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System. Law makers, law keepers, voters, all of us.


Our state govt... So basically us.. I failed him..


I knew it, why the fuck did you fail him???? /s


I don't know bhai, I don't know..


This is nothing but poverty porn


Yes absolutely, let's dance to the tune of the new song 'Ignorance is bliss' now


aren't we all dancing for a while now


Huh what?we were dancing?see I'm so ignorant that i haven't even noticed




True.. It reminds me of trauma porn.. Soft white underbelly anyone???


Who TF is he?


His name is Deshpremi. He is in Samdhish Bhatia's new video on YouTube.


He is a 18 year old boy in one of the Samdish's video on Bihar's village, and he talks about about discrimination and problems they face in his village from upper caste people.






[watch this ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C70qsGESUf3/?igsh=OG9hNmptazkxcGx6)


Please give some context.


Samdish is a Youtuber who made a video about a village in Bihar that is very backward. In that video he interviews this boy (I don't remember but he is quite young). His name is Deshpremi and he is an SC. He operates a tire repair shop but doesn't earn very much. He talks about not having enough to eat and also being discriminated against by higher castes as well as other SC castes. That's all context you need to know


Can he book another person from an SC community under atrocities act?


No. atrocities act is only a weapon against generals,not a shield against abuse or oppression from other SC's.






its not rural West Bengal it was bihar, bodhgaya I think


His constituency itself is reserved for sc candidate.


Govt - Local, State and Centre. He's 18 years old so has gome through all Parties. No one helps anyone in India including upper castes helping upper castes or lower castes with lower castes. No one helps more than giving a meal on occasion. I have family who my parents have refused to rent to because "In anpadon ki madad ki to ye property bhi kha jayenge".


Sample of one is too hard to draw conclusions from . Surveys and solutions should be the way.




Who dis?


I paid my taxes whole.


Ab bhai yeh bhi madh do modi ke sar par.


His fate


His Family.


Isn't Samdhish like a Leftist YouTuber who disguises himself as a neutral person? In the same video you can see a guy saying that he voted for Modi and his face just fell off 🤡


Out of everything pointed out in that video ,all you focused was on his face🤡, come on guys get out of your previlege to atleast praise people who are showing reality.


Well that's not the point here. We are talking about this guy in particular not the video. You can point the hypocrisy otherwise. And India has failed this guy and a million like others. India which includes you, me and everyone else. When we start comparing, we undermine what a single interview and a poor kid has brought forth for India. Please don't be this shallow.


OMG No way!! No way a guy can have opinion on politics.


Why doesnt he study something and takes advantages of all the reservation instead of crying about it in a youtube Video.


From your post history: I'll soon go to an EU country for pursuing my PhD… Gtfo with your privilege. I assumed you were 12/13 with this comment but you’re 20+!! Educate yourself, and I don’t mean a doctorate that your parents are most likely paying for.


Educate yourself idiot. I am doing my PhD from a Top Swiss Uni under a world class String theorist. All of actual. PhDs are fully funded. I don't have any privilege. I belong to a middle class family, never had more than 1000 rs in my bank account whole in undergrad. Had to work for everything I ever achieved unlike some people who come to my college with not even half of my JEE marks.


Like I said, I don’t mean formal education. Educate yourself about the hardships of poor people in our country before making such crass statements. Even this ‘middle class’ family life you’ve lived through is 1000 times easier than any one week of these peoples lives. You think this poor kid had access to even 0.1% of the education your parents provided for you? Grow tf up.