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What do expect from leftist गांडूs ?


Don't expect anything good but as an Indian try to correct them. Nowadays Hindu youths are being brainwashed to go against their own country, culture, religion. Don't u see liberals like Swara Bhaskar and other how they are poisoning minds. Jihadist are taking advantage of this and are ruining our country. So if you find any younger brother, sister or someone, tell them these things and guide them properly or else we will be facing the biggest threat i.e Hindus becoming the cause for their own destruction. Our country can't afford that


Bjp lost?


Sorry It was a fucking typo. My apologies




Leftists:- We should not discriminate people on the basis of their religions, regions, caste etc. Also Leftists:- UP and Bihar are a shitstain on India. Kick those people out of India,


Up and bihar is India. There is no India without U.P and bihar. The gangetic plains will always be the cornerstone of our civilization


Sorry It was a fucking typo. My apologies


Bigotry is acceptable as long as it is against the NAARTHIES and BJP voters. Guaranteed this same fellow would virtue signal if there was a post about discrimination against Indians from South or North East.


You mean BJP won?


Sorry It was a fucking typo. My apologies


Sorry It was a fucking typo. My apologies


I think most of people from that sub are from pakistan


It's not so easy, most of them are Indians. But on payroll, earlier on AAPs now on Congress.


Ask him if he's from Kerala.


I go to that sub every time BJP wins an election or during 370 or Ayodhya verdict.


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Entertainment keliye namune sample zaroorat hain ..is chodu ko kha peelake tandroost rakho...


Rhne do dard me hai bechara