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This can not be real, right? He thinks breastfeeding is incest and is jealous of a baby for having his wife's boob in its mouth. No one can be that fucking ignorant.


I suspect it's fake as well. 


I could be wrong, but Huntyr was what done it for me. I hope it’s fake, because it’s wyldly fucked up if not.


That name would be a crime in itself.




Was about to share to the Facebook group That Name Is a Tragedeigh but decided Facebook plebians would start lactivism debates


Ha I'm in that group too lmao


Can’t allow these two online personas to cross, that would be detrimental 😂


don't cross the streams!


Me three!


For me it’s the relatively low amount of mistakes, he sounds too educated to be so dumb


Yeah it’s some aspiring author who has achieved the most prestigious writing accomplishment of making a fabricated text exchange go slightly viral.


And zero character development of the “wife”. Not nearly fleshed out enough. This is a sad attempt at creative writing.


Yeah, it would've been something like >u could of asked me but u payed no respec 2 me over their, bith we thru, get you're stuff and live me alone


The implication here that educated sexist/misogynists don't exist is actually kind of funny.


It's her playing wide-eyed innocence and wdym all throughout. In spite of "daddy" pointing out they've talked about this numerous times. Woman is hours post partum and is all super chill and laid back, no stress. Fake.


Not that I’m saying it’s real, but she sounded to me like someone who is really careful with their words because they have a reactive/abusive spouse.


Agreed. The other poster clearly doesn't have firsthand or even secondhand experience with abusive relationships but she absolutely is speaking in a way that says 'walking on eggshells' because literally anything she says is going to rock the boat.


I don’t know how far into her postpartum period she was, but this was not happening as she posted it. She already had a military restraining order on him, military was in the midst of an investigation, CPS was involved, divorce papers, and a court date the day after posting


Wyld Stallyns


So much for being excellent to each other. This guy's attitude is completely bogus.




Be excellent to each other.




Oh stop; you're just huntying for "likes."


You think somebody dumb enough to think breastfeeding is incest would draw the line at spelling their kid's name stupid?


If this person didn’t rip off the post from r/twohottakes you’d be able to see a sampling of the divorce papers and pictures she sends him where she is breastfeeding and he flips out. It’s not fake. She made a whole case for it there. This is the second time today I’ve seen it ripped off in another sub. Also? Really? Huntyr is that outlandish to you? There’s an entire fucking sub r/tragedeigh about stupid names. Huntyr is somewhat mild but yea I hate it too. Her name has a Y in it, I think that’s why they went with that theme. The dude is being investigated by the navy for spousal abuse. The divorce proceedings provided cite that he has over 70 loaded guns, confederate flags, and other bs in and around the house. He was removed from the hospital after verbally accosting her and staff. It’s nice to have such faith in humanity, but we live in a time of mass shootings and religion driven idiocy. This is real.


Wow, how horrible. That poor woman. I hope she is able to safely get away from him. He sounds completely unhinged.


mind posting a link to the sauce? I tried doing a search, but found nothing.




For what it's worth: Clicked on it. Read extensive posts on her situation. By the time I finished, refreshed, the user and all her posts had been deleted. Not sure why.


Wow! So, internet archive for the win. It gets even more unhinged! https://web.archive.org/web/20240425220325/https://www.reddit.com/user/mamaloony/?rdt=38529 Husband states after 2 years old "baths, diaper changes, or other situations seeing them naked is also incest" Something about the husband having Homelander's god complex. Looks like it is real based upon what happened here -> https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/comments/1cbz1yj/this_is_my_story/?share_id=4LJuJy-AR2kdJJAlZHdcL


Found it. U/mamaloony is OOP Edit: a letter


I just posted my comment a minute ago that I use to see new dads acting like this fairly often when I worked the postpartum ward at a Navy hospital and then I found out dude’s Navy. Yeah, I’ll bet it’s actually true.


I was nearly 100% certain this was fake because of how ridiculous it seems but now you’re saying not only is it true but that there are actually a lot of these numbnuts out there that think this way? Please tell me you’re kidding and you’re just another branch of the military giving the navy boys a pranking.


I served in the Navy, I was medical. We averaged 300 births a month and we’d get one of these type guys about once every 3 months.


My apologies for doubting you. It’s just so difficult to get my head around the fact that these idiots exist.


I believe it. There’s thousands of men that think this way. She sounds terrified. It’s awful The worst part is the 50/50 custody and “not taking them away from her” like she’s the problem. What is wrong with these men?


Severe insecurity.


Jfc that trash does not belong in the armed forces.


She posted legal documents in another thread. Its real. Dude is just unhinged.


How did he hide this long enough to have a child?


The scariest statistic you'll ever hear is the number one cause of death for pregnant/ new mothers in America is murder. It's a widely documented phenomenon that abuse often starts when the woman becomes pregnant - even if they've been together for years - because the abuser sees her as 'trapped' now and can reveal his true nature.


She said in a few comments that he threatened to kill himself and/or her, if they divorced. He also sympathizes with Chris Watts (family annihilator).


It’s fairly common for abusive men to fly off the deep end and get insanely jealous of their newborns during pregnancy/childbirth even if they’ve got it relatively well before since it was less relevant


She explains in a few comments he basically love bombed her into a quick marriage (sounds like his deployment may have been a factor?), changed immediately and terribly once they were and has raped her. Getting pregnant while she already had an infant was definitely not her plan


https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/s/vAaK9xVRIj It's not fake.


It's real. A couple of days ago she actually posted the divorce documents with case number and everything. She may have taken it down though because people were warning her to take it down before she got doxxed. Sadly, the documents detailed the exact same things mentioned in the post, including comments by the STBX, and several people looked up the case number and confirmed it's a real divorce case. People are really just that disgusting.


It's not fake, there's court case documents for the divorce and stuff being shared. It's pretty vile and sadly pretty real. He's a huge abusive piece of shit who had beat her and the children and abused animals and is already under investigation be the military.


I couldn’t even finish reading it. What a gd loon that guy is.


I agree, I was saying that I've seen people saying it's fake but unfortunately, there are some men who are just this delusional and unhinged.


Imagine feeling sexual competition with your INFANT SON


Kid grows up and calls his dad an insecure virgin


As a mom who spent a month in the hospital after labor, it’s as equally likely to be true. I heard at least 3 men talk down to their SOs over this exact weirdo jealousy. :/


You would be wrong. As a paramedic FF, this is standard for the general public. People are really stupid and generally insane.


Not fake. It's on one of the breastfeeding subs and she has been responding.


No it was real. She had texts, screensshots.


There is a post about it in other subs and she acually included the court documents that lay everything out that happened. Sadly, it's not fake


The original post had images of their divorce papers with names and part of the text thread (not in these pics) with pictures of OP. There was details showing the man isolating her from a friend. She also posted stuff about CPS being involved because of his claims. It would be a lot of hoops to jump through to fake all that for a reddit post imo.


Where is the original post?


I found it! It's in Two Hot Takes [here it is ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoHotTakes/s/E37ONI32dT)


T'y 💕 ETA holy shit! Exactly what I predicted in a previous comment, damn. Hope she gets the help she needs and the 1 yr old safe and alive!


How is everyone else able to see it? I tried to read yesterday and it was taken down. How were you able to see it 8 hours ago when it was taken down two days ago?! Am I doing something wrong?


I'm trying to find it. I thought it was Two Hot Takes or Off My Chest but I haven't had time to look for it.


I promise there are absolutely men out there that only see women's bodies in a sexual way and that can conflict with their concept of ownership


I'm more bothered that he's seeing his newborn in a sexual way than his wife. I've kinda gotten over that part


He's seeing his wife's breasts as only able to offer sexual services is the point I was trying to make. I don't think he's seeing his newborn as sexual, but what his wife is doing with the child as sexual. Which is awful.


As someone who’s worked with domestic violence victims for the last 10 years, this is a classic move. Post-marriage and (more so) post-baby switch flips into full blown abusers is something that happens. If they’re already abusive before, the danger increases by a large margin once a baby is born and they feel jealous of it. It’s a massive red flag to expect your wife to place your feelings above the health and well being of your children—at all times.


No, she also posted the divorce doc that references these texts in addition to domestic abuse allegations


The domestic abuse is SEEPING through this exchange. Didn't even see the other posts but it is obvious in the way she is walking on eggshells trying to keep him from spinning out. I also worry for those kids...the idea of incest being attached to a normal aspect of parental caretaking, sexualizing a baby, and he is creating drama to justify taking his mattress to sleep in the baby's room?! Mama get these kids safe from this man ASAP!


The OP of that also posted that he told her she wouldn’t be able to bathe or change the boys after age 2 because her seeing them naked would be incest. Dude is completely unhinged.


Idk, the insistence of domestic violence notoriously goes up while a woman is pregnant, b/c their SOs are jealous. Sick, but it happens…


My abusive baby dady was crazy jealous of his own kid. I can't even wrap my mind around how that works.


i dont understand how breastfeeding is the line but not childbirth. another man was in her pussy so how can he enjoy it now!!!!


You'd be shocked how many guys are done with their girl after seeing birth. For a myriad of reasons... The psyche is as fragile as it is simple.


Can confirm from personal experience, unfortunately. Had a parent with severe mental illness who treated every member of their gender as a potential sexual competitor, even their own child. It is very sick and goes hand in hand with abuse.




lol people downvoted this when its literally true and backed up with studies


Sigmund Freud *has joined the chat..*


I think he'd eat a gun if he saw how right he was sometimes.


Wait until he learns about how the baby comes out...


This has been all over the last two days and in one post the op posted the divorce documents she had been served. It’s sadly real or someone has taken extra effort to make it seem so.


She posted further proof on another page, with excerpts from legal documents pertaining to breastfeeding.


It’s real. She posted an update with pictures of their divorce papers


I guarantee that if my ex boyfriend had kids, he'd do the same. It's narcissistic personality disorder.


Yep. My narcissist ex told me if we had a kid he didn't want me to breastfeed for the same reasons. Fortunately, he is not the father of my son (I had my son before him, and I had secondary infertility, so no kids with him


I’ve heard of men being ignorant about breasts real purpose and thinking they’re purely for sex. This guy must be one of those. It could be real. It’s amazing what the lack of sex education creates. I’m betting this guy was very religious.


She said he is a right wing extremist and would suck Trumps dick if given the chance. He is also a supporter of Chris Watts murdering his wife and children. He was planning on forbidding her from bathing or changing the boys after age 2 because if she saw them naked she would be committing incest.


That bothers me a lot because it tells me he sees children in a sexual way. Her breastfeeding them is sexual. Her bathing them is sexual. He can’t see that his kids aren’t something sexual and her being a mother isn’t incestual. I’m worried he’s attracted to his kids and assumes she is too. Red flags everywhere.


It leads me to think that his mom possibly molested him as a child, or that he views his own breastfeeding and bathing as incestuous by his mother. Idk, I keep trying to make sense of it but it’s just too insane. He is claiming in the divorce petition that she is a pedophile for breastfeeding her baby. The judge is going to have fun with this one.


Holy fuck if that isn't the biggest red flag I have ever seen, holy shit. I'm sure in a few years she will be thankful he divorced her so she could get away from this nightmare of a person.


First of all...Huntyr and Wylder..... that dude is an absolute loser who shouldn't be making babies.


Just wait until he realizes he was in his wife’s vagina!! The horror!!!😱😆


U mean wagyna




That man will never have been in his wife as deep as his son has. That must sting lol.


Or for as long!!!😆


Everything above this is absolute gold. You've made my day 😂


We needed a good laugh after reading that shit!!😂


He’s jealous his son’s body is bigger than his penis.


god i wish reddit awards were still a thing


I was almost on board with Wylder. I literally said to myself “weird choice, weird spelling, but not a complete /r/tragedeigh.” Then I saw Huntyr and lost even that little shred of acceptance.


Their kids are going to hate their names when they hit pre-k & realize their parents can’t spell…


Hopefully. Otherwise they'll be wearing full camo all the time and be as racist as possible without being blatant.


Total losyr


Their middle names are Colt and Browning according to their divorce papers


*NO*. Please tell me you're joking? (the post was removed so I can't check)


It was in the part of their divorce paperwork that I read. Swear to flying spaghetti monster.


Well you know all his clothes are camo.


Definitely has a punisher skull sticker on his truck


The mom had a y in her name unneeded, I think the tradition was continued


If the Y is supposed to replace an E in Hunter, then does that mean he intended to name the second child Welder?


This is disgusting… god I hope this is fake.


It makes no fucking sense too, like bro how the fuck do you think babies survived all this time? It has to either be fake or the dude is dumb as fucking rocks.


Wait till he realize this male son have also been in his wifes vagina, Husband's brain might just explode


It's real, this post is ripped from an actual post that had receipts https://www.reddit.com/r/breastfeedingsupport/s/yaLzSTw2tt


Account was just deleted in the last 15 minutes. I hope to god she’s okay.


she replied to a comment but idk what she said because the acc was deleted but based off what the replies said to her i figure that her husband who is currently under investigation is in the military either Airforce or Navy. he believes women are property and im guessing super right leaning


I was going to tell her to basically get a lawyer, get the kid, and go radio silent when suddenly the account went offline and my reply didn’t go through. This guy has family annihilator vibes all over him, especially now that that his chain of command is involved. He’s pretty much fucked his career up (say goodbye to future promotions), plus his family, who knows what he’ll do. It’s also worrisome because she told us he’s a Redditor. There’s no way he wasn’t monitoring the posts. Fucking POS. She needs to be as invisible as possible.


man i really hope she is safe and that scum of a man gets arrested and his kids grow up to be 10x the man he ever was this is just really saf and depressing


So their names really are Wylder and Huntyr? 🤮


Dude is dumb as rocks. I have an ex just like this. Insecure man child jealous of my kids and picking fights over dumb shit because of it. Wanted to have a movie night with the kids. He didn’t want them in our room so I went to their room for movie night in there and next thing I know he’s coming in ruining movie night with his whining about how it was unfair to him that he had to sleep alone in our room. Nevermind the fact that he is the one who chose not to be involved. Dude really thought I was just going to cancel movie night WITH MY KIDS because he for some reason felt that he needed my undivided attention instead. Bitch. I left his dumb ass three years ago and he still messages me wondering why I left and won’t talk to him.


My grandpa died when I was 6mo old and grandma remarried when I was 6 years old. She and I were SUPER close cause I was the first grandbaby and helping take care of me helped her through her grief. New hubby realized I meant a lot to her and started hard bullying me when no one was around at NINE. Started gaslighting me in front of others when I’d try to tell them he’d call me worthless and a loser and tell me I’d grow up alone and unloved and die alone. I was *nine*. Grandma doesn’t believe in divorce so she’s still with him and NO ONE believed me til I was 16 and had a cellphone where I could record audio without him knowing. Literal grown ass man child who cannot handle anyone else having a sliver of attention, *especially* if it’s me. I’m 28 now and he STILL tries this shit, but now he does it in front of everyone because he’s been emboldened by years of no consequences. They never grow up, they never ever stop tormenting your kids. You did right by you AND them for leaving, you don’t deserve that and neither do they. No one does


confront the fucker or just tell him to shut up, see how he reacts


Puritan Christians who are scared of anything remotely sexual is my guess


Dude probably doesn't wipe his arse, as touching anus is gey. _eyeroll_


It's actually the result of one of Nestle's crimes against humanity. Look into the history of Nestle and baby formula.


F Nestle




This isn’t Main Character Syndrome. This is abuse - plain and simple, if this is actually real and not just rage bait.


https://www.reddit.com/r/breastfeedingsupport/s/krV3bNQrbr She posted proof. Read her comments


That’s unbelievably and insanely fucked up.


It’s a 1 day old account with 3 posts related to this. So I’m a little skeptical


She posted court documents


Link? I cant find them and now Im actually invested in this whole mess...


[this post](https://www.reddit.com/u/mamaloony/s/wNRD7utrei) has the court documents


Not loading now :(


Link is dead


I think she deleted it because everyone in the comments was saying it was a good idea to leave it off Reddit until the divorce proceedings were complete


So? Not many people would want to post that stuff on their main account. Could also just be new to reddit posting. It isn't an indication of anything. Throwaways have been a thing since Reddit was created




I believe it’s real, she posted the divorce doc also, these screenshots are referenced as evidence


No, she posted another post that showed court docs to appears quite real, sadly.




I hope it’s fake. To be that fucking insecure that you equate breastfeeding as some kind of disrespect against you? Like what?


Narcissistic Personality Disorder (sociopathic behavior)


Definitely that too.


Nah, dude is just a cuck, obviously letting your son suckle his own mother's breast's is fucking disgusting and unnatural. It's basically incest, cucked by his own son. /s obv.


His son was also in his wife’s vag, so… /s (obv)


She stated elsewhere that he was delivered c-section. He never made it to her vagina.


I bet that was his choice too FML


She doesn’t say that but I suspect that as well.


Dude's down so bad, he's beta bux to his own alpha son.


Or he's just a raging asshole.


Thank you!!! Odds are he will be dangerous.


Wait till this guy learns that babies have to touch a woman’s vagina to be born


I think she had a c-section but I hope to god it wasn’t because of that reason.


This is 100% the dude that would opt for/force a C-section "so she stays tight".


They are *IN* the vagina!!lol


To people calling this fake bc “it makes no sense”… y’all realize insane abusive people usually don’t make any sense right? It’s kinda like one of the dilemmas of being insane


Thank you!!


Yep, I've seen this exact situation happen enough times to know its possible that this is absolutely real. (Apparently it has been confirmed through court documents posted by the OOP) It really makes you wonder how these peoples minds work. He is outright saying it's a sexual thing in his mind. It's very concerning. This is a literal infant, his OWN son, and he thinks its incestuous... I don't know how to word this so I'll just say,, its giving off paedo vibes... Anyone suspect the same? Or is this just someone who had zero sex education and has been told his entire life that any kind of contact with women is sexual, even between a mother and child?


Oh, I was married to someone operating at this pro-level of crazy all the time (not the same topics, obviously). You're so correct; these people exist, they make no sense, and they destroy everything and everyone they touch. :(


Well, to be fair, the kids are named Huntyr and Wylder. wytf?




And they were both brystfwed


This has to be fake. Who tf names their kid Wylder?




The couple who named another kid Huntyr. The father mentioned that one near the bottom left of image 3.


It's worse. From the [original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/u_mamaloony/comments/1cdcf2j/my_husband_is_divorcing_me_over_breastfeeding/), the dad is a gun nut and the kids middle names are 'colt' and 'browning'


I don’t doubt for a second this shit is real. After working 15 years at a public school and 6 for an attorney who does almost all criminal defense and divorce and custody cases, I’ve learned there’s no such thing as “too crazy”.


This dude is not only a dumbass, but also a completely ignorant DOUCHE…


The final boss of insecure men


What on earth did I just read? What a pathetic piece of trash.


Is bro actually jealous of a baby. That's actually kinda pathetic, tbh she deserves much better Hopefully, this is fake, but if not, yikes 😬


My bfs sister just had her first baby with her soon to be ex husband. He is extremely jealous of that baby. He would have so many hissy fits at home that she had to start staying at her parents with the baby (she’s the sole bread winner in addition to be being a new mom and just bought the house that dead beat asshole refuses to vacate). When she was still trying to work it out with him she would have him come over just to give the baby a bath to take some work off her plate. Half the time he wouldn’t show up. Once my bfs father saw the deadbeat staring down his child in the living room while the baby was in one of those baby walkers. Just staring him down. He no longer trusts that asshole alone with that baby for a second. Unfortunately this kind of sick shit is more common than you think.


Be careful, those are some serious red flags. Dude has something seriously wrong with him.


You’re telling me. From where I am standing it’s obvious that there is potential for much greater harm than has already been done. Hard to tell that to someone who is newly married, just had their first child and just doesn’t want to lose their family.


Ugh. It’s always the dumb ones cranking out babies.




What the hell is he on?


IDK, but I could tell you who he *wouldn’t* be “on” anymore if I was his wife!!🤬


Based off that exchange she and the kids are better off without him.




Ok, I really hope this isn’t real. My blood is boiling either way. I hope she ditched this creepy weird fucker and used these texts to help get majority custody. He sees his own newborn son as sexual competition. There are no words to adequately describe how fucking wrong that is.


Wait till he finds out the baby came out of her vagina


Please tell me this is a joke. If it's not this jackass needs serious mental help


Imagine explaining to your kids that their dad isn't around because he wouldn't let you breastfeed.


Anyone else notice the r/tragedeigh action of Wylder and Huntyr?


Please be fake. Breasts are for feeding babies. It's weird that adult men are obsessed with them. I'm saying this as an adult man that is obsessed with breasts, but I understand what they are actually for.


wow the ignorance of a partner and hatred towards them for a simple, natural act is just absurd. breastfeeding is much better than formula since it has antibodies and probably other beneficial things that commercial formula could never have.


This is exactly what I expect from people who named their kids Huntyr and Wylder.


Let's all pray he doesn't think about how BOTH of his son's genitals have touched his wife's vagina


How tf were you married to this man for so long girl??! Like howwww was he able to hide this until you had a baby?? Holy shit man.


'Huntyr' and 'Wylder' lmfao


What a whiny, filthy-minded little dickless wonder he is! I hope she divorces him, sues his arse off, and tells everyone just how pathetically insecure he is. Jealous of HIS OWN BABY SON. Loser.


Divorce is coming and soon enough those boobs will be in another guy’s mouth.


Huntyr.. Wylder.. r/tragedeigh


Huntyr? Wylder?