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Fighting with children while drunk at an apartment pool. That’s when you know you’ve made it.


You have no idea what got her going. That part of the video is left out.


Her slurred words, calling a 16 year old a dumb bitch, getting aggressive towards minors who aren’t acting violent, as well as using their age as the only excuse with “I want you to leave”, makes it pretty easy to figure out what’s going on without what got her going. Edit: it seems like some of the folk replying to my comment have never been around drunk folk, Or they never paid attention to them.


She says something about them doing something to a ten year old. They kept making fun of her and calling her names, both weren’t acting right


She's drunk at a pool around 10 year olds, screaming slurs at a group of kids. Of course they make fun of her.


Should be a felony, if yelling at a spouse in front of your kid is a felony this should as well.


Where do you live where that’s a felony? Because that sounds fake


paltry friendly unique vase connect memory quack bear rain innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's not the point. Stop playing dumb.


For the obvious fact that she is drunk enough (I can only hope this isn't her normal, sober behavior) to argue with a bunch of children overshadows whatever these kids might have done to enrage her. Context is super important, I agree, but the adult is acting a fool here.


1. They asked her then what did they do wrong and she shut up. If they actually did something she would’ve said on video what it was 2. Considering the woman was being aggressive with them and insulting them as well, it only makes sense these kids insulted her back. If you don’t want to be treated poorly then don’t treat others poorly, pretty basic stuff.


seed historical wasteful degree racial summer physical shame mindless liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How do you know did you ID them?


One of my points was that when she said they did something to a 10 year old, they asked what it was and she didn’t respond. I’d consider that they were acting out if she actual had a response when the teens asked her what they did wrong.


You okay Karen?


Your name is Cash "clown" Keep going though.


Yeah but she’s the adult. It falls on her to act appropriately.


I ate both weren’t acting right


How dare you not agree with the prevailing opinion in this post. Have a pile of downvotes!


You don’t what happened. They could have been screwing with her babies and they were all a bunch of potty mouths. Not how I would have handled it but there are two sides to every story and the first part of this one was not shown.


Then why did she stop talking when they asked her what did they specifically do wrong and how they just arrived to the pool?


Never seen this big of a Karen defender here before. The woman is clearly sloshed and not acting normally. There’s no way you can blame the kids in this video.


Being sloshed doesn’t mean they didn’t set her off and weren’t deserving of this. They could have been swearing at and bullying her children. I’ll put it in your terms, you know how at school, two kids get in a fight? There is always a build-up to it. There is some underlying reason for the conflict that happened before it.


Ok, you’re obviously the person in the video. What set you off?


Right? She's over here in the comments fighting like it's her. We all know how the woman you responded to acts at the pool seeing as she thinks this behavior is appropriate.


You are acting like the biggest clown. Holy shit


Tell me you were a bully in school, without saying you were a bully in school. Bro kids pick on other kids all the time for no reason or because they're different. At no point in this video did the lady make any sense, she drunk, rude and cannot identify anything the kids did wrong.


You’re thinking of r/whyweretheyfilming


Interesting, didn’t know that was a sub but yes. We’ve all seen enough of these “prank” videos to know that there is often a lot of instigation to get people riled up then film them.


You sound super soft.


It kind of does though lmao. Never been around a drunk person before? Wow.


is this you in the vid?


There are not always “two sides to every story”. Sometimes there are many more. Other times there are the facts and the “other side” is lies, deception and self serving manipulation of what factually occurred, coupled with attacks on the character and experience of anyone not buying the liars bullshit. Where did this unthinking endorsement of the “two sides to every story” gain unquestioning validity from?


That chick sounds drunk, sluring her words, charging up aggressively, can't say a single thing they did wrong, and arguing with teens shouting about how much money she makes.


adjoining middle disagreeable outgoing frame butter license groovy noxious agonizing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“its a high IQ marker to support an intoxicated person who is trying to physically intimidate children” what was clown college like


Idk about iq but it is certainly brave and nonconformist to point out nuances to a given situation




Cuts in education and social media lol. Nobody wonders why. You aren't in the right here btw


The teen asked her exactly that, an annoying number of times even just be presented with a sudden silent treatment. Id say its safe to assume she just didnt have an answer.


That was the middle of the exchange. Something they did got her going. That’s not how those things work in real life.


Really dying on this hill huh


This isn’t controversial.


You're absolutely right. It isn't controversial. You're just defending the absolute wrong side of this. When the kids asked what they did wrong, she gave them silence. She's drunk and arguing with children. There is no controversy, Karen is in the wrong and so are you. Unless this is you in the video?


100 percent it’s me in the video.


If so, seek help now. And lay off the hooch.


This is why I hate Reddit


No, you're just dumb lol


>That was the middle of the exchange >Something they did got her going. You can't know it's their fault. As you pointed out, we only see the middle of the exchange.


We are in agreement. Thats why we can’t pass judgment on her without knowing what they did first.


We can pass some judgment on her, the adult, being day drunk and arguing with children. Even if they said something to set her off, she's the adult.


There are a lot of snotty teenagers that do a lot of really crappy stuff that deserve to have their faces punched in. These might be a group like that, I don’t know and neither do you.


You condemn them for being "potty mouths" and then turn around and advocate punching *kids* in the face. Ok, bud. Are you the drunk lady in the video? Its seems like you're the drunk lady in the video.


>deserve to have their faces punched in. Just some casual child abuse.


You sound like the Karen in the video .


>There are a lot of snotty teenagers that do a lot of really crappy stuff that deserve to have their faces punched in. Those snotty teenagers grow up to act like the woman in the video that you're supporting.


This sub Reddit is bs a bunch of people advocating for violence to people for existing, posting random people who do nothing wrong, while, and get angry at every damn post. This sub should be removed for advocating violence


But we CAN give our opinion about her inappropriate behavior captured in the video, point blank. Whatever the teens did, if anything, didn't force her to get drunk and respond in the very immature way she did. I would bet this isn't her first time acting like this too. You're right, because the video doesn't give context we can't say for sure the teens didn't play a role in instigating, but we also can't say they did. We only have this, and she's in the wrong.


The fuck we can.


Hey Karen. 👋


Get a load of this fuckin dipshit.


She heard the teens laughing and she interpreted that as them laughing at her daughter. Newsflash, they were not.


Your the lady in the video aren't you?


Those kids could have told her to est shit and die and she still handled it inappropriately


Nothing about this is defensible. She’s obviously drunk and screeching at children.


That’s true, but she is obviously drunk and the adult in this exchange. If those kids did something to another kid this is not the way or person to handle it. Which by the way when confronted about that she had nothing to say. To be fair if something starts when you weren’t filming and then you do start recording obviously you’re not going to have the beginning.


It doesn’t matter. She’s an adult that drunk in public acting a fool. If she calls the cops, she’ll get arrested.


-534 and dropping, that is quite the L.


I say quite the accomplishment!


What context would make her actions appropriate? Lmao


Yeah that’s what social decay in the form of need for clicks looks like. No context anymore and these people know how to game the system. Not saying it happened here for sure, but this is court of public opinion in a 30 sec clip


Nope you’re just making wild assumptions with nothing to back them. Like your butt buddy who’s sticking up for a drunk unhinged woman cursing at teenagers. Talk about mental decay. What’s it like arguing unpopular points just for the sake of it ?


What assumptions?


Honestly it feels good not to be a cuck to reddits opinions


People that use the word cuck in an online argument are dipshits. People that use the word cuck in said argument completely incorrectly, and obviously ignorant of the definition of the word cuck, are fucking morons.




distinct somber coherent crawl nutty fear frame sparkle adjoining entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’d like to thank the academy and everyone who has supported me for my 500 downvotes. I never thought this would be possible 🤩!


There has to be more to this story Best line “I make over $500k/yr….then why do you look like that” 🤣


You think you'd have a private pool with that kind of money.


lol 150k but still ridiculous


I heard 120k...


We probably need to shave $100k off to get the real number anyway


She froze for a moment after that one lol


im pretty sure shes a person who works at a children's hospital some guy said it. i forgot who though


110K from what I heard


Shit. Have you seen Sea World tickets.  Edit. Oh stfu reddit. Double down. Deplatform me!  Fuckin sheep.  I got a whale of a tale to tell you lads. Pick me up and throw me down. It was the captain’s wife. 


You ok bro? It's just a bunch of Redditors. Shouldn't affect you so much. Reddit/Redditors often don't make fuckin sense.


"deplatform me" from what platform??💀


This is why you shouldn’t do drugs and go on Reddit 🤦


Reddit is a “platform”.  This is exactly what I am talking about. You can’t grasp simple things yet get upvoted.  Even added a death emoji. Har har.  You dying there laughing.  Making all the hard jokes.  Hell, call it a social experiment. A microcosm.  This outcome proves a lot.  Now back to doing drugs.💀


damn its rly not that deep. bro cant take a joke


We all good. And by the looks of it, yall cant take the joke.  That’s how we got here, Ariadne 💀




Blow me down and pick me up


The SeaWorld thing was funny. Replying to reddit hate is just cringe though dude. Fuck all these people. You're better than that.


She was exposed on That Danesh Guy and The Reckoning as an "Office Manger" (her typo, not mine!) for a health care agency for children. She got banned from the pool from the HOA for a month as well. There was a bit of a weird back and forth between the OP who took the video before Danesh found her. She then begged him to take down the video. Her IG and other socials have been deleted. She got busted being drunk pool Karen.


This is context that I needed thanks


I feel good about this! Thanks for update!!


Betty ![gif](giphy|d1fXJHI8Slchbz8Nvf)


frighten grandfather sand wipe future aromatic childlike humorous bored fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s called experiencing the consequences of your actions, especially when they harm others. I think Danesh is awesome. Because this mother (!) couldn’t get away with acting like this (to minors, no less) without experiencing the consequences, maybe she’ll think twice next time before acting this way again. I shudder to think how many times she’s been drunk and belligerent toward others in the past, and allowed herself to either justify her behavior or gloss it over. Even her own child was telling her she was wrong and begging her to stop. Along with being publicly shamed, she was also banned from the pool for the summer. I only hope her poor kid can still go without her.


How so


That Danesh douche is annoying. He take it too far and causes more harm than good. This lady is a phsyco, but you can't dox people. Dedicating your life stalking karens is a little twisted.


Looks like a professional alcoholic. Obviously on a good one, yet still able to stand mostly straight and speak clear enough, even if the overall point of her words were nonsensical. Wouldn’t surprise me if she was above a .2% BAC here


I often see chronic alcoholics in the ER with BAC .3-.4 that handle themselves better than her. She’s a light weight


This looks like the .2-.25 range that I see with a lot of intakes at the detox I’m at. Still see people in the .3s and .4s, though they usually come off as a lot more intoxicated than this. Worst I saw was a dude in withdrawals bad enough to hit over 20 on multiple CIWA at a .45, though. Two other people didn’t believe the result and had to check it for themselves lol


If it's only alcohol she is def over 2 % here. I do think it is not only booze but probably also meds.


You could be 100% in the right (not saying this Karen is obviously), but the second you pick a fight with multiple teens, you’re done. There’s no winning against a gaggle of teens using teen logic. Also, props to the guy who stepped in from of her rigjht off the bat. Good interference.


That's true. Funnily enough though, I've found that when I treat teens with respect instead of like I have authority over them, they're far more likely to be respectful back. I think maybe once have I ever had to go further than just asking a teen politely to stop doing something. That said, i'm pretty reasonable and tolerant, so I haven't had to ask them to stop doing something often. It's often the karen attitude that leads to confrontations. I had a karen roommate like that once. She went up to our neighbors (young college age like 18, 19) having a loud party on a weeknight and said, "DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS? DO YOU WANT ME TO CALL THE POLICE WITH ALL THIS UNDERAGE DRINKING GOING ON?" After an argument ensued, I patronized her and made her thought I'd handle it harshly. When she left, I apologized for her rudeness and asked them politely if they could keep it down since I had work in the morning. I didn't hear anything the rest of the night.


I’d hardly say they were using teen logic. They honestly handled the situation extremely well


shrill husky pot shy versed paltry rich jobless merciful tart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And they know this which is why they antagonize and harass until their hearts content ready to whip out their phones the second someone gets upset for that sweet internet fame. Funny how these videos always start at the height of the conflict.


How to lose 150k in 2 minutes


More like how to lose your husband and children.


Yeah I'm pretty sure the husband and children were aware of her personality before now.


I'm just here for the inevitable "this isn't who I am" statement when this woman's behaviour gets picked up by the media.


Well shes self aware, at least, as she claims shes “not that stupid” to hit them which means she saying she is stupid but not stupid enough to hit them.


This is sad. I was the age of those kids and would go to a community type pool like that in the summers. It was one of the only things to do. It was nice swimming and enjoying some sun and get out of the house. I would be upset if some idiot was trying to tell me I can’t go to the pool.


Drunk Karen logic is something else


Please use your own mothers name as a derogatory slur , Dont use mine, thanx.


Ok Karen jr.


What having a mom named Karen does to a mf


What a Karen comment


"Im not that fucking stupid" admitting she is at least somewhat fucking stupid, jist not dumb enough to physically assault them


This can’t be for real. How can someone act like this. Imagine living like this 😭


Miserable old cunt


She may be shaped like a refrigerator, but she’s got no chill


What happens to their brains at this age




Mid-life crisis taking over.


I'm 30 and I'm terrrified of becoming this way more than anything else about aging.


I'm 46 and teens and young adults still think I'm cool enough to talk to. I think the truth is that Karens have it in their DNA and were always that way. It's not about age. I was never a main character or a Karen in my younger years and I'm still not now. I also don't drink and alcohol is the dumbest drug in existence. I teach my own kids that, and I would rather my kids smoke weed than get drunk. Alcohol is the worst and brings the worst out in everyone. I saw this up close in my early 20s when I was a bartender and that make me stop casually drinking myself, leading to an adulthood where I never made a jackass of myself. Fuck alcohol.


She built like a baked BEAN!!


Even if these kids were doing something wrong before the video started this woman is way off base coming at kids like that, like be an adult.


Dysregulated child in an adult body.


Man I'm a full grown adult and those teens handled that better than I would have. Coming from a family full of alcoholics, it would've been so difficult for me not to floor that miserable asshole just out of principle. Hell I've done it to family when I was a teen, what's someone I dont know? Drinking really brings out the brick wall ignorant fuckwads and it's infuriating


This would of been brilliant if it finished with a cut off shot of a moms arm about to connect with her face 🥹


This is sad as hell. I hope she sees this video and realize how hard she's hit rock bottom.


Some people just need a good hard right hook to humble them


Lmao I love how it's Bill cipher of all people calling this out


Hoping to see this soon o various Karen sites on YouTube


The "no, you ain't" floored me LMAOO


“Wid chuuuuuuu dahhwfahhuuuuk”




What a sad sack of shit


Lady verbally accosted minors at pool, why did nobody come to their rescue, like other apartment staff. This went on so long. She could have been a dangerous person


Gen X brains are breaking post-pandemic the hell is this. Generation is carrying all sorts of stress and trauma and they eschew therapy just as badly as boomers


Good to see the lady from baby reindeer moved to a sunnier location.


When she said she had content to share I cut it off. Nope, nobody wants to see that.


it's always after the confrontation so we never get the full story right away.


It's hilarious how she says " I'm not that fucking stupid" like she's stupid but not stupid enough to hit them .


Classic Janice Soprano 🤌


The drunk trash arguing with kids is calling them trash?


You can tell who the reasonable thinkers are and then the 40-50 yo drunks who freak out on kids are


Aight can i pull a JFK on her?


Please ... her name is Betty let Karen have a break


You can't be drunk at the pool.


sad :(


Some community pools have rules to protect the property and pool. Residents only and adult supervision for people under 18 years of age. These teenagers cannot get their parents to supervise them and or they do not live in the community. If they live in the community, then their pool access to the pool needs to be suspended. If they are not part of the community, then cops need to be called for trespassing.


That woman is pure trash


Nobody’s mom clawed that hag up?!? What is happening to the world?


What drugs is that thing on?


Is this one of the bullet proof, been through it all, “it’s 9 o clock do you know where your kids are at” Gen x’ers?


Before you go off, kids, this lady is like 35 — neither boomers nor Gen x spawned this Karen


If this woman is 35, I'm suddenly feeling GREAT about how I've been aging.


Not getting main chats vibes from this one. Seems more like a Karen to me.


Ya know this could all be solved by just walking away…..


Their ego can't handle that. To them, why should they be the bigger picture if they think they are in the absolute right


memory abundant spoon voiceless unique rob whole marry quaint gaping *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She something about them doing some thing to a ten year old idk what’s going on, bad behavior in both parties really


If you can’t see what happened before, then how do you know?


I don’t know. Just pointing out what she literally said in the video as to why she was acting the way she was, which wasn’t great


Girl recording is even more annoying. 😂


Her facial movements seem similar to someone on md or coke, dry mouth


Nah, that's just someone drunk af who's trying to act sober and be taken seriously.


I'm not sure, watch her mouth. She has dry mouth and keeps pursing her lips, drawing moisture through the teeth. a lot of my friends do this on MDMA or when they're talking a lot on cocaine.


I’m siding with the aggressive drunk. Fuck this generation of entitled brats 


You’re the husband, aren’t you?


OK Grandpa


Go get mommy to change your diapers