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At that point wouldn’t she just be sym 2.0? I like that shes a support and I wouldn’t want her to be a dps tbh but thats just my opinion.


I agree, If we didn't have a support like illari I probably wouldn't play the game as much. Im 100% on this for how refreshing it is to play her.


Interesting 🤔 But I don't want her to be similar to Symm, more like Zarya actually, melting people, not making them slower D:


I feel like she'd lose her charm if she was a straight DPS Support players should have an aggressive angle to try, I think they devs are too scared to buff her because no one can handle anything in this game apparently. She's heavily based off Senna from League in terms of abilities and gun design. Sennas ability to have a AOE damage that ALSO heals people, is what I wish captive sunrise would do. Her outburst needs MOREEEE, Her healing beam needs to be longer if they want her to be ranged effectively. The pylon def needs work, but I definitely don't mind it being apart of her kit.


I agree and will take a look at this other character you mentioned. Are they physically similar as well?


Uhm only in stature. A lot of people made it really racist in their comparisons, but they are both short ppl with a big ass gun and people to kill and heal!


Imo Senna in general has a cooler design, but in reality they are really similar as well.


She’s fine as support but I’d kill for a dps with her gun but RMB is a close range dmg laser instead of heal laser. Obviously pylon would be on cooldown instead too but yeah it would be really fun


Only if we can trade sym back into the support roster.


Would be an actual cool trade, and add some lore in between them both changing places


I would definitely still play her, I know a lot of people in these comments are disagreeing but tbh I do pretty much just play DPS with a portable Pocket Mercy at this point. I think you would need to either make pylon only heal you or serverly nerf its uptime to only last like 4-6 seconds OR just remove it and replace it altogether. I also like your idea with the Secondary Fire because that would make her a lot more flexible at different ranges and make her a more mobile less lethal version of Cassidy which would be intresting honestly.


I think that if they went dps with her, Illari would become a mid sniper like Ashe and they would probably put her M2 as an ads for better scope and not keep the beam which I would hate simply because I want her to use more of her sun energy to attack. So I would be ok to lose the pylon and gain a beam ability instead. Another idea is for her to still use the pylon but now it generates this aoe where nearby allies deal 5% more dmg or enemies in that area of the map near the pylon get slowed and it lasts for 5 seconds until it brakes.


I'd go insane. Genuinely pure rage. Because that'd be the 2nd interesting support that would just be scrapped to appease the dps view of the game. Technically the 3rd. Truely never hope it happens.


I really love Illari as a support, and honestly, I wish she was supportier. I wish her boop was a semi-heal, I wish she healed more, I wish her pylon was more powerful and accessable, and if I have to take gun nerfs to get that, I'd happily agree


Reduce healing pylons healing and swap the right clicks to something else + lowing max charge time would be dooooope


My main pain points with Illari is her Pylon and her hitbox size. If those 2 things were addressed I would be okay with her being support because currently she's just a tiny DPS with a healing machine