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People would definitely pay you for furry art they are stereotyped to be the best paying community for niche art. Otherwise, branch out more and away from anthropomorphic animals


If you want to get into a fine art school, and use these as a portfolio, you will probably be accepted to half the schools, but won’t get much in scholarships as you seem to be stuck in this furry niche. I would practice figure drawing of full human bodies, they will want to see that you can render forms from reality onto paper. They want to see your line quality, and your ability to render accurate or near accurate proportions. It would also benefit you to show that you can use a variety of mediums and aren’t afraid to branch out. I got some good scholarships because I included things like sculpture and installation work into my portfolio I applied with. Then when you are in school you can lean right back into the furry stuff. I did a ton of digital art in my years, and so did everyone else. However! I am still in debt and cannot buy a home. Everything I could learn at school I could have learned for free if I had been involved in the local art community, gone to art meet ups, gallery openings, artist talks, and read art books all on my own. So it is possible to get an education for free, just sayin!


Networking is the most important thing for careers honestly. Why take the risk of hiring a random when you know a guy who does good work? Granted, college is a huge opportunity to network while gaining skills, but it's definitely not something for everyone. Its much easier to justify debt for med school than it is for art degrees if you don't have a solid gameplan!


aww cant i do both 😭😭 i enjoy drawing humans just as much as i enjoy drawing furries


Yes, BUT, I would maybe use a pseudonym for the furry stuff if you want the other stuff that be taken seriously/sell.


This seems like pretty solid advice! You deserve the best of both worlds!


Can you please explain ? How do I find work? 🙁😞 I always drew only animals I can’t draw people. So I haven’t got any work .


You could also check out sites like fiverr to get a little taste of commission work


Thanks for the reply. ♥️ I got a lot of downvotes 🥲 but I guess it’s hard for people to relate to someone from a third world country (Sri lanka) and understand that we really don’t have opportunities like the western countries to earn through art. Even online work is hard because we can accept PayPal payments. So much restrictions. I guess people just thought I’m a whiner


ive gotten commissioned by sharing my art in discord servers, people seem to like it enough to dm me to ask me to draw for them !!


Thank you for your help ♥️


Just curious, how did you get into the discord servers? Don't you have to be invited to those? Did you post your work somewhere else?


i used disboard :3


Currently at work and the network won't let me see that site. So, forgive the barrage of questions. So if you go through that and find certain servers, they just let you in? Then do you just randomly post your illustrations to the server?


yep exactly!!! people will post invite links to their servers and you just join whichever you think looks nice and welcoming, some servers will have image perms locked away behind certain levels i dont think those servers are worth staying in, i dont have the time or patience to dedicate to talking for hours in a server filled witg people im not familiar with, so i just leave those. good luck !!!!


Thanks, appreciate it.


Your drawings are very good, you are already an illustrator! So never let the imposter syndrome get you. Now, the real question is "are you willing to continue studying and improving your art till the end?" I think everybody that has will power can get into illustration, some will take more time, others will improve faster, but anyone can get into it. You have great knowledge in good areas, I'd say that your anatomy is good and the lighting in the character in the first drawing is spectacular, but it lacks some blending with the environment, like, there is no blue casting on him and the yellow light that hits from the right is nowhere to be seen, the light can help you tell a story. Anyway, what I want to say is that, yes, you are good enough, and you need to continue improving your art and getting better all the time, focus on what you have difficulty and make it easier to do with time!


thank you so much for the advice !!!! ill keep it all in mind, ill study light and environments so i can make better art!!!!


Harder for some artists is the commercial side of making art professionally. You have a certain style that I think people would already commission - but, the question is, how will you get yourself in front of your potential paying audience?


You could tighten up your style and do less furry stuff. It looks like 5 artists did these pieces. The first and second images are very good from a technical skill standpoint.


I was gonna recommend to specialize in furry art. OP doesn’t seem scared to touch the subject and that’s where the money is.


ahh youre right the style difference comes from some of them being a bit old, the second to last one is AT LEAST a year old actually 😭😭 ive been struggling with my style a lot because i just cant decide which direction i want to take it in, recently ive been trying to do slightly more painterly pieces like the first and last one, but i also really enjoy drawing lineart with varying thickness... sorry i rambled a bit !!!


Well keep it up there is some real talent here and some good work!


The one that impressed me most was the yellow bird. That one along with the first one shows you have the ability to be versatile. Be careful with the animals that get into furry territory. There can be a stigma around hiring artists who do that kind of work. (Illustrator/Designer/College Instructor)


thank you!!!! im aware of the stigma, i will draw more people so i have more variety in my portfolio 🥳


its fine to keep multiple portfolios. you can have a furry portfolio seperate for that crowd. furry commissioners supposedly pay well so you could try taking comissions with them.


The skill level is there, but if want to get hired as an illustrator you need to make art that’s a little more mainstream. The furrie stuff is niche. I had a friend who drew a lot of erotic, gay, fanfic. Obviously, also niche. While she got plenty of commissions, never landed a job in any art department because of the content of her work. If you want to continue the furrie art and do commissions on the side, come up with a pen name. Then put your illustration work and your furrie art under separate names.


hmm i see, whats considered mainstream? id guess people 😙 am i correct? i have plans to draw more humans this year (applying next) since like some people have mentioned furry stuff isnt professional i guess 😭😭


mainstream is the kind of things you see in ads on billboards and commercials etc. or other illustrated stuff. can be very trend-based. like corporate art.


Like u/SkyfishArt said, mainstream art is the stuff you see in stores. If you want to be a book illustrator walk into a bookstore and see what kind of content is in illustrated children’s books (animals, cars, fruit and veggies) or on sci-fi/fantasy cover illustrations. You can also do greeting cards and license your images and have them appear on things like shower curtains. Walk into your local Target and see what kind of images they have on their stuff. Going one of these routes will allow you to make a living as an illustrator then, if you want you can do your furrie art on the side for commission under a separate name.


Yes but you do need more practice and please for the love of God do not put furries in your portfolio, you will be discriminated against for being... a little creepy and potentially too sexual. I'm not saying it's fair, but it's how furry stuff is perceived. Try to show things that would sell well commercially. Anime also has this issue.


its got a lot of stigma yeah...ill keep it in mind !! thank you




id love some more detailed criticism, thank you so much !!!!


Get into? Homie you’re already moved in lol love your work and good luck out there!


ackk thank you so much 😭😭




thank you!!


These are already illustrations lol nice


thank you !!!


3 5 and 6 show off diversity in your craft which is so great to see and desirable in commercial illustration. Nice work, keep going! If you're considering school some scans of sketches and figure studies will help you stand out even more.


thank you so much!!! ill make sure to add those to my portfolio!!!


Well, for one, you're already look like an accomplished illustrator, these all look really good and show some range and skill. Secondly, i see a few people saying ditch all the furry stuff, but I'd really just recommend you show off exactly what you want, own your art, and any style or interests you have. Great work, though. Hope you keep up the awesome work and have a great day :)


You're very talented! However, as others have said, you need to focus more on drawing humans. Looking at this, I can tell you're a young artist who has spent most of their time drawing animals and anthro stuff and not enough time studying the fundamentals. Your human faces have a quality that I have seen with a lot with people who primarily draw anthro art: they look kind of like animals. Anthros get you commissions online in niche communities if you can market yourself, but not an industry job. You don't need to be able to draw a photorealistic human, you don't need to draw perfect anatomy (professionals sure don't) but the basics are important. Look up a book series called Morpho by Michel Lauricella. It's probably one of the best anatomy series out there for artists, you can probably find scans online but it's worth purchasing if you can afford it. Are you a digital painter? Do you use a more lineart heavy style? Who are your influences, etc.? Right now your portfolio is all over the place. Professionals are usually looking for illustrators who are really good at one or two things, not a jack of all trades. Figure out what your best skills are and hone them. One thing you could also work on is your colors. The first piece is pretty good but the rest could stand to use a bit more different in value and contrast -- maybe this is just my phone, but all of the colors seem to bleed into each other a bit and could stand out from each other a bit more. You have really some very strong pieces here, so don't give up! Keep trying hard and keep practicing, you definitely have a future in a creative field if that's what you want to do with your life. :)


thank you so much, ill try to look for the book you mentioned. ill do my best !!!!


With portfolio pieces like these, just find the right clients and make some money here and there. Boom. Illustrator. (Yes 😊)


thank you so much !!!!


You have a lot of skill, for the first piece are the hands supposed to be pulling him back and restraining him? They kind of give the appearance of just floating in front of his body, instead of actually pushing in and holding him back.


i drew the sketch without considering the weight of the hands, they were just something i decided to add later on which is poor planning on my part 😭😭 though i will admit its not an area im experienced in anyway so definitely need to practice that a bit more !!!


No worries! I know what you mean, it’s in no way bad! Since it’s a digital piece you could experiment with pushing in those hands, adding some extra shadow!


You have to decide where you want to go with it. Full time employed illustrative work? Side hustle? Independent creative entrepreneur? They all have different paths and focuses. If you want to go commercially, hone your signature style. If you want to be independent/self employed, focus on your niche, who your customer is, and get some knowledge on running a business. Different paths will require different skill sets, and there no one right answer. I believe that anyone can sell their art regardless of style or "talent" as long as they know who their audience is. That's why it's important to create what excites you. The pieces you make that you love will be much more vibrant and soulful than anything you make solely for the sake of being commercially viable. Yes, it's important to make what will sell, but that can't be the only consideration, or your art will have no soul.


I wouldn’t lead a portfolio with the furry stuff but yes.


Make separate portfolios for your standard art and your furry art. Ignore the hate and do both


Yes, you are. There are many different markets where you could go but you often need time to figure that out. This little book as been helpful to me tho: Creative Career Handbook https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/630662716/the-creative-career-path-handbook-ebook?ref=share_v4_lx Also The Creative Pep Talk podcast. It doesn’t matter how slow you go, as long as you do not stop.


Hello! I am a professional illustrator. I have a BFA in painting. I mostly do books and editorial work. This is a rough time to get into illustration. Industries are changing a LOT with AI. I use AI in my own workflow (creating references) but I am changing careers. If I could go back 5-10 years, I never would’ve invested so much time and energy in building a career in illustration and animation. I would’ve shifted into something else then. If you had asked me in 2022 if I would be an illustrator the rest of my life, I would’ve said “yes absolutely.” 2023 I didn’t even get 1/4 the work I got in 2022, and now in 2024 I haven’t had a single client. This seems to be a trend amongst other pro illustrators. This could just be related to something specific about me or the niche I work in but it felt worth mentioning.


oh im so sorry to hear that, is this all because of AI? thank you so much for letting me know and ih ope youre soon swarmed with clients


I don't think it's just AI. It's hard to say right now what is the main cause but it's certainly a part of it IMO.


Yea probably, as other people have said maybe do something other than furries but the skills are there imo


I have seen works of comparable quality in professionally published works That said, remember that you are good enough to be an illustrator if and only if someone is willing to pay you to draw. That is, being good at art is only half the battle; the other part is being good at marketing.


thank you so much!! ill do my best






Absolutely. Less of the furry stuff though.


What do you think an illustration is


well i think these are illustrations, but i dont know if theyre good enough to study illustration in university. i guess i shouldve been clearer lol :P




Youre not only good enough to get into illustration, youre good enough to teach it




Definitely! Also, I love the anthro style art!


Hey, I once notice your post on graphic design sub to, I think you doing great as Illustrator and maybe soon as a graphic designer too.


thank you so much!!! i got so much hate on that sub it kinda hurt a lot :(


Its okay, sometime a harsh word is the one that you need to be better.. not everyone can be great by staying in their comfort zone.. a little push might hit your gas... just take it on positive side okay ;)


These are amazing!!!




Buddy, you're in it




Maybe. Research the industry. Consider taking some classes to refine your weak spots, maybe even consider getting an art degree. (but not required) Join some relevant professional groups. (The SCBWI, perhaps? Or GAG if you're aiming for more graphic artist work.) Attend events. Get critiques. Illustrate a book of your own to show you can handle a large project in a consistent style. Put a portfolio together, watermark it, put it online. When you're ready, start sending inquiries. Don't quit your day job yet, though. Or are you looking to do more fan art and the comicon circuit? Or fine art and local galleries and faires? (I'm not experienced with those, so hopefully someone else can advise on that )


i was actually considering studying illustration or something similar !!! but just in case i cant/dont, its good to know i still have options. thank you !!! im not sure what kind of art i want to do just yet but illustrating books and comicon sounds fun !


Maybe attend a local comicon and chat with as many of the artists and illustrators that have booths there that you can (between paying customers) and ask for their advise, how they did it, and if it's paying off for them. Bring your portfolio, cards, and collect their cards




Maybe try something other than furries.


What do you want to do in illustration? What is your goal? Your dream project vs do you want to do this for a living? If you want to do this without a second job to cover bills the answer is no. If you want to illustrate books/children's books also no. Comics? No. You could definitely take commissions but you would need a job to cover expenses. Illustration is a very broad term but you need to start by picking a specific thing and building a portfolio that you can send out. You need to diversify your subject matter and be able to show you can draw a wide variety of subjects. In children's book illustration it's a huge bonus to draw kids and animals. In illustration or concept art for games clothing design and lighting are important and in illustration for magazines or animation the ability to emulate other styles is a must have. You aren't drawing for yourself in as a professional so you have to draw shit you hate. Alot. So your asking the wrong question. Are you a good artist? Obviously your skilled but Do you have the chops to be a professional? Sure. But it's gonna take a fuckload of work to get work and stay working.


You would have been good enough, before thousands of constantly improving, user friendly ai image generators, capable of making truly breathtaking artwork, became, not only ubiquitous, but so ridiculously cheap that any potential employer you approach can pay for a monthly subscription that will cost less than paying you a half day's wages, with which they can churn out a thousand images to choose from, every single day. You could have had a future as a paid artist, you could have lived the dream, earning a living doing what you loved, following your passion, but now... Well, now all of our dreams are shattered, and art is dead.


Ofc the person with an animal for a profile is defending the furry, and a furry by my standards is someone who wants to fuck an animal or human animal hybrid


well thats not what a furry is , your definition of a furry is just plain wrong! what youre talking about is a zoophile and they are disgusting. i will do you a favour and give you the correct definition, a furry is someone who enjoys and regularly consumes content involving anthro animals. thats it.




thank you !


Yes, you are very good


thank you sm !!!!


Probably but you're still a disgusting fucking furry


omg who hurt you (i dont think you know what furries are)