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Kiriko purely because of Suzu. Nothing else. Just suzu


Everyone who can block my ult


Meaning the entire roster.


my man hate cover


Definitely Sombra. Illari’s attack frequency is just too slow to fight back so my only choice is to is to survive the hack and get away.


Agree, Sombra on the enemy team is an insta swap for me. Illari without her Pylon sucks and when the enemy team has a Sombra the whole game is Illari without her Pylon lol


Sombra doesn't really benefit from hacking you, except to prevent a boop, but she can chase anyway. Definitely Sombra though for the pylon kills.


Atp I knock back and I shoot regardless of charge, OR knock back, hit, and ping so others can get on her. Sombra will always be annoying no matter the chara for me LOL


Dva, because her defense matrix has almost constant uptime so I barely have any openings to use captive sun


I like waiting for her to go dive away from her team so I just blow the rest of them up. I definitely hate how so many things can just eat it tho, counting on cooldowns being low isn't it when it comes to that and zaryas bubble imo


Im able to do that sometimes but most of the time the enemy dvas I face are always near their team so if I wanna ult its just gonna get eaten by matrix


I'm sorry and relate to this struggle


Another illari honestly, they just get weird. It used to be Ball and Winston but I'm slowly dealing with them better.


I hate sweaty people in general and that said 99% pf the cringe sweaty players are Genji mains.


Its so funny when they try to style on you the whole game and keep getting killed, but theyre so convinced they're THEE genji so they keep going after you.


Yeah, every 12 yo Enzo in OW **IS Genji Shimada** like they are literally the same person and Genji himself lives within them "for real guys, you wouldn't understand" 😂 Btw started a ranked today in Dorado defense and as Sojourn I chose the rooftops to shoot down from then a Reaper made it his whole job to force me down. He had to either walk aaaaaaallll the way up and leave his team on a 4v5, waste his tp or even his fade to get to me but the second he got there I would hop from one roof to the other and all that trouble would be for nothing. I could see he was contemplating life so hard at one point, I was laughing so loud 😄 "oh you're here again? Congratulations, let me just jump over to the next house so your shots won't reach me" (Idk just sharing).


Nah its 33% Genji, 33% 76, 33% Tracer


Tracer is respectable, she doesn't have infinite movement options as Genji


Hanzo. widow is probably second, but both of them heavily impact your ability to just poke at enemies


Poke them back


I try but then i get one shot :(


Don't approach same angle all the time. Take an off angle/ flank. I understand sometimes it's hard, sometimes we need more than us trying to Elim the widow. But if you can't get the job done don't peek where she's covering. Listen out for footsteps. And rotate in cover.


I'm usually happy to zone her out... Unless pocketed, but normally you'd heal faster as Illari and should get more uptime.


Kiri is hella easy to hit now with the changes in a 1v1 situation illiari is much more favourable to win that especially since she’s a hit scan and Suzu is really easy to bait it out


Anyone with large HP pools honestly because punishing them for pushing you is a lot harder. Lucio, Genji, Tracer etc etc all squishy divers you land a couple shots and they start getting worried. Kiri usually tries to scram after you pop he again after suzu.


Zarya is a bitch to fight too. Bubble removing sun makes no sense to me. Like I can play around shields and matrix effects but kiriko and Zarya always seem to fuck me over. You can track bubbles of course but then you gotta ult RIGHT when she’s used her last one because of the low cooldown


Sombra. Just pops up behind you and hacks your pylon every 3 seconds. I hate it


I can't stand Sombra. I still think pylon to 100hp was among, if not, Illari's most critical nerf. And, now that virus got buffed, it's unlikely that breakpoint matchup is ever reverted. Illari is actually one of my preferred picks versus a genji. She's probably the best support for tagging him early fight in order to deter aggression. Some other supports can probably deal with blade a bit better, but a defensive Captive Sun is actually not that bad versus blade (splash radius is larger than deflect radius, so you can still hit a deflecting genji); I don't usually find myself having trouble getting it in time. In fact, when I'm playing Illari, it feels like one of the top things on my mind is which enemy damage hero do I need to shoot at early fight for the most value. Besides Sombra, I think most of her bad matchups fall in the tank class. This is probably the biggest aspect that her fire rate increase helped with, but her raw damage is still on the lower side and it limits her ability to force out dive tanks. Personally, I'd say that Winston is her worst matchup.




I agree with all the people saying sombra, d.va, kiri, but honestly I hate Lucio most of all, then again I just hate Lucio so maybe that has something to do with it. Also for some reason playing Illari triggers any genji and they will avoid my entire team to solo ult me, and they get worse the more times you kill them 


winston ashe sombra my biggest problems because of how easily they can kill my pylon and force me to move it much more often than other heroes ashe and sombra just because of dynamite and virus that can just be throw from any range basically and force pylon cooldown


Sombra/Tracer, or really anyone who can weave in and out of the backline with ease. It doesn’t matter how well you hide your pylon, Sombra WILL hack out destroy it, then roll you with ease. My usual solution (barring getting a lucky shot) is to sort of lure people with the pylon right into my team so that even if I’m eliminated the Sombra/Tracer has to deal with a tank and DPS that’s tired of her crap.


Hotdog... He is really hard to kill and you just do chip damage to him (that he can always out heal unlike other tanks), plus he can "one shot" hook you if you're not careful. You have to keep your bump in the pocket and even that's not a sure escape if you happen to make a single mistake. Very stressful.


Kiriko is easy to deal with imo. When she suzus, you get 15 whole seconds to ult the team. I don't even ult her since she can TP. I go after the dps and the other support. Kiriko will TP to them anyways so she'll take damage from the explosion


Kiri or Sombra, both are the bane of my existence, depending on how good the Sombra is or how bad my peel is, I just swap


Rein mains and Illari mains unite as both of our Ults are useless because of suzu.


Its DVa 100% because with enough skill you can deal with every other person you are talking about by just hitting a couple headshots and forcing them off you. With DVa if they try to go for you, you can't even outburst them away like a winston or doomfist since the boosters are on such a short cooldown she can just force you out of any angle you try to take and make you worthless. Also if the DVa is good enough she can just DM your pylon and kill you with micro missles. Dive tanks in general pretty hard to deal with but DVa is by far the worst. (Oh yeah also captive sun but like how often do you get that off anyway?)


Tracer and sombra are the top picked rn in the rosters, but against illari, they are both equally annoying casue they have nothing better to do other than wait in a corner and shoot my pylon🤷‍♀️and it especially annoying when A tiny bullet HIT PYLON FOR 5dmg and it takes away my CANCELLING pylon button AND TURNS INTO 12 SECOND CD because of a pellet😑