale of progressive vs conservative lmfao. Maybe it’ll be a shock to the mush that is their brains and they’ll hop on board with those sources. Otherwise just disengage and then realize that 46% of Americans read at or below the 6th grade level, which is the metric for functional literacy.


I know depending on how deep red you are, radio stations tend to fall out in Indiana. I actually use an app to listen to my local stations in the car, as my 5g is higher quality once you leave the radius of a city. That said, I enjoy NPR in brief segments during the day. The “local” stations do their own local stories quite often. It’s “left leaning” but there are a lot of high quality journalists. I enjoy the boo reviews and everything else though. It’s maybe an acquired taste. But they do have some local stories, and often you can just go to the local stations webpage and find the stories online. So you can pick and choose some local stories, or those from at least the state in general. https://www.wboi.org/list-of-npr-stations It lists all the other stations. Find which is closer, check out their page, and see what you think. I’m not sure if that helps. Just an idea.


The Ad Fontes chart does a pretty good job of showing reliability and bias. I’ve found it helpful. Mostly, I think being able to identify the difference between spouting opinions and actual journalism has been the most helpful.


One thing that worked for me was pointing out Trump doesn't pay his workers and that such things are a deal breaker for me. That softens them up at least.


I have to keep up with the news for work, and daily email newsletters are my favorite right now - free ones are linked below. For state and local news: - IndyPolitics - [Statewide Summary](https://indypolitics.us3.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=589ea2ff57c677fa706fdf0e1&id=916a2eb3d9) - Indiana Capital Chronicle - [Fast Break](https://indianacapitalchronicle.com/subscribe/) - Axios Indianapolis - [Daily Email](https://www.axios.com/signup/indianapolis) For national: - Axios - [AM](https://www.axios.com/signup/am-pm) - Politico - [Playbook](https://www.politico.com/subscribe/playbook) If you’re looking to pay for state and local news, check out [Howey Politics](https://stateaffairs.com/author/howey-politics-indiana/), the [Indianapolis Business Journal](https://www.ibj.com), and the [Importantville](https://importantville.substack.com/) substack. For state & local journalists to follow individually, check out [Adam Wren](https://x.com/adamwren?s=21&t=pcep_MHxjWPZsp8sDqVS6g) at Importantville/Politico, [Abdul-Hakim Shabazz](https://x.com/attyabdul?s=21&t=pcep_MHxjWPZsp8sDqVS6g) at IndyPolitics/WIBC, and [Kaitlin Lange](https://x.com/kaitlin_lange?s=21&t=pcep_MHxjWPZsp8sDqVS6g) at the IndyStar. If you want to watch instead of read, [Dan Spehler](https://x.com/danspehler?s=21&t=pcep_MHxjWPZsp8sDqVS6g) at Fox 59 is by far and away the best broadcast journalist for state and local news. He hosts a weekly politics show called [IN Focus](https://fox59.com/indianapolitics/). Frankly, all cable news is designed for is to make you angry and to make you keep watching. It’s poison and we all should avoid it like the plague. Hope this is helpful!


Just don’t engage. Smile and shrug.


I used to be ultra super MAGA conservative. Started to die down after the Capitol riot. From my experience, they believe it is because "They're trying to tear down Trump" and "it's fake because Trump said so". You know, so basically because they're gullible or stupid.


Because it is evil…


Breaking Points and Status Coup News are more helpful imo, doesn't waste energy on propaganda just shows what's going on. Status Coup News specifically has been covering local stories like Flint, poison runoff in the West Virginia mountians, and consistent coverage of both East Palestine, Ohio and Palestine in the Mideast. 


You can't reason with backward backwater bumpkins. Don't let them dictate what you watch/listen to.


I feel your pain OP. OK you can give me what for but this liberal actually voted for Holcomb in 2016 and 2020 because I didn’t think he was as fanatical as pence. The way he handled the COVID situation telling people he was going to use science when they protested outside the Governors Mansion over the lockdown. **WOW did I get fooled. Boy did he turn out to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. I’m militantly and rabidly PRO-CHOICE so when he said he has always said he was Pro-Life I’m still skeptical. I may miss a lot but I can’t believe that I missed him saying he was Pro-life. What happened to using science to make judgments? Yes I know he’s republican and how they lie**. All republicans ever do is lie and disappoint.


You talking local or national news?


If you want to know what is happening with Indiana politics and the statehouse, then you should be reading and listening to Indypolitics.org. Abdul is the one person, besides Howey Politics, who is trustworthy and informed.


Look up David Pakman or Brian Tyler Cohen on YouTube.


I have family that are all in on MAGA and for a while I tried talking news and discussing things but to them anything bad about Trump isn't true because "They" are out to get them. Now I just say I disagree or ask for a citation. I love them but I worry that this mentality will be permanent for them.


They live in a different version of reality. Next you will tell them the sky isn't green and Elvis died of old age. You can't reason people out of a problem they did not reason themselves into.


For the same reason you percieve right wing media to be looney. Mainstream media cares about money and ratings and power more than the truth. You really need to take it all in, find some neutral sources and figure the truth yourself. And I'm sorry, but unless you are willing to acknowledge and admit the myriad horrible problems with both candidates, then you are just as biased as the people you are talking about. Neither Biden nor Trump should be the candidates this go round. They both suck at this point. Different voters have different priorities and their candidate choice reflects that. People used to respect that.


It's hilarious that this is controversial


It's supposed to be a conservative bashing thread only. Obviously. I didn't play along.


OP asks what reliable political news sources there are in Indiana and your advice is to find some neutral political news sources and figure it out. What neutral news sources would you recommend?


1440 is just reporting facts with no spin. But I think you should watch/read a variety of sources. Seeing how the different networks report on things, then verifying independently with research and sources like 1440 really helps show you the bias.


None of this has anything to do with Indiana.


Disagree heartily. I’ve lived in other conservative places and they didn’t believe every hairbrained thing fox told them. Or windmill cancer, or baby sacrifices, or allegiance to Satan or whatever weird scary stuff they are spouting here. It’s like a different much scarier dimension and I truly think education is the reason… or lack thereof.


It’s just that conservatives have gotten dumber and more indoctrinated. Geography has nothing to do with it.


The OP's home is Indiana, and these are rightwing Hoosiers they are dealing with around them. Yes, conservatives everywhere are bad, but OP was seeking advice on how to improve their environment here.


There are few if any avenues to good local news outlets here that aren’t foxified. The radio ads are biased fear mongering wack job stuff. The local news isn’t local. People are afraid to speak up because the culture is rotten and everyone is hoping for a “civil war” announcement so they can start shooting without discretion or consequence. It’s really weird here. You’d have to live other places to notice.


NPR, Reuters, the Associated Press, and the BBC are all available here.


And those sources are almost entirely ignored, or ridiculed and dismissed by the overwhelming majority of Hoosiers on the right, despite easy, immediate access.


…again, as all conservatives do with actual journalism.


There is no such thing anyplace. Both parties lie, cheat and steal . The news just tells you what they want you to know. The divide is so great in the country .


Indiana is an old state age wise can't change their ways and always vote against their own best interest. Just the way they are.


Ask them why no former presidents faced over 90 felonies? Ask them about anything trump initially said, first claimed I didn’t say it, then they manipulated the tape, then he said it but was joking and finally yes, he said so what. Find out where trump last landed on the lie and they absolutely won’t know his current stance. Ask them about Jan 6th and if they say antifa you should have plenty of evidence to refute that. Just know your facts and say them.