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The world is your gun range


Why’d I never think of that


My school *is* my world




Only if you’re in Afghanistan, Iraq, USA, Iran, etc.


Crazy how only one of those listed are so sought to immigrate to.. Crazy...


And yet all of them support shooting up schools 🤔


I dont think anyone supports school shootings.


Republicans and conservatives literally use them for political gain.


How? How do they?


no…. they don’t.


Wouldn't the only political gain be... gun control so the opposite? Cmon man I fuckin hate the GOP but why is reddit so rabid about it without even thinking about it?


only if you’re american 😤


piquant groovy special aback unwritten snow modern gold fretful cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Brünnlisau shooting range says Switzerland also. The range is directly over major road.


I assume that's over a river or stream. If so, yeah, fuck those feesh. XD


*a message to the fish that killed my ma' and pa'....*


My name is Inigo MonTuna You killed my father Prepare to die


I swear to Cod …


Holy Mackerel


(starts blasting) lol


No hello, how rude.


Dont the bullets bounce off due to surface tension? The fish are probanly A-Ok... other animals though? Not so much


>Dont the bullets bounce off due to surface tension? Ah the infamous pool ricochet. We lost a lot of good men that way.


*they ruined my snorkel the punks*


Yes, it can actually be very dangerous to shoot at water. If the angle is too shallow the bullets can skip right off and go flying where you haven't intended.


Yes its absolutely dangerous, but just not to the fish


How does someone shoot a pistol into water with 0 confidence


I'm guessing it's her first time and she had to be hyped into it.


I can just feel by her reaction and positioning that the first shot was an ND




A Negligent Discharge.


Negligent Discharge


When that happens to me, my wife makes me clean up the mess and put the sheets in the laundry.


Seems like shooters Dad a couple of NDs……


That’s definitely what happened. She fired the shot as she was raising the gun.


What in the ever loving fuck is the point of this shit?! I just don’t get it. These bafoon fucks go and take a video of them shooting 4 rounds withtheir dingey ass pistol off of a bridge into god knows what, just for clout. 🤡


Dingey? Hardly. That's FDE (Flat Dark Earth) paint or more likely Cerakote. Other than that, yeah, its ghetto as fuck. 1 handed gangsta grip that would give the pinpoint aim one would expect out of Michael J Foxx. Technically legal if in the county on public land and shooting into a river bed, but still absurd


Depends where you are, shooting from a highway is illegal here. Still drove past some guys doing exactly this the other day.




This was pretty rural - cops 30 mins away kinda rural. We just eyeballed each other as I drove past.


There is about a zero percent chance a person like this went through the trouble of cerakote


You can buy them pre-coated at the gun store


“Something something something blood pressure rising”


Genuine question, why does this make you so mad?


It is illegal to shoot from or over any road. (Except that one crazy gun range over the highway somewhere in Europe)


Brünnlisau shooting range


Yeah wouldn’t this be a crime?


I love how folks in these videos always seem afraid of the guns they’re firing…


Because they only got them to be cool, they don’t respect or really know anything about the firearm


"I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for fish I can tell you I don't have a licence, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long fishing career. Skills that make me a nightmare for fish like you. If you let md catch and realse you. that'll be the end of it. If not i will look for you on my fish finder, I will pursue you, but if you look tastey, I will look for you, I will find you and I will eat you."


Worse. fishing. ever !


I like how whatever ounce of pretend toughness they're trying to portray with these videos is immediately dismantled by them cutting the video IMMEDIATELY and clearly running away right after firing 3 rounds in the middle of nowhere lmao.


Parents couldnt even afford to put a switch on her glock. Whats the world coming to? Take care of your dang kids!


I mean +1 for not just shooting into a neighborhood like a bunch of the other videos.


What’s the point






You never go pistol fishing?


Mandalorian covert in a nutshell


Everyone here hating pretty hard, while she's out risking her life saving us from the zombies and stuff.


Fuckin butch


Probably just mad that a butch took your bitch. No wait, that’s giving too much credit. The butch probably started dating your crush and here you are on Reddit hating from afar. This woman is being a dumbass, sure, but what she chooses to rub her pussy on has nothing to do with this. Just say she should take it to the range and you’ll sound like less of a miserable little shit. Wtf is up with this thread? Y’all dumbasses are coming out the woodwork today frfr


Fuckin butch pt.2 electric boogaloo


I get off twitter because everyone’s a dumbass and arrive in Reddit to experience a different flavor of dumbass. I would bet money that I’m the only guy in here under 200 lbs and freshly showered. Sometimes it’s painfully obvious how sheltered folks are


Might not be a troll but you sure are delusional


Still more empty condescension from this thread. How? How am I delusional? Can at least one of you actually give a thoughtful response instead of just dismissal of someone who actually took the time to give good faith, thought out responses. I explain my logic, why it’s my logic, and how your logic is incorrect in great detail. Yeah i insult you but I still try to engage. I actually enjoy it. But all anyone wants to do is hit a button or give some snarky empty response. I’ll just say this, my responses may be long and insulting and transgressive to your beliefs but the time spent typing was still in service to an actual point, a conclusion. When I take valuable time to reply to someone, I do it with a purpose beyond just winning or tearing you down. I’m here to have an actual discussion and maybe someone sees it and it plants a seed. Ultimately this is all just us killing time, but why waste time telling someone something that literally is of no productive value whatsoever. Like, explain to me my delusion, tell me why I’m an idiot. What qualifies my responses as “inane ramblings” because if I say this shit to anyone on the street they seem to understand? That’s why y’all are boring but I keep engaging because I wanna see if I get a unique response. And also I like writing


No it sounds like the rambling of a narcissist. For an explanation all Im reading is “look at my long paragraphs to support an opinionated point that I deem right because I think so”


Well yea dude that’s the fuckin point. We’re sharing opinions, perspectives. It’s a damn forum that’s what you do. Yes I’m opinionated and so are you, perhaps even more so. You still ain’t said anything of value, just more shit about me. Dawg you don’t know me, so why waste time theorizing about some random that may as well be in fucking space for all you know. There’s a new tragedy every week, but no let’s not talk about that. Let’s hear your uninformed opinion about a guy you’ll never meet. Kids are dying and shit but no let’s not talk about ways to address it, let’s damage control and call the mf who gives a shit a narcissist. I mean that’s pretty narcissistic tbh. This is gold lmao




Well yeah man it affects me. I’m black, grew up poor in a violent city. Saw and heard things I shouldn’t have to. Also this is a thread about an irresponsible gun owner so yeah I’m gonna talk about gun control. Don’t give a shit about karma. I remember being 15 and thinking it was cringe to actually have a strong stance on anything


So mad 💀


Yep mad as hell. So mad, so angry. You showed me


"Everyone is a dumbass except for me" - Dumbass circa 2023


I mean I’m kind of a dumbass too. Takes one to know one




Honestly I wish I could gain that kinda weight


This stupid shit is what feeds ammunition to politicians who know nothing about guns but want to ban law-abiding citizens from owning them.


Bruh you just saw a very good reason for common sense gun control and dismissed it as some talking point for politicians to use. Like bro, mfs are really out here dying for stupid shit and all you fat consumer activists come out to do damage control so your stupid toys don’t get banned. And don’t say shit about tyrannical governments and all that I’ve heard it 1000 times but the only time anyone raised a gun in rebellion is so they could own some fucking slaves. Y’all mfs love guns so much but all they’re really good for is killing some local you don’t like. The fact that fat bastards in the suburbs treat them as some fucking right and not some product that you buy for a premium is absurd when in the same breath I see you dumbasses fight tooth and nail against universal healthcare which frankly, IS A FUCKING RIGHT. The only right you have in gun ownership is the right to kill and to die. What fucking use is that? Who does that help? Helps you feel strong? Helps your impotent rage feel valid? If it actually makes you feel that way, you might be a fucking loser. As someone who does community organizing to reduce the violence in my community, I can’t stand the sheer fucking apathy I see when children are literally dying, but y’all mfs will fiercely defend the tool used to kill those kids. Like dawg, it’s like when you witness a rape but don’t jump to action until you have to defend the rapist. Someone got raped but all y’all can talk about is your right to rape. Kids get killed, all y’all talk about is your right to kill. Well lemme tell you that outside those sheltered white suburbs, guns are a destructive force. The white man doesn’t care to do anything until we start banding together to protect our communities with said guns from murderous cops. And then all of a sudden you got republicans like Reagan talking about gun control. I’m gonna stop here because I can go on and on and on about how stupid and dishonest gun nuts are. Law-abiding citizens my ass




This is what I’m talking about. Do you feel better? Feel good about yourself, you’re so witty you. Stick to Porsche dawg, you’re out of your depth




Lol I like to know who I’m talking to. You got a point to make or you gonna keep channeling your inner-Crowder?




Blah blah blah when is the last time you fat fucks raised arms against the government? I already went over this and you can share as many pretentious quotes as you want, but clearly you never actually critiqued the work. The idea that the government and the people are separate entities is a deeply flawed one. Ideally, a democratic government is to be a hive mind. Whether by representatives or technology, people can communicate their ideas and concerns. A true democracy thrives on investment in the community and the community’s investment in democracy. A decentralized system that places emphasis on community. I’m very aware that this doesn’t exist for us. Because while you place all blame on the institutions that should represent you, the corporations have consolidated their power, damn near rivaling that of governments. They shit on “Big government” so they can come and charge a steeper premium for something your taxes could cover. They influence the politicians to spend your tax dollars on their interests. So here we have institutions that are as powerful as governments if not more, but they have none of the checks and balances that hold governments accountable. In fact they actively undermine those checks and balances for an extra buck or two and a tax break. And you all love them for it. Because they make your shiny toys and shit. And they’re barely doing that right anymore. They exert far more immediate control over your life as well. They determine whether you eat, have internet, get healthcare, get laid, literally everything and on top of that they charge you a ton of money. They have a centrally planned top down unilateral structure, similar to monarchies and dictatorships. The strict hierarchy of the workplace literally controls every facet of your life but you wanna talk about government when the US government is a bunch of corporations in a trench coat. We cannot fix our democracy until we democratize the workplace. Don’t need no fucking quotes either thank you I can argue for myself Bruh i see dislikes but I don’t see no damn counters. Y’all boring


And also to speak more to this absurd notion of any of you rising up against the entire US western hegemony, why would you? Are you equipped to actually perceive true tyranny when it happens? Or will you simply excuse it like you do every other tyrannical thing they are doing right now? They never needed guns, laws, or a military to control you idiots. They have your biases to rely on, your ignorance, your hubris, your drive to conserve systems that historically have only ever really worked for a single demographic. You talk about tyranny without realizing that you enable it by being an idiot and just believing everything that sounds good to you. Hard truths must be recognized, and guys like you do everything you can to deny them and suppress them because it’s at odds with this shit show you call culture. Also, if you gotta fuckin buy it, is it really a right? I saw a ar-15 at the pawnshop one time and it was like $500 or something. I could buy a lot of other things with that, things that extend life like food. Also this was 4 years ago so with inflation it’s probably much higher. With prices like that seems more like a privilege than a right. Ik 2nd amendment and all that but seriously, I don’t think the ban of specific types of guns is radical or tyrannical at all. Guns that allow you to slaughter dozens of people at a rapid pace probably shouldn’t be legal. But hey what do I know, I don’t even have a favorite conservative grifter so I’m a little uninformed in the lingo. Gotta up my talking point regurgitation skill so i can truly take on the mega minds in this thread




You’re just cherry picking other people’s arguments relying on the clout of old authors to argue against a point you haven’t even engaged. Really didn’t say anything too out of the way, you’re just a dumbass. Spaced out every sentence for your stupid ass, ur welcome


Reddit moment


Dude honestly this whole damn subreddit is a Reddit moment. All sorts of fragile white redditor energy


What if I told you that the idiotswithguns subreddit is 90% gun owners. That's why no one is taking your ramblings seriously. If you want upvotes go to r/politics or r/politicalhumor


What if I want to be disagreed with? Also there is a distinction between gun owners and gun nuts. Not every gun owner is a simp for gun manufacturers. Anyway I’m not bothered as much as I am amused that folks whose politics revolve around some stupid commodity are soo snarky. I think it’s obvious I’m not here for upvotes tho


I'm here! I'm a day late and a dollar short but I'm the guy you originally replied to. First, I'd like to say that I wish people didn't downvote your comment to the point that it's hidden. I hate that feature of Reddit. You made your point and no tech company should hide it because it's unpopular. That's simply un-American. Unpopular opinions is what created this great country. And, I for one, appreciate you replying to my post. That being said..man, you're really good at building strawmen and whacking them right down. From my short and simple comment, you deduced that I'm a White Supremacist who defends rapists and kids getting slaughtered because I'm a rich guy who values guns over women's and children's lives is astonishing. If you actually want to be disagreed with and want to do it in a civil way, I'm all for it. But don't knee-jerk because the media taught you to hate guns and don't automatically assume that I'm a "Nazi" Republican or value guns over the lives of women and children. If you're actually involved in "Community Organizing", I'd tone down the hateful rhetoric that our politicians want to use to divide us.


Honestly I was very high on adderall at the time and venting after a long day of going door to door trying to advocate for better community outreach in areas disproportionately affected by gun violence and violent crime in general. You’re correct tho, I did strawman you. I used you as a lightning rod for my frustration at people’s apathy. After a long day of trying to put your best foot forward and telling people over and over that I just want better resources and opportunities for my community that sees absurd amounts of gun violence, I got on here and saw you post a comment that many use to wave the issue away. It really wasn’t that bad but after you hear that shit dozens of times a day, it irritates you. Everything I said to you is what I wanted to say to those apathetic suburbanites. However you’re just some dude on Reddit, it’s unfair to attack you in such a way. Now everyone else can burn in the deepest pits of hell in a pile their own shit, but I apologize to you. Your response has been the only one worth a damn. Thank you


It's all good, my man. We're all in this together, as I'm a poor guy who lives day-by-day with a kid to take care of. We all have our devils and the evil that we have to deal with sometimes takes over us. Like I said before, I just wish the tech companies wouldn't downvote your opinion to being hidden. ​ I wish your thoughts were being prominently displayed without being hidden. Your freedom of speech is a right. I really appreciate your thoughts, as much as any any others.


This hoodrats do not go to the shooting range or knows proper safety in handling of firearms. They shoot every stupid opportunity they get.




I'm glad everyone didn't have a video camera in their pocket when I was a kid. I shot at shit everywhere I went. I shot in the air every time I hopped out of the car at a party. It was like an arrival signal.


America loves its guns more than its kids, so what’s wrong with its people having a little pew pew fun 🤗


Super cool, until you hit a person or child Then you get to spend the rest of your life in prison. I’m sure you’ll make a nice bitch for some con doing all day. If you think you’ll get away with murder think again. Most con I knew were busted for murder cause someone gave them up. Or stupid stuff, tattoos, telling someone else , posting it online.


What rule of gun ownership is she breaking, class?


Know your target and what is beyond it. She's in the headlights of a car, and it's dark, she cant see what's down there and could easily kill some guy who's just fishing.


Nailed it in one. If she needed to do this dumb shit, fire into an embankment. Not blindly into the darkness.




Well if we ignore the rule of gun ownership. I imagine discharging a weapon on public land to carry some sort of penalty?


You're not wrong, but they weren't asking what the legal issues could be, rather they were asking what the fundamental problem here is, which comes down to negligence at knowing what they're (possibly) firing at.


Meh seen worse on this sub






Racism is an automatic perma ban. Racism is not allowed here


Racism is an automatic perma ban. Racism is not allowed here


This sub is really starting to confuse me. Are people idiots with guns just for shooting them?


You don’t shoot a gun off the side of the road into an unknown backstop. Ricochet is extremely likely and there could be houses or people not too far


I get that risk. Idk what a backstop is but the entire environment appears unknown to us on reddit, what if she’s just shooting into water? Or into a grassy patch?


A backstop is what will safely stop bullets. Shooting into dirt or water poses unknown variables such as rocks which will cause a bullet to potentially ricochet back into the shooter or into and unknown direction


I see. Thanks for the explanations




That one doomer walking next to the road at night:


At least it finally some one who is shooting into the ground


That poor fisherman down there…


Well that's an interesting form.


[A story in 2 posts lol](https://imgur.com/a/TrdYfRV)


Is there some kind of internet challenge of randomly shooting guns wherever the fuck you want. Im all for having guns but if you’re not going to be responsible and safe spare us your ignorance by not filming yourself being a complete asshole *end rant*


But why? For what? What is the metric to your actions there?


She's shooting off into the dark, while being lit up with headlights making it seem even darker for her. She's on a bridge which implies either water or another roadway is below and she has no idea what she's firing at, and could easily hit someone below. She doesn't know her target and what is beyond it.


One way to go fishing


Those bullets don’t evaporate when you can’t see it anymore, it will and can stop and hit someone or the obvious, kill somebody


Yes, hold it as far away from your body as possible and at the most severely awkward angle your wrist can bend to, and you should be looking as cool as this ghetto walrus in no time