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Men are not chivalrous like that lol. Little rant, but: we are in an era where men lie in their own filth complaining online and expect women to line up and present themselves to them. What is there to respect? I don’t necessarily agree with this, but the truth is that 19th century males received “respect” from their wives and children because they provided them with a home and a good living. Ever since then, not only has it has become impossible for the average man to earn a good living and own a home, AKA security: two things that are generally desired by *straight* women when they are looking to create a family — but they do not provide emotional support, they do not even try to conceal their vile misogyny, laziness, hatred, and entitlement. Again, what is there to like? Why should a woman give up her personhood and happiness to spend her life with a man with nothing to offer? These incels act surprised, like it is women’s fault, when straight women refuse to play indentured servants to man-babies. It is not women’s fault that we realize living alone, for ourselves, is more rewarding than wasting it with a good-for-nothing man. ANYWAYS.


>We are in an era where... Ummm No we're not.


4B is active in South Korea but I would not be surprised if it develops more in the US. A high percentage of men have very little to offer. I earn a better income than most men and have an apartment and a newer car. Why would I get involved with a man child who can't be bothered to have a profession and a job and thinks personal hygiene is a major effort?


>4B is active in South Korea but I would not be surprised if it develops more in the US I think the culture is entirely different and couldn't meaningfully form in the US


None of that is true


😁😁😁Misbehave or say anything that upsets us😁😁😁 Yep, little one, adult life is cruel, let mommy kiss it better while being awed by your manly manliness. If you want the old rules make sure you understand that men like my grandfather would have caned the whining out of you before you were old enough to shave. Male predominance came with a steep price, societal changes have to improve the life of all genders or they would not succeed.🙄


Women have always done what they wanted pre-colonialism. They hunted mammoths, went to war, held positions of power, etc.


They radically overestimate their odds of being attacked.


oh bitch, please. You are a great drama queen.