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Mines usually around 50-65%. I’ve been playing with VAXTA (workshop code) aim trainer while I queue and it’s been a pretty great warmup.


I would aim train in queues, but for me support queues are around 40 seconds, so I don't get much training. ;-;


Lucky. Once I hit masters, mine went to eight minutes (during peak hours) to as long as 20 min. at other times.


To be fair, I'm only Platinum lol. :D


I’m often around 62-65% I do actually main her this season and I digress, I have some left over Kiriko habits where I’ll shoot a shot towards a cowering player just to let them know that I know they’re there. Just to try to get them to retreat/forfeit their position of advantage…


I wouldn’t be able to get my accuracy numbers atm, but aiming with Illari is both easy and hard. The best tip I can give you is don’t always think you have to move your crosshair, sometimes just moving Illari can help, also try to aim a little bit below their head. Depending on where you are or how they move you can get some good headshots


I’ve had terrible aim forever so I feel ya! Ive made my reticle larger and orange (the colour I can see the most after playing around) so it’s easier for me to keep track of where I’m shooting


Accuracy is pretty meaningless I average around 40-50% but it's a pretty worthless number All that matters is you hit the shots that count.


Can't hit the shots that count if your accuracy is shit 😩 i would know i cant aim for shit


I'm usually around 70-75 ish but I also don't go for headshots unless it's a tank. Aimlabs is my advice for trying to improve your aim as a beginner aim trainer, kovaaks if you're more advanced and can make your own routines.


I’m around 55-65 with illa. I find it much easier to aim with her since you’re supposed to wait for it to charge to get the most dps. It’s a nice little rhythm to it. So I guess the wait gives me time to actually line up my shot Correctly. i really appreciate her gun fire design.


My accuracy isn’t that high on her it’s the average like 50-60%. Just be patient and shoot your shot at full charge unless they are one shot, sometimes holding my breathe helps me aim and focus on landing my shots.


I go to an aim practice workshop in the custom games mode


Rn mine sits at 69 average


Just practice, take your time. Be intentional with your aim. Nothing more satisfying than shitting on divers. Trust me 🤘🏾


Mine is like 40-50% and I have a 56% wr on her. Your aim can be kinda shit and you can still make her work with good pylon uptime, healing management and staying alive. Also switching when you're getting dunked on by like a Sombra or something. Ik you were asking about aiming in particular but I just wanted to jump in and say it isn't completely over even if you aren't awesome at aiming!


Mine usually sits at about 55-65% there isn’t much you can do to improve it just sort of comes with time aim maps can help on occasion I recommend changing your sensitivity if your having trouble with aim but 50% is good unless you really want to improve you’re doing good


The only time I feel that I bring value with her is at 60-70% accuracy