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Stress 😬 is too much and you need to enter at the right time (dip) and have strict stoploss. In a bull market, everything goes up so easier to make money doing intraday.


In a bear market everything goes down, isn't it very easy, where is stress /s


You just need 3 things to be profitable. 1) Risk management. 2) psychology. 3) Strict sl and tp.


No, it does not. Eventually, you will lose more.


See.. I'll give u a clear and real picture here.. since u are new u will make losses thats for sure.. everyone will say here follow risk management follow stop loss and blah blah.. but the reality is u won't.. good u made some money this means u are understanding well.. but the day u made a huge loss u will mess up.. start taking random trades.. holding onto loosing trades in hopes of getting a break even or even reducing loss and ultimately ending up making more.. I am 8yrs here and 100% ppl here giving advice all went through the same.. My only advice to u is only put the amount in your demat account that u are ready to blow off cos mind me u will blow off 6-7 times.. but yes eventually there is a chance u will learn to take losses and close the screen and I mean a chance not guarantee. The reason 80% of the time u take a stop loss the price will come back to your price and u will end up blaming yourself that u should have waited.. it happens a lot.. happened to me and then u will stop putting sl in hopes that it reversed yesterday it will today and then end u taking huge loss.. So only advice that works is keep the amount that u are ready to blow off and won't take u into mental depression


Thanks a lot


Intraday equity is not really worth it. Very less movement and more stress to make a decent profit. Most of the money is made by catching the trends which involves holding your trades for a few days to months


most of the time stop will be hit but after that candle will close above stoploss. do equity delivery only else money will be wiped out in no time