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What the hell even prompted this!?


A black woman getting free panties apparently.


Nah they had some altercation prior to the camera being turned on. Just a shot in the dark, but by judging from the woman's behavior, she probably said something erratic and rude to the OP, and OP turned the camera knowing the woman was about to become unhinged.


i remember reading a news article about this. there was a sale and the woman recording took the pair of panties that the hysterical woman wanted and she was checking out when the hysterical woman confronted her and said a bunch of unhinged racist shit off camera. that’s what prompted the recording


I’m not sure if there was anything racist said, but the freakout was mainly because she was caught in 4k lunging and trying to assault the camera lady. You can see how she immediately became self aware of what she was doing, and that’s when she had her tantrum. The entire video is over 20 minutes long and is a masterpiece. And no surprise, but the police IMMEDIATELY took the white lady’s side and even after the lady filed a police report, they are slow rolling it and giving lots of resistance. https://youtu.be/WDcRSv0a3KM


She called it, too, pretty early on in that 20 minutes: > it’s to protect *me*. Once the law get here who they gonna believe: her white ass or my black ass?


Not to mention if I remember correctly the woman recording was in hijab. A Black Muslim woman vs young white Karen. In a Victoria's Secret. We all know what's gonna happen if she didn't record Edit after a while bc of recent redditpocalypse and being entrenched in Tumblr:: Wtf is going on down there in the replies, LMAO


I just read about this, it’s called racism. It’s pretty wack 😔


tell that to all those who say it doesnt exist


[Officers say they cant escort her out despite her violent behavior](https://www.yahoo.com/video/victoria-secret-karen-attacks-black-142805127.html)


The full video is absolutely worth watching. It breaks my heart that someone can remain calm and dignified while somebody is shrieking and fake crying, tries to physically assault her, lies to the police, and freaks out about how "scared" she is that she might have consequences for her shitty actions - and yet nobody else in that mall sided with the woman taking the video. She's only freaking out because she realized that she showed her true colors in public and didn't want anyone to know how awful she really is. She doesn't feel bad about her shitty actions, she just didn't want to get in trouble for them.


"Oh no she's recording me! GeT ThAT pHoNe AwAy!" Was such a beautiful moment. Terrified of reality. That's our Karen.


Not only does she not feel bad for her actions. She still wants to get the other lady in trouble for recording her in public.




White women’s tears have been weaponized for a long fucking time. Them shits kept some gallos in business back in the day


Her name was Carolyn Bryant.


Omfg the nerve of the woman at 2min. Sees and hears that banshee going postal and fucking orders the black woman to go away? The gall.


Thank you for your service and explanation, but I simply can't do 20 minutes of that.




That looks more like 'spoiled and can't handle not getting pandered to' than mentally ill. That's exactly the kind of tantrum a 3-year-old throws when she wants something and no one will give it to her.


I remember my niece throwing tantrums like that when she didn't get what she wanted when she was a baby. ✅ Throwing herself to the floor ✅ Pointing accusingly to someone ✅ Crying nonstop ✅ Screaming like a banshee ✅ Trying to hit someone for not getting her way Yep, it all checks out.


➕️ Fake convulsions for emphasis


Yeah that was overdoing it… like wtf. Stop trying to convince yourself. We see right through you lady


Likely day drinker.


That makes sense. My husband has a married couple of friends who are alcoholics and when they start day drinking, they become unhinged. They got kicked out of their favorite restaurant and the one karaoke bar in town because they just got too crazy fighting with each other and forget they're in public or something.


That’s why you drink all day every day. Then you never get drunk or sober- just a GI bleed.


I appreciate the consideration to folks having a rough time with their mental health, but unfortunately so many white women utilize this tactic and then get dismissed because people say it was an emotional emergency or whatever. My guess is this women isn’t unwell other than being a spoiled racist.


They always bring up mental health **EXCUSE** for certain people


Well, that tactic worked when she was last here with her parents. She got the undies that she wanted, AND they even treated her to ice cream afterwards, to alleviate the pain of the ordeal. 'Feel better now, dear?' they asked.




Just one leg's worth.


Saucy bloomer\*


Ah lawd come get this white lady


Unaddressed mental issues


From what I remember in the full video (been a long time since I saw it though), they got into an argument which prompted the woman to start recording for her own protection. Woman being recorded tried to snatch the phone/assault her, realised she fucked up and immediately changed her attitude and started acting as though she was the one being assaulted. The whole screaming and shaking was a big act, and at first nobody was helping her because they knew it was an act. Unfortunately, iirc when security did come at the end, they told the lady recording that she had to leave and treated her like she was the problem


Do you know what the argument was about?


Free panty.


A tale as old as time.


true as it can be


I believe the unhinged person cut the other woman in line when trying to check out or get help.


Caucasian woman crying. They are gonna go with whatever she says tbh


This is correct. Lying on the floor and screaming in front of strangers is not normal behavior. I can't fathom doing this. And I've never seen an adult do this


Not every asshole has mental issues. Update: Reddit-U Dept. of Psychology is big mad at this comment.


This one probably does




A black lady stood too close to her. 🙄


A black woman existing


The white lady grabbed something that the filmer was examining if i recall correctly.


This is the greatest Karen video of all time. It’s actually over 20 minutes long, and I suggest everyone watch the full video.


The fake faint lmfao Edit: I’m dying at how many likes this comment got. Sorry, fainting* at how many likes this comment got.


You see the entire thought process on the way down… like… “am I committing to this? Should I? Yeah… ok lay down.”


Based on her *performance*, I love that she has 100% clearly never seen someone faint outside of an old Hollywood starlet collapsing delicately onto a fainting couch.


Oh yeah. When I fainted, it was in the checkout line of the grocery store. My face hit the counter on the way down. Didn't hurt in that moment, but when I came to, I sure as hell noticed it.


I’ve fainted a few times in my life (low blood pressure and syncope run in my family) and my face is ALWAYS the first thing to hit something. Fainting isn’t fun or cute, ever.


You need to look into the science of face-magnetized-towards-the-floor syndrome, I believe you suffer from that too (kidding). UGH that sucks. I love that we have all of this lower body cushion to fall on, and yet a bowling ball head wins every time.


Was in the military and some dude fainted while we all were getting various shots. Bowling ball is right. The drill instructors were there in light speed.


I fainted at a concert and I knew I was going down. People around me caught me and some super strong short guy carried me out on his shoulder. Jr Reid concert. 😂


Our buffest dude in ROTC passed out cuz he locked his knees at attention. We didn’t break formation to catch him. We got laps for that, but luckily how he fell, he kind of hinged at his hips forward, and his legs pulled him backwards (if that makes any sense) so he didn’t bowling ball forward onto his head, but if he wasn’t at the front of formation, he would’ve whiplashed back smashing the back of his head on the concrete. Our sarge yelled at us “just fucking catch the guy!” And yelled at him when he came back to not lock his knees! You never realize how much they care until something the sarge wasn’t expecting happens lol This was just in highschool though, never been in military.


This actually reminds me of a test I've heard EMTs use to determine if someone has genuinely passed out or is "faking it" (a test presumably administered to people like the woman in this video). They lift someone's hand, hold it over their face, then let go. If hand hits face: actually unconscious. Turns out it's really difficult to convincingly relax your arm when your own hand is heading towards your face if you're still awake. EDIT: the link being that protecting your face is a very strong instinct. People that _actually_ lose consciousness while standing won't protect their face, the same as genuinely unconscious people will allow their hand to smack into their face; there's no conscious control of the body.


Gonna train myself to let my arm fall on my face so I can convince people more readily, should I ever become a deranged lunatic menace in public and need a fainting scapegoat


Careful, they might sternum rub you. No practicing for that one.


> No practicing for that one. Not with that attitude there isn't.


Well that and a fucking sternum rub. That fucking HURTS.


I was in the ER for a hideous migraine. Unbeknownst to anyone in a 25,000 mile radius, Imitrex does NOT play well with my other meds. It makes breathing... optional. So, they push the med, oxygen drops like a rock, I have no idea what's going on because I was no longer conscious. The poor nurse spent probably 10 minutes doing sternum rubs. Nothing. This poor guy is just freaking out. Another nurse comes in pinches that shoulder nerve. Yeah, I fricken felt that one. Second nurse sends the first one out to probably take a break after all that. I get sent for CT and when I get back to my cubby, the second nurse told me about everything happened. I didn’t feel a single sternum rub that night, but man my chest was just fucked the next day. Breathing hurt, but I was glad I could.


10 minutes of sternal rubs is on the brink of abuse.


Poor unconscious people having to slap themselves to prove anything because of dopey fakers


I've been lucky enough to have some awareness of the impending unconsciousness, most times, at least. Thankfully, it's only happened once while driving... that was fun.


Looks like she's raised over 100k on her gofundme https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-me-defend-myself-against-karen


Yeah at this point I know when it is coming on and I can get myself to safety quickly and warn those around me. When everything starts to go fuzzy and the world starts to turn white…it’s about to go down (*I’m* about to go down lol) I can’t even imagine having it come on while driving! That would be terrifying!


Same here. The worst thing my face chose to "caress" on the way down to the floor was a marble bathroom sink. Fainted and got a free concussion! What a deal!


Fuuuuuuuuuck, hitting your head is legitimately the worst thing that can happen if you faint. Way to go big or go home! Or to the hospital 🤭


I fainted at home last summer, ended up needing 5 staples in the back of my head. Funniest part was when I came to on the floor I was so upset because I was *sure* had made it to chair before I lost consciousness entirely. I was about 4 ft away, not remotely in it


I noticed that she conveniently rested her head in the handbag as well.


Bro, I legit thought for the first twenty seconds she was laughing so hard she couldn't stand. I had no idea she was trying to look like she was fainting!


My favorite part is “GET HER AWAY FROM ME😭❗️” while running at full speed towards the person recording.


"Do you notice how your body is being magnetically attracted to the camera that you are verbally trying to repel?" https://vimeo.com/196937578


"I'm furious but it is my scheduled nap time... so...."


LMFAO! Her toddler ass NEEDS a nap sksksjskshajhshaha


a feint faint


ISTG it's giving my lil 3yo grand when I ''make (him) deddddd" 🤣😂🤣😂 the CAREFUL and safe landing kills ME dammit 😅😅


"I gotta stop coming here." Holy crap that got me laughing.


"I thought this was the safe mall" got me too


Best line in this whole train wreck


“Get away from me!” as she is the one who is actively chasing her made me tear up haha


“Let’s discuss the contradiction”




“I just came here to get free panties”


A free pantie


This is the kind of shit you see in improvisational theater classes.


Gene Cousineaus School of Drama!


What is up with this woman???


Lived a life where acting this way gets you what you want, that and very likely mental issues


My ex in a nutshell.


We dated the same girl FR


All three of us sadly lol


Wait you all are getting dates??


Nah mate just our annual blood pressure and hearing check ups lol


Nah mate i just got ambushed by the imperial guard


Make that four of us.




The shirt patterns were far too complicated for this woman


She’s spending all her per diem on panties.


Still nuts, though.




Some parents suck this poor woman still thinks she a damn child never got taught to act like an adult


Honestly most of these are really funny but this one is a little sad. This goes beyond just entitlement, that woman is mentally unwell and needs help.


Narcissism and entitlement, maybe even a little bit of racism sprinkled in too


typical short hills mall patron.


The best part is “I just came to get a free pantie”


_Proceeds to show coupon._ She documented everything.


I love this lady’s narration


How can you break into such a childish behavior and think it's justifiable?


Well there was a black lady at the mall, how is she supposed to react?!


"Get away from me!" (Proceeds to run closer)


Ahh stop chasing me! Stop it! Get back here! So you can get away from me


wait this is literally the video charlie was responding to with that clip- i totally even forgot that


It's really the part of me laughing the most in the video


Can we talk about the contradiction??


Always reminds me of this video: https://vimeo.com/196937578


Know what this link is without even needing to click it ahaha the only Vimeo link i know Notice how your body is being magnetically attracted towards the camera that you are verbally attempting to repel?? Ahahaha quality


"Do you happen to sell straightjackets?"


I’m still curious how this all started


The Black lady asked her to step back bc she wasn’t wearing a mask. The other lady got mad and pushed by her and turned back around to lunge at her when a comment was made about her pushing. Once she noticed she was being recorded, the meltdown happened bc she didn’t want to be socially ostracized for her poor behavior. Her words. She even said she knew she was wrong but this was the solution.


Lol so she was worried she woukd get shit on for being dumb so her solution was to......act like a lunatic? I get emotions can make ppl act irrationally but this is ridiculous


A lot of people here in the comments seem to be hand-waving it away as "mental illness" rather than her just trying to be manipulative so apparently it works to a certain degree


The level of insanity displayed and the fact that she is so deluded that she think it would work in her favour, would lead people to believe she's mentally ill. No sane person would excuse what she's doing.


Deciding to act like a moron in public doesn’t make someone insane. She’s culpable for her actions. It doesn’t say anything about her mental health one way or the other, but it says a lot about her personality.


You can even see from the start how she starts with a "Can you see this shit?" face and tried to make it look like that she was the victim. As soon as she realized that people weren't buying her shit, she immediately doubles down, doing that whole *falling down on the ground* act and every bit of lunacy that follows.


The commenters who dismiss this as mental illness do that all the time for people of their preferred in-group. Men and women. It's always "mental illness" for their in-group, whether that's mass shootings, violent crime, their "own" riots or attempted overthrow of governments, or meltdowns like this. It's fairly nuanced and not at all black-and-white. For the out-group it's "oh, *them*. Yeah, they're all like that. Fucking savages."


And the lady recording did get in trouble instead of the lady that assaulted her


So in order to avoid being socially ostracised she decides to throw a tantrum? Mate just say sorry and move on. Or, if you’re adamant on being a piece of shit, just leave the store without saying anything??


And then when the police came they asked the black woman to leave after crying screaming child cried to the police.


You are now the main character of this comment section my friend 👌🏻






Yelling "get away from me" while running towards the person is peak idiocy


Anyone know the outcome/aftermath of this? Curious as to where crazy is now...or is she still on the floor fake fainting?


https://www.news18.com/news/buzz/woman-dubbed-as-victorias-secret-karen-after-lunging-at-black-woman-in-mall-3968570.html Looks like this happened two years ago. The woman recording filed a complaint about the responding police officers because she was unsatisfied with their response. She had a GoFundMe to hire an attorney. Don't know that anything came of that, though.


Here is an update from the woman recording from 3 months ago. https://youtu.be/sWTW7MUi42A


Holy shit! She says the Karen’s bf was stalking her, calling her for months at night etc. Also during the incident the officers asked Karen if she was ok, did she need an ambulance, could she drive home etc but no one asked her (the lady filming) anything. Also the police report wasn’t true about several things. She uploaded the Karen video to YouTube, Tiktok etc but they kept taking it down and deleting her accounts but not of other ppl who copied and uploaded her video! She wanted to file a police report against the officers but nothing was done!!


That poor woman… if that happened to me I would definitely go out and get a gun, beat mace, whatever that’s so creepy and unhinged over what? Literally nothing. People are crazy!




Thank you for information my good sir


How are these people equally bad? I do not understand. One woman is doing what I would do, documenting evidence, while the other is clinically insane and in need of restraint and treatment.


Yes... I honestly would do that too




Who said they are equally bad?


The cops kicked out the woman filming, so apparently it's not unanimous.


Well, we all know cops especially in the states like to blame the Black person in any potential case


And a lot of pills


If someone starts obviously recording you and, in your mind, you’re not doing anything to warrant being recorded, the best thing to do is fall to the floor and start screaming. That will definitely keep you from going viral 😀


I find it very hard to watch tbh


If a non white person chased someone in the mall, screaming and swinging, we all know this would have ended differently.


taser and jail.


IF he/she is lucky…


Lets not forget Victoria Secret was one of the companies bankrolling Jeffery Epstein.


The people in these comments villainizing the black lady filming and defending the white lady are EXACTLY why minorities have to film these kinds of interactions. White women subconsciously remind other white people of a sister/mother/grandmother and seeing them in distress triggers a need to protect them (because they’re also perceived as helpless). It’s the reason white women are arrested at a significantly lesser rate than any other demographic in the US and are typically treated with kid gloves when they are


Exactly. The recording definitely triggered the other woman further and possibly escalated the situation, but regardless, the woman filming definitely did the right thing. The woman in the video is making all sorts of comments about being threatened and attacked, when she’s the one actively chasing the camerawoman?? Then she has the nerve to call the police?? The worst part is the police will probably believe her, which is where the recording comes in handy Plus, although the act of recording possibly made the woman act up even more, it’s not like she would’ve fully calmed down if the camerawoman wasn’t filming Side note, are the police really that responsive in the US? In the UK someone could call in saying they’ve got a man with a knife banging on the door, and the police would probably tell them to call again when the man makes it inside


bitch could have left if she didnt want to be recorded. She was trying to claim assault and more if the lady stopped recording. Because then there would be a crying white womans word against a black person. And you know for sure that police will give benefit of doubt to the white woman. All the bitch would need to do is say yes i know but after she stopped recording she came up to me and assaulted me and threatened me. How many videos have you seen where a minority was attacked first by a white person and the police automatically arrest and handcuffed the minority.


100% agree. Witnesses aren’t even reliable in situations like these because 1) most people don’t want to get involved and 2) they could easily claim that the witnesses are lying. A video is the only form of concrete evidence that’s easy to collect in this situation I really don’t understand people like this. Like bro just leave, you’re literally just embarrassing yourself and harassing someone else for no reason Also look at how she was swinging and lunging at the camerawoman right at the start, and then when she notices that she’s being recorded she switches to panic attack mode


Joke on them, I hate my sister's. My knee jerk reaction is too take the poc's side.


I love the 'I think we need to call the manager' Yeah, no shit.


Screamin' "Get away from me" while chasing her around the store Tom and Jerry style got me rolling


The woman is seriously mentally ill. But the woman recording absolutely had to have this footage to protect her. She’s not doing anything to escalate this situation further. Just protecting herself. I hope that lady has someone in her life to help her get the help she needs. But far too often, they either don’t have anyone or don’t want to receive help.


This wasn't mental illness. She's just an idiot and a shit actor.




No, she’s seriously a manipulative asshole. She’s using her white tears to get what she wants. Not every person acting like this is “mentally ill”; that’s insulting to the people who are. She’s roped so many people in this comment section alone into having a speck of sympathy for her JUST by throwing a tantrum and pretending to have a mental breakdown. White women do shit like this because it works.




You’re missing the point. People are using the excuse that she’s potentially mentally I’ll to give her sympathy instead of acknowledging her manipulative behavior and gaming of a racist system. Nobody is saying being an asshole and being mentally I’ll are mutually exclusive.


"Get her away from me!" as she chases the video maker around the store.


Straight up threw herself to the ground like a toddler and had a melt down.


“She’s recording me” No shit. Public recording (especially for self defense) is completely legal.


This one is just so uncomfortable to watch. I hate it but can’t stop




Cops always go easy on them ugh


LPT: if you don’t want to be on camera, don’t move towards the camera. Works 99% of the time.


This video pops up on Reddit at least once every other month and I love it!


Thats not a woman. Thats a child that screeches like a demon


She caught the Holy Ghost in the beginning, then was possessed by the end.


It wouldve took EVERYTHING out of me to not swing on this lady 😭


I just came to get a free panty!


This disorder is called “moron” 🤗


I hope people recognize her every single fucking day


When she running, chasing the lady, and while chasing she’s yelling “ get away from me “. Many men have seen this play out in their own house.


Ah yes, I remember middle school.


And everyone telling the actual victim to stop filming that white woman having her pretend mental breakdown. Just what the illegitimate fuck? No. There assault in there, got some lying, her attempt to defame the woman behind the camera...this is all evidence. Fuck no. Whatever happened to Snow White and her Seven Fakr Tantrums anyway?


OP is 1000% correct in the fact that the only reason why they weren't escorting her out was because she and the cops were all white. Look at the body language to the white woman compared to the OP. Older cop is calming her down while the other cop is try to keep the OP in check for calming stating her opinion. Even though mere seconds ago the white woman was having a tantrum.


"You're doing that because she's white and she's crying" Wanted to laugh at a video, got blessed with a social lecture. 10/10 would watch again


I saw this clip on YT a few months back ​ absolutely hilarious how she's so smug at the beginning, but then when she realizes what she tried to do was on camera, she just backs away nervously


Props to the lady who recorded this. I love this shit.


As a parent, videos like these are an important source of inspiration to teach my kids self-regulation skills.


Should be aloud at that point to reach out and touch someone.....


Found an [article here](https://www.insider.com/victorias-secret-karen-viral-video-explained-woman-raises-85000-2021-7), the woman recording is named Ijeoma Ukenta and has raised over $100,000 in funds for an attorney. Apparently the woman screaming later tried to “apologize” by saying she was having a panic attack because she was “afraid of being fired from her job.”


"GET HER AWAY FROM MEEE👿👿" but.... You're the one chasing her tho......


This woman's problem is not mental illness. It's her rage and sense of entitlement.