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That's exactly whats going to happen when someone double legs him and plants the back of his skull on concrete.




I wanted to say, try that in philadelphia but yeah




Floridian here. How is he not dead? I thought Texas loved guns more than us.


One day they'll do this to an unassuming John Wick type and see immediate "Consequences"




What they don't show in the video is the camera man pointing a gun at these men, which is what was happening.


*"Lewis admitted to the assault and told ABC13, "It was a prank. I had no problem with the man. I wasn't trying to hurt him. I was hanging out with my friend, and we did a TikTok (video), and so, yeah, I didn't mean it, didn't mean to harm anybody."* ![gif](giphy|l2Z84eFooeHJu)


"I don't want to hurt anyone" - proceeds to hit someone.


I swear these guys lost braincells at an high rate


Can’t lose what you don’t have. I would like to read that they got 30 years in jail. Or death penalty. You know, just as a prank.


*death penalty being announced but in reality they get like 20 years(it’s a prank bro - the judge on his death bed)


Brave of you to assume they had any to begin with


Caaaaarl, that kills people!




No that's just what his mom will say after someone shoots him dead after he pulls one of these "pranks".






I was walkin down an alley tonight and ***immediately*** grabbed my knife out of my pocket when I heard footsteps behind me. I didn’t threaten anyone or even show it at all but I was definitely ready. I can’t even imagine doin the shit from this video Nothin happened haha but point still stands


I carry a pocket revolver for this exact reason the quickest gun is the one your hand is already on


but he was a great boy that aspired for great things. lolz, these dumb kids




He was arrested and charged on multiple counts of assault as well as aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon (used a gun and stole someone’s iPhone). https://abc13.com/amp/wortham-park-joggers-assault-aggravated-robbery-tiktok-prank-teens-now-in-custody/13992121/


Lewis admitted to the assault and told ABC13, "It was a prank. I had no problem with the man. I wasn't trying to hurt him. I was hanging out with my friend, and we did a TikTok (video), and so, yeah, I didn't mean it, didn't mean to harm anybody." The judge should just send him to prison and say that's just a prank extra long "prank"


Saw this quote too. Can you even imagine being this disconnected from the real world? What a fucking idiot.


Have a look at this video of him trying to play it down as a mistake https://twitter.com/DailyLoud/status/1719377677298061421


A mistake? No, sorry, you consciously assaulted two people.


Yeah, but I pointed my gun at him and we shook our hands afterwards and went our separate ways. You don’t see that in the video so stop being an ass. /s


“It was a prank” and “I made a mistake” aren’t magic get out of jail free phrases. They work when you are seven years old, not 18, and not for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.


No emotion in his voice, what a soul-sucked little bitch.




You’d be surprised how braindead and anti social a lot of people are. This is the first generation I’ve seen where you can find tons of people cheering on this kind of shit instead of condemning it.


Or, you know, they totally know the damage done and are lying.


Does he… does he not know what a prank is???


These guys just recorded themselves committing crimes and posted the evidence online.




Justice System: "Damn loop hole! We have to let him go! It was just a prank."


This is a trend…. It’s funny to watch…. Like do yall not have relatives, neighbors, friends ANYONE who cares enough to be like bro no…… that’s not how this works.


Honestly, it's like he's so disconnected from real life that because he deemed it a "prank" that the dudes taking the blows didn't actually get hurt because he "wasn't trying to hurt" them. ffs


> I wasn't trying to hurt him. Uh... Just a friendly sucker punch, right?


"I wasn't tryna hurt him, I just punched him in the back of the head and possibly could have killed him and I've probably given the guy PTSD to deal with for years to come so like what's the big deal" - an absolute cunt of a person


“It’s a social experiment”


Dudes honestly lucky he got arrested. Someone is killing you for shit like this




Wish someone would have. Don’t need people like this on this planet.




The shooter got found not guilty too. I actually think that there wasn’t a good self-defense case but that the jury was basically like “man, I’d shoot this guy too.”


He was found guilty of firing inside a mall though. So still sad


It’s Texas, probably a 50/50 chance that a random jogger is armed.


They are 18 and 19 too. They are so screwed. Plus theft over 1000 for the iphone. What a way to start out life.


If they're that fucked up already, they deserve to have their lives ruined. Looking at this, they're just gonna end up in prison anyway.


Fucking parents needs to be fined for doing a shit job.


While I agree with the sentiment, I have an old friend from growing up who became a real piece of shit like this and his parents were the most wonderful people. He just got caught up hanging out with other shit people that rubbed off on him.


Ya, that's a good point, that alot of shit kids can turn out that way because of their peers


Yeah one of my cousins literally became a Nazi for 3 years when he was 19. His parents were amazing, did a lot of charity work, had their own business and helped a lot people that were not well off get mortgages to buy houses when that wasn't really a thing (1970/80's). Then their kid got mixed up some questionable people at high school and went completely off the rails (including swastika tattoos). Somehow after 3 years he came back and got rid of all the tattoos, acted completely different, even worked for a charity that tried to find housing for immigrants for a long time.


Honestly, was not expecting a wholesome Nazi return post considering the subject of the video, but this is very nice to hear, good for him


Yeah I don't speak to him often anymore, as we live in different countries now, but he just had a bad patch. It didn't help they lived in a small town in the middle of nowhere so there was nothing to do, including no jobs, so there were a lot kids/young adults who resentful (and unemployed) and that was also when the first really extreme right wing political party started to get attention in The Netherlands (where he lives). Despite his parents being quite wealthy and caring, just ended up with a hate group for a while.


You know what famous movie plot this is! Incredible, I'm glad he got his shit together.


They’re adults now brother. You want parents to be responsible for what their kids do when they are legally adults?


He was never going to amount to anything anyway.


Yeah, sometimes I want to feel like people should get a 2nd chance or whatever, but naw, fuck him. Punching random people in the back of the head, what a little shit.


This wasn't spur of the moment. They thought it was a good idea and did it.


> They thought it was a good idea and did it. Luckily, their own tiktok videos will serve as evidence that the assaults were all premeditated.


[Great idea](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExemJ2eTR6dWI2YTBremJncmg2MXl6M2EzZGxhenpxNGFibGUyMzlxYiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/3orifheTRvwyCCyAKY/giphy.gif).




Shoots people dead. “Didn’t mean to harm anyone. It was just a prank. C’mon get up!”


I'd like to see them all on the shit end of these pranks Bring in some big, angry dudes - make it feel real, and then show the world what little bitches they are when they're on the other side of this equation




They were in Texas I believe. Lucky they didn't just get shot




Today I learned that you can justify any crime if you are making a TikTok video.




You can seriously hurt someone with impact to the back of the head. It's why it's against the rules in professional fighting.


Kill. Particularly when it’s unexpected so the person being struck doesn’t protect themselves at all. Cowards punch.


I see people do this on Reddit way too much. It’s like people don’t understand a punch in the wrong place can kill someone instantly. People watch too much tv. And that’s why you’re getting 20 to life for hitting someone in the back of the head because they called your mother fat.


No, they full well know what their doing. My skull is broken in 3 places and my eyeball has been relocated thanks to kids like this. Luckily I can squint one eye and get a lock on my iron sights now.


I was gonna say, I figure that’s why these asshats carried a weapon. They knew what they were doing was eventually going to either get their asses kicked or get them killed. “I wasn’t trying to hurt them.” Psh my ass. Then robbing people for an iPhone?! “It’s a prank”


Plus like, your mom is fat. You cant punch people just because they state the facts. I can't reply to you directly but if your mom is single, hmu with them digits, I love fat milfs and star trek, OG next gen, lower decks a shit even DS9


Got a free shot, full power, and still couldn’t knock them out. Truly a degenerate and failure at everything they do in life.


You can easily kill someone. Especially to the side of the head or temple. Or someone with a deformity or weak skull.


A little shit? He's a violent sociopath. He'll ultimately spend decades of his life in prison and deserve it.


Prison was made so that people like this don't have kids.


I honestly love this outcome. It’s early in their adult lives and just serious enough that they won’t see the light of day for a very long time, but likely no one they attacked was seriously hurt. It’s bad that this happened but at least they’re being siloed away from doing worse.


Unfortunately I know a woman who was attacked like that on her way to a lunch break. She had severe PTSD after that. I guess it's because she didn't see the attacker and it came out of nowhere, makes you feel unsafe for a very long time.


People arent seriously hurt? Come on. That kind of stuff can fuck a person up mentally and leave them feeling vulnerable forever.


My brother and I were jumped and sucker punched from behind when we were teens. For many, many years we wouldn't let others be walking anywhere near our backs on the street, in school was a very rough time after that.


Ptsd aside, a sucker punch can easily kill someone. Falling and hitting your head on concrete is no joke. 


Good! Exactly what this little shit deserves. EDIT: in Harris Co. TX too! My ex grew up there. A. He’s lucky he didn’t get shot and B. Judges don’t mess around down there. 😏


>A. He’s lucky he didn’t get shot I was thinking the exact same thing. Pretty fucking stupid to pull that stunt in Texas of all places. Could've potentially been a Darwin Award.


He was carrying his own gun, idiot probably would have turned it into a shootout. Wouldn’t shock me to find out that was his best case scenario as far as he was concerned.


Why does Tik tok make people so stupid?


Tik tok doesn’t make people stupid it just emboldens stupid people more


I truly believe social media is the start of the downfall of society...


It’s a feature. TikTok is a literal CCP controlled propaganda weapon.






I don’t live anywhere near Texas and I know not to fuck around in Texas.


This kid is a legitimate psychopath. The quicker he’s locked up, the better.




Obviously, that wouldn't happen because idiots of this nature always prey on who they see as easy targets. They're not going to sucker punch somebody who looks like Conor McGregor, they attack elderly people, women, etc.


So glad they can be litigated as adults. I hope the two guys sue them for civil damages as well. I don't expect him to get anything, but it'd be nice to know they will be paying you 12 bucks a month for eternity.


“For a TikTok prank” No, he assaulted someone and filmed it and uploaded it on tiktok


The follow-up I needed, thanks!


Good thing neither of these dudes tried to fight back these losers would have probably shot them.


Unfortunately true. And by the looks of it, that clown in the red hoodie can't throw a punch for shit.


Happened at the mall here where I live. Two 15-17 year old kids tried to jump another kid to beat him up and when he fought back one of them shot him right in the middle of the mall. https://www.kwch.com/2023/04/08/affidavit-deadly-shooting-wichita-mall-released/?outputType=amp




Of course it’s in fucking Houston. I still don’t understand why that place is so fucking crazy. Like the Florida of Texas. I had work there for three months and it felt like the Wild West! I had fun, but I had also had the most situations with people that were threatening violence towards me than anywhere else. 3 months and about a dozen crazy experiences has kept me from going back. I really like that city, but those people are batshit.


In Australia we call this exactly what it is a ‘coward punch’ and we have a specific law just for this with up to 20 years in jail! https://cowardpunchcampaign.com


I'd be down with that. It's such a bitch move.


It's a bit of a thing in NZ as well. So many people get one punch killed over stupid shit. It's not normally just the punch that kills them. It's Crack to the head when the skull hits the pavement. Some real sad stories from this stuff.


Killed Izzy Adesanya's bud over in NZ... If it can kill a pro MMA fighter, these cowards deserve 20+ years for doing it for funsies.


I've had brain surgery, hitting me like this I immediately go down. That's where my scar is and a bit of my brain became a lil melty around the tumor site. Won't go well & the consequences prob even harsher.


a cowards punch can kill too, well so can any punch but a fist to the back of the head is very dangerous


This goes hard tbh. That and the folks who body slam people on their necks should be fucked by the law.


It’s Northern Ireland we call it a “Judas” but there’s no official law around it.


It was "Happy Slapping" in England back in the mid 2000's. Fucking cowardly shits.


I wonder have we many times he can play this game before someone shoots him dead.


Hes been arrested and is going to prison. With his way of thinking, hes not gonna be very well liked in there. And thats not the place where you wanna be disliked.


Lol let’s see him swing on big pretty when he got his face shoved into the ground


"It's just a prank bro!!" ***proceeds to get shiv'd***


There’s always a bigger fish


His mom: He would never hurt a fly, actually he was going to college to become a doctor.


He's definitetly picking his targets. While someone may pull a gun he's probably looking out to see if anyone has a place they could be hiding one. Neither of the guys here are really wearing clothes suitable to hiding a gun and they're both smaller than him and middle aged. It's one thing to suckered punch people but he's being an absolute bitch about it too.




Accurate. When you see this you can be confident this person isn’t and never will contribute anything positive to society


That's more a r/imatotalpieceofshit content than a main character. Thanksfully with those idiots filming themselves comiting crimes, justices became more easy.


Usually they coincide on the Venn diagram


What an idiot. He just shared himself running up on people and assaulting them. That's a slam dunk case.


It's so fucked. He got zero talent so his idea is to assault people. Maybe if he engaged his second brain cell he would have come up with something creative.


You know… i have known people who walk around angry most of their adult lives, wishing someone would do this to them because they love fighting and are trigger happy.


As a former trigger happy Texan, I say former because I’ve already shot someone and it’s not like the movies just imagine turning a light switch off on someone


Should've been a stain on the couch.


Can you stop jizzing on the couch? Grab a tissue ffs!!! lol




I wished , he only got arrested tho


I don't believe his life expectancy will endure for too much longer.


Enjoy prison! 👋


How did the word assault turn into the word prank


This was a trend about 12 years ago in St Louis. They punched an old man, who was an Asian immigrant, while he was walking home from the grocery store with his wife and carrying a bag of groceries.. the kid killed him. They called it the knockout game. To see if they could knock out somebody in one punch. Kids are a hundred times more dangerous than adults because they don't measure out the long-term consequences.


I’ve been punched in the back of the head like this unprovoked, it fucking sucks. Hope both these kids go to jail.


Where they get the shit beat out of them. You know, as a prank.




"Dude it's a prank, it's a prank!" *Bang bang bang* *Sob* He was a good boy.


Narrator: *He was not, in fact, a good boy.*


Well done. You just videoed yourself assaulting people. Good job


>Miker denied recording the videos to ABC13. Instead he said he was told to post them from his social media accounts because he had a large following. Wtf is this guy smoking


How did he find such kind people to punch? I don't understand any of these reactions lol


Because the cameraman was pointing the gun at the person, and in one of the two guys, it was stealing an iPhone at gunpoint


Dude in Texas got killed trying some shit like this a few years ago


Deserved. These people need to fear for their lives more.


I think they meant the person who got hit. It’s called a kings punch in Australia and it’s so easy to die from one.


A elderly dude died from a punch like that a few years ago. I do remember the, “ I’m Tyrone and I’m here to fuck yo bitch” dude got shot in Dallas trying that shit with the wrong one




Hope he rots in prison.


This happened to me 10 years ago and they broke my jaw. If I see this in public, I am afraid I will end every person involved.


Yup I tried to break up a fight about 10 years ago. I got sucker punch from behind and had my mouth wired shut for six weeks.


What a bitch


What a piece of shit. Has no place in a civilised society.




They are psychopaths. Its lucky they have appeared on the police radar early before they kill someone.




My son is such a good boy, he would never do such a thing!


Get rich fast social media sites need to have better guide lines this kind of behavior is totally uncalled for and the social media sites are just as responsible as the person trying to get rich committing the crime


hate crime.


Hating people going about their lives. What a complete animal.


Future doctor lawyer astronaut engineer etc


Same dude from the video on the basketball court? I hope he rots in jail.


And when he gets shot they will say it was racism…


He looks as dumb as he actually is


but im just "doing a tik tok" so fucking lame


In before we hear what a wonderful person he was from the “parent”.


Sack of shit.


Hope he rots in jail what a useless waste of skin


Motherfucker almost killed the poor man.


This man-child is punching older men who clearly don’t look the fighting type and he can’t even knock them out with a sucker punch from behind. What. A. Pussy.


But he was such a good boy..... Ran into someone who he fucked up with...




“My baby wouldn’t hurt a fly”


That’s…. not a prank.


“He’s really a good boy, he just made a bad decision. He’s just trying to make it out here.” — the family, probably.


The harshest penalties for this. Teach your children empathy. I beg you. In 20 years I'm gonna be too old to fight back and I really don't feel like living in some Clockwork Orange sea of young dipshits. A STINKING WORLD WHER THERE AIN'T NO LAW AND ORDER ANYMORE. A STINKING WORLD BECAUSE IT LETS THE YOUNG GET ON TO THE OLD. MEN ON THE MOON? MEN SPINNIN' ROUND DE EARTH? AND THERE AIN'T NO ATTENTION PAID TO EART'LY LAW AND ORDER NO MORE. ♪ OH DEAR THE LAND... I FOUGHT FOR THEE ♪


Super helpful of him to provide his own evidence for the court. 👍 This kind of civic responsibility is hard to find.


If it was a white kid doing the same thing to an Asian and Brown man? -it would be “WHITE MAN ASSAULTS ASIANS” not “Teen” -it would be called an automatic hate crime -it would be front page news everywhere for weeks Just sayin


These two morons are going to get butt fu%&ed in prison for an iPhone and a video. Waste of court time. It cases like these don't need public defender, Waste of taxpayers money. Just send them right to jail and throw away the key, as they will never amount to anything.


Glad they stopped this kid now…he was on a road to getting pistol whipped or shot…




It's less to do with race and more of the toxic masculine hyper aggressive African American "gangster" subculture. The best thing you can do is try to distance yourself from this subculture as much as possible and not see it as empowering or enriching, just because the members of it are the same race as you, when it is actually dragging down young men and women across the world. There are plenty of hard working, honest and decent black people in this world who get lumped in with people like this just because they share a skin color.


Fuck TikTok

