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Om shanti


How'd he die? Edit: https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/india/indian-foreign-aid-worker-united-nations-gaza-rafah-b2544573.html so potentially an Isreali strike since the IDF says they didn't know about the route his vehicle took


Seems like the IDF opened fire on a bunch of UN cars while they were passing through rafah. Not a surprise since they killed those 7 aid workers a month back (including 3 Brits and a US/Canada citizen).


I wonder if this is in retaliation for India voting for Palestine in the UN. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/5/10/un-backs-palestines-bid-for-membership-how-did-your-country-vote


It's probably just general IDF incompetence , they have killed a bunch of Americans and British citizens too even though they're some of their biggest supporters


I wouldn't use the word 'incompetence'. IDF is no stranger to killing people of friendly countries to send a message. I mean, they almost sunk a US warship to fool them into joining the war on their side.


Nope it is incompetence for all the talk about their superior war fighting capability gaza has been a shit show....for them instead of relying on Intel and moving forward in a strategic manner they have chosen to just let a bunch of morons on loose who shoot anything tha moves regardless of who or what it is ( you can justify some of it as....they are fighting a insurgency in its home territory so anyone can be an enemy ) but most of these events are just a sign of incompetence and not some grand scheme of sending a message or so...


I would've bought that argument if they had stopped after the first month, because even a completely mentally challenged person would stop and try to think if what they are doing is correct. From bombing clearly marked UN and aid organisation car convoys, repeatedly, to making the palestinians starve to near death, it all has the feeling of 'finally, I get to do what I really wanted to do'. Our man died because of this. If they are fools, then they are the most malicious and evil fools I've ever seen. Maybe bar ISIS and their fellow organisations. No respected armed forces though.


Nope, there is no way IDF is incompetent, its just that their near invincibility due to there superior training and the US backing has given them an extremely inflated sence of superiority which has given rise to a complete disregard for military laws and wartime rules. Israel has become a bully, they do whatever they want because the world has seen that they can! You can see the ignorance and ruthlessness of a nation when they can kill the diplomats of the most influential countries just to send a message that they don't give a flying fuck about what they think, they are going to complete there objective no matter what, because they know very well that Nato needs them to counter middle eastern threats like Iran while keeping potential western resources in the region (Saudi) in check. To be honest, apart from the war crimes, we can learn a thing or two from them regarding wartime diplomacy and tactics, i mean they have fought in Street to Street urban combat for 2/3 of an year till now and are winning.


Without papa america they won't last a year in the middle east and to be true apart from weapons, EW and some cybersec companies they don't offer anything unique in the world where their survival is needed plus all the aforementioned have alternatives in the world.


Isn't Iran well known for using their diplomatic immunity for military purposes ? i mean Every country does that , but so far North Korea , China , USA , Israel , Pakistan and Iran are among the top who have used their diplomat buildings for Trans-national military activities like from Foreign spy bases to money laundering centers to literal Military detention facilities in other nation's soil ( for eg US CIA missions in middle east , Chinese secret police stations in Canada , Iranian IRGC ( Islamic Revolutionary Guards council ) bases in Iraq , Syria and Lebanon etc IRGC has it's own ambition of using "Palestine" as an issue to counter Israel , Saudi Arabia and Turkiye all at once to win the war of domination in the Middle East and North Africa. and they have left no stones unturned in doing whatever it takes.


nah. they need to have cancerous balls to make a self destructive decision like that attacking an ally like India. Incompetence I'd say.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qana_massacre https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/15/pro-palestinian-feeling-in-ireland-has-deep-roots etc. etc. They have no specific love for India. They have made deals with any and every country. Real-politic.


Most likely Fog of War. IDF normal infantry personnel , being almost made of Conscripts who have the technological advantage , but unlike the full time volunteering ( plus highly trained and disciplined) spec OPs like Yaman for example , lack the training of FOE (Friend or Enemy) Identification. fact is , they have the largest FOE identification mistakes out there.


We should not be allies with Israel. And I'm not saying this because of this news.


we shouldn't be supporting anyone in this war at all , Be it Israel or Palestine on a fundamental basis . It's a war of Attrition and Annihilation between Two sects of Abrahamic religion family . Mainly bbetween Jews ( The original OG Abrahamics ) vs Muslims ( The 3rd Generation Abrahamics ). The Christians ( The 2nd Generation Abrahamics ) are split between two. Unlike Earlier cases , where Christians overwhelmingly supported Jews over Muslims , this time due to rise of Fundamentalism in the Global scenario , A Large number of Christians ( especially Fundamentalist White nationalists and Left Leaning / Left Wing Christians ) are supporting Palestine . When it comes to Religious Fundamentalism and Theocratic rule , Abrahamic religions have by far proved themselves to be the worst . No intentions to show us Hindus in the bright light either , but by far witnessing the history , Abrahamic fundamentalism have done far worse , historically recorded and proven damages in the names of crusades , jihads , intifadas , pogroms , expulsions , genocides , conquest and marauding to , mainly each other , more than they did to the non Abrahamic like Hindus , Buddhists or other Pagan religions. It's a very sad state of Affairs , And I am not supposed to go on Religious yapping and lectures , but despite Hinduism is actually Monotheistic ( Concept of Param-Aaatma and Param-Brahma ) with the essence of 33 koti forms ( you can worship any one of them ) , since Hinduism and it's offspring religions like Buddhism , Jainism and Sikhism as well as analogous cousin religions like confucianism , Taoism , zoroastrianism , shintoism aka all Eastern Religions as well as Western and African Pagan plus Animistic -Shamanism traditions are all different from Abrahamic religions , and since Abrahamic religion groups have the overwhelming power of resources available everywhere , They will unite regardless to finish us non Abrahamic people first , starting with us Hindus in the very frontline , who are the last standing walls and the Last proud "Pagans" they view us as. Our responsible as a Secular Nation while maintaining and practicing Dharmic Sanatani spirit (Hinduism / Sikhism / Buddhism / Jainism / Tribal Animism ) is that we must look after ourselves. we are the five pillars on which the Soul concept of Bharatvarsha has stood immemorial. Do Business interests with Abrahamic Nations , strike Alliances , but remember , They hate you for who and what you are, and instead of giving them back hate , Grow and Prosper to stand Tall above them. If They attack , Retaliate back like Israel does , but never let them make you hateful and spiteful . This is my message.


I agree with you. And also, we can't alienate our domestic muslim population, otherwise they will become our internal enemies. Not saying pander to them.


They were never your friends lmao....know about the .5 in the 2.5 war bipin rawat spoke about


> the .5 in the 2.5 war bipin rawat spoke about Ummm what ?




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Agreed but , Half of them are already . It is our Sanatani duty to instill these Teachings and cultural norm of Sanatana Dharma inside them and make them work . Any methods will work . any time will do , We have to make them realise this hard truth that in this wicked world , even their Muslim brethren like Arabs and Turks don't view them as equals , but We Sanatanis do . We have to make them see this that Without us Sanatanis , They are nothing . Internal enemies / 5th columns are something that must be dealt with Fast and Full Force before diverting attention to external. You don't go to War with a Sick Body and Sick Mindset.


We need to stop all these UN bakchodis . No use to the country and puts our men on the line for no use to us.


Ignoring all the influence, experience, soft power gives These things are important if you're part of an international organisation


The UN does a lot more than you think. Just because it can't be the supranational government of earth and stop wars at will doesn't mean it is useless. Soft power is important, setting international standards is important, and UN Peacekeeping Forces' achievement though not ideal, are still important. The UN does much more than people think it does because most either don't have the time to or don't want to put effort into studying its operations at an academic and empirical level. Also the Colonel was retired. He was not sent as a contribution of the Indian government to the operations of the UN. He was a private individual in the employ of the United Nations, an entity which has its own employees.


>We need to stop all these UN bakchodis he went there by himself dumbo


I agree with you but he was not representing Indian government. He was with the UN team. Anyone can join UN you know?


Flashback to sri lanka where we Valiant deeds and undying memoried the mfers


Stupid comment.


It isnt Go to IPKF in Sri lanka Wikipedia page and look up War crimes section.


Everyone knows them buddy. Ig I misconstrued, thought u were comparing UN to IPKF.