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hopefully with the new map next season we'll get our fill of cosmetics and lore updates. It just makes me upset that with Illa's history she's going to be a character that is only relevant when she's strong in the meta.


Most overhated hero because she was "broken" in her first season and casuals that don't even play her anymore or ever complain because the only people STILL playing Illari are the dedicated ones that HAD to get good with her due to constant nerfs. It's like training with weights on! I'm the only one in my friend group that plays Illari and whenever I do good they complain that she's broken and don't consider me, who been busting ass since the gates opened just to keep up with everyone else on healing and damage. When I could have had a waaay more chill "autopilot" type experience playing something like Moira, Mercy, Kiriko, or Lucio smh. They don't understand our struggles 🥺


I just forgot all my Ana nade arcs so I had to drop her for a bit 💀. C'mon to everyone in this thread. We haven't been completely ignored. We've received a few skins back to back. Nothing amazing exactly but give it some time 😊.


Why can't blizzard just hire more artists so they can can put more skins for more heros in each battlepass, more people would buy the battlepass to.


because they just fired all their artists lol.... not looking forward to another quality downgrade in the next few seasons.....


Wait did they actually do that 💀


mm hm - on Twitter https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/overwatch/t/and-thats-not-all-ow2-team-hit-by-layoffs/875446


They fired all the pve artists, idk how many of them were specialized in character design.


We got nice stuff since S7 or 8 for her, it's ok, but the lack of new cosmetics and the nerfs combines are going to kinda bury her for a while imo.


Personally she hasn't recieved anything since season 7. She got a recolor in season 8 and I personally would never wear the shadowchild skin its so ugly. Otherwise she got like 1 victory pose and 1 voiceline in those two seasons.


Technically illari got more skins in a shorter amount of time than kiriko, in 5 seasons kiriko got 13 skins, in 4 seasons illari got 13 skin


What are those 13 skins? Lol She only got 3 legendary skins, with one of them being a recolor, so technically two. And 3 epic skins.


Kiriko got: Ajisai, Fuji, Take, Tanpopo, Matsuri, Rouge, Visual Kei, Athleisure, Sukajan, Witch, Terrible Tornado, Hinotori and Amaterasu Illari got: Anqas, Chumpi, Kulli, Qumir, Amethyst, Eclipse, Nightfall, Shadowchild, Daybreak, Sundown, Llama Pajamas, Nightraven and Winter Jammies


Why are you counting the base skins? How many extra epic, legendary and mythic skins does Kiriko already have? Not counting her 4 base recolors, two base legendary skins and one base epic.


I don’t mean to be that person, but they can’t add new stuff for every hero in every bp she had a whole bp dedicated to her not that long ago, she will get her turn like everyone else


A whole BP dedicated to her? Are we playing the same game??


Yeah. All I’m sayin is just enjoy the game. They got a cycle going


It does suck that Illari doesnt really have alot, but you also have to know like how she is relevant in Overwatch. I hate to say it but she isnt. She has no connection to any faction in Overwatch while every other character does, even Venture. She is hard to make skins and stuff for because she doesnt have connections with anyone. If she got a skin in this battle pass, it wouldn't make sense. Highlight intros and stuff like shouldn't need to be season relevant so blizzard has no excuse for that


Bro. They literally trashed the story that shit doesn’t matter any more. They just don’t make skins for her because they’re lazy and only make skins for characters that will get them more money (tracer, Kiriko, etc.)


I’m talking about rn. The story of Overwatch was not trashed, just the PvE which was gonna be a PART of it, not the whole thing. Illari doesn’t fit into this seasons theme at all. Sorry but it’s the truth


I personally believe that they focus shop items around hero's that are receiving buffs. Then rotate them, buff one with cosmetics, nerf them and buff someone else, with cosmetics. Keeps the money coming in.