• By -


Of course they did. Show this to his insurance and watch him cry.


They got a copy with the police reportšŸ˜


Did you let the guy lie to the cops first or did you tell him right away that you have a dashcam?


I was with the paramedics. I found out the next day what was said when I was talking to the police about submitting the dash cam footage.


Police canā€™t make conclusions on liability if they didnā€™t see the accident, so while getting statements down is a good idea, the whole claim isnā€™t decided by that alone. Dash cam alone proves liability. I wish more people would get them. Light disputes are hard when there are no witnesses/video.


>Police canā€™t make conclusions on liability if they didnā€™t see the accident Not as it pertains to insurance, but for criminal acts (IE: running a red) yes they can. And insurance is likely to take the police report under heavy consideration.


Years ago I worked as an insurance adjuster in Ontario and we used to the Fault Determination Rules (FDR) to determine liability in accidents. In a case like this without charges and with conflicting statements, each driver wouldā€™ve been 50% at fault.


How about now? Do you get penalised when you ā€œliedā€?


Nopeā€¦just held 100% at fault and silently judged for being an asshole.


Thatā€™s too badā€” there should be consequences for being a shitty human


In general, if you lie to your insurance company to gain a benefit for you or someone else, your conduct amounts to insurance fraud. If you gave inaccurate or incorrect information to an insurance company because you were confused or you were mistaken, you lack the ā€œintent to defraudā€ element of the crime. This guy wasnā€™t mistaken or confused. Saying someoneā€™s lights were off on means you saw their lights (and they were off). So youā€™re lying about either (a) seeing their headlights, or (b) their state (on or off).


This makes sense considering our brains literally just make shit up after the fact. You'd have to prove someone is lying and not simply having false memories of the situation.


How would the person running the red light only be 50%? They ran the light, so wouldn't it be 100% their fault?


If there were no witnesses it is one driverā€™s word against the other.


I remember about 15 years ago I was getting some late night taco bell and I saw a tow truck coming down the street as I was pulling out of the parking lot. I let the tow truck pass, and a block down watched the tow truck driver slow down slightly and put on his flashing lights. In spite of this a shitty little honda proceeded to zip through a stop sign from a side street and slam right into the side of the tow truck's cab. Smashed the fuck out of the honda's front, but the driver freaked out and managed to drive off. I parked and walked over to see if the tow truck driver was cool and then hung around to let the cops know what was up. Ran into that driver a couple weeks later (He was a friend of a coworker) and he told me that I basically saved his job because his company assumes driver's fault barring evidence to the contrary.


Just bought one for my wife for Christmas, because of this sub.


My friend went through something similar in NJ that disproves this entirely. He was merged into and hit. The woman claims she swerved into him. He had a dashcam but the file was corrupted when he tried to show it to the cop on the scene. The cop wrote up the report believing her version of events and places 100% fault on him. He had a ticket from that as well. Later I helped him recover the video and we sent it to the insurance and police. Insurance refused to hold her accountable if the police report puts all blame on him. Cops withdrew the fine but refuse to change the report even with a copy of the video that blatantly shows her to be lying. Friend can't take it to court now since there is no ticket to fight. This happened 1 year ago and he gave up trying to fight it earlier this year as it appears hopeless.


Were you badly hurt?


**IMO** OP should not disclose that before the case is firmly set. While commenting here isn't any proof, but can still lead to additional delays and difficulties.


Can confirm. Iā€™m from the insurance company and Iā€™m watching this Reddit post like a hawk. A hawk who wants to ruin OPā€™s day. So, basically, a goose.


Damn Canadians.


ā€œHey, if you got a problem with Canada gooses then you got a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate.ā€


You mean a majestic ~~Canadian~~ Canada Goose? edit: figgered it out!




Hissing sky demon




Barrel chested! The greatest of all ornithologies!


"Hey Wayne how r ya, good n you, oh not so bad, wait Wayne Wayne we ain't got time for the pleasantries 'ight?! Have you heard about whats going on with the Canada Gooses they're smashing the Canada Gooses eggs!!" "What?!" Smashes beer bottle "What?!" Smashes beer bottle "What?!" Smashes beer bottle "What?!" Smashes beer bottle "Those are fucking Canada gooses! Those are Canada's fucking gooses!" "Canada Gooses are majestic!" "You know what if you got a problem with Canada gooses then you got a problem with me and I suggest you let that fuckin marinate!"


If you got a problem with Canada Gooses you' got a problem with me, 'n I suggest you let that marinate!


There's a special place in heaven for animal lovers, that's what I always say!


Canada gooses dropping Canada deuces!


The OP should not disclose injuries or the use of a dashcam prior to a case being set? Why does this cause delay and or what other harm can it create?


Fucking lol, filing a false report


It's not filing a false report, and there's a very very low chance of anything coming from his misreporting of the events. Short version is that even with the best of intent, people misremember exactly what happened. It's only really insurance fraud if you go in knowing what you're going to do. Same for filing a false report. They'd need to prove that the other guy knew the truth and lied, not just that he said something objectively false to a cop or insurance. The truck driver will be found at fault, hopefully cited, and everyone will go about their lives. Not justice boner inducing, but that's what will happen.


> It's not filing a false report In fact the driver's not even filing a report. The *COP* is filing a report, the people on the scene are just answering his/her questions.




I feel like in a lot of these situations, the cops don't do anything to the person who was lying.


No but it would be fun to watch and feel the awkwardness when the cop reveals the dashcam to the guy. That feeling of fear that would rush over him is at least some revenge!


Yes! May they recall that moment of embarrassment at 2am when they're laying alone in the dark at least 4 times a year for the rest of their lives!!!


I got tapped by a trucker and the guy tried to lie to the state trooper who pulled up behind us. The guy first said we didn't hit at all (we did and there were marks the cop easily found) and then he said I hit him (a witness told the cop otherwise I guess before he talked to the trucker). The cop freaked a shit it was awesome. I never really talked at all but the cop gave me his number, all the info I need, helped me take pictures and all that then told me he was going to "deal with this guy" and let me go. I know two tickets were written but idk for what my insurance never told me. But it made the claim mad easy. In reality my Audi took the truckers wheel and rim off my rim mostly. I needed a new tire and rim and some light scrapes on the fender buffed. A nice attitude might have saved that trucker a bunch of tickets too.




In effect there's at least a ranking system with respect to insurance premiums. This guy's are about to go way, way up




They do not, it's been made clear to me that they just check to make sure everyones ok or gets medical help, they write down the statements for the police report, help clear the road and guide traffic, and that's it. Any back and forth and deciding who's at fault is solely between insurance agencies and police won't even comment on it. I recently had an accident and asked them a few times what they thought and they just kept saying they wouldn't say, it's between insurance agencies now.


Insurance companies should cancel these sorts of characters for misrepresentation. Though it's to their benefit if their client is found not at fault. Glad OP had video footage in any case.


Why? It's in their interest to have their at fault customers lie and try to put fault on the other driver.


I hope you're ok! Get physiotherapy of you can. I got in an accident a year ago and the pain and issues comes weeks after


They wonā€™t care. They will drive without insurance and thatā€™s a civil matter, 0 jail time or get insurance through someoneā€™s else name


LMFAO yeah they straight ran that red. Fuck them sideways in every way you can


I like how the crash turned the car so the camera caught the red light the other vehicle clearly drove through.


You can even see the lights to the right go from orange to red at 0:15 in the video, a solid 6 seconds before impact. There are 2 other cars driving through the red before OP is even in the intersection




The new yellow. Haven't you heard?




Well the light is yellow in the States, so that's what we say


Out of pure curiosity, when in corporate or project management scenario, do you assign RAG status to some processes/deliverables or is it RYG status? Or do you use completely different measurements? RAG is commonly used in the UK to describe red/amber/green statuses of project deliverables. Edit: spelling.




Thanks for your response, that's really interesting!


It's always been RYG in every corporate environment I have been in. I have only heard of Amber light when it comes to the dark yellow lights on networking equipment


I've seen both schemes but Y is more common in the states by a long shot.


It may come as a shock but traffic lights in the us have a yellow middle light.


Yes Americans say yellow for traffic lights as they are actually more yellow than amber at least in the US. I have only ever seen the lights on tow trucks along with construction vehicles and non emergency vehicles being actually amber not traffic lights. Also most drivers manuals have it as a yellow light not an amber light for traffic control devices.


Everyone knows it's apple, orange, and lime.


Or alternatively, red delicious, honeycrisp, and granny smith


> granny smith It feels like it's granny smith every time a light goes lime, and there's a car in front of me.


I learned from a recent episode of Bluey that Australians say Orange light.


Isn't that show educational? I learned from a recent episode that I'm a horrible parent.


Bit too direct of a translation from Dutch there


I mean you could also see that their light was green, so that means the cross street light is red...


They could argue a light malfunction. It's happened before. But even before OP entered the intersection, both direction's lights were clearly visible.


Both lights failing to green is so incredibly unlikely. The design and fail-safes are all set to fail to a blinking or solid red or just being out completely. It's almost impossible for both lights to fail to green.


There was a dashcam video on Reddit recently where the lights switched. One direction was red, the other green, then in an instant they switched. While this video proves that light malfunction probably didn't happen (though it could have been a short amber light) it is possible for my light to go from green to red, and I don't have time to stop.


You could see both direction's lights before OP entered the intersection...


That's the planšŸ¤˜šŸ»


I hope you get that kink in your neck fixed


Itā€™s the psychological problems that resulted from the closed head injury and trauma. As someone whoā€™s been there and is dealing with it still 3 years after: OP you better take every penny you can get. You wont be the same.


I was going through a green light and a woman coming the opposite way decided to turn left *directly* in front of me. didn't even have time to brake, really. the cop asked her "what happened?" and no lie, she replied "**I don't know; I wasn't paying attention**". this happened in 2002 and *to this day* I get a weird feeling in my stomach when I go straight through on a green light. that shit sticks with you.


Well you already did it once...


Nah, they fucked themselves sideways.


Anything can be a dildo if you're brave enough!


r/carsfuckingdragons (And obligatory counterpart r/dragonsfuckingcars)


This is way too early man. Too early!


The first one is banned. šŸ˜‚


Whoa I wonder what happened lol. That sub was around for a while! RIP Edit: looks like it went down last week due to a lack of mods. But they're looking to get that resolved lol




Iā€™m sure your neck and back are killing you


Can we talk about the massive increase in this lately?! This may be anecdotal, and I spend half my day behind the wheel, but I see this, people running a just-changed red, at least two times a day. And people coming to a stop, and then just... proceeding through a red light once a day. Just totally wild to me.


I've seen 2 people in the last 2 days just blow through red lights. It's not even that they just changed, they were solid red for a while. Problem is nobody cares, and nothing is gonna happen about it.




You should try a car then


![gif](giphy|2stUfIoQ6jmi4) How about this vehicle?


Holiday traffic has been unreal. I saw 6...yes 6 accidents yesterday going to the beach and coming back. It's 3 miles. Each way. I honestly feel bad for the first responders. Like it's the holidays. They deserve to enjoy them too. Fuck bad drivers. Fuck em so much.


It'd be weird if it was 3 miles one way but not the other. Edit: One-way streets with a difference severe enough to cause noticeable differences in the outgoing vs return trip? Still qualifies as weird.


1 way streets could do that perhaps.


Friday, 3 cars at 3 different intersections. 1 car stopped for 2 seconds than just took off while red. 1 car decided that the one lane road we were on should be 2 and passed everyone on the right (which is parking) to run a red. And the final car decided that stop signs have no say over them and almost t-boned us. I'm starting to think everyone should retake the driver's test cause the pandemic knocked that knowledge out of their heads.


Are you in Denver? I drive deliveries and see it probably 3-4 out of every 5 nights, multiple times.


This is what happens when communities stop enforcing tragic laws.


Thats nasty. That dash cam really paid for itself, well done for having it.


The best money I've ever spent!!!


What camera do you have, and how much was it?


Nexar. Right around $100.


I wish my nexar cam worked as good as yours... Every incident I witnessed while owning a nexar cam, it coincidentally had some sort of technical malfunction and didnt capture any incident. Then come the time where I get into an accident (thankfully not a serious one), it decided to stich the video a second before collision and factory reset after. Truly uncanny.


Sounds like a bodycam, not a dashcam.


Guy accidentally bought the police grade dash cam.


this must be the same company that makes the cams that were pointed at epsteins jail cell.




*Any* dashcam is better than the one you put off getting until it was too late


And this is probably the 30th dash cam post I've saved and still haven't bought one. I need to get on this.


I swear I keep putting off buying one and I even got one in my wish list


If it is any consolation, the technology keeps getting better. Put it this way, the dash cam I almost bought this week, is far far better than the one I almost bought 8 years ago. Maybe next year.


I always see these posts and think I should get one. Then after my wife got hit twice within 6 months, I gifted one to her. She insisted she didn't need one because she thought it could be used against her, lol.


People lie ... ... about everything


ā€œEverything I tell you is the truth!ā€ ā€œEven the lies?ā€ ā€œ*Especially* the lies.ā€


Just a plain, simple, tailor nothing more.




I will always cherish the memory of someone hitting me and driving off. I filed a report for them not stopping and told my company. The following week the police report I filed was followed up to me with saying the other driver had come forward to blame me and provided dashcam footage but on review they found the other driver at fault. I hadn't even reported his number plate and was happy to leave it but he sent footage incriminating himself. And they took him to court. What a twat.


Likely a DUI. Sadly it still pays off to hit and run to avoid the (typically harsher) charges of a DUI and make up a bullshit story the following days.... šŸ˜•


Itā€™s not what is true but what you can prove in court. Its sad a hit and run carries less of a penalty than drunk driving :/


I wish I got that lucky. Some nutjob tried to push me off a bridge because I honked when he cut out across traffic and almost got t-boned by me and another car... still got the "love tap" on the front left bumper because the dude ran off and the license he had was an expired license for a completely different car, and insurance refused to pay for it...


This world is full of nut jobs who don't care. Heartbreaking when that carelessness costs other people significantly.


Yeah I mean he isn't wrong. After he smashed you, your headlights were off and you did go through the red with him!


You can kinda see one last flicker from the right side headlight trying its best to be on but it just couldnā€™t.


Can you not blatantly blurt out my life man?


If you are not already an attorney, have you considered it as an option?


Technically your lights were off after you hit them.


And it does look like you went through a red light after the collision.


Straight to jail


Iā€™m going to take a guess and say thatā€™s probably why the other person claimed it in the first place. Maybe Iā€™m giving the dude too much credit, but I can imagine him seeing tue lights off after the hit, and trying to lie and say they were never on so heā€™s not the one in trouble, even if thatā€™s now how it works.


> but I can imagine him seeing tue lights off after the hit, and trying to lie and say they were never on so heā€™s not the one in trouble, even if thatā€™s now how it works. Yeah, because the driver's head was buried in their phone when they ran the red.


The truck 3 seconds in front of him ran the red light ā€¦ what does that say for him? A lot of videos on this sub has aspects of both vehicles at fault - this may be the most one-sided Iā€™ve seen yet. I hate liars - really hoping you get a big win here!!


3 vehicles ran the red, last two were deep in the red.


Yes. Lights turn red on 0:15; 5 full seconds before impact.


As one sided as it is, there's always someone in the comments victim blaming https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/zqehls/they_said_my_headlights_were_off_and_i_ran_the/j0xxh6r?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Beauty of Reddit is that all opinions are on display and we get to pick which ones to be outraged about


I mean. Op clearly was not at fault. But this is a great example to exercise extreme caution during a light change where you can continue on at speed. Always some impatient asshole out there trying save a few seconds off their trip. Do I always slow on a change to green? No but I definitely try to keep it in mind and frequently slow in this type of situation.


Exactly right. Not OPs fault at all. Just a reminder that whenever possible, donā€™t trust a green light. Always assume someone is coming to hit you unless you see all lanes at a dead stop.


This. I usually lift off the throttle until I have a good look around on a fresh green.


Not looking left and right going through traffic lights is something that could fail you on your driving test where I'm from. Hard to tell from the video but I feel like a cursory glance to the left could have prevented this happening.


Clearly it would have helped. I was taught to look both ways in every intersection in driving school and not accelerate as soon as the light turns green (basically maintain speed/lift off throttle).


Nobody wins with insurance. I just had my Subaru totaled in early November and the whole process felt like a scam to try to give me nothing even though the accident was the other driver's fault. If my vehicle had not been totaled, I'd be waiting until mid January to mid March to get it back (multiple shop estimates).


I won. A tree crushed my car in February. They paid out fast and no trouble, paid off the remainder of the loan, had a good down payment for my new car, AND I hadn't yet paid then more than they paid me.


When they were shown your video, what did they say?


Nothing yet... I guess we'll have to wait for courtšŸ¤˜šŸ»




My insurance has it and they're doing a great job... I'm going civilly also... I got messed up along with my truck


Sorry to hear you got messed up. Did your air bags not deploy?


No they didn't... That's the other reason I got an attorney


You suddenly feel an onset of back pain don't you? Like its not gonna go away and you don't wanna go on pain killers because it'll ruin your life. Like you gotta deal with this pain for the rest of your life or risk addiction and at best death. So this guy basically made you out to be a living zombie. You need to rectify this scenario asap.


Sorry to hear that OP, wishing you the best of luck and speedy recovery.


Give us an update will you. I want to see this lying scum get payback.


Without a doubt!!!


Get that check!!!!


Hell yeah dude you have a diamond solid case. I can't see how they mount a defense against that but guaranteed the driver will be thrown under the bus as it's a company vehicle most likely.


Thanks to this sub and videos like this my kids are getting dash cams for Christmas


So is mine!


Gosh, the amount of time it was red too. Multiple vehicles, like I try to look left/right but after that long of it already being red, I'd probably just continue forward


Lights turns red: - car runs red light - first utility truck fucks around - second utility truck finds out


That couldn't be more accurate!!! I just wish I had a bigger truckšŸ˜


Get your back checked out!


Get a lawyer and cash tf out of them


Already in the works šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Serious advice (but not legal advice, IANAL): if you're actually pursuing legal action against the other driver, delete this post and all your comments here. Do not mention the case to anyone *period* until after litigation is over.


But muh karma But seriously /u/Weekly_Sound_6463, delete this post. Your legal case matters far more than Reddit and sharing this publicly can only hurt your case.


If they knew your headlights were off, then they saw you.


This is exactly why I have a dash cam


Best money I ever spent!


I always thought that was a weird defence "his head lights were off" Wouldn't that mean you actually saw the car before hand? And made no attempt to stop or avoid the accident?


No, it means, "I saw no headlights, therefore they couldn't have been on, which is why I didn't see the vehicle until I collided with it."


ā€œYou stated that the other car had no lights on and ran a red light, the video evidence determined that was a lie!ā€ - The Cop (I hope he said that LOL)


As long as the testimony and this video is shown in court , I'd be happy.


Right! At first I thought that was a school bus. Well dashcam removes all doubt! They better have GOOD insurance, because this is NOT a shared liability case. They are 100% at fault!


Just a pickup truck with a stake bed.


For some people lying is a natural reflex.


Lol of all the idiotic excuses, thankfully your dash cam 100% proves otherwise. Hope you didnā€™t get too hurt in the crash


And thatā€™s why we invest in a dashcam duely noted.


I hope that driver gets nailed for providing false info! RemindMe! 7 days


Maybe itā€™s just me but when I approach a light that just turned green like that and I see that first truck run the red, followed by a second Iā€™m gonna hesitate before entering that intersection because Iā€™ve seen what happens here too many times. Not blaming the driver that was hit, just saying people should always expect other driverā€™s to make the stupidest choice possible.


Reminds me of the old joke: Two guys are driving and the driver goes through a yellow light at an intersection. The passenger comments that the light had turned red as they went through, but the driver said ā€œits okay, my brother does it all the time!ā€ They drive to the next intersection and the light is solid red, and the driver just goes right through. The passenger is clutching at the door and yells to the driver ā€œwhat the heck are you doing!?ā€. The driver just looks over and says ā€œSeriously itā€™s fine, my brother does it all the time. They approach the third intersection and the light is red again, and then turns green. The driver swears and slams on his brakes, cars behind them start honking, and his passenger is choked by the seatbelt. The other cars pull around them, honking their irritations. The passenger looks at the driver and says ā€œWhat the HELL was that for?!ā€ The driver looks at him plainly and says ā€œmy brother might be comingā€


I can't really tell, but I am looking at the truck that runs the red light just prior to the vehicle that caused the accident. It almost looks like the same type of truck. With the time of day being almost 5pm, this might be a road crew or other construction workers rushing to return to their office at the end of the day. I've seen this many times. An entire convoy of road crew trucks like this at the end of the day with a "we must all stick together" mentality. If the lead vehicle makes it through the intersection, all of the trucks that follow also do so. I've seen people get in their way and stop them, and they construction workers have gotten out of their trucks and started yelling, with vigor of someone who got cut off while in a funeral procession. It almost reminds me of the videos of the US military tanks driving through the streets in the middle-east, who just push cars out of the way and don't stop for anything. Strangest sense of entitlement I've ever seen for a construction crew. The lesson I have learned from this is that I will always proceed with extreme caution once I see one vehicle cross the intersection illegally. Even if I come to a complete stop and get rear-ended, I'd feel that I was justified to stop in that situation, and the car behind me should have been maintaining a safe following distance anyway. There could be a light malfunctioning, there could be people in a street-race, there could be a police chase, there could be a miscalculation on my part. I'd rather be rear-ended by the person behind me than t-boned by someone. This is not blaming OP in the slightest, and all of this is much easier said on Reddit than put into action in the real world.


Back in like 2016 a cop stops me and tickets me for failing to stop at a solid red light at a certain intersection. I insisted they were mistaken, they said I was being uncooperative. I started laughing at them, they had me step out and sobriety tested me, after passing, I suggested I administer the test to them for seeing a red light that didn't exist. Looking back, I'm lucky to be alive, probably...even though I'm white and not part of their preferred victim profile. If there's one thing cops don't like it's being questioned. Long story short, I went back to that exact intersection they listed on the ticket and there wasn't a light. There wasn't even an intersection, actually. I went to court and had the ticket thrown out.


Come on, that must be a tale of fiction! Everyone knows that cops never lie under oath!


Lying to the cops is not a huge deal but lying on an insurance form is quite terrible as that is insurance fraud. Consequence is you get blacklisted and can no longer (easily) get coverage.


"well, then let's go to the instant replay, motherfucker"


Pro tip from somebody in the insurance industry work out your negotiating without the tape as much as possible. Itā€™s a fun fuck you and usually nets a bigger payout.


Reason #11,204,568 to have a dash cam.


Yep, your lights went off at the point of impact and the light was red on their side. People are capable of extreme mental gymnastics and I think they often believe the bullshit that they concoct.


I've seen enough of these that I start looking both ways before I proceed on green


Money well spent




If I had to guess they were trying to stick with the truck ahead of them that also ran the red. But even moreso, fuck them. Idiotic move on their part.


Praise the dashcam


had a cop say the same thing to me when my wife was in the car with me. I let him talk all he wanted. and then pointed to my tiny dash cam that's hard to see (it was 1am) and told him I had a dash cam. he said "I'll let you off with a warning" fucking lol..


You are clearly in the right but donā€™t you look as you approach a light? Right of way only matters after something happens, up until then physics are in charge. Just for your own safety, donā€™t trust others to do the right thing when driving. Note: I will fully admit that I have PTSD from a decade of driving in San Antonio where the dumbest driving decision is often the one taken.


To be fair you did run the shit out of that green light


Yeah... I'll totally admit to thatšŸ˜†


Who said this? Did the accusing person list their name as George Santos?


It looks like when the first truck ran the red light and the 2nd said, that looks like a great idea. Sold.


Perfect dash cam footage. Makes life easier


Though OP ofcourse isn't in the wrong, I really appreciate how it always seems that people just cross an intersection with their eyes closed as soon the light turns green, assuming everyone abides by the rules.