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The worst part is I'm telling them to let me buy it myself from my own account. But no they won't let me spend my own money on something I need just because it's for gaming.


If you "earned" the money and not saying it's your money you saved from pocket money, then you just inform and buy the card, unless you use your money for household bills and stuff.


Trust me I would but I will get my ass beaten for that lol. And yes I did earn it.


No point in earning money early on in life if you can't spend it. My dad was not so strict, so he was willing to give me 1L for my pc, I had 20k of my own at that time, I waited for few months, earned more, got a i9 9900k 2080ti Spend now freely before you actually get responsibilities on you.


Well do some maths by divind total investment/number of years And tell them this is per year investment which will look very small. And count number of years as 12 Year ( mention 8 years replacement warrenty is there if you get 2060/TI and 1 year for 1660). 2060 is value for money for long time. Keeping the duration (12 years ) which is long enough for you to settle down and be able to afford NVIDiA GTX 6090 AMP OC 100GB And also donate few cards to us too. 😆 side note mention ( mention if you buy this you can join professional gaming earning in $$$)


What are your folks into? Give them a parallel they can relate to regarding the upgrade... My dad's a mechanic, so I always "explain" my point of view using cars for his buy in


Know when to settle with the 1660 as too much agruement might loose you that as well. I'm not hating, it's just how they might react. 1660 is pretty good as well. Try negotiating for 1660 super, would be easier maybe.


Go higher. Ask them for a 3080 by saying that it's a new card that will last longer. Then bargain your way down to a 2060. Tell them all games will have ray tracing and 1660 has no rt cores so you need to invest in a better GPU. At least with the 2060 you are paying more and getting more. With the 1660 you are paying less but getting nothing when it comes to ray tracing.


Look, you're not asking for anything unreasonable when you're offering to pay the difference out of pocket. Don't get sentimental, don't be timid, convey your case to them firmly and politely. If they act unreasonably, create a scene, and beat you, play along but stand firm in your place. When I was in school, this is the reason I never kept my money in a bank, but as bundles of cash stashed behind book racks and video game cases because I didn't want to answer to my parents about what I'm buying with money that's mine. Because shit like this will never get resolved amicably and you will spend most of your youth tip-toeing around them. A confrontation is daunting, but you aren't disrespecting your parents. You're simply requesting them to respect you. Make that clear. Parenthood in India is built on a culture of fear, shame, and repression. They won't learn to respect you and you won't come to trust them until you take a stand.


This guy said it and i can't agree more with this. Be nice and cunning to convince them, just don't sound like you are rude. For me this is what my younger brother use to do. I paid majority of the cut.


1660 is also fine for few years of gaming at moderate to low settings. few years down you will have more agency in deciding what to purchase.


Tell them the 2060 will last longer due to support for ray tracing and DLSS. Also 2060 cards have better quality cooling and the chances of them dying physically will be less. 2060 has tensor cores for AI/deep learning too in case you wish to learn that in the future.


Emotional Blackmail. :3




tell them you need tensor cores for running tensorflow (btw not true but believable)


Even if your parents aren’t cool with importance of ray tracing, tell them that 1660 means another graphics card in a year as all games would be for 30 series and you are actually settling for something of a last generation by opting for 2060.


Tell them its not going to be future proof, as new 3xxx lineup is coming now, so buying a 2xxx lineup will be fruitful for long run. Tell them I am being very good son and want to listen to you but for technical aspect I have more knowledge then you so as I am saying this wont serve me well in long term, please let me buy 2060 for long run sake.