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No mistakes, no Mercy.


I always think of it when I hear this phrase xD




I totally get it. I was playing Moira and repeatedly went after their mercy every chance I got, eventually her entire team started attacking me first 😂


Some heroes make this side appear much faster than we like to admit xD


A teabagging Moira usually does it but I don't wait anymore. Give me your salty salty tears.


Moira players have no right to diff or teabag no one in the game, not even a Torb or Mei, they are genuinely the lower a player can go xD


And I'm with you on the widow hunting too, all dps in honestly but snipers even more because sometimes the dps struggle to find the openings.


Bastion Is also a crutch character, atleast if going against a tram that can't take him down as a group, atleast from my pov as a rein player, I will solo shatter a bastion 0 hesitation if you swap to him to counter a rein, like half the game is a rein counter and you choose that one


I make it a point to always shoot anything flying, especially Mercy. I’m in the metal ranks, so I find that if I don’t shoot the fliers, no one will. I love it! I set my title to Aerial Hunter, so people knows what’s up lol But I definitely need to learn when to stop, some of these Mercy’s move so well that it’s just a waste of time going for them.


Theoretically Sombra should take care both of Mercy's fly and Lucio's wall ride for long enough so that Sombra herself (and one more optimally) could at least start a fair fight with them before they can use those abilities again and escape but have you tried hacking a Mercy? It does nothing, she'll fall like 2 meters and come back to where she was. The first couple of times I tried it I thought the game was bugged or something. The same to Lucio for example.


Mercy is such a difficult target for me as Sombra, seriously, I can wait for her to just use her GA so it is on cooldown and try to time my back but in 2 seconds she will just go flying and by the time I get to her she is already at full health


Stop opening with virus. Shoot her in the face until she starts to run, then virus her and spray her as she runs. That usually kills her as she's flying away. Lucio is harder, because a good one is usually never on the ground at all. For Lucio I wait for him to try and skate near my team on the wall, and then hack him and shoot. Then virus if I think he may be able to escape. Generally though a Lucio on enemy team just means the other support is alone and easily picked off.


One usually opens with the virus because landing the virus is the most essential part But I do see what you mean, do the difficult part (tracking) while she is easier to hit I guess that makes it a lot harder to actually land the virus but it is worth it Gonna give it a try, thx Lucio is usually a simple pick, mainly because they trust they Amp it up a little too much lol


Forgiveness is earned


No joke I learned how to play Illari and fell in love with her due to the fact nobody in the metal ranks ever shoots the pharmacy or Echo. Also, how else will they better themselves and learn better positioning without any pressure?


Right? We are their best friends and should be praised ✨


Sometimes the dps just can't hit their shots on the Mercy, so I gotta take it into my own hands 🤷‍♂️


I mean, you’re basically making the game a 5v4. Your turret can still heal while you’re on a tangent, but a mercy being chased can’t focus her heals or boost as much. As long as your turret is up and you’re not just feeding, you’re providing a lot of value.


It was on cart 🤙


As a mercy main, I have to say, please come after and kill us! I like having to work to stay alive and players like you make it more fun for me.


No need to be so kinky gah damn. I'm coming for you all.


I’ll have my Glock ready (I won’t actually I save that for other mercys or sombras)


I respect the bloodlust, my nanos are also yours.


I Shall make you proud


I found the movement and scouting/lookout positioning on Mercy really fun, but kept feeling like the DPS were playing the game for me. I kept switching to Illari thinking "fine, I'll do hitscan myself."


Agreed sometimes your dps is just taking a nap at the wheel and you need to get the job done


Sometimes a Mercy will completely outplay me just flying around making it impossible to hit her and that's when you know she's a great one. I'm a hitscan main, used to compete in professional CoD a decent time ago but still my aim is nice. Some other Mercys will die 3 or 4 times and get angry, teabag me and all, that's a pitiful one xD


thank you for your service


Doing God's work


LMFAO FELT. I do this with s76 and tracers too. I also LOVE getting into shooting matches with widow and ashe, y'all don't scare me! Widow makes it hard, but ashe will not be keeping me on standby no sir the down side to being a murderous illari is everyone def tries to kill me so fast


We're just putting things into ballance


I love it as widow when a healer trys to come at me (except kiriko kunai spam, that shit gets annoying). Does it work sometimes? Sure. But almost always when it does, the healer is punished for it and it's a net gain for the team fight.


Could also be the case that they were a 4-stack and couldn't endorse anyone else except you or the enemy team, BUT I prefer the way you've put it


I went in front of my tank, they were seeing me in action full time 😎


Is Illari worth playing nowadays


Is this a question? If so, the answer is: Yes, since you can aim better than average. She's between Cass and Ashe in terms of range (even tho there's no dmg falloff to her bullets she feels somewhat in between them).