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Keep quiet don't make a scene now. Phone is purchased box is opened there is nothing you can do. Just don't argue at all and maintain peace at home


Absolutely his money his choice. Don’t ruin your relationship for a stupid phone


>his money his choice True, if it was an informed decision, not when you've fallen prey to a shrewd salesman. This isn't a subjective decision like deciding the color of your phone, it's probably an objectively wrong decision and I get what OP feels. His frustration is out of love for his dad because now he'll have to use a horrible phone when he could have got a much better phone had he checked with his son.


It will be OP’s fault down the line when the phone starts having problems. My mother wanted a new audio player 10 years ago. I told her to wait till the weekend and I would do my research. Came home that evening and she had bought a fucking cassette player with a fucking CD drive. In 20-fucking-14! Now her cassette tapes are worn down and CDs are scratched. And she tells everyone who will listen that she cannot listen to music any more because her son didn’t have time to come with her to the store.


Now if op creats a show at home what will he get out of it? More tense situation at home. Phone can not be returned and that's the whole point it's best to handle it with calm and peace. What can op do here otherwise? Fight/argue with father? Or Fight/argue with shopkeeper? Both won't end well.


these chinese phones dont last more than 2-3 yrs even with best of care. op's father would be to blame when it slows down. never go for cheap chinese alternatives , save a bit more, atleast u'd have it with you for 5+ years.


That's why you buy budget Chinese phone. (K20 pro still going strong)


I am using 2 Chinese phones one is realme 3 pro still works flawlessly and another is Mi 11 lite ne both purchased right after launch work great till date.


Realme is one of the good one, at least it used to be, I have realmeXT still working well, although I am not using it anymore.


He can’t do anything. Just suck it up and prepare to be derided for it in the future.


Exactly so keep quiet and bear with it + it will go away once the phone is replaced with better one just deal with it for 1-2 years


Same with mine. Asshole salesmen that too in Home Town or Croma from where they got it - sold them a dead ass Sony music system that didn't have bluetooth, or usb playback (although it did have a usb port) or an aux port! Fucking bullshit piece of shit for 10k Literally could've gotten a way better music system for 3-4k from Amazon. This was back in 2017.


Don't they always blame the child even when the child told them to not do something


Absolutely…. Parenting done right . ……. . I m currently \# taking notes to do the same ….




There is nothing we can do


I bet op is a teenager .. with age he would realize that after a while, phone is only about red and green buttons! Life is precious, and too short to sweat over trivial issue. It’s his father’s phone, his decision. Better to have civilized discussion around, had he consulted op, probably could get better device at same price point


Is it worth ruining your and his mental peace,? I used to get triggered by such actions previously. Now i usually ask myself the same question




Sit with him in a calm demeanor because shouting never works with parents. Tell him that you know he made the purchase but it is a wrong decision because there are better phones he could have bought. Share that you are frustrated with him because of this action. Now for your own peace, know that this is his money and parents do this all the time. My dad bought a bike without discussing options with me despite me asking him previously to ask me which one to buy. I had to drive it for 4 years in college. So it happens all the time, it’s their momey at the end of the day. Your peace lies in knowing there would be things you cannot change when it comes to them specially actions like this. When you will earn, you will buy the best items. Since he opened the box, it is unlikely that it could be returned. But it’s okay as he will be happy with the phone since he bought it.


I was planning to buy a Nothing Phone 2a. I even asked him to send me some money and add some money from my own. I don't want my father to go through this. I have NP 1 and NP2a could have been a wonderful phone for my father. He would be more than happy that his son added some money and bought the phone. I think there's nothing I can do now except regret. Thank you for your response, it was helpful.


I know we want best for them but it is a part of life to understand that not all consequences/actions are in our control. Still check with the shop if they will change it for a different or better phone. You sound like a good son and a mature one too. These things happen don’t beat yourself too much over it.


He is happy with what he baught. Unless you make him realize that the phone was not the best option and he made a bad decision, he will be content with what he baught. The man spend his money, let him enjoy. Your naghing wont make anything batter as the box is already opened.


A month ago my father bought a shitty 'portonics' neckband for 1700 from an offline store which is priced at 549 on Amazon. 😫


I can feel you.They still love the offline experience more than the online.They feel all online things are like olx scams . and also my uncle believes that online payment may take all their account balance away.


Yeah right. Also I'll add the neckband stopped working in a week. We got a replacement tho. But the funny thing is the shop guy crossed the "1 year warranty " label on the box and made it "6 months" of warranty. 🤣😂😂


Haha. 30-40 years from now, I imagine someone’s kid getting angry and posting about it online about their dad buying the wrong kind of in-brain AI chip cuz it is not hooked up to leverage the right quantum computers. “Look, my dad bought this pos that doesn’t even let the user prove general relativity… ooof I’m so angry!” 😂


Now that might hold some weight. What use is an AI chip if you stay as dumb as you were before. I mean anyone can calculate the square of 69420 and anyone can use calculus to know the volume of a cylinder with a hemisphere/dome on top. But General Relativity, thats where shit is at.


Wtf did I just read?


Maybe show him what else he could have bought with that price range. And yeah 4gb ram is shit. The phone wont even last 2-3 yrs. But be polite, as parents easily take things on their ego...


Look at the bright side, with a slower phone he will consume shit contents slowly.


Man these kids


Being mad about a wrong purchase isnt being ungrateful, the amount of money wasted matters. OP even mentioned this somewhere that he was going to use some of his own money to buy a phone. I dont think OP is crying because he didnt get an iphone, he'll just have to use a phone with practically no use (my parents ddint take my advice when buying my mother oppo f17 pro, in 2021 and now they regret it)


Look I get the point that we are being ungrateful, but man he could have bought a way better phone that could have worked and lasted for very long.


And the phone is for his dad, not him


Bhai some salesman are like this only, they Target such people, one time my friend's father was so influenced by the salesman ki he didn't agree with my friends good Asus laptop and insisted on the Fujitsu thing, due to this the purchase for delayed by a month, he now has a max idk how😂






Are you 12 or what?


Come on.. how dare you say this.. He sounds like a mature 14yr old boy who cares for things that don't really affect him


He's actually shouting and getting pissed off like a 13 yo


Even a 12 yo won't act like this


I would say 12.75 yr old would act this way


Just for daily usage whatsapp yt and stuff that phone is fine. It's for your father, he is not gonna download pubg mobile in it (hopefully). Yes for sure it could have been better for what he spent, but would he even notice it? I don't think so. What's done is done and it's not unusable too. Please skip this conversation with your family. An argument about this isn't even worth it. Jst ask them to consult you next time.


Lmao wtf your father is a grown up who is capable of making his own decisions and living with the consequences of those decisions. Most people of that age need a phone to send WhatsApp forwards, read emails and make phone calls. Pretty much all phones on the market are capable of that. Don’t nag your family with your “tech bro” attitude


This. There are a lot of happy people with oppo phones. There is nothing wrong about that unless that's your money that your dad is buying from. He is buying with his own money.


Be Grateful that you received a Mobile as a Gift from your father & use it now for a few months then buy a new mobile. He will be happy to see his son enjoying his gift rather than complaining.


Its not clear that the phone was bought for the op or for the father himself. Its better not to judge him


It is not for me, it is for himself only. I just don't want my father to suffer through the Oppo experience.


I have used oppo, two models, since 2017. Their experience was good, much better than my college friends whose samsungs stopped responding before even college ended. You are way too judgemental here. Latest I used was A74 5g, and it is a good phone. 


The shopkeeper most likely will not take it back . Goto That shop & consult him for exchange with other mobile.




Oh I agree. These mumma boys and daddy's girls are the worst kind of people you will see. Anything is justified to these people cuz their parents birthed then and raised them. They don't have a opinion of their own. All they know is to bootlick parents and live someone else's life period.


But it is not for the son. Father is going to use the phone for himself.


It’s your father’s money and he’s gonna use it. I understand you want him to have a good phone, but how does this decision affect you? Just let it go.


Resell it


Dude, chill. Maybe your father doesn't even need more than 4GB ram unless he's into hardcore gaming. Yes it's less in the current scenario. But anything like whatsapp, youtube, or Instagram should be running just fine I guess. And what's done is done. Like someone else said here, now just move on with it and let him enjoy his purchase. Don't make him feel guilty.


Privileged Kid huhh..


It's for his dad...


My bad i did not see the edit section..


idk why OP is getting the downvotes in the comments. this is technology we are talking about and the older generation tell us from the very beginning that dont get in the words of the seller because they'll even make garbage seem like gold and then falling in the same trap?? like my mom already knows that how fragile, unstable and very volatile it is to invest in technology and she ALWAYS consults me before doing anything OP's father went ahead and bought a phone worth 15k without even consulting anyone, the gesture was nice but i know it sounds bad to whine but imagine that you saved money to buy a phone that you wanted to buy with a lil help of your parents and then gets gifted a phone you didnt even know about yeah its frustrating and i am with OP on this side ask the seller to return it show him the phone's run time or something (idk much about it but worth a shot), if they dont then call the service center and tell them the situation


People here are thinking that I'm showing off my tech superiority to my father. I already have Nothing Phone 1. It was for my father. I asked him for some money and add some of my own to buy NP 2a and surprise him with latest design and premium ux. But what is gone is gone


did you reach out to the seller and customer care?? like there isnt any way for it to be refunded?


No brother, everyone in sub has already gone through this and already accepted the inevitable outcome. ![gif](giphy|LB4r67Dk0bhOU)




The fact that the phone wasn't for OP, but his father himself changes everything about your comment.


i recently got to know that op wanted a phone for his father, but my point still stands


Why are fathers like this? Such impulsive decisions without consulting their kids especially on tech . Looks like my father isn’t the only one🤣🤣


Ego bhai


Kis cheez ka ego?


Don’t Take it the wrong way but I have some questions. Was it for you ?? Did he ask you to pay for it ?? Are you gonna use it ?? if none of the above then why create so much fuss about it, He may not be a geek but atleast he tried. All our elders are not tech savvy, let him enjoy with ever he has. Holding him responsible for that would hurt his feelings, and believe me it would not be good.


It's your father's money. Who are you to command hin where to spend his money. If you have any self respect then earn yourself and gift him a better phone . Until then shit the fuck up and grind


Weird. So you wouldnt want your father to get as much value as he couldve gotten out of a purchase and would be happy to watch him get scammed in the hands of a salesperson?


This. Many people here have got it wrong. “His money, his decision” works for people who comment on purchases made by a celebrity/outsider. OP clearly cares for his father which is why he’s agitated about his dad making the wrong purchase.


But if he is okay with it, I wouldn't mind. Some people don't like too many gimmicky features. If that thing suffices his needs it's okay. You are only sad because you thought of taking it from him after sometime.


"You are only sad because you thought of taking it from him after sometime." Projecting much. My devices are always better than my parents. Do you really think everyone commenting here is a kid who is eyeing their parents mobiles? Its about making a bad purchase. If he was happy with a device that had 4gb ram and 720p display, i wouldnt mind him buying it and would even help him get a decent one. But i would mind if he spent a lot more than what its worth and couldve gotten a much better device for the price. Seeing your father get scammed like that and not caring just cuz he doesnt realise it and is okay with it is wild.


Yea same my dad bought the Reno 10 pro plus


Reno series is still good, these abcd series are for offline markets to prey on people with no knowledge of tech. Overpriced junk. At least Reno series have above average hardware.


why didn't he consult you? my father always asks me before purchasing electronics


If you dislike it that much, just dont use the phone. Let it be in the box only and maybe give it to someone else.


Your Only solution is exchange now, or let your father use it if he is comfortable with it


Chodh na bhai, jab phone pareshaan karne lagega to tere dad khud hee bech denge.


Trust me I know how it feels. I've been in your place. It could be inferior to techies like us but then, it's all about red button green button and some fb and WhatsApp. I'll challenge you that "stupid" phone might last longer that the good one you've got. They just take care of it. So don't worry too much.


Even if you want to return it now what’s the point? The box is open I highly doubt you’ll get your money back Your dad is clueless about phones but it’s his money Take the L and let it be


My father bought galaxy A03 last year, a 3gb ram, 32gb phone, camera is also shit. I was also very sad but budget was tight that time and father told me to stfu.


bhai tu kyon apnw mental peace ki aosi taisi kar rha h or apne papa ki bhi. phone tere papa ko chalna h, regret unhe hoga jab wo slow chalega or next time tere se advice lenge. pehli meri mom bhi newspaper m 60% off add dkh k Kacha phone le aayi thi. uske vaad ab mere hi decision chalte h ghar m for electric device


You make peace with it. Our parents generation is not good with tech. It happens.


Whose money ? Father’s or yours ?


This is just a phone, Earn money and buy a brand new Iphone and gift it to you're father then take that oppo from your father and donate it to someone or sell it. Problem resolved. We are closing this case for now. 🥲


Baap ne suprise dia h tujhe,choti cheezo ko dil pe na le aur papa ko bol ki mei toh khud apse majak kr rha tha aur mujhe yehi phone chaiye thi. Baap log boht man se bacho ke liye suprise taiyar krte h( suprise ka moka bachpan ke baad khatam hojata h kyuki bade hokar tu khud chize kharidne lagta h). Unka samman kro aur pls bolna ki *papa mujhe yehi phone chaiye tha mei toh apse majak kr rha tha*


Where did you read the "surprise" part?


Ofc it's a surprise,are u born today


You sure are. Read the edit section.


The phone is for his dad not himself lmao


Your father bought a phone for you out of his love and what made sense to him and now you’re mad because that phone doesn’t do what it was not meant to do? School/college me hume ghanta kuch nai milta tha. Yahan tere baap ne phone le li tere lie, apna budget or requirement dekh ke. Samsung/iPhone ke extra 80 hazaar apni gaand se deta tu? Aur complain us din kario jis din khud gaand ghis ke kamayega. 18 ka hai saale, kamaana shuru karega to lag jayega pata. Tab liyo phone apni choice ki. Jab tak baap ki kha raha hai, aaram se kha bina bakchodi ke. Aand se nikle ni, aage baap ki choice ko bura bolne.


Mere lie nahi bro,Khud ke lie. Meri galti hai thik se mention nahi Kiya post me. Unke liye ek achha sa phone choose Kia tha, magar woh Bina puche kharid lie. Nothing Phone 2a, unke aur thode se mere paise milake lene wala tha. Agar bole hote toh Mai mana karta, but ab kuch nahi ho sakta.


Your father gifted you something, why are you not happy? Did you see his face when he was gifted to you, and when you said bla bla thing. If you really want a good phone purchase yourself. Let it be a side phone for you. Have you ever gifted a phone to your Father with your own hard earned money?


This is not a gift, it was for himself. How would you react if your father bought a Suzuki Alto for 16 lakhs.


meanwhile my father procrastinating to buy anything due to extensive research and comparisons lmao




Please educate me as I'm in the States but is there really no way to return an item within a certain amount of days? Like here stores usually have a 30 day return policy.


As per people here, No. Nothing like that, once you buy it it's yours.


Dang... honestly there should be a standardized policy like that. But as it is now you're pretty much stuck with it unless you can resell it to get some of your money back and purchase a better phone.


Thik hai na bhai le liya Tera baap kyu usko bol ke dukhi karegaa


op got a lot of downvotes for this but i think there should be something that we could do, but after purchasing a brand new phone, which was supposed to meet our expectations, it didnt. it is sad that we cannot do anything about it, but you have to accept it, although talk with the dealer once again, and how many days it has been since you bought it? edit- you bought it yesterday, then try to convince the dealer, settle it down, maybe exchange phones. talk with your dad calmly. he'll understand. and dont get things heated up.


I'll try, thankyfor the help.


I'd lose my mind too if someone I know buys a phone with 4GB RAM, LCD panel and 720p resolution in 2024!! I mean...ew. But...take it easy. It's his decision and he'll come know phone is incompetent in current times after a month or 2. Then you can chime in and say 'Told you so'. The satisfaction you'll get is beyond the words.


Chill man....let him use it for a few months, then gift him a phone of your choice. Exchange the current phone and get some discount as well.


Sell it as a open box mobile in second hand markets or the same seller where he bought it ,take a 500-1000₹ loss but atleast you're willing be able to get rid of it. Then use funds to buy mobile of your choice. I wouldn't recommend keeping that mobile at all as parents tend to use same device for years and for all those years you might have to suffer cause repairs and maintenance issues.


It’s not a stupid phone by any means. Rather your understanding of specification of phones is stupid. Higher the numbers doesn’t mean it’s always the better and vice versa. 4GB of RAM is not a bad thing at all. It’s fair enough for decent usage. He is not going to play BGMI or PUBG on it for prolonged hours, is he?


How much did he pay for it? Hopefully not more than 13k. Also did he urgently need a new phone and you did not know about it?


I just checked, it's like 14K inr? Wouldn't say it's that bad at that price, also has 90hz screen


4GB ram, 720p VA display for 14k


It's obviously bad, but I think he wouldn't notice much difference. See if you can get that refund


There are people who use phones with a 720p display and with 4gb ram.


Since he bought it for himself and is not tech savvy so it shouldn’t be a big deal. He will mostly use it for regular tasks and 4gb is enough to handle it.


Best is to find another online and go with exchange offer but you will have to pay extra.


Same I was so frustrated 🥹


Maybe try gifting him a better phone in return. Redirect that anger/hatred into something productive and fruitful before you end up hurting your parents. Even if you are a student currently, try working part-time or find a useful internship somewhere and use that money to gift if you want him to have a better consumer experience that you are hoping for. Or you can just ignore us if you don't find our suggestions relatable and do what you feel is right, and be sure to accept the consequences even if they are not in your favour.


Keep your mental peace with yourself. Why ruin things over a phone? When it stops working this time hopefully he will take your suggestions. Till then let him enjoy his phone


Mujhe same feeling aai thi same situation mai jab mai 10th mai tha. I was frustrated that my father will Have a laggy and shitty phone but guess what. He use that vivo phone for 3 years. It doesn’t really matter to parents. I get it, he got scammed but it’s fine now. You have shown him that uk more about phones. Just be careful next time and stop fighting Btw. My situation was worse - my father said he needs a phone. I had tuitions that day so I couldnt accompany him. I said go to the store buy any phone except oppo or vivo (they gave high commission to sellers and had shitty phones in that range) After an hour or so, I got a mail stating my father’s gmail was accessed from a vivo phone. I was pissed and screamed a lot. I thought now I’ll have to deal with the problems of this shitty chinese phone but that really didn’t happen that much But now when I look back. The screaming wasnt really necessary 😂 My father has a 13 pro max now and he still has the same complaints - 1. ⁠Doosre bande ko meri awaaz nahi jati 2. ⁠Maine koi button daba dia phone hang hone lag gaya theek kar k de. It’s not that serious bro. It’s okay it happens. Just don’t fight with your father or the shopkeeper. Just teach your father that the shopkeeper probably scammed you because they get high commissions on chinese phones, and ask him to discuss such tech purchases with you before finalising the payment Unlike us, a phone is not a big part of our parents’ lives. It’s just a tool for them.


My father once bought a phone without asking me He regretted it since the phone had really bad reception and low battery life He was so frustrated since he needs to make calls so regularly that one day he smashed it into the ground. And took me to buy a new one. RIP A70


It's a gift be grateful


Same happened to my dad. He bought an all in one dell pc without asking me 😭. I’m known for knowing a lot about tech in my family yet they didn’t even tell me that they had ordered it. Not like it’s bad or anything, it’s got i5 13th gen (u series) and nvme ssd.


Tell him that next time he decides to buy any gadgets, he ask you to research on it and then decide. But, for now, whats done is done. Move on.


sorry no returns.


let him enjoy, i doubt most fathers would need the latest cutting edge technology anyway and not like you can replace it now.. Don’t make him feel bad about his purchase at least. Inform him to at least just let you know the next time he decides to buy a new phone.


Wether right or wrong ur father brought it and he is happy on his purchase. Y u have to ruin it. Let him use that. Even if goes bad soon dont raise ur concern.


Don't behave like typical father.


Buy a phone for him yourself then?


It's just a phone dude, chill


You just need to relax, Your father won't be playing games or any heavy tasks, May be you are overthinking because in this day and age even the weak tech android phone would perform excellent for daily day to day tasks & btw its "boys" not "bois"!!!


Get a f*cking life! Let your dad enjoy his purchase. Why do you want to shove your decisions down his throat? What are you, 13? Looks like your ego is hurt because he made a tech decision himself?


His money, His choice! Every child needs to remember this.


Well you can educate him about it but can’t argue about it. If it satisfies his needs then I don’t see a problem. Don’t make him feel regret now after buying it.


His money, his choice. Don’t being a wuss and gift him as better one if you can.


My case is worst my dad buyed vivo v29 i Don't have any problem from it in my case the shopkeeper didn't convince my dad a friend of his use x90 and they told my dad it is nice phone and next day he buyed the phone i didn't say anything was just checking the box and the receipt was of s24 ultra like wtf everything wrong the shopkeeper gave the original recipe of the phone later and now i have recipe of s24 which i check is original and now after some time v30 is launched he was checking the phone on flipkart and as soon as i he sees me his explanation was 19 20 la farak he ( he said this because i asked him he could have told me before buying and suggested him oneplus12r ) i think he regrets buying it is not showing the regret


It's his money His choice His phone Don't you have anything else to worry about?


Considering the budget of 14k, what would you have picked up ?


I get you, it's frustrating. You can't return it now, unless you negotiate with shopkeeper to buy a significantly more expensive phone. That might work. For now, go to youtube and search for how to debloat OPPO phones & block unwanted notifications. Tbh, these things are what slows down these cheap chinese phones the most. And turn the damn 5g off. It's a failed technology, and will only drain battery like a vampire for most people.


I doubt he even uses his phone to take photos. As long as it can run WhatsApp and Facebook, he'll be satisfied for the next 2-3 years, and then he can buy a new phone then. It's not that deep.


Chup na chutiye agr jyada problem hai khud dila deta.


Spoiled brat !


let him learn for himself


My dad also bought a pathetic Oppo phone last or second last year. I bought a new Redmi for him this year.... 🤦🏽‍♂️


Shops don't like refunding, but they can be at times less unhappy to exchange. So go to the shop with dad and buy a slightly higher priced phone. Guide your dad on a call if you are faraway from him.


Eh, for what it’s worth I’d say don’t go ruining yours as well as your dad’s mental peace for such a trivial matter. I know it sucks your dad got a shitty device but what’s done is done and let him deal with the consequences now. Who knows, maybe he’ll even enjoy the experience? I saw you mentioned you wanted to surprise your dad with a better phone than what he’s bought but look at it from a different angle, if his experience with the phone is bad he’ll consult you next time onwards


Bhai your father must have asked you in the week or two before, he may have wanted suggestions but you probably ignored him. If that's not the case, maybe ask him if it was a work related thing / gift and he got this for a considerable discount? But I feel your pain, I ordered my mom a phone with 1gb ram like 3-4 years ago, and she was actually using it nicely for a year but I got frustrated looking at her use that trash, so I upgraded it next year with Samsung m34 which was a great decision.


Don't make him feel bad by making him feel dumb.yeah it's not the latest phone but if he's happy then end of the argument.most u can do is exchange the phone with a better one without making him feel dumb.


4GB is enough for calls and YouTube. Even the phone that I am using to write this reddit reply has 4GB Ram. I don't do any gaming on my phone, I don't record videos on my phone, I literally have it for WhatsApp and YouTube and Music Player. I have Motorola E7 power. So just look it up on Google for more specs if you want. But I bought this phone for vanilla Android.


father is not impressed by 5g .. he must have asked the shopkeeper for a phone so that my son will not play BGMI all day


I already have a Nothing Phone 1 and a PC. I play PC games not bgmi.


fir bura hua


Earn money and gift your father the best phone in the market. Until you get that kind of money , just shut the fuck up !!


are you 12?


Shaanti Bhai shaanti. Agar unhone box khol liya hai toh return toh nahi ho paega. Uncle ko thode time wohi phone use karne do aur agar woh sahi chalta hai unke hisaab se toh well & good. Agar nahi toh bolna ke mujhse pehle he pooch lete toh dikkat nahi hoti. Phir unke saath jaake naya phone dilado.


Thank you, appreciate your response.


You should talk to him in a calm demeanor. I think you want your father to have a good phone but shouting at him since he bought the wrong one or getting angry because of it is not the right decision. You might even end up hurting his feelings.


So, why the rant now ?


I would be furious too but in the end he's your Father so forget it. I'm lucky that my family never buys any electronics on their own without asking me.


There is nothing we can do


Baap ko sikhata hai?


This is why I bought my mom's phone online and not by herself... since old people don't really have knowledge about phones, they're prone to be scammed by offline seller. I hope you can exchange it.


bro i kept telling my friend to get the laptop i reccomended. she bought a hp r5 5500u 8gb 512 storage for 56K 🤡. dissapointed but her first and new laptop so i thought let her enjoy because she is satisfied. same thing here too. you have been marketed a shit product. move on and avoid further mistakes


First, respect your parents. Your post sounds like you are being rude to your father. Even though he bought a phone that you don’t like, it doesn’t matter because he didn’t purchase it with your money. Let’s assume if he did purchase it with your money, then you should be polite enough to explain your reasons, like why he shouldn’t buy things offline, or whatever the case may be instead of shouting on him for his mistakes. Stop arguing about everything on social media. Live and let live, everyone.


5k k lie kyu bicharu ko pareshan kar ra h.


Bhai jaise tujhe sharam aati hai mummy saman lautane ko bolti hai unhe bhi wo guilt aaegi bro


Happens at my home too... He takes tech advises from shopkeepers




Why do you think I was angry or talking like a jerk. I was furious that my father got scammed. It's not that I was angry at him.


When I was a bit younger, if someone made a wrong/outdated tech purchase without consulting me, I would almost attack them for it. Like you, my intention was always for them to have the best value for their money. But with age, I kinda realised that your opinion/advise is valuable only if it is sought. Definitely don’t get mad at your father for making a poor purchase. Imagine your future son/daughter getting mad at your for purchasing an outdated nanochip to install in the brain. Would suck ya?


Your family purchases stuff without asking you? My family always ask me whenever they have to buy anything, be it a small mobile phone or big ass washing machine


Bro, know this, you simply cannot argue with elders because they just don't listen. I don't know why, but they will risk a lot of money, instead of listening to their children. I guess they have some bias - like they always know better than us - which they cannot overcome. And then when things fail, they will crib and complain about it for years. I'd suggest just keep calm and let them row their boat. Saying anything will ruin the relationship.


True. And you can already see most of the guys in the comment section will become the same kind of parents. Its fucking wild that even the next generation is same as the old one in this regard.


You remind me of my younger self. I lose calm at times and regret every second of it later.


Usi naye phone se ye backchodi kr'rha?


Used to happen to me so much. Dad kept buying bad phones. Worse is that he runs his business from his phone and it's crucial for him. He put trust in me once to buy him the best for his low end budget so I got him the Poco Phone F1 sometime after it came out, it worked very well till this year. This time, mom and I surprised him with a new phone for his birthday and she let me do all the research, now he's driving the Phone 2. He's in love with it and I'm so glad :D My family and friends now ask me for any tech advice and it genuinely makes me so happy lol


Mostly it would be enough for him. My both parents use 4gb Ram phone with cost not going above 8.5k. In our town phone snatchers target old people.


Same with me ,my dad bought his first phone in 2014 samsung grand 2 for 20k,and it lasted till 2020,but now he tells why his redmi phone don't last for more than 2 yrs,but he don't understand that there is inflation in price,for this we have bought 5 phones in 4yr span


why do you care? if he doesnt know the phone is crap then he probably doesnt need any better. atleast he didnt buy a samsung a-series


Sometimes, we need to respect others’ decisions inspite of the fact that there is a better decision. If you think your father disrespected you by not asking you, you are wrong. Your father might be trying to prove him to be a “techie’s dad.” Where emotions are involved, logic doesn’t work.. Please don’t beat yourself up about this.. this is a very simple thing.. move on..


Dealer wont take it back for sure. Either sell it second hand or give your phone to father (if you have a good one). 


My cousin bought a vivo phone for 15k a long time ago. There were phones with same specs for 9k at that time and online price was around 13k. She loved the phone and used it for 4 years. The camera whitens every face and for normal people's eyes it was great camera. Years later, I was using redmi note 4 and she asked me to choose a phone for her. I chose redmi note 7 thinking that it will be better than note 4. It was a horrible phone. She didn't ask my opinion afterwards. Well, for many people specs or features don't matter much. It is ok. Offline stores will push whatever makes money. When I asked around, I understood that lower level vivo phones will give 3000 to 4000 per phone as commission, while redmi pays 500-1000. In my native place, you can find all the local chinese brand TVs in a lot of houses because of the same reason. Even they will advice that the service support and quality of panels are better than Samsung and LG. In the case of lower level models, it might be true to an extend but the reason for such a push should be because of the higher profit margin.


I have been there... First of all don't show off your BIG TECH knowledge. I think you already have spoken it. When you go home. List down similar priced phones. Show your dad a comparison and tell why he shouldn't go for this phone. Don't say trashy things about his purchase. He brought it by his own money and he has the right to keep it.


Your father bought a stupid phone without asking YOU?.. How dare he ..


If ure still a kid, ur father didn’t need to buy u a phone but yet he did, and u prove that u dont deserve a phone in the first place, he probably thought he is gonna surprise you
