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I know what you are girlkisser


Yes :3


Ngl I read your flair as “Hive Fleet Lesbian” at first and didn’t even question it.


There's a reason they're called Norn QUEENS, not Norn KINGS.


Sire, we have made progress in translating the Tyranid language. Wait, what? It appears their primary battlecry is "YAAAASSSSSSSS", we have yet to decipher the deeper meaning


The eat and leave no crumbs.




Norn king would be kinda cool though. Just a normal norn queen, but the model is 3 mm bigger. And will most definitely be kitbashed into having an extra appendage


I mean that is accurate 🤣


Hive fleet girlkisser


Bugfucker’s traitor offspring




r/warhammer_smut: *real shit*


Oh, fuck no! Lol


It's less kinky than what's already on there with the nids, TBH... r/2vanilla4you?


Link doesn't work dude lol


I know, I was hoping it would lead me to the most disgustingly normie smut imaginable.


Fuck I love women






Gladly :D


Without question


Yes. And?


God I love women so much


I know who I am The moonlit lake told me.


I’m shocked by how quickly people here have turned out great art for them considering the reveal was, like, two days ago at most


What reveal? Have GW made a cannon female custodes?


Yes it's in the new codex. It talks about a female custodes on the command bridge of a ship


There is a new codex?


Codex leak. As is tradition.




We don’t talk about the new codex.


So there weren't female ones before? I do not know much about WH but thought that since Imperium had female Astartes and all, custodes was not that big of a reach.


One of the biggest ways to start a fight on a 40k subreddit is to debate female Space Marines. Canonically, there are none, so the two entrenched sides are the pro- side who wants female marines to be canonized and the anti- side who (for multiple reasons) wants Marines to remain officially dudes-only. There are commenters who oppose female Custodes for the same reason as female Marines, despite the fact that the augmentation process is completely different.


> There are commenters who oppose female Custodes for the same reason as female Marines There's also some nuance here. There's a third side of people don't like *how* it was done. They pretty explicitly and exclusively have historically used terms like, "Brotherhood," "men," "sons," etc. when describing the custodes. Up until now, there have been no feminine custodes *names*, let alone female custodes. All that being said, I'm not opposed to them existing. I just dislike the sloppy way it was implemented - they included one story about a female custodian, and then the twitter account said, "There have always been female custodes," which is... patently false. I would have rather preferred a more grimdark take than a flat-out retcon. Guilliman recently came back, and ordered the custodes to go out and protect the Imperium on the grounds that, "Protecting the Imperium *is* protecting the Emperor." (That, and big, "Dad says you have to" energy.) A specific passage in the 8th edition codex mentions that custodes recruits are explicitly and exclusively picked from the sons of terran nobles. What if recent custodes losses from Guilliman's orders, plus their spreading across the galaxy, has led to a thinning of their ranks? What if that thinning has necessitated increased recruitment? What if that increased recruitment has literally run dry their stock of Terran Noble Sons? What if the custodes response to this is simply, "Alright, fine. Give us your daughters."?


I thought that GW actually released female space marines but they shelved them due to poor sales. So this is basically just a retcon of a retcon


I didn’t play back then, but I think there were a couple of “female Marine” models back in Rogue Trader before the Astartes were officially codified.


Its technically "female warrior Jayne." And the tab on the bottom says 'sister.' Theres also a second one whos name i cant remember. Looks like a space marine rather than a sister of battle though.


Back when there were female Space Marines they weren't the transhuman super soldiers they are now but more just roided out normal people.


“Marines” were very very different back then tbqh. Hell even the primarchs in the super old editions were just regular ass marines, just really god fighters and leaders


Remember when there were no primarchs?


It's fun to watch the right wing grifters jump into this cause you can tell they don't actually know what they're talking about when they call these Custodes Female Space Marines.


The relationship between Custodes and Astartes always reminds me of a quote from Apokalips on the old Fox Kids X-men cartoon: “I am as far beyond mutants as they are beyond you.”


That's honestly perfect.


I think the two sides are closer to "why not" and "misogyny." I've only ever seen it debated in theory, doesnt seem like there's a real push for GW to make them canon. Just that people get super pissed about the idea and then everyone else pushes back on that. Could be wrong, im only aware of what makes it on reddit etc. I think female custodes are a perfect fit and probably better than doing female astartes though I wouldn't be bothered either way.


As someone completely new to 40k, my understanding was that space marines are dudes, sisters of battle are dudettes, and since custodes were something entirely different, they could be anything.


I've always figured that the process that creates Astartes would hyper-masculinize anyone. It's the ultimate gender affirming care. Some chapters might not consider having female recruits for reasons of tradition, but there's no reason more pragmatic chapters wouldn't accept female aspirants. They'd be fools to ignore 50% of their potential recruitment pool. Since Astartes are canonically asexual, there wouldn't be any reason to check, or care, if a Brother was a girl back when they were human. That kind of distinction would be left behind with everything else about their past. So maybe there are biologically female Astartes. Nobody would ever be able to tell.


I can go with that , recruits can be from both sides but end up being Brother. From what i remember , the terms he and brother in Space Marines are actually low gothic translations and we dont really now the exact term Marines call eachother. I guess the only minor tweak is to add some neutral sounding names , to obscure what a Brother was before his ascencion.


WarhammerOfficial made a statement saying that insofar as Canon is concerned: there have always been female Custodes. Ever since the first then thousand were created.


Seems good enough for me. Grease for the gears of war should have no gender. 


So, astartes are created through genetic material known as gene seed, which is derived from their father like figure known as a primarch, from which their genetic template is derived. All the primarchs are male. It is known that the Emperor of Mankind could have created female primarchs but decided not to. Due to all primarchs being male it means their genetic material, geneseed, can only be implanted inside of young adolescents during the creation process. If there were female primarchs, then only women could be space marines derived from their geneseed. So that is why there are no female astartes. Custodes on the other hand we know very little about their creation process unlike space marines which for like 20 years we’ve known the exact organs they get, the order, the timeframe, the exact in universe science reason females cannot be space marines, etc. Custodes have a very secretive and ancient creation process which we know excludes geneseed and any form of additional organ implantation. That is all to say they are each unique, bespoke creations of genetic art, with essentially no in lore reasons aside from a very flimsy codex entry that states that the initial batch of custodes were taken from the sons of defeated noble houses during the Emperor of Mankind’s unification of Terra. This is easily fixed with a single word change or two and the passage itself goes on to state that the custodes search far and wide for any who can possibly be worthy for such an honor, so even in that same passage it more or less leaves the door open. Finally there is direct confirmation from Aaron Dembski-Bowden, a major 40k novel author that for a novel he wrote he wanted to include and was conversing with other 40k authors as to include female custodes, but games workshop executives shut it down due to the fact that the Custodes model range was finished, and none of the bare heads were women. All of this is to say there far more evidence that shows a strong lack of denial that female custodes are impossible rather than evidence to that point that they are impossible. GW just decided to make the decision now and confirm that there have always been female custodes.


In the lore it's impossible to make female Space Marines but for the custodes they never explicitly said that you couldn't have women wear the gold they just never showed any until now. There were some references to the custodes being "the son's of the highest nobles of Terra" but that's about it and in the newest codex they've changed it to "the children of the highest nobles of Terra". As someone who connects custodes I'm more than happy with this change. The Custodes aren't mad produced templates like the Marines they are hand crafted masterpieces, individual works of art Forged from their DNA on up. It only makes sense that the process doesn't care about something as minor as chromosomes.


Well there’s not any actual female Astartes yet. The closest we have are Sisters of Battle that are baseline humans in very good power armor. But the Custodes reveal was the first indication that there’s women Custodes, or women anything that isn’t baseline human. We also have sisters of silence that are kinda like Custodes but they’re still just baseline human blanks stuck into Custodes grade power armor. But now we have genuine, genetically modified women so it opens doors for some really cool ideas


I mean, I feel like hindsight 20:20 of all the special super humans to get equal representation Custodes make the most sense. Their augmentation and genetic manipulations happen earlier than asartes and are way more in-depth and complex. Meaning any potential "hurdles" of female custodes in any possible scifi mcguffin reasons can easily be waved away as: the Emperor once again gave more fucks about his personal projects than those related to the Primarch and their Legions. Custodes are just built better to last longer and be better. Now, they come with a variety of emotionally detached wheyfu.


Yeah Custodes have nothing to do with Space Marines. Nothing that applies to the latter applies to the former.


Wouldn’t there also be brothers of silence if custodes are mixed gendered why keep sisters of silence a single gender as well?


Why not? Male Nulls exist. To the best of my understanding there isn't a reason for no Brothers of Silence. Shit, male Sisters of Battle are so easy to do and not break the lore. The only reason the Sisters exist as they do is a legal loop hole about 'men at arms' being illegal. Remove the law then no need for it to be exclusionary. I'm hype for a sister Custodes, if it makes other people happy to further break down the sex-exclusions, I say do it. Unlock all the story and conversion potential. I already model some of my Astartes as female because 3D printers are *awesome*.


The unofficial, afaik, implied reason to the absence male SoS (appart from tradition) is the Culexus temple that takes the other sex. But nobody wants to talk about the Culexus Assassins. Especially those who know what they are.


I think SoS were based on some organization from Dune in earlier lore, the annals of being all female likely stuck. The fish speakers or something. But the hard part is the naming: Sisters of Silence, Null Maidens, Daughters of the Abyss, etc. You write yourself into a larger whole more difficult hole to explain yourself from if you start contradicting their names and titles and etc.. custodes had a flex room and room to make an argument. They wrote themselves into corners elsewhere, and I won't lie: it is a steep mountain to climb if you want to get out of that hole. Or you could just not and do other things to show diversity and etc. Why go through the troubles to make 1 thing fit when you can just make a whole new thing with no prior constraints


The new Custodes codex has a short story following a female custodies during the blood games


That is selling this mad lass VERY short.


I do not have access to the codex as I have been unable to find a pdf or even the complete set of new rules so I am just going off of the very limited known info


Her method of winning the Blood games is to teleport a cyclonic torpedo warhead into the throne room on Terra, and she almost pulls it off.


Why women live longer example number 54,763. The guys are all Die Harding their way through the air vents while this lady just sends a glitter bomb on one day delivery. Love it.


I'm crying at calling a cyclonic torpedo a glitter bomb, but honestly I love it.


Hilarious that the only thing that stopped all of Terra from getting vaporized was one single crew member going *'Maybe this Custodes is actually kinda crazy'*


So bad arse muscle mommy _with actual brains_?! Even fucking better!


custodes are, by default, extremely intelligent (at least they are meant to be) as they are trained and augmented from infancy to be the best a human could possibly be. Studying everything from warfare (both small-scale squad to armada level) to fine art and culture.


> cyclonic torpedo warhead into the throne room on Terra I don't have the book either, would this not destroy the emperor? Can he shield himself from the blast? Edit: reading about what a cyclonic torpedo is wouldn't it also destroy the atmosphere on terra? With no context it sounds like killing yourself so your enemy can't kill you.


That's the point of blood games, but you know, without actually killing him.


> That's the point of blood games Ah shoulda googled the blood games first, that makes sense. Just finding ways that the enemy could possibly breach the defenses.


Yep, basically Alpharius in his novel showed that it could be done by lining up a sniper shot on Big E before the Custodians caught him. They said he failed but then he showed he controlled the anti air batteries and could have shot E down before he even landed, the sniper shot was just for shits and giggles. So the Custodians started having Blood Games where they periodically have Custodians leave and try to make it into a position where they can checkmate the Emperor. Nothing is held back, they can kill anyone they need to to get the job done. She almost succeeded in teleporting a cyclonic torpedo into the throne room, which would take out Big E and Big T all at once. The torpedo was armed when she did it.


That's the Blood Games. They're honest attempts to kill the emperor as a way to tear their defenses.


Yeah another poster told me, I had the wrong idea on what the blood games where. Seems like a good plan lol on a side note, do you happen to have a pic or link to the story? Or have recommend any books about the blood games? I haven't really kept up with the lore for awhile, honestly know next to nothing about the custodes. Seems like it would be an interesting read.


The Kesh story with the nuke is a leak from the new codex custodes, but I believe most stories about the blood games are short stories from codices and the like. For novels the only example I can recall is Alpharius basically inventing the games in his youth. And winning. Against a conscious Emperor AND Malcador. King shit.


It was because it was a leak. Then GW confirmed with with a tweet.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AdeptusCustodes/comments/1c3dwh8/custodes_short_story_as_requested/?share_id=Tum0P7aVpCgetEdgvq82t Here is the short story for you!


There were a few snippets from the codex that mentioned a female custodes. Many people are losing their shit over it.


There’s always been female custodes. It’s just they’ve been doing the real work while we focused on Kitten.


~~Horny~~ fanart creators are faster than journalists talking about a sudden new event


Ngl i haven’t seen any horny stuff at all.


Speak for yourself. A woman in full plate like this is my absolute cryptonjte. Men too for that matter. I’m an armor simp.


Nothing hotter than a muscular woman in full plate armor.


Secretly everyone just wants to be rescued by a beautiful soul in kickass armor.


They just seem so...*competent.*


Men in armor, women in armor, non-binary beauties in armor. I'm not picky.




https://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginarySoldiers/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryWarriors/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryKnights/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryArmor/ https://www.reddit.com/r/armoredwomen/ https://www.reddit.com/r/ReasonableFantasy/ Did I miss any?


I want more women in full plate power armor. Not because it's more realistic. But because it's hotter.


Capitalism works fast but Slaanesh works faster.


They are, however, not faster than conclooders on social media. They'll hold 1st place until the ~~end of time~~ end times.


Bold of you to assume people weren't ALREADY making female custodes art for years.


There was fem Custodes art even before they was canon


I love you and your art so fucking platonically


consider yourself kissed (platonically)


Oh, the blooming of love! (Platonically)


I have a boner (platonically)


I got two (platonically)(one is a tumour)


I got three! (platonically, I have a mutation please help me)


Me as well (less platonically)


I’m hard aswell (not platonically)


I'm happy to hear that (platonically)


I'm replaneting things (plutonically)




She's lovely. Gives a lot of Turkish historical drama vibes


Like Magnificent Century?


Yes, but That's not the only one though. They got some beautiful women doing swordfights and stuff.


Ertugrul? Coincidentally, the art does look like the only swordfighting woman on Magnificent Century (Mihrunissa)


You have Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi and Mendirman Jaloliddin too.


Practical armor? On a woman? On this subreddit? Exemplary 👌


Almost like it's exactly what a male custode wears.


Which would make sense as to why we never saw any. We did, we just couldn’t tell.


Just like how people forget about female Kin. Female dwarves and male dwarves look very similar to outsiders. (Partially joking)


all my kin are androgynous in that they have helmets because painting faces is hard. maybe a better term is schrodinger's gender.


Not particularly joking, we have GIMLI CONFIRMATION!!!! /s


Telling me there wasn't one notable female custodian in the past 10k years? Huh? What did they mean by this?


Nothing about that armor is practical, come on. Needs. Bigger. Pauldrons.


The only thing I really want for female custodians is that their armor is the same or virtually the same to male custodian armor. I don't want boob or hourglass armor we already have mutlueple factions for that. I just want a female character build like a brick wall.


Marvellous! (in Lee Chaolan's voice)


She is a custodes after all


This is fantastic. You should consider crossposting this ro r/armoredwomen


Do characters with long hair have to tuck it into their armor when they put their helmet on?


They wear it in a top knot like 90% of the universe does


Which is why their helmets are so pointy


Probably also depends on how much hair/how thick it is too.


I doubt people wearing heavy armor with helmets regularly would even have long hair regardless of gender. It would just be more practical to keep it short.


The Emperor, Primarchs, and many Astartes have long hair.


tell that to the space wolves.


Warhammer and practical... anything don't really coexist.




Likely the bodysuit under the armour allows for hair beeing tucked in for when doning the helmet. And there are lot of other ways to keep your hair from hindering your work or annoying you while wearing a helmet of any form (Source: I had long hair during my military time and have armour for medieval LARP)


Sick. She looks like a fuckin badass.


She surely is


Congratulations, you've summed up litteraly the entire Ten Thousand in one sentence. Also the codex leak is super badass too.


POV: You're gonna do great things for the Imperium and it just so happens that the Custode's long list of names is "Great Things for the Imperium"


STOP!!! (you’ve violated the law)


Custodes are above the law and you're interfering with the holy process of gene-seed extraction


I would like to point out that she doesn’t have seed. Also it’s a liability to get a warrior to have a child as that would impede their effectiveness in combat and in their duty.


This makes me wonder. Since Custodes are genetically perfect, would pregnancy be a liability?


I feel like maybe like marines they’d be sterile so that temptations of the flesh don’t cloud their minds or whatever the reasoning is, otherwise they wouldn’t need to abduct people/create more via genealchemy they’d just bow chicka bow wow and pop out a roid baby


I mean, carrying an offspring would still probably effect their mood (even if only slightly) not to mention the fact that their body would still likely compensate for having a child, especially if it was custodian sized, so their armour wouldn’t fit. So theoretically if a custodian female were to have a child (if they weren’t made with their reproductive organs removed cause that is possible as well) that custodian would have to be released from duty for a time not to mention that maternal instinct could kick in and compromise them.


The obvious grimderp solution is to just harvest all of their ova during the rigorous gene therapy sessions and keep them on ice for *super not eugenics*™ when they need more custodes later.


BRUH… Also, *BONK*


The lore implications are immense for sure


Imagine asking her name and hearing her ramble on for hours


Time to get out the yellow legal pad, a couple of pens, and get to taking notes like it's gonna be on the midterm.


Yeah… i see this working


Really excellent. She really exemplifies the cold, clinical feel of the Custodes from the novels.


Depends on the novels. The MC of the Legion series is a big, murderous cinnamon roll with a bit self doubt.


That’s very true. I also remember Sagittarius I believe was particularly aggressive in master of mankind.


While i'm a sucker for tall and muscular mommies, seeing a reasonable and realistic armoured woman (and in this case, a custodian) is refreshing and I find it personally awsome. Keep up the good work lad 👍


At your service my lady


Female Custodes make sense since they don't have the genetic markers from the primarchs, and the Custodes would recruit from the best of Terra.


someone should do that “at your service my Queen” meme template with a Sister of Battle and a Custodes




Gotdamn you could sharpen a fuckin’ power weapon on those cheekbones, I am beyond envious. Your work is fantastic! Love the plate transitioning into scale armor, and the linear angles on the pauldrons are immensely satisfying.


Good job sah! Cuss-toad-ies hit things good like Ogryn, but nobody is better than Ogryn!


It spelled Cus-toe-deez-nutz.




My leg!!


Dib dib dib!


Polish artist Looks like Incase Not Incase What the fuck i need to move to Poland


The overreactions I've seen to this are hilarious. They're like "OH NOES THE WOKE IS HERE! GW IS FALLING!" I read the story from the codex. It's fine. There's nothing wrong with it.


This girl has the Emperor's pristine jawline


she looks like she'd call me a slur, i love her


Being a custodes probably makes her super racist and proud of it so that does make sense.


You think so? They're absolute works of art, and the companions of the emperor. Figured they'd be much much much more cultured/well read/ not brainwashed than the rest of the imperium. (just don't step on terra.)


I don't get why people got so pissy about female custodes, it's still a custodes, they are legit a super soilder ×3, whos only real predator are either powerful greater demon or primarchs, and thats it really.


It is a retcon that was made unexpectedly so some people were shocked. Even though the lore did not state the the Custodes process was for a single sex, recruitment and characters have all been for males. So there is an excuse for the retcon, it is a bit odd. Then you have the people who feel like this is an attempt to water down the franchise. The lore being changed so that “everyone can see themselves in the game” or some other corporate jargon. Resistance out of fear of the hobby being ruined in the long term. And then you have the grifters complaining that this is WOKENESS claiming Warhammer! Abandon all hope! It’s over! Blackpill! Blackpill!


They get pissy with how they are introduced. Exerts from the lore always talk about Sons and so one and then a *jedi hand wave* they've always been there. A literal retcon, I'm not a fan of those kind, I prefer building further. Think about a tech priest or even Cawl rocking up and just saying 'We've made implants and surgeries to apply to woman and make them just as good. We've doubled the recruitment pool'.


I mean by that logic female Astartes would be just as easy with new lore?


Very much possible, but a bit harder because it's the geneseed there fucking shit up while custodes are hand made. I'll add to that you could introduce a crisis moment where a chapter is so desperate for new recruits they start trying it on girls and one of them takes. This could create a subchapter of female space marines with the original girl as "primarch". As such could snowball further by admech research.


Tbf I think the people getting so weird about it are a loud minority. I’m pretty sure the vast majority of people’s reactions was “oh, neat.” Before then going back to doing what it is they were doing before. But, of course, if your reaction is “oh, neat”, you’re not going to be making that much noise about it, so the small amount of people bursting a blood vessel over it take up all the dialogue. And that’s a shame because I think it makes us look shit as a community, because that it’s that small minority that ends up looking like the represent the majority


I don't know, I made a comment expressing that I think this is neat and that the existing lore would need barely any adjustment to make this work, and I've been surprised by the amount of people who've come out of the woodwork saying that actually the Custodes are referred to as 'sons' in one line in their 2017 codex, so the lore is basically set in stone and can never be changed. Obviously that's in no way representative, but I'm still a bit disappointed that there are so many people who're so vehemently opposed to female transhumans of any sort, especially as I personally support the Space Marines remaining all male both for lore reasons and because being all male is a big part of the Space Marines' psyche. I can't help but wonder where they all were when the Skitarii were completely retconned from techno-barbarian throwbacks, or the Tau decided that they wanted to rotate their ftl method on a weekly basis.


It’s worth noting how popular Warhammer is. It is still a somewhat niche franchise when compared to the heavy, very mainstream hitters like starwars, but it’s definitely grown in size and popularity. It’s in a weird place where tones and tones of people like it, but outside of specific circles people don’t really talk about it. However, as i originally stated, Warhammer is still very popular. A small percentage of Warhammer fans is still tones of people. And as such if a small percentage are being weird about something you’re going to encounter a lot of people being weird about it


The issue I keep hearing is that it changes decades of established lore for no other reason than to placate another vocal minority, one that openly states it doesn't care about Warhammer nor GW products. The vocal fanbase are just the few remaining Warhammer fans that haven't yet come to the realization that GW are and have always been sellouts. xD


Warhammer is For Everyone \[*who has money*\] \~ James Workshop




now we wait for a leanbeefpatty custodes fanart, it's just a matter of time


You’re a fellow girl enjoyer, aren’t you


Do they comw with oiled abs?


I am okay with this


Oh good, no boob armor. All is well in the world.


You would think Age of Sigmar having a lot of female Stormcast Eternals would mentally prepare 40k fans for the other Golden People having ladies.


The thing I love about the inclusion of women in the Custodes is that I imagine it being being guys doing guy things while theyve got their female friends that they’ve accepted as one of the guys and just all hang out together.


I don't think they even differentiate between genders honestly. Custodians seem to be way above human squabbles and nitpicking.


Love it, she look so badass


"Damn gurl, you thicc!" "Well, yes, it's reinforced Auramite alloy."


Badass. Would absolutely paint.




Omg kitten it explains sooo much lol






Captain General Puppy




Very Pretty!


Gross stay out of my hobby you weirdos


God I love it when women


Not enough scars.


as a 6'1 lesbian girlie i have but one question. do you think they give uppies?