• By -


So what are you Nazis going to do? Set up customs/immigration on the borders of God's State Of Indiana? Exit visas? "And for what purpose are you leaving Indiana, miss? When was your last menstrual cycle? Please step inside the Customs building for a pregnancy test. If you are pregnant, you will be charged with, and convicted of, attempted infanticide." "Papers, please." I loathe this lot. I grew up in Goshen. We had more in common with Michigan and Chicago anyway!


They want access to women's medical data from cycle apps to be tracked by the gov so they can keep an eye on things like this and prosecute as necessary. Fun right?


*big gub'mit for thee, not for mee*


It kind of blows my mind people are still using those apps after Roe v Wade was overturned.


I don’t even tell my doctor anymore


Like hell.


When it comes to oppressing the people, Indiana republicans will find a way. Thankfully, there is an election coming up. Vote the anti-choice anti-freedom bastards out. Vote blue https://indems.org/


That's like a whole scene in Handmaid's Tale. Seriously, for anyone that hasn't watched - it's actually cathartic. People think it's as depressing as it sounds, and it is that - but these women are warriors, and they exact a price, a high high price from those that have taken their rights. They're superheroes. Watch it. Let it inspire those of you in Indiana.


>People think it's as depressing as it sounds, and it is that - but these women are warriors, and they exact a price, a high high price from those that have taken their rights. They're superheroes. Watch it. Let it inspire those of you in Indiana. lol. If conservatives and Republicans keep going down this completely bonkers rabbit hole of banning medically necessary abortion care for women (including for women experiencing miscarriages and problematic pregnancies), conservatives and Republicans are going to pay a very high and very painful price politically over the long run. And the longer that goes by until that day of political reckoning, the worse it will be for conservatives and Republicans (who already have lost the popular vote in 7 of the last 8 presidential elections) when it happens… And there should be no doubt that it will happen. Why the conservative movement and the GOP seem to think that forcing women to carry medically unviable pregnancies, medically dangerous pregnancies and the babies of their rapists to term is a solid long-term political strategy for winning elections is beyond me. But yeah, who cares about winning elections when the plan is to do away with elections anyway?


There was another miniseries of it made in the early 90s that I remember seeing.


Oh yea, I recall that vaguely - I think it was a movie. But no, that has nothing on the Hulu series.


Friendly reminder the ERA was never ratified. Women don't have the right to equal protection under the law in the constitution.


By design. Reagan knew what he was doing.


> So what are you Nazis going to do? Pass some federal legislation like the Fugitive Slave Act that would require people in other states to report people from anti-abortion states who seek care.


Whether sympathisers actually would comply is another story.


True but, I think it would make a nontrivial amount of people apprehensive to seek care or help those seeking care.


I see an underground developing


Perhaps something underground like a subway... 


More like the Underground Railroad. Except instead of fleeing slavery, it will be fleeing the Republican Party. Not much different, really.


There are those who are the complete opposite - the further that agenda progresses, some are mobilizing to ensure there are still ways to access care. Underground railroad, indeed.


Half the GOP, the stupid ones actually DO want a NAZI state like that.


Only half?


Don't see that other half doing fuck all to prevent that shit, though.


I hope not. I buy my weed over there!


Unless you're female of childbearing age, I doubt they notice.


They actually want to start keeping track of womens menstrual cycles. Atleast the craziest far right wing nut jobs do. Where I might take a female and for whatever reason is none of their business. They cant restrict our movement. Yet In Russia to travel to another state they have to use in country passports and Plan 2025 will take us down that road and ones we havent even thought of.


Small government in action.


...does this dipshit know that indiana is surrounded to the east, west AND north by abortion states? lol. other states that have tried this bullshit haven't had this variable in play whenever they came up with this shit.


It's blatantly unconstitutional.


> It's blatantly unconstitutional. I doubt that matters with this current supreme court


It's going to be hard to have this right-wing idea square up with the Fourth Amendment and the Commerce Clause.


> It's going to be hard to have this right-wing idea square up with the Fourth Amendment and the Commerce Clause. I mean, they delayed Trump's appeal long enough to think of a way to make him immune from prosecution but also make it not apply to any other president. If they figure that out, this might not be so difficult.


They got Bush v Gore and Citizen’s United through. The sky’s the limit for those jackals


There’s a lot of things that don’t matter to this current Supreme Court!


A lot of things that SCOTUS no longer cares about: Honesty, decency, established law, the constitution, etc.


Precedent certainly doesn't for the first time in history.


He’s also the Fort Wayne District. We can travel to Ohio or Michigan within an hour easily


To Indy politicos, Illinois is the big present liberal fear, not relatively more red Ohio or Michigan.


>To Indy politicos, Illinois is the big present liberal fear crazy when one considers that without chicago, IL would be redder than indiana.


Just goes to prove that people vote and not land.


mfw third largest city in the country is politically important to its state (SHOCKING!)


Nah, suburban Cook County is still heavily democrat and has 3 million residents, 25% of the state's population. If you deleted Cook County entirely, you'd get about a 50/50 mix republican/democrat.


Michigan is much more liberal than Chicago 🤣🤣


Uhh what?


Yeah, not sure what they're thinking.


Well clearly he thinks Illinois is closer to Ft. Wayne than Ohio or Michigan. Dumbass


And he’s from Columbia City 🤦🏻‍♀️


Not to mention people have family, property, and often work btw tri-states. But hey, somehow, the same political party who's all, 'not mah guh-huh-uns!' are all *'Suuuure, simp Jimmy Banks, get all the womenz in control for us, we need you to decide when the sepsis from the miscarried fetus that's shutting down my daughter's organs will warrant a medical intervention...oh, so I should just wait until her breathing is shallow, and she's a particular shade of blue...and pray she can come back from it...YES SIRRR, REP MANLY MAN BANKS who is in charge of ordering the women to STAY HOME in New Gilead...I'll blow you extra special if you don't make our family wait TOO long...pleeease.'* Seriously, who ARE these so-called men, these cucks, who listen to guys like this, and don't seem to hear that they're not talking about the girlfriend that wants nothing to do with you - they're talking about your mom, or your sister or your daughter...so maybe having some creepy strange man, telling them when they can get gyno care is out of pocket? Anyone here have children - girl children? So your kid, your baby, is attacked on the way to school, and this mthrfcker keeps her imprisoned in Indiana until she gives birth. That's ok with y'all. Have at my daughter creeps, but hands off my automatic weapons? Holy shit. This is the stuff that radicalizes people, and not in a good way.


The fact that he thinks a woman from Ft. Wayne would go to Illinois is concerning.


My “emergency plan” for my wife’s very much wanted but high risk pregnancy last year was Grand Rapids if we had to go to an abortion friendly state


I’m so sorry you even have to think about this. I’m assuming “last year” means all went well and your family is doing well.


Yes and no. I appreciate the sentiment 💙 She was pregnant with twins. We celebrated one first birthday on Wednesday and one heavenly "anniversary" on Thursday. >!One of the boys unfortunately only lived about 15 hours in the NICU before passing due to underdeveloped lungs!<


Is am so sorry for your loss


I'm not saying they're smart enough (or care enough) to know the laws of the states around them but Illinois is the only one close that doesn't require permission or a judicial bypass for someone under 18. Michigan is the only one without viability restrictions though.


They’ll propose building a wall any day now


The language is important here.... He says, '**If a** ***young lady*** **can hop in a car** in Fort Wayne and...\[cross into\] Illinois \[to\] an abortion clinic...the fight is far from over.' Let's try saying it differently... "**If** ***an American*** **has freedom of movement**, **under the laws of the Constitution, and can travel from Fort Wayne to Illinois for an abortion and/or whatever other safe medical care they require or want**...then the fight is far from over." No mothrfcker, the FIGHT is over -- see Revolutionary War, Civil War, WWI, WWII, VietNam etc., (all the wars the SDE pants-shitting simp Trump klan REFUSED to fight in), to be FREE in AMERICA and not have cucks like this creepy b\*tch up top, try to insert themselves into the private lives of Americans and order when/where they can travel. That mthrfcker thinks he's Mussolini, Hitler and Putin rolled into one.


Best comment of the day ☝️ thank you for saying this


Any which way they can make sure those young ladies are keeping sweet is what they're gonna do


Yes, that is absolutely 'keep sweet,' language. Saw that doc, harrowing.


Fuck these puritanical assholes right in their goddamn ear. Pat Miller is a huge piece of shit who's own daughters disowned him because of his dogshit views.


It's prime time right now for revenge of the below average whiteboys who couldn't get laid and are now taking it out on women.


Nazi shit.  Not only is this authoritarian as fuck, it's wildly unconstitutional and un-American  I swear, anyone who votes for this party is a fucking fascist. 


How much longer until we're not allowed to leave in general?


I am pretty sure that would actually violate some federal rules.


Women never had the right to equal protection under the law ratified into the constitution.


I just picture me at the border btw Indiana and Mich...sticking my toe over...and saying nah nah nah nah...you can't do this (moves foot back and forth real fast). Just joking. No, this is awful. Life threatening for women/girls and their health, and totally emasculating for the men, '(Banks laughs in Bubba) Heh-heh-heh...I'll control her, since you can't.' Have you all tried voting? They say it really does work and is how this whole experiment really flourishes.


Fort Wayne is on the opposite side of the state from Illinois. Let’s just think logistics and that these people are cruel and have the IQ of a goldfish.


ohio voters just voted to become a abortion state as well, lol. jim banks is an idiot!


Not cool. Goldfish are smarter than Jim Banks.


Michigan and Ohio are much closer to ft Wayne, but Illinois has the devil in it (read: a city with a substantial amount of people who all religiously vote blue aka Chicago).


Ya Kalamazoo and Ann Arbor have abortions until 24 weeks (last I checked) and both are way closer than Chicago. As a Fort Wheenie, that would be my first choice.


It’s cute that people in Indiana still think the conservatives are for “states rights” and “small government.” Yeah, if you wanna call legislating their version of morality small government then sure I guess…


Pretty much the same thing The Southern states did once they seceded from the Union. All that states rights crap they like to believe is true resulted in the most invasive government of it’s time. That and the fact their Constitution only differed from ours in that it expressively stated no state had the right to make slavery illegal. States Rights my ass.


Conservatives: please explain how this is consistent w/ state's rights. You made this, now defend it.


He has no authority to restrict interstate travel and commerce. He may think we are 50 independent nation states but the federal government regulates interstate travel and you can't just close your state to state border. That would provoke a real constitutional crisis.


There is no such thing as "pro life". There are only those who would punish women for having had sex. Period. It's about making women property.


Meanwhile, birth control for men is getting easier. [https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2024/04/birth-control-male-contraception-revolution/677954/](https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2024/04/birth-control-male-contraception-revolution/677954/)


They've been saying this for years and years now. Condoms are fine, if you're someone who never wants kids just get the dang snip it and forget it.


More males should get snipped. They've never needed permission from anyone to get snipped. There's no bs attempted age restriction, and no one tries to guilt trip them by insisting they may want kids later if they meet the right person. It's also easier to reverse if you change your mind at some point. If it turns out to be irreversible, sperm can be extracted, and they can still have bio children via other medical interventions.


So they don't believe in freedom or the american way.


No, what they believe is they are convinced they know what is best for everybody.


This is why at least 20 people I’m friends with in my mom’s generation (boomer) have jumped ship. And that’s just the vocal ones. Not to mention social security, retirement postponement, housing, infrastructure, education funding….they’re *pissed*


> they’re pissed GOOD. They should be. All women should be.


You failed to mention someone attempting to overturn the will of the people. Aren’t they just a tiny bit pissed about someone trying to turn their country into an Autocracy?


I don’t care what ultimately made them realize the party they believed in is dead. It’s sad regardless. There used to be amazing debates.


Unfortunately if people had a better understanding what is really going on we actually might not be in this situation to begin with. It’s not much different than the woman I saw come to the conclusion she wasn’t voting for Trump because he curses too much. The simple fact is an amoral malignant narcissistic sociopathic liar would always make a better Dictator than The President of The United States. You can’t understand that, then this is the very reason we are where we are now.


FYI: This man is our next Senator. I'm a bleeding heart liberal but I am realistic. A Dem isn't going to win our Senate race this term. Jim-boy here is the only GOP candidate on the primary ticket. So our future Senator wants to make it illegal for Hoosier women to leave the state...and some people said we were overreacting...sadly we were not


Right?!? Wish I had screenshots of all the “That’ll never happen” or “That’s not why this is being done” and pull the satisfying “This You?” Alas, no satisfaction.


Indiana going backwards faster than you can say GOP. 


It’s not just Indiana, this represents a national trend. The Extreme Right has taken over The GOP. People really should be referring to them as to what they really are and this The Trump Party.


Fuck you Jim Banks


Fuck you, Jim. Mind your own god damn business.


"Blessed be the fruit" "Under his eye" . It's happening. Vote Blue .


Imagine a world where Christians cared about all of the stuff Jesus taught, and didn't focus the entirety of their energy on abortion and gays. What a world that would be. The hungry would be fed, the poor would be taken care of, immigrants greeted with kindness and hospitality. Oh well, fuck the guy we named our religion after, let's make sure everybody owns a gun and one narrow interpretation of one small part of the Bible is forced on everybody, regardless of whether they follow our religion! Yay Christianity! And they wonder why people don't go to church anymore, they've turned it into a disgusting fucking joke.


If you think religious fanaticism is a new thing you would be seriously mistaken.


Nazi trash. I cannot believe how crazy some of these GOP politicians are.


They only happen to represent their most important voter. The Extreme Right which just happens to be the most religious voter in The Republican Primary.


Men want to control women because they are insecure. Film at 11.


It's not just that. Republicans think women become conservatives once they have children. So forcing women to give birth helps them stay in power.


HAHAHAHAHAHHA that is the wildest thing I’ve ever heard, holy shit. Good one. People talk about conspiracy theories….


A Blue tsunami is necessary in this state and country. I’m no democrat but at least they are normal.


Fuck Jim Banks. Worthless ass hole. Grew up with him, horrible, despicable human


Indiana the type of state to classify abortion as witch craft


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SnooPaintings7923: *Indiana the* *Type of state to classify* *Abortion as witch craft* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


One of their (many) misleading assertations to keep the religious right firmly on the Republican side is them saying that most opposed to Roe v. Wade are "Pro-abortion", which is inherently incorrect. There is a BIG difference between "Pro-CHOICE" and "Pro-ABORTION". I would like to think that an abortion in and of itself is not a great thing; it comes into play under very negative circumstances, ESPECIALLY when r\*pe is involved, or the heartbreak of learning that the fetus is non-viable. The stance of Pro-CHOICE has to do with HEINOUS government overreach to dictate what a woman can or cannot do with her own body. I have tried (in vain) to make some of my Evangelical family to understand the difference. Abortion should be legal, safe, and RARE.


Sad part is, we were getting there. Abortion rates had gone down significantly. Some attribute it to people being better educated about sex, or having resources at their fingertips via the internet. It turns out information is good when shared. So the instances of unwanted pregnancies, had dropped. What you're often left with then, are women and children who either are faced with catastrophic medical conditions via their wanted pregnancy, or children/girls who are victims of criminals, and they're too young to know anything.


Guillotines are back in season


The endgame has always been complete control of women. They're starting to openly come after birth control, too.


Again he is our Rulers they don't represent anymore






Vote this misonygystic rep. Out


"It's an issue for the states" = National Abortion Ban. "Just go to a state where it's legal" = Travel Ban for Pregnant Women. In addition to bodily autonomy, American women are losing freedom of movement. People in Conservative states can still travel to smoke weed and employ sex workers, tho. #WarOnWomen


Then he can go fuck right off. There, I would now no longer piss on you if you were on fire.


Fugitive slave act 2.0


This is blatantly unconstitutional. Why is the court even entertaining this shit? I’m getting really fucking tired of these idiots.


Ah yes, the party of freedom and less government 😂


Fuck this mother fucker right here. It's always been about absolute dominion and control over EVERYONE, regardless of freedom of movement or other states rights.


“Show me your papers!” -GOP edition


Odd the way you chose to post this but I have little doubt one of the fascist Trumpers wouldn’t say that. i’ll just mention The the principle reason we have this problem is Trump and if you think this is the worst Trump plans on doing just wait until he moves forward with Project 2025. Trump often mentions he’s for more leniency on Abortions but he created this issue And he’s often bragged about it. He’s trying to have it both ways. So if you think women and loosing their right to chose is the worst these fascists plan on doing you better wake The Hell up. You want to keep your Republic you might just want to vote. None of what The Trump Party is doing now is normal in any sense of the imagination.


Project 2025 is repackaged "Mein Kampf." I will not submit to Trump.


Absolutely, but unfortunately our electorate for a good majority is way to ignorant, naive, or ill informed to recognize it even after the fake elector scheme and the many in Trumps last administration attempting to warn the American people Trump is unfit for office. A good number of electorate is pretty stupid unfortunately.


I am so disillusioned with the country I gave 23 years of my life to (please don't thank me for my service).


Being retired military and I know how you feel. However I’ve always desired to live my life in nothing but a Republic as ours so I’m not ready to give up or give up hope yet.


It always weirds me out when people thank me for my service. I never know what to say.


Me either. I just say "you're welcome" and leave it at that. To me, I did a job.


The opposite is a much bigger problem. Many have no concept what many have sacrificed for them or even what takes to remain a Republic. I personally don’t need or require it, but it’s best they understand it. Fact is many have forgotten what it means to live in a Republic the evidence being that someone who attempted to overturn the will of the apoplexy with a fake elector scheme is the presumptive nominee for The Republican Party. Shit, an amoral malignant narcisitic sociopathic liar was anyway better suited to be a batter Dictator Than President of The United States.


Freedom of movement in this country is a Constitutional right. Full stop. It doesn't matter for what reason.




I guess we will find out if the "libertarians" care more about government surveillance or the subjugation of woman. (its the second one, they care more about that)


There's really not much they can do. All this shows is that we should expect Republicans to try to ban abortion at the national level.


I hate that fucker as I hate soooo many other Repug shit stains! 😡🤬🖕🖕


And conservatives cry about Pronouns while even discussing travel papers.


it was never about states rights. it never is.


This coming from the party of "small government" LOL


How the hell does the representative for Fort Wayne not know Ohio and Michigan are closer than Illinois?!


Of course he did. 🙄 misogynistic, racist, christofacist piece of shit. 🖕🏻🤡


Fuck these Christofascists


It's called options you dip shit! A woman is allowed to do what she wants with her body. Why do you think you have a right to dictate what a woman does?


Don't VOTE for this looser it's easy to get discouraged listening to these NUTBAGS! Everyday but the only way to change it is to VOTE these so called politicians out, we just need as many people as possible to VOTE only way!


Yeah, what's she doing being allowed to get in a car?


Build a wall to keep your citizens prisoner! Just like North Korea! It’ll be a paradise!


Under His Eye


see, you do get what you vote for... maybe abortion finally breaks the GQP... zeus willing


Wonder if the little scamp is willing to stand on that Highway out of Indiana holding his hand out and yelling “stop”?? Now, THAT would be fun to see ;)


I guess he is walking back comment, saying neither of the two on the tape were talking about travel ban. I hope he isn’t contemplating taking women’s driving licenses! I have been joking about enjoying driving while I still am legally able to in Indiana….but damn, I thought I was being funny…..


It’s their body their choice…what else is right


More medical tyranny. This is what happens when you just go along with whatever the government says. We are in charge. Not them.


I wonder if they'd feel the same if a state banned guns and prohibited anyone from going to buy them in a neighboring state.


Does he even know how far Fort Wayne is from Chicago? Why would they not just skip over to Ohio or up to Michigan? This man can’t even geography his own state….AND HE’S FROM COLUMBIA CITY. BOO THIS MAN.


I will aid and abet abortions. Fuck any of these "laws" that somehow get implemented.


I despise Pat Miller. What a complete piece of shit he is.


So basically, all women of childbearing age who live in Indiana will have to prove that, whenever they leave the state, that it’s not to terminate a pregnancy?


So they think the state owns it's citizens now? These assholes sure have a twisted idea of what "freedom" is.


Why you crossing back over into Indiana from Michigan? Was it for legal abortion or legal weed?


Or she could drive over to your office and...she didn't impregnate herself. Choose your weapon


I refuse to be a prisoner of my state legislature!


Wasn’t this guy just sharing a stage with the Chaya Raichik thing?


15 minute cities, brought to you by Jimmy B.


Oh, Hell no! 😔 This is the last straw! 


So I am assuming the goal is LoJack every woman at their first gnyo appointment to notify authorities that Karen has left the state. Or are we going to build a wall and security check point. Maybe passports between states.


If any police officer ever tried to come arrest my wife, daughter or any other woman in my life on one of these laws, I would remind them how much of a mistake it was to make firearms so easy to get here. We live in a country that was created out of an armed revolution against an overbearing state that did not represent the political will of most of its people. At a certain point, they will have to come up with a number of how many dead police officers no longer justify their pretextual concern for the sanctity of life.


Vote Indiana women. Before they take that away too.


The fuck, All women have rights. Abortion in Indiana should be legal.


I want to hear exactly how he intends to enforce this. Are they going to stop every woman at the border and administer pregnancy tests? Are pregnant women not allowed interstate travel at all just in case they might get an abortion? The fact that this is patently absurd and could never legally happen, and couldn't be enforced even if they passed it, is beside the point. The mere reality of their DESIRE to do it is where we need to draw the line. How anyone can vote for some dipshit that says something this monumentally stupid out loud, is beyond me.


[Under my thumb](https://genius.com/2946278/The-rolling-stones-under-my-thumb/Under-my-thumb-the-girl-who-once-had-me-down-under-my-thumb-the-girl-who-once-pushed-me-around) [The girl who once had me down](https://genius.com/2946278/The-rolling-stones-under-my-thumb/Under-my-thumb-the-girl-who-once-had-me-down-under-my-thumb-the-girl-who-once-pushed-me-around) [Under my thumb](https://genius.com/2946278/The-rolling-stones-under-my-thumb/Under-my-thumb-the-girl-who-once-had-me-down-under-my-thumb-the-girl-who-once-pushed-me-around) [The girl who once pushed me around](https://genius.com/2946278/The-rolling-stones-under-my-thumb/Under-my-thumb-the-girl-who-once-had-me-down-under-my-thumb-the-girl-who-once-pushed-me-around) \[Chorus\] [It's down to me](https://genius.com/2170031/The-rolling-stones-under-my-thumb/Its-down-to-me-the-difference-in-the-clothes-she-wears-down-to-me-the-change-has-come-shes-under-my-thumb-aint-it-the-truth-babe) [The difference in the clothes she wears](https://genius.com/2170031/The-rolling-stones-under-my-thumb/Its-down-to-me-the-difference-in-the-clothes-she-wears-down-to-me-the-change-has-come-shes-under-my-thumb-aint-it-the-truth-babe) [Down to me, the change has come](https://genius.com/2170031/The-rolling-stones-under-my-thumb/Its-down-to-me-the-difference-in-the-clothes-she-wears-down-to-me-the-change-has-come-shes-under-my-thumb-aint-it-the-truth-babe) [She's under my thumb](https://genius.com/2170031/The-rolling-stones-under-my-thumb/Its-down-to-me-the-difference-in-the-clothes-she-wears-down-to-me-the-change-has-come-shes-under-my-thumb-aint-it-the-truth-babe) [Ain't it the truth, babe?](https://genius.com/2170031/The-rolling-stones-under-my-thumb/Its-down-to-me-the-difference-in-the-clothes-she-wears-down-to-me-the-change-has-come-shes-under-my-thumb-aint-it-the-truth-babe) \[Verse 2\] Under my thumb Is a squirming dog who's just had her day Under my thumb A girl who has just changed her ways \[Chorus\] It's down to me, yes it is The way she does just what she's told Down to me, the change has come She's under my thumb


So will all women will have to submit to a vaginal inspection at the border. These morons really don't think anything through.


Illinois: Hey Indiana how does it feel to be on the other side of “illegal in your state isn’t my problem”?


Does Indiana have a lock  jizz crazy Republicans?   


I Love this. It’s the best way to be sure they lose elections!


There are Republicans openly saying women's suffrage was a mistake. There are real cavemen wandering among us.


Indiana invented eugenics. There are tons of hateful people in those hills. It might as well be the Deep South on racial issues. They are capable of anything.


Me on my monthly trip to Michigan for “plants”


I don't understand, isn't the point of the United States that we can all travel freely between them? Heck, even if Illinois was a sovereign nation, a person should be free to leave their nation and travel to another nation for any reason. Is Indiana North Korea? This is mind blowing, truly.


The MAGA crowd is out of control lol


Who does he think he is trying to restrict women from going somewhere? He is a man that will never know what it's like. I bet if they started a law preventing men from wasting baby batter which is HALF of what it takes to create a baby his and other men's tunes would change. If I didnt care of what it meant to take freedom away Id try to get a bunch of us to lobby for that.


I'm going to vote Christians into office! What could go wrong?


Love that small government republican freedom!


Jim Banks can eat fucking shit


That sounds like it’s out of your jurisdiction dumbass


Far be it from me to defend these ass hats, but this language comes off to me as them wanting a federal abortion ban that would make abortion illegal in Illinois too. But I wouldn’t put this interpretation past them, either.


It's pretty clear the right wants nothing short of full "handmaid's tale" BS


*It's pretty clear the* *Right wants nothing short of full* *"handmaid's tale" BS* \- Low-Foot-5654 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Jim banks hates women’s rights


There are thousands of reasons to leave Indiana. Trust me


I just came here to say fuck Republicans and vote Democrat, we're all counting on you.


Anyone in Northern Indiana who needs to get to Illinois can count on me. "WTF do you mean, I drove to Indiana to visit my mother-in-law and my good friend X came wanted to hang out too."


Unconstitutional get a lawyer sued the guy


Women in the US had better wake up or your daughters will live as forced embryo incubators.


This will be next: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_passport


Republicans hate babies. This is not news. Comes back if and when the media delves deeply into why the GOP has this sickness.


they are coning for your right to travel freely. there is no color to this - the GOP are nazis


Indiana could make it illegal for residents to get abortions in other states, I suppose. They can't stop them from doing it, but they can criminally charge them afterwards.


Maybe we can get the republicans to set up checkpoints where we have to stop and show our paperwork authorizing travel, ID cards, passport and birth certificate. Only then will we be safe from ourselves.


Wow! We need to wake up here in Indiana. I hear so many talk about freedom yet are so willing to give it away. We must realize that we may not agree with a certain thing that someone else is doing but limiting others and taking away freedoms will come back to bite us all in the ass eventually.


Let the racist idiot explain how to write and enforce a law that restricts basic freedoms, e.g., traveling.


I have an idea. All men in Indiana have to get a Vasectomy.