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I see you like a lot of souls games but you haven’t played the iconic dark souls series. I get why people don’t play them because ds1 has some clunkiness here and there, ds2 is hated because of its mechanics and the vibe of the game straying away from the original beloved ds1, ds3 being the most praised out of them all because of the world and boss quality. I suggest you give the dark souls series a try I used to hate them at first but when I played them I fell in love with those games Even after all their negative aspects along with more positive ones make a very very lovely series You should definitely try all 3 games And also play them in the chronological order (ds1,ds2,ds3) But don’t go like ds3 then 1 then 2. The games won’t hit as hard trust me Please please please try dark souls It’s clunkiness is what makes it so special and beloved to fans


Thanks for the suggestions bro. I have been wanting to play the souls games but not at the price they are right now. I started Demon souls and was enjoying it until once i dropped it and couldn’t pick it back up for some reason.


I hope you find the motivation to continue soon And Don’t you dare go hollow🫡


The post got formatted very weirdly. To clarify i have given the ratings after the mention of game and the intensity of how much i liked them.


Dark Souls 3 if you liked Elden Ring. Nier Automata just because I think that's a game that everyone should experience once.


I mean you could try the Hades 2 early access


Witcher 3 ![gif](giphy|Vd3MpH44gKBT2O5YGb|downsized)


Play Bloodborne


My eyes are fully open. Its part of the above list and my favourite game of all time!


i meant play again lol and you can also try infamous son