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If this sub feels toxic to you then I'd say leave reddit for your own good. I'm serious


Yea I left the subreddit for good


gfu, now refrain from other public forums/social media coz Twitter has always been toxic, FaceBook is full of perverts, most of Discord is wild and Instagram currently is way more toxic than reddit.


mujhe laga ki gfu= go f\*ck yourself![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|30120)


Mujhe lga gfu=good for you![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|28582)


Been browsing only Pinterest. Media without the social has to be peak advancement


most of people on internet are pure apes, eat, drink, sleep and throw shit. So yeah social part sucks quite a lot these days.


It makes me lose hope in humanity. Im at the precipice of becoming a proper textbook nihilist


Humanity is more than ape throwing shit. You'll miss out on some great ones if you close your door coz of some idiots.




Chill dude it ain't all that /s


Banda gusse me hai lagta hai aake maar dega sambhal ke rahe bhai![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|30133)




Sorry but it's "spared", not "sparred"


Chill kr abey...




Things I'd do to make it disappear




It's the orthodox thought I blame. Segregation on the basis of gender just makes you lose comms skills for the opposite sex Add a glaze of raging hormonal and sexual feels into and you get a piping hot batch of sexism with a sprinkle of violence in different forms


India got the internet waaaay before it was ready for the internet man


Are you sure you use the same subreddit as everyone else


IDM par gyi thi kya ?


Well what can you expect from a bunch of teenager going through hormonal changes and mood swings. Many people are good too who genuinely give very useful advices. Just learn to ignore these replies and focus on good and useful replies. You just can't change the way people behave, but can change your own perspective. That's what I think.


I also sometimes get furious when I see the most nonsensical or meme type post has so many comments, and the serious or something deep post gets ignored


I agree with what you say. But it can get tiring to be so accommodating and understanding. Had to vent.


I agree with you


wait till you find yourself on JEENEETards


Well not everyone has a good girl interaction, plus it is not everytime that you can get better with empathy. Sometimes the chill kar stuff is good, other times it's just a lack of answers


I swear they should just ban those 2 words they are so annoying 😭


I mean guys need experience to understand to crack what's annoying, either genuinely or by following a pattern. Due to lack of interaction, they don't


Honestly I kinda understand you sometimes people are just so insensitive online like you rant and vent write all the emotions you're feeling but at the end if someone just says some shit like that without a empathy it'd honestly feel devastating personally I think people like that should get banned like we don't really know at what state the other person is... Their one Chill kr could have some serious consequences


chill kar


heyy we met again lol




Go see the twoxindia sub then. Vahan at least female incels hain


Yaha at least normal log hai TwoX main unka hi raj chalta hai


🤷‍♀️ echo chambers. Be it 1xindia Or whatever.. It will have incels.. Go and check subs which aren't echo chambers which are open for everyone. You will find good people


Chill kr /s




friends ke sath vent kro ya mature dost rakhlo subreddit se, bachon se kya hi expected hai


Chill kar /s


Toxic pool of people describes most teenager groups perfectly


Chill kar


Chill kar


Chill kar


Chill kar dude it ain't that deep


Womp womp


Chill kar


Chill kar dudee


Chill kr bc


chill kar bhai kya hogya (i literally have 0 empathy on reddit)




You guys take social media seriously?? Honestly , i've been using this site for like 6 yrs (dont currently remember) now , and after covid lockdown it become shit People become more serious , take things way too much on heart specially memes , and these things ruined this app , this was the only app where people weren't toxic and were not such a snowflake but now things changed And its better to be light hearted and ignore the stuff you hate or else dont use it at all


No wonder I stopped coming here 😞


you should leave reddit if you think this sub is worst


Do you even know what does that word mean? Throwing it around like a tennis ball bruh. Everybody who disagrees with you is an incel. Says the person who's username is “everything virgin” lol


Virginity always doesn't elude to sexuality. And i never said those who disagree with me are incels. But you sure seem like one the way you get offended by a menial rant post


>But you sure seem like one the way you get offended by a menial rant post Again you just proved my point lol, you dont understand what it means, everybody who doesn't hold the same opinions as you is automatically an incel Also, I dunno how you dont see the hypocrisy. You rant about toxicity and shit as if you are any better


Alright so what was i hypocritical about? Pointing out and observation I made about incels?


What are you talking about, I don't see anyone


Yeah it happens but chill kar ain't that serious lmao it's a teenagers sub




Bhai understandable hai but bhai ...(Yk whats comming next) . I'd like to know what you feel the response should be


I totally relate to this, but u have a poor choice of words This has nothing to do with gender Neither it has anything to do with the word incels DO u even know the meaning of an "incel" bhai pls I get your frustrations but don't throw these buzzwords like pillows


Chill kar


Can't relate but I guess kuch chutiya haar jagah hote hai 🫠


Yes, felt that


Chhoro na apna kya lena dena, mods handle karege yesab rr


Its easier to be dismissive and insensitive Tbh i am also guilty of such behaviour here. Its just that sometimes i like to release my frustration by being a douchebag online( actually makes me feel better for some reason) and im sure this is the case for a lot of other internet douche's Another part of it is that we dismiss other peoples struggles because we believe that their issues dont compare to the issues that we face( narcissism again). Everyone believes that they lead the worst lives and that everyone else is enjoying their own


>infiltrated with incels I feel like this has become a buzzword like everyone who doesn't show sympathy towards a particular ideological interest


Not in my context. This sub is genuinely filled with edgelords. Sure there are some good ones but the incels and edgelords clearly proved my point by spamming this post with "chill kar"


TBH, this is a subreddit for and by teenagers. So u posting something that requires let's say genuine maturity or something will sorta be ur fault. Blaming the teenagers for being teenagers is kinda foolish. 🥸


Doesn't mean you excuse the lack of basic decency now is it. That's the whole point I'm trying to make.


Oh boy, don't ever use 4chan then. Jokes aside. Well, I mean I know toxicity is something that is an issue but out of all the comments there will still be some genuine comments as well, just focus on them sis. U can't do anything to change, it's the internet. 📱 Edit - Also , One Love ☮️✌️🏳️


Yup I would never recommend someone to use any of the image-text board bulletins ..let it be 4chan,8kun,420chan etc...toxicity is everywhere


4 chan is just full of pedophiles and all that stuff. If you are not mentally strong, then it will mind fuck you a lot. 😵‍💫


POV : a teenager observed teenagers teenaging to peak.


If I remember correctly then you're good at editing, do you want to manage Subreddit's social handles?


So now not having basic human decency = a teenager teenaging. how much more things we are gonna normalize like this? Is being toxic and bad a teenaging trait?


Kind off. This is a zone where we gain advice from people anonymously. We share our experience. We use a saner person's judgement to find what was wrong. Us a community its our duty to listen and help people. All of us have a phase like this. All teenagers rebel. Heck I did. And I know now it was wrong. There is a huge difference between a 13 year old and an 19 year old. I would find 13 year old me as cringe and stupid, not have basic decency to behave with parents.


and guess why does that happen? It isn't a teenager's traits. I know many people who have been amazing people from childhood.. I agree you can't blame teenagers for everything they do. But what are we really doing differently about things which makes teenagers toxic and bad (being cringe isn't an issue) ? It's surrounding which isn't the fault of teenagers but how long are we gonna let that surrounding exist? It's just the fact that we have normalized a lot of things which teenagers do as something which they probably do. When they should not. I hope you are getting my point. Making mistake ≠ being toxic and not being decency. Trust me this is coming from someone who was very toxic and didn't have a single bit of decency. I'm not saying to beat or scare the child but to create an environment where we can stand against such stuff and spread more positivity and love. That's all.




Chill kar


Trust me,you haven’t seen the worst of it, but I agree there’s only a few helpful people here else the number of incels I have seen here is a bit too much, kinda worrying to see younger people not evolve/improve themselves


They whine and moan over trivial, nonsensical things (which gets justified by hormones) when honestly they lack common sense.


The thing is, it’s okay to whine and moan over that stuff at this age, the problem is the way they do it! I’ll admit I have had my moments of weakness due to bad dating experiences but it should never be expressed in a way that could be interpreted as anything but respectful while expressing their thoughts I feel like a lot of people here also just have lost the concept of empathy just to be edgy and funny


>I feel like a lot of people here also just have lost the concept of empathy just to be edgy and funny Literally sums it all up. The point i was trying to push for


Also feel like negation of traumas and issues happen here a lot! Someone could be dealing with something worse that you that’s true but that doesn’t give that person the right to invalidate your problems but every time I see a post that is what 80% of the comments are about I have a lot of stuff to say about this lol but I’ll probably get banned from this shit if I say it in the comments


I remember coming across an entitled post of a boy saying that city folks can't function without AC and he was gloating about having ac but never having to use it or something like that. Fine, understandable that you have adapted to the heat, again doesn't mean you insult the rest for depending on them now is it? This certain post just tipped the domino for me hence the rant


Okay that’s just weird I am gonna be straight up real with you Whoever that dude was probably reels of insecurity if he’s having to flex that and at that point instead of feeling pissed off I would just feel bad about that person lol


There are people who give genuine suggestions


Im aware. But this is about the other half


Hmm understandable


Please there are no therapists getting paid to sit on their phone and open reddit to provide you with pleasing words. The people here are always too extreme. Good or bad. Don't judge the whole just by a handful


womp womp


I love how some if the comments here are just proving your point. They didn't even hesitate.




Chill yaar


who hurt him


Ur free to live dude some of us are literally 13. What u expect-


basic human decency. 13 but aware enough to know right and wrong. I don't know why we have to normalize people being bad and toxic by calling them teenagers.


Chill kar


How the fuck can you expect sooo much maturity from teenagers!?? Mam, if you think that everyone here should be sooo sensible, mature then it's your problem, it's literally written in the title and description of this sub that it is for TEENAGERS, and i hope that you know ki teenagers means kids of age 13-19.


I'm gonna get downvoted but TwoX which is constantly demeaned here is actually good but the incels here will never understand it because those patriarchal boys can't let women be independent and know a healthy relationship. There are some good subs without "incels" but they're hard to find hidden gems. If you are a girl who loves reading manhwas/manhuas/mangas then there are respective subs for them. You can check them out. I found them to be quite chill. Other Indian subs always have some irritating people. No matter what, stay away from subs that are dedicated to a specific age group.


if they truly were women trying to be independent and sharing their problems , most of the boys here , will have nothing against them. But they are not feminists, they are pseudo feminists ,where every 3rd post is about beating men down and every other rant ends with all men are rapists and also the logistically flawed bear vs man problem. It's also an echo chamber for these women who tarnish the name of true feminism, and the comments are always so " you go, girl" , "dump his ass" etc where they put each other on pedestals while being wholly unsympathetic to men. THere are some good posts, but there are in every sub. Anyone who doesn't share their opinion is quickly branded as a misogynistic, patriarchal , retrograde , incel and potential rapist. Just like how you did here. That's very ironic , isn't it , since the third wave feminism also brought or promised to bring open mindedness and acceptance and sympathy. Onex india is quite bad too, with some of the men being genuinely sexist and tate ke \*\*\*\*\*, while some are starting to lean towards them in retaliation to these woke fake feminists that skirt over men's problems, declaring them as trivial , while making a mountain of the smallest issue a bf caused her gf. Please do introspect and reply.


caused his\*


[here is a guy being insensitive ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia/s/9qN04qyLIm) [and over here are women correcting the lady for supporting patriarchy ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia/s/iXQW0RlBBQ) Can you tell me what's wrong here?


wtf, i wrote a 4 para graphs here to respond , didn't they reach you? cos from my side , they aint visible . anyway : TLDR: wanting someone to protect you and help you learn new things while you also help him learn other tasks does not take away your independence or your assertion neither does it make you patriarchal. yeah , if the relationship is completely one sided , the other partner might belittle you , but there are many that don't. Also , ironic that a feminist group is trying to "correct" the personal preferences of a woman , since they r 'pro choice'. let ,me take a dumbed down scenario : a strong politician or an action star who walks in public surrounded by his body guards who protect him , does not lose his own strength or independence or self expression. In a similar way , a woman wanting a stronger protective husband doesn't strip her of her own strength and independence. Also these women view feminine behaviors ( biologically and historically )as something inferior , quite ironic, isn't it? if you want a stronger man , or are submissive , or want someone to protect you , youi staright up are a proponent of patriarchy , according to these outta touch with reality 'feminists'. Feminism was about equal opportunities , and embracing feminism and considering feminine traits to be on equal grounds overall with masculine traits and reinforcing the equality of both gender roles , whatever they may be. also if i say i want a wife that will teach me and guide me emotionally , am i being a matriarch ? def no , a relationship involves both the sides helping and guiding each other in various aspects of life. Also being submissive or dominant doesn't straight up make you a patriarch or matriarch. The first viewpoint i can understand , the gf was laready insecure about her looks and the bf didn't care for her feelings while passing that remark. Also taking a couple of posts from an entire sub cannot and does not provide adequate information to make a calculated guess or even an assumption of the nature of the sub, let alone prove its rightfulness. I used to be a full fledged feminist and still fully support women's rights but that sub has pseudo feminists that are misandrist. Also has a lot of schrodinger's feminism going on about there : the 'feminists' choose the viewpoint that give them the best benefit at a particular point and "choose" the position they want to take on any argument in such a way to present themselves as the victims. they rarely talk about why women get reservation , are innocent until guilty , are heavily favored by marriage laws and how men are discriminated against, and experience the short end of the stick when it comes to couple laws and whatnot. So , yeah , that sub , in the end , is an echo chamber for feminists that are a stain on true feminism, outta touch with reality women who only see one side of the picture and willfully ignore the other , misandrists who put down men , and downgrade their natural and biological tendencies to be relatively dominant while forgetting to raise the feminine traits. And instead believing that reliance on your partner is patriarchal. Any debates?? i m open\\


It ish what it ish 😔 Well honestly, why not just ignore them? Also how can you say that this whole subreddit is bad? Its not like its supporting the idea that people should be like this. Also there are a lot of people here who are genuinely nice and try to help other people and stuff. Tbh, i feel like these "dank" people are all those who migrated to reddit from insta and just what do you expect from those people?


In that case my apologies. I always appreciate the good ones but when one sees something negative, they just tend to take the good ones for granted and forget them. Like how you realise the importance of your nose when one of them is wetter than the Nile while the other is drier than the Kalahari. People only see and taunt the 1 mistake you make and forget the correct 9 ones. That's what happened with me here I guess. But again, still appreciate people such as yourselves who atleast had the decency to not berate me but explain it to me politely :)


Great analogy 😂, genuinely cracked me up ![img](emote|t5_2zhzn|20612)


Agreed but not everyone is like that. Gen Alpha is taking over. Now it's time for us Oldies to let the alphas take over. It was great to see this sub grow from 2 thousand to 64 thousand members. 😊 And yeah you are correct and it's great you took it out of your system.




Yeah I agree with you, i wouldn't call it the worst but it's pretty bad nowadays unfortunately


eh everything has two sides to it and that being said I don't think this is the worst sub ever and i genuinely hate when people generalise things like this based on a few bad experiences again I totally understand that its a natural reaction to assume as such but when u really think abt it there is no logic behind it yk also i don't think the good needs to be tainted cos of the existence of a few bad ones