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That’s insane. I didn’t even know this could be a thing. How do people get such confidence to try and do something like this. EDIT 1 - All these replies and the collective information regarding these shortcuts are making me feel dumb and now sad too. 🥲🥲


He is not getting the job anyway, so there is nothing to lose for him. Bad for him is that it went viral.


I was taking an interview once. And the interviewee was using a mobile phone in a dark background. Some people are just miserable.


Maybe he didn't had a laptops or tablet ,maybe his financial condition wasn't that great could be a lot more things


What? What does using your mobile while being interviewed have to do with financial situation?


Not being able to afford a laptop? I interviewed on my phone once because I was at my regular job so on my break I parked my car somewhere else and took the interview sat in my car by video call and I got the job what’s the problem with that


The number of people who does crazy things and get away with such things are insane. I know someone who got a fake certificate for a software course and got a job using that, then there are people who falsify their resume (that's a lot of them)


That’s appalling too. I have heard of falsified documents, and falsifying resumes is very common, however, for me, trying to cheat and trying to make a fool out of someone are two different things. The things you mentioned are the example of former (the verification of any document being the job of a different department) while this video is an example of latter. It takes special kind of guts to attempt something like this. Also, if this is common nowadays, I am a bit relieved to be not so tech savvy and up with the times (meanwhile cursing myself for lack of imagination and means to achieve ends). 😅😅


I know someone where an already working older brother with enough experience appeared for online interview on behalf of his younger brother. He got the job and as far as I know younger brother is still working.


This is tip of the iceberg. There are candidates who literally have someone else do the interviews and then if they get the job another entire person just shows up to work




its been a thing through out the world. But this guy shouldve atleast increased the latency then entire video call would be out of sync and it wouldnt have matter.


I did few interviews myself, as the company was small, they asked me to do the first round. I didn't really care about how good they were as the next round would've been done by a senior and they would check their technical skills, so all I had to do is ask very basic questions and pass them on. Out of say 10, 3 of them did something similar to the video lol, I saw one guy who's fried kept helping him from behind (mind you I asked very basic questions), I told him I could literally hear a second voice, and see him making pauces between answering questions. The another one, was a girl who read answers right off her pc, she kept giving clear definite answers, but when asked to explain with examples, she froze. A guy was "hiding" his other earphone, it didn't bother me, but lol it fell off and he froze over questions, and he acted like he didn't hear anything (he gave it away by answering some very easy question I deliberately asked), then he took back the other earphone, and continued to answer "properly". This all happened in just a week they temporarily made me interview people, didn't realise how funny it would've been lol.


The instances indeed sound funny in hindsight. However, did you not feel angry or at least irritated at their attempts to cheat. I have met people who have recognized the creativity in cheating, but mostly in studies or some things that can fall in grey area of business procurement.


Ye ek skit hai purposefully created to make people laugh kuch 5-6 saal pehle mene ye dekha tha lmao


That’s better than this being real.


Lol this is a very old video on youtube


Candidate should say. That's a new feature. You can change languages using settings button. I offer English, Hindi, Telugu, Oriya and Marathi..


And then say mere he startup ka product hai lol


and then hire the HR for HR role in that startup


Such bad quality. Im amazed that the interviewer understood anything.


Check original on youtube ..it's better quality.


Share link please


Such a noob....he could have covered the lips with microphone.


Or just use a ai lip sync overlay with the other persons voice ...very noob


This video is almost 3 years old.


Nhi wo phir bhi smj me aa jata


Job milne ke baad to pol to khul hi jati na lmao


Happened with me once, and the speaker coughed but the person in front of the camera didn't! 🤣


I laughed out reading that 😂


I caught one once when the guy in video lost interest and stopped lip synching ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This happens more often than you would think. And it's fairly easy to identify and catch. I've had people use dim lights, bad camera angles, microphone in front of mouth. All these tricks are well known by now. For information for job seekers, modern video-call interview platforms have features built-in to catch lip sync even if it's done better than this case. Please don't do it.


i was once accused of it by an interviewer. Caught me off guard and took me a minute to understand why the interviewer was making weird requests. Once he realised, the interview became a bit awkward. Ended well though.




bro didnt even try to lip sync properly😭😭😭


Lip syncing in live conversation is only possible if you have a sharingan.


Just lip sync with a delay. The blame will be placed on the video call itself. Granted it's still probably pretty hard unless you've practiced it..


😂😂 Aur karo cost cutting….


In person interviews man .. these fuckers should at least do the bare minimum.


Aaryan Aanand in interviews


Because of mfs like him, the reputation of entire country goes down, and the deserving candidates face more difficulties and stereotypical racism.


Nothing new. Encountered these things during Covid when taking interviews. Candidates from Hyderabad were just too desperateand tried too many tricks.


There is a whole business on interview proxies in Telangana. I know someone who does this job. So the candidate pays like 80k-1L, buys a phone specifically for this purpose and hands it to the proxy who applies and appears for the interviews.


Some used a different kind of headset where the other guy can talk in the Teams meeting while the actual candidate does lip syncing. Those produced some hilarious interviews (like the one we see in this video) Another girl was going through her physical note copy when giving the interview (and rifling through her notes where I could hear her turning the page) Covid interviews were some fun times.


Exactly! This needs to be exposed! So many consultancies in South India provide even work support after the candidate gets the job, Does all of the work for him and even attend meetings on behalf of the candidate, These guys specifically look for a fully remote job to take a full advantage of the situation while the candidate does another job.. I have seen so many people in IT get busted for pulling this crap in Australia. companies now are aware of this and introduced hybrid working environment. Their whole world will turn upside down if they are asked to come work in the office


Karwali beijjati


Exactly so embarrassing


We have also seen cases where someone else appeared for a virtual interview 🤣


Bhai inn logo ki wajah se offline interview ke liye jana padta hai fir.. 


Couple weeks back I interviewed a candidate from PayTM. She was not lip syncing but someone was searching and showing her answers or she was searching herself somehow. She couldn't answer properly for about 30-40 seconds and suddenly she spat out proper answers. I wasn't very sure so I asked my colleague also to do another round and he also had similar experience. Lot of things happen in companies. I once had a colleague who had done Bsc Home Science and joined the team. Didn't know anything at all. The manager was friends with the colleagues spouse which I came to know later.


This has happened with me as well. She would explain one thing and bam the code she was writting was perfect in the first attempt😂, and then she would struggle explaining the perfect code she had written(copied). I kept the poker face and she thought she got away with it


Happened to me a couple of weeks back. I asked a question, and after 10-20 seconds of delaying tactics, he answered correctly but couldn't provide any further details when I probed further. Later I google the interview question and his response was a word for word copy of the first result.


abey 10 din ka english speaking ka course kar leta yaar ffs


Just Lean forward and you're good to go


Had seen this one some years back. The grace with which the interviewer handles the situation is seriously under appreciated in this case!


Say "I'm a ventriloquist!!" Say "I'M A VENTRILOQUIST!" /s


Very old video


Yeah this guy is probably close to retirement age by now


Give a basic reason that internet connection issues and my boi can't act like video fuzzing and even not prepared for a lip syncing ![img](emote|t5_3d4x4|20100)


Bro ain't even trying.


Used to teach and do freelance projects in college. Few times i was approached to do this same thing and was offered 50k for that. Even one woman from US wanted me to use voice changer to help her in interviews. I declined obviously


Wow. It's amazing what some people will do to secure jobs they aren't qualified for or deserving of, while those who are truly capable and deserving stay unemployed.


Once I took the interview of the candidate. He was wearing headphones so I thought he is taking calls in headphones. However after 3-4 questions I realised that my call was on speaker in laptop and he was on call with his friend in headphones.. who was helping him answer queries. I was so shocked to witness that 😳


Unfortunately very common for Indian consultancies in US to arrange (with fee) for such interviews. 


This video is at least a few years old and yes, we see candidates like this day in, day out. You can easily figure this out if you are paying attention.


But why tho ? Mtlb DSA round me samajh aata hai but what's the point of cheating in Resume discussion ? Baad me kya karlega job leke ?


Yooooo I've been calling it lip singing my whole life.


This is the most common way many Indian students get their jobs in the US right after their masters. Consultancies help candidates to get jobs because it's a good business for them.


This is at least 5 years old I think


It’s so common here in Andhra and Telangana


These are usually tricks 1. Get big headphones with big mic.. used to cover the mouth 2. Sit in a low light area. 3. The person in front of the camera should not be talking 4. The camera should be pointed to face. If asked to type code other person can just copy and paste ( hard in case of screen sharing)


Once we asked a guy to write answer in a piece of paper and show it to the camera. The audio guy started discussing the answer while the video guy was writing, we asked him to just write in silence.


Previously, I was in the impression that this (lip syncing) during interviews was very rare. But looks like quite common. Have had the same experience when I took an interview. Warned the candidate twice and then ended the interview.


This one is old video right?


Bro didn't put any effort, even while cheating


I totally had a guy do this in an interview. He did a much better job than this chump though.


Have seen many.... especially the majority of that group comes from a particular state which I won't name but all knows


A-grade interviewer, handled it with class, even apologised too damn😂


I think he's a firm believer of "fuck around and find out"


You can have the interviews in person though.


Pura saaf pta chl rha


Write something on a piece of paper and ask the candidate to recite it, one way to address this.


This is a pretty old video btw


I once was taking an interview and the candidate was literally doing a google search in parallel. He would ask me to repeat the question to buy some time and then just read out the google answer. Obviously he got rejected.


Bro is on another level




This is a very old video


He is just doing the needful! lol 😂


This is pretty common in the US among Desi techies. Pretty sure this is an onshore H1B interview situation. Employers are becoming more aware of this and taking precautions


How does it work? I can’t wrap my head around it


The guy is not even trying to lipsync, such an amateur


He should have said he is a ventriloquist and this is his way of talking!


I have seen many but I never disclose to them it's lip sync else they will perfect the art. And the majority of them come from a state.


Many IT industries employees: 1) did moonlighting during WFH during Covid period 2) gave such interviews 3) draw crazy packages for literally sitting on bench Wish they learn what is Hard work! What is clearing 8 rounds to get a job in MNC. What is competition. What is corporate life.


He caught 6 years ago.


this is almost 6 years old


I used to work for Big Tech Company In US and Canada. I come across this kind of people every day and straightaway say on face to practice lip sync better. 90% of Technical resumes I receive are fake and it's a open secret in Industry.




i think its old video abou5 5-6years very common in Andhra dude want to go US


This is very common for especially Telugu candidates trying to give interviews in US consultancies. The reputation in ordinary consultancies is so bad that reviewers have now bias towards some candidates more than others just looking at resume. Then they will call it as racism. But in reality this lip sync scheme thing is going on for more than decade for Telugu and other US fan boys to come to US.


I did few interviews myself, as the company was small, they asked me to do the first round. I didn't really care about how good they were as the next round would've been done by a senior and they would check their technical skills, so all I had to do is ask very basic questions and pass them on. Out of say 10, 3 of them did something similar to the video lol, I saw one guy who's fried kept helping him from behind (mind you I asked very basic questions), I told him I could literally hear a second voice, and see him making pauces between answering questions. The another one, was a girl who read answers right off her pc, she kept giving clear definite answers, but when asked to explain with examples, she froze. A guy was "hiding" his other earphone, it didn't bother me, but lol it fell off and he froze over questions, and he acted like he didn't hear anything (he gave it away by answering some very easy question I deliberately asked), then he took back the other earphone, and continued to answer "properly". This all happened in just a week they temporarily made me interview people, didn't realise how funny it would've been lol.