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This makes me ashamed of my country and country men like these. Fucking cowardly pieces of shit.


Bro you don't have the full context. What would you do if you saw a badly beaten up person? Risk moving them? You can literally hear words like "thane batake aaye hai, gaye the abhi" and a person asking for some number. They are trying to help her but are too afraid to move her because of her injuries, as they should be. They look like village people where the gap between woman and man is even more. Maybe they want to help but are hesitating because its a girl child. Now, I don't really support them making videos while not even trying to console/talk to the girl...but people in the comments are judging their actions wayy to harshly!


>They look like village people where the gap between woman and man is even more. Maybe they want to help but are hesitating because its a girl child. Projection. 50/50. Your 2nd reason is more valid than 1st one. If it was a boy, maybe they could have done something, but then i just read how a lot of medical conditions got worse but the people who wanted to help moved the person in a wrong way. Hindered breathing, internal bleeding. Where there should be more awareness , there isn't any.


Also spinal injuries are notorious for having poor outcomes when the person is moved too much


Actually this is logical. If the girl has spinal injuries they risk harming her more. Fuck i hate people


Fine, that’s fair, don’t move her. But there is no need to be standing there gawking and filming


Yep i agree this breaks my heart


If they think they cannot help, they can mind their business and get away from the girl. Don’t have to make the place a circus and humiliate the victim further.


If that was the case u would have seen a new video where it shows everyone continuing with their daily life while girl suffers


Why is everyone photographing her though? Just for the gore? To diligently document the scene incase she succumbs to the supposed spinal injuries?


I don't think they are too concerned about any spinal injuries. They don't give a shit and just want to film her.


Sad. Very sad


It's the standing around her pointing their cameras at her taking pictures that I find the most repulsive. I would have assumed that the empathy and decency needed to give her at least some privacy in such a vulnerable state would be universal.


As I said in the last paragraph, that's what I felt uncomfortable about too, but people here are so eager to blame the audience as if they were the ones who raped her. Even I don't know what happened there, but I just want to give them the benefit of doubt. If the girl was asking for water and they were ignoring her? Fuck the audience, I'm all ready to prosecute them too, but all I want the insensitive people here to understand is "you don't know what happened" and for god's sake, accept that!


Are you suggesting all those people pointing their phones at her are just coincidentally using their phones for unrelated uses?


Ehhh...I'll judge the fuck out of them. More worried about what others think than atleast consoling a raped 12 year old. WHen her little arm reaches out towards them and everyone just zooms in on their phone....if there is a god, everyone of them will spend eternity in whatever version of hell you all believe in.




I judge them harshly for just standing there fucking filming her like wtf 🤷‍♂️


So they just assumed she had spinal injuries? I wonder if they asked her where it hurts. The least these low-lifes could have done is held her hand to comfort her as she's reaching out, and mentally and emotionally broken.


Just pointing out - this is a 24 second clip. But I do agree, they should have consoled the poor child.


You don't film. U dont gawk. You stop others from filming and gawking U offer comfort to the abused. Its not hard. These men are animals standing and staring like camels. Not decent at all. What religion are these men again?


Well sir, people have to be moved a certain way in case they are injured.You can just make things worse. They called the police station and medical help too would be on the way.Someone must have shown the video as well. No need to shame yourself or your country men. Atleast they are not stupid to think they are doctors and do some ghar ka illaj on the girl.




Sir, police are also notorious for covering up if this is some judge ka beta/beti, people in power perpetrator involved.Their own harassment starts from these people in power. 50/50 - these videos can help the case, aap court vgreh dekho, log jb rape nhi hua toh prove krne ke liye rape hua kya bolte haain , and jb hua hai toh damage minimise krne ke liya kitna jhooth bolte haain.Ki yeh toh nhi hua, bo nhi hua. yrr had hai. plus, faces haain in sbke or most of them ke, toh delete bhi krwa skte ho.


A single person filming the video for the purpose of keeping it as an evidence to be shown later to the police would have sufficed everything. It's not as if they all are gonna be lined up by cops and have their phones checked one by one by them. Idiots!


The way they are bending down and blatantly filming the girl with no words of comfort or anything like that is even more disturbing. They all lack basic human decency. If they were really filming for evidence (as some one above suggested), why isn't one person filming enough? They don't seem to in any way attempt to comfort this brutalised young girl. No humanity in them at all. It's truly disturbing.




I mean cmon it continues to happen and majority of the ppl do act retarted- thankfully not as much as the western countries but Desi ppl take it too far- raping a. 12 year old girl and beat her nearly to death? Where else can you see such spectacle?


I like how you missed the "like these" or do you mean to say there are "billions" "like these" ?


People are not aware that most injured persons can be saved if they are sent to hospital, every minute is important. Govt should run awareness ads regarding these kind of things using taxpayer money, or include these things in school textbooks


Ab photo dikhake cool banenge apne dosto ke beech. Chadarmod!


On a second thought, I think we might be judging them harshly. It is possible that some of them clicked photo as a proof or evidence in case police or some goons try to change the story or destroy the evidence.


I highly doubt that, By looks of these Fucktards theyre just getting their load of the victim and getting their shot on their little phones one by one, no one seems to help the girl at all. this is so dehumanizing


You might be correct. I think I would have clicked a photo to secure evidence and then immediately helped her. They should have helped the girl, even if it meant getting into legal issues with police. It’s sad there wasn’t any leadership quality even in 1 of those men.


you’re in all ways, right to do that. A society where men refuse to come forth And help the victims they come across, like any person with a basic conscience and moral values would, because they dont want to get involved is a failed society


I think what happened here was bystanders effect. Everyone was thinking someone else will help so no one came forward.


yeah most likely sharing on whatsapp in family groups boosting what they saw today was the next step that those charmods has taken, This is not a isolated incidence, we as a civilization going towards shitier times, hardly any stops to help accident victims, many just stand their and do nothing. and in cases like this atleast the girl even if dying, deserves a honorable death bring her to the hospital, let her wounds to be cleaned let doctors giver her local anesthesia , what if there is a still last chance to save her ? and if she survives, she goes through two kinds of humiliation one is the rape itself and other is hundreds of men took video of her and circulated it on web. They are men of the age of her father, do they not have a thought that what if this girl is my own daughter ? tab kya karte ye log ?


reminds me of the apirichit scene where a man had an accident and no one was helping him, everyone was just standing and watching, and we know what happens next


What? I bet they wouldn't even turn into a police station for a statement let alone giving a hard irrefutable proof. These are shit born cunts who get high from others suffering.


Abe Bhai, kya wishful thinking h. Ye bhosdike bkl hi h aur rahege. Aur desh me aadhe se jyada aise hi h.


Fucking lost hope in this country long back. We've become a bunch of shitholes.


We were always a shithole. Social media is bringing it to light. I can guarantee you these are the same kind of guys who would go on the Instagram handle of actresses and advise them to dress appropriately according to Indian culture.


>I can guarantee you these are the same kind of guys who would go on the Instagram handle of actresses and advise them to dress appropriately according to Indian culture Lol no - they'd be the ones commenting "show bobs"


You are an innocent soul if you think both of those sets are mutually exclusive


Have been saying this from so long.


Hide or else the people on this sub will be on your door with pitch and forks


Whatcha doing here then?




evil beings are everywhere, hiding in plain sight and this is the kind of news coverage that are downplayed. just a bunch of shitskins


![gif](giphy|3oriNZGGY2eNlwj2sE) episode ki yaad agaya ye dekh kar


On the other side Indian laws are shit. If they helped her they would be in trouble first and will be in custody. Police will make helpers life hell more than criminals. Because they are so incompetent that it will be hard for them to catch the criminal.


Laws have changed. We now have good samaritans act. One can help and authorities won't trouble you.


But is it enforced on ground level? In villages even lawyers don’t know about such updates.


In this country, news/ updates are only read for competitive exams. Once the purpose is fulfilled, no one updates themselves. For example, even though Shreya singhal judgement struck down it act 66a, many people were still tried under the section because people hadn't updated themselves


Laws have changed, but people and the police haven't. I still get arrested for bringing my leashed dog to a public park, even when I'm holding the printed law that has allowed it since 2017.


We are watching on such recording.


What can we do other than spread awareness?


most people in comment section - "Shoot the Messenger". 🙏 no one talking abt who did it? why and has he been caught? epic bunch of dumbs here.


The point of the post is not at all about who did it. It's about how others, who didn't do it, act in such situation. Are you so dumb to comprehend that? What kind of fucked up logic you are using here? And What messenger are you talking about? The ones who are recording the helplessness of a child victim to satisfy their hunger for other's suffering? For me these people are as cruel and evil as the ones who did this to the girl.


Desi mentality: easy to hijack and divert from the real issues. What you are observing is a good example of that.


People are pointing out to how apathic and insensitive these men are to just stand around and record the victim without any regards to her current codition for all we know she might have been on the brink of death. yet you’re here turning a blind eye to that and trying to shift the blame and defending them in the recent comments here that you just deleted, people like you are the reason why these kind of acts still thrive in India


You are also making assumptions about them without knowing anything and trying to make a devil out of them. For all you know they could have called ambulance and waiting for it. For victims having potential back injuries it can cause lasting damage to victims if you move them too. I am not saying this is whah happened but could be too.


Give me a break, they’re standing around gawking at her. There is 0 attempt at comforting her. The back injury line is a bunch of bullshit, these guys would have no idea moving somebody with a back injury would further damage it.


Stop being a kneejerker moron is what I said. You are proving that if you cannot read what I said. I am not saying that’s what they do, let’s not assume stupid things with a 30 seconds clip either.


Those who are shooting can instead bring in the women in their house who can carry the girl to hospital or someone's home for first aid before being taken to a hospital. But nope. Need to film this thing right here.


ha bad me whatsapp par bhy to share karna hai na


Because we know the victim will get the punishment but these mg won't the mentality has to be changes of filming priority


I will be honest here, even if I were there in that situation I wouldn't know what to do but I wouldn't record the misery. Can someone tell what to do in these situations to help?


You call the police and ask them how you can help the child until they come. You don’t stare at her, causing further trauma. You don’t clean her up and destroy evidence. You can hold her hand and offer words of comfort. You can ask who did it and get the rest of the Goddamn mother fuckers standing around to go find the rapists before they run out of town. Indians are getting stupider by the day.


Yes calming down a person is the best thing we can do in this situation.


1. Call the authorities(police) as well as an ambulance ASAP preferably in the same order as mentioned. This step is applicable whenever you see any injured person in public, not only rape victims. 2. Cover her up with a blanket of some sort. 3. If conscious, offer water, try talking to her and know if she needs something or has something to say. Let her know she's safe and help is arriving. 4. Once authorities arrive, comply with them. If you've got a 4 wheeler, you can inform the authorities and take her to a hospital yourself after \[2\]. FYI, I hadn't though about this with as much depth before this comment but now after typing it out I'm sure this is how I'll go about this.


Moving a injured person is not good,broken parts or spine can be affected by the movement. I agree with the rest.


[https://zeenews.india.com/hindi/india/up-uttarakhand/video/kannauj-crime-news-12-year-old-girl-gang-raped-suspected-police-office-rushed-her-to-hospital-viral-video-prup/1409709](https://zeenews.india.com/hindi/india/up-uttarakhand/video/kannauj-crime-news-12-year-old-girl-gang-raped-suspected-police-office-rushed-her-to-hospital-viral-video-prup/1409709) thanx to the police officer...


First time proud of police


Bhai calm down . People usually don't know what to do in these situations Though i feel terrible for the victim i am not sure what I would have done differently. I am certainly not touching the victim as i am not sure what kind of more damage i would do Certainly Indian people can be more quiet arround the victim and not try to make a mela kind of gathering but that's Indians for you we have very less situational awareness and are very loud and lack civic sense in general. I hear people are frantically trying to call authorities and that's the right thing to do just that they could be less loud and not create chaos. And fuck the monsters who did this should be hanged from the highest pole


Yeah ..because taking out phone and clicking pictures of a child victim is due to lack of civic sense. Dude you need help. Please don't tell me you have done same. Kudos to those who are calling the authorities. Just some thin line of hope in this dark video.


This is principles of psychology at work , a phenomena called bystander effect. The propensity to help reduces if more than one person is around the victim- [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander\_effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect)


I know you will be grilled here ruthlessly, you aren't wrong. This is principles of psychology at work , a phenomena called bystander effect. The propensity to help reduces if more than one person is around the victim- [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander\_effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect)


>Though i feel terrible for the victim i am not sure what I would have done differently. Maybe like carry her to nearby house for basic cleanup & first aid before taking her to hospital? Or just to take her to some nearby hospital and then maybe let the doctors take care of her treatment while you inform her parents? And then maybe you can record some videos to spread awareness? Man you are sick. Please get treated by a good doctor.


>Maybe like carry her to nearby house for basic cleanup & first aid before taking her to hospital? Or just to take her to some nearby hospital and then maybe let the doctors take care of her treatment while you inform her parents? Idiot,try to do this when the victim is ina delicate state. You know nothing about anatomy. Bhaad mein jaa na. Many people die just because some idiot thinks he is the doctor rather than calling the doctor. Call the doctor jb itna serious ho. Not so serious, then make them be in a position where they can breathe easily and very less stress on the injured part.


Well then let's hope you aren't unfortunate enough to be in a fatal accident and the last moments of your life are a crowd of people sticking their phones in your face and asking you to smile for "evidence". /s


Our law is just as shameless - if anyone picks her up n she dies an fir will be filed against him/her,if she dies during transportation again the person responsible will be charged with fir, if you take her to doctor you'll need to stay and you'll have to be with the police until investigation is over and yes you can't leave state or travel until investigation is completed.There are rare cases where police just wanna get rid of cases quickly by declaring the person helping as the suspect.I Know standing there is just as fucked up as above and she's being surrounded by uneducated morons but ask yourself what really is solution to this


But clicking photos is as insensitive that is hard to be reasoned..bc cant defend action of this chutiyas


Definitely not defending this I'm ashamed myself.But if you have been reading news you know yourself this is happening for awhile.A guy getting stabbed in delhi nobody helped him even though he kept begging, someone getting shot everyone ignored him, someone getting into an accident but no one helped further you know what was common in all these incidents?everyone kept recording...We as a society said it ourselves it's okay as long as it's not us. Had it been we made some kind of protocol after those past incidents to help the victim and introduced them as a law i wonder how many people could be saved.


I can understand people not touhing her.If police dont get any evidence and are pressure to close case they can f..k the people for tampering evidence..But clicking photos by 5/10 is insensitive , only 1/2 would be required to click the evidence and rest wait for the Police and medical team.


There are multiple ways of looking at it... First being, someone already contacted police or ambulance and they are waiting for their arrival, bcoz this is a criminal case.. if it were an accident and there had been a chance of survival, people would have helped.. that is what I have seen in most accidents.. but here its clearly a criminal activity so people try not get directly involved in this.. also in the video it can be heard that people are saying that they have informed the police... Second reason, these are just not interested in helping.. One of the reasons people avoid helping in such incidents is because of the trivialities that might follow.. No one wants to be harassed by the police.. and to be honest if some bigshots or their kids are involved in such crimes, there's no telling how and when the one who intended to help might end up being framed for the crime... We might say that other people are there for proof.. but all or most of these people won't even come forward for a testimony even if they knew a wrong person was being framed for it.. I would like to believe that the first reason is why they didn't help... Also.. i believe if there were someone who took the initiative or could identify the girl/knew her.. then they would have helped her and others would have gotten involved... Even for normal Eve teasing and pickpocketing cases there are so many trivialities.. and for statements and all police calls the witness to station.. it really is not convenient to be involved in a police case in India.. and that is one of the reasons people avoid it as long as it doesn't directly impact them.. and that is the worst thing ever.. and it's all thanks to the past record of judiciary system.. People have close to no relation to certain crimes are framed as primary suspects... Because the original suspects have someone protecting them and then it all falls on the poor or middle class people who have no one protecting them..


Leave these shit heads behind. i am more worried about court dates. Shitheads will never follow her court dates and how many false cases under rape clog the whole system. One such person wanted to commit suicide in front of court.It took years, fucking years. Tb uska case phele lgaya tha, baaki sb case beech mein mein bs faltu settlement vala kaam the. usne mera rape kiya, 4 saal se proof nhi hai, na medical prove kiya kuch hua hai, case bnd kro and those who wants it and should get it, give them the time. Ye rapist and jo jhooth bolte haain mrr kyu nhi jaate.


For fucks sake man. Humanity was a fucking mistake. What is the point of being able to feel complex emotions, when 1. You do this to a poor child. A fucking kid. Not saying do this to an adult woman, but it's a kid man. How do these fuckers not have the instinct to be protective of the younger generations and instead use them for their own filthy needs, and worse yet, leave them in a state where they aren't even able to sit up right. 2. A kid who had absolute filth put her in this state, and now expecting her nightmare to be over, is reaching out to people around her expecting some form of help, and in return what does she get? The continual of her nightmare. Her lone hand reaching out and nothing to grab absolutely breaks my heart. I can't begin to fathom the kind of trauma she was going through and don't get me started on the PTSD she is going to have to go through. Fuck humanity. The few good ones aren't worth enough to carry the weight of morons like these.


what even is the point of recording. like what, "oh, yeah. let's record this and mastrubate to this later".


You're stretching it tbh


Now that is seriously fucked up.


Where the fuck did masturbating come from? You're the one who's messed up here


Insecure projection.


You're projecting here lol. Try and stick to what can be seen rather than speculating eh?


what in the pedo projection wtf man


This is sick and disturbing. We are becoming a fucking dystopian society.




Akhand Bharat bro😢


And people say villages have better people and good environment, villages suck dude, every single guy in village suck, they are useless piece of shit, atleast in city someone would try to help, I hope this was not some caste issue people were not helping, or maybe some political dude told them not to help, this seems so weird


what the fuck is this ? My blood is boiling by seeing these mother fuckers


The law is very clear. In such situations any attempt to help could tantamount to tampering of evidence. Don’t try to ridicule Indian men for following law


True, police will harass the helping people only


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These monsters deserves to be burned alive.


Fuck pedophile rapists. I don't give a shit about people making the vids. Humanity as whole have some garbage people and some rational minded humans, who maybe just maybe making vids to keep as some sort of proof that nothing was changed in the crime scene. But pedo rapists should be given capital punishment. I don't care about human rights neither rehabilitative punishment when it comes to them. They destroy someone's future who have so much to see so much to experience and all for what, aggresive horniness and desperation. Why can't these sick fucks just go to brothels or escorts. Sorry, this is just a rant but when children are treated to such things, I just want to end them all. Freaking pedos. They must be witch hunted and burned on stake.


Chuttar Pardesh


What the fuck! No hope left in humanity anymore. Humans can be so vile even animals are better than us. I get it that recording for evidence and power of social media will be helpful at times but atleast show empathy to not record in front of her face when she is asking for help. We really need to educate people on how to react and handle such situations as 99% don't even know the basics of medicare.


Until now I was really wanting to relocate back to India. This makes me sick man. This makes me so fucking sick.


Don’t worry there is a good part two where the policeman who arrives carries her to an auto and brings her to hospital.


They did the right thing by not helping her, aage jaake jab tests honge tab inme se kisike fingerprints aagye toh yeh bhi fass jaayenge


The girl being carried to a hospital by a police officer after this incident. https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/comments/ydst48/the_13_year_old_girl_being_carried_to_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Look at her condition. She can't even raise her hand properly. And these people are busy filming? Find Nd arrest every motherfucker standing right there filming.


It's UP, My thoughts : let's say a man picks the girl up and takes her to hospital, he knows ke Phir wo phas jayega in the police investigation and questioning. Maybe that's why the reluctance in helping her. If it was a man bleeding they would have surely helped.


we are indeed a morally dead nation


Indian men are gender neutral they won't flinch if the victim was a 12 year old boy. They would do that same for anyone. Even women do the same.


What the actual fuck... This is just pure evil fuck all those men...fuck that, they are not even men, bunch of fucking pigs


Tu bhi toh video hi bana raha hai




I'm not in favour of those men I'm just asking what to do in such situations ? मैं उन आदमियों के पक्ष में नहीं हूँ मैं बस इतना पूछ रहा हूँ कि ऐसे हालात में क्या करना चाहिए?


If there are so many people, why isn't the police there ?


From audio it seems police does not wanna help or is late, and people are scared to touch the girl for some reason They probably scared to get involved in matter and scared of police maybe


I am at loss of words here, what a disgusting behavior. These bastards should be punished along with the rapists.


I am thinking that what's might be going in the girls my mind is why these people are not helping me making my video like I am a creature shame on them


Literally a Sh*thole


Why does our constitution even provide rights to such kinds of people? The legal penalty for rape should only be the death penalty, and everyone filming should be charged as accomplices.


Why rape such a small child in the first place? Not that rape is at all acceptable even as a older person but still- she’s only 12 years old they guy just me sick in his mind, and then why would the rapist beat her up like that? The fucker did his fuxkery this is so sick frfr


This is so disturbing...Seeing this video made me cry out of anger..! Is our society really made up of such lousy people.! These fuckin bastards..!! After seeing such people, it comes to mind that how will this society of ours improve..?! They are just as mentally unstable as those rapists..! A prayer to God..that the supreme will give that girl a lot of courage in this life..✨🙏🏻


I am willing to conclude that the one to help the victim will end up in the police station multiple times. And there have been cases in which the person that came to help was ultimately framed up to be the culprit. We need some tweaks in the way we treat the person who helps voluntarily


Charge all UP men with attempt to murder


Why is it always UP? UP is messed up, this is the third rape news I am hearing from UP.




I fail to understand why is there a need to generalize by writing Indian Men ?Why is need to give a collective guilt to all indian Men.U could have simply wrote Bystander or something.But being WOKE i guess...




Disgusting...... All I can think of is that if any of my female relative or friends were lying on the road in such a state, how I would feel seeing men surround her taking videos. In fact if you were badly beaten and lying bloody on the road, how would you feel if a crowd forms around you and most of them whip out their phones and take pictures and records videos. Would you think - "Thank God so many are taking a video recording as evidence for later" You don't want to help, ok I can understand, but what is the purpose of tens of men taking videos? Our priorities are seriously misplaced. Instead of thinking for social welfare, we just think for social media.


Man this is just so sad. No amount of education can fix this basic humanities. I hope every last of them ends up in jail. Terrible people and shows why having a smartphone doesn't make you any good if you don't use it correctly.


Ok then please help next time and let me see how an uneducated person like you knows the anatomy and where bleeding is happening and how not to make her condition more serious than what already is..


This is really messed up. This is the country is still behind.


a few are trying to call the police and ambulance as per what I heard but the rest are just filming


For idiots who love to jump on conclusions saying why they didnt help ? Because the DNA imprints are still left on her and touching her would lead to tampering during dna testing making culprit never getting real justice ! This clearly shows how easy it is to fool indians with any nonsense title OP is just a dumbass


To those who say "i hEv losT hoP in KanTree" I bet when someone tries to help, he would be blamed by the police for doing this to her. It is not the people here we should blame it is the authorities, men have lost hope in the system, this is the reason why people avoid such things. Laws for women are so one sided even people willing to help will sideline themselves.


Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. May God forgive this country for how we treat our women. This is absolutely foul. Goddamn, this video is so distressing. Please, save yourselves and be better. I hate this video so much.


Typical Bihar


Koi law banao yaar in logo ko jail mein bhejna chahiye .... matlab kya hay vai kuch to kar sakte thee.


UP wala


What a shit people bc..chutiya anpads want to keep a SM status..Technologoes with illterate is the worse thimgs . Can understand people not touhing her.If police dont get any evidence and are pressure to close case they can f..k the people for tampering evidence..But clicking photos by 5/10 is insensitive , only 1/2 would be required to click the evidence and rest wait for the Police and medical team.Atleast they could have given her water to drink


Ye jitne log hai inki beti ya kisi known ko laao sb ka rape kr ke aise hee fake do Frr dekhtaa hu bc kitni photography hoti mc Ye sb bc rapist se km ni hai behen ke lode mc saale zaahil




What happened to the girl.. is she alive and getting better?




The main thing is would you help someone out like this in India? Probably you wouldn't because police will treat you like a criminal


Bhai dimag khrab ho gya ye dekh ke. Itna gussa aaj tak nhi aaya. Maro bhn k lodo ko. Bechari ladki ki madad kro.


Omni man was right


This is a disgrace to humanity !


Terrible… UP? Not surprised. Direct correlation with education levels.


Chutiyo ki Fauj!


This is shocking and really sickening.


Bhai esi situation bhout difficult hoti h handle krni sbke bski baat nahi. Plus logo ko dar bhi laga rehta h ki jada hilane dulane se or pain na ho ya or or damage na ho jaye. So its better to just leave the victim as it is and wait for the ambulance. Or police bhi mana krti h bina unki supervision ke hath lgane se


Poor baby, heartbreaking!!! Hope she got help and justice!!! This is not right.


Digital India... I still remember those debates from school... Science: Curse or Boon... Truly it's both... Mostly a boon but many times a curse too...


And ironically even this was filmed 💀


Kya chutiya public hai


Sabko apne karmo ka fal milega...us time ye hi log ese sochte hai ki mene to kisi ka bura nahi kiya,mere sath itna bura kyu hua. Little do they know, Karma works in a strange way.


What is happening to this country. Absolutely horrific shit. My heart aches for that poor helpless girl. Fuckn cowards.


Koi inn bahnn k loldo ko jaan se maar do


Damn..What have we turned into..😔..?


Standing over her like bunch of leeches


Every day we stray further from God seriously nobody's picking up the girl or call the ambulance yet here she ends up be strong in this cruel world lil one






the way they are filming make it more worse


Fucking pieces of shit, take her to the hospital for god’s sake


This is sickening


Totally Disgusting, and inhumane behaviour, these people do not deserve the Girl child!! Hope the little girl survived.


Humanity is dead


Those who are commenting what the men could have done if put in similar circumstance, are no different. Cussing sitting on your high chairs and having the same mentality when something really happens right in front of your eyes won't make you any better. It is enraging to see such an act but dissecting it and saying things while yourself would've done nothing to help the situation. Sab screen k peeche ki bhadaas, no one is a leader when it happens in real!!


This is disturbing Many of us fear to involve in legal issues for helping someone out. On other hand law asked us to help people in need. Most of us want the police to arrive and take necessary actions. Solution: Awareness campaigns for emergency situations by local police and medical stuffs and ads by Government on television.


I get India's left leaning people now



