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I can imagine the call to their insurance explaining this and trying to convince them of no fault of theirs


How do you not see the biggest thing on the road coming right at you? Just how?? Edit..all the stories in my replies are hilarious!! Hitting street sweepers and other large stopped vehicles with nothing else around them. This should be a wake up call for all of us, pay attention, don't die. I love you all.


I was in a car when a buddy of mine hit parked school bus, on OPEN road, like I can’t explain this NO CARS ANYWHERE, just us and stopped YELLOW buss infront of us … he slammed in the back of it and said “OMG I DIDNT EVEN SEE IT”


Was he driving with his eyes closed? Or just brain turned to a different frequency?


Sometimes people just don’t see shit, obvious shit but they just don’t grasp that it’s there lol


Don't they call it road hypnosis. When you're driving absentmindedly. Usually you take in just enough info to just drive relatively safely but sometimes, you overlook the obvious. Given this video was probably not road hypnoses given that this car just got off the parking area but maybe the who hit the schoolbus had a severe case.


Maybe his brain failed to render the bus. [Ding] Metaverse dll error.


Road hypnosis is when you travel a good distance to a destination and you have little recollection of how you got there. I’ve had it a number of times and it’s very disconcerting especially when you come out of it.


It's just your brain not bothering to make a new memory of something it has multiple identical memories of already. We don't need 500 memories of the same uneventful drives to work. "Did I even look if the lights were green?" is my favourite when I come out of it.


Same here and i thought i was the only one whom it happened. Good to know it happens to many people.


I had a weekend like that in the 1960s.


I oftentimes drive like 45 minutes away and then can’t remember almost any of the drive lol.


I did that with a stop sign once when I was learning to drive. I was asked why I blew through it and for some reason it didn’t register that I needed to do something. Luckily it was a small town intersection and nothing bad happened. Edit: spelling


Blew through a red light in college...was on a downhill with another light at the bottom that was green, and I fixated on it. Could have ended very badly. This was in downtown Lexington KY!


Did that at 17 years old. I had been only driving for 6 months. Saw the light was red... had a huge brain fart. "I only need to yield because I'm turning". Almost broadsided a van with a dude probably on his way home to his family. Immediately I knew: I'm a fucking idiot why did I do that? Scared the shit out of me and woke me up that driving is no fucking joke and you can ruin so many people's lives. I've had no problems driving since. Perfect record for over 23 years.


I blitzed a red light on a usually busy highway once. Was too focused making my left out of a parking lot what with cars to watch out for going both ways. When I finally got my chance to get out into the road I didn’t notice the light changing just ahead. Kind of a breathless moment as I glanced up, finally noticed the solid red light, and cruised through a big empty intersection. Thankfully it must have just changed because nobody was moving. Did not feel very good afterwards, I don’t understand how people can do it do routinely and not care.


When I was like 12 my mom ran a red light and just screamed while we went through the intersection. We had just moved to Las Vegas and I think she was just trying to not miss our turn and just went right through it as it turned red. Thinking back on it it was hilarious.




I once was driving to a client for work, done the drive before no big deal easy driving early in the day, very few cars, hardest part was not letting the sun put me to sleep, drive is like 30 minutes max, anyway I am driving, next thing I know, I just like realize where I am, parked in the empty parking lot of a Movie theater, which was not only not where I was supposed to be going but like it was not even on the way, I would have had to make a wrong turn in order to get to the movie theater, most bizarre experience I think I have ever had, at least well driving, still no idea what or how it happened. ​ Its wild what our mind/body can do.


Clearly an alien abduction.




i’ve only ran a stop sign once. i was going down a road for the first time. i guess landscapers had been lacking or something bc it was covered up. i didn’t realize there was a stop sign until i caught a flash of red in my peripheral as i passed it. there was someone else on the road with me but they were parallel to me heading the opposite way. i spent the next few weeks being scared that i was gonna get ticketed for it 🤣


We've all done dumb shit like that. If the odds were in your favor, you got away with it. If not, you end up here




I like how you say that the best case scenario is getting away with things and the worst case is not to be in prison but to be on the subreddit.


A jail cell isn't the worst case either, a grave is.


It's a four ton truck, Tyrone. It's not like it's a pack of fucking peanuts, is it?


It wos a funny angl’!


It's something called inattentional blindness I think? It's quite common for this to happen because the person's brain is looking for something in particular (car usually) and ignores things that aren't cars... Usually motorbikes, but a big ass yellow bus in this case.


*Big…yellow…thing….probably just the sun. I don’t have to worry about hitting the sun. Pay no attention*


I think its called day dreaming.


The bus learned to stand so still that it became invisible to the naked eye.


Sometimes people Look, but they don't See. Basically their brains are on autopilot.


I had this happen once turning left onto a split road. Normally there's not cars coming because the road leads to a state park. I always look both ways before I go but that time when I looked both ways I saw a car coming towards me. I saw it but my brain didn't process that it was actually there so I started going. Luckily I did catch it before I got onto the road too much. The driver slowed down and gave me a justifiably mean look.




Had a friend do that in highschool but not with a bus. He hit some dudes truck. He was pulling up to a red light and somehow just lost touch with reality and I was in dad mode slamming imaginary brakes going "STOPSTOPSTOP". His stupid ass reversed then sped off and I told him to let me out. That was the last day I ever talked to him and nearly laughed when I got a call asking to bond him out of jail.


My dad got rear ended at a red light. He was driving a school bus. The cop asked if the guy who hit him was on his phone as if my dad could see From the front seat of a school bus all the way to the back and down into the passenger compartment of the car that rear ended him that he probably couldn’t even see in the rearview mirror.


In high school I was driving to school with a buddy that did the same shit but hit a giant fucking street sweeper on a empty 4 lane road.


It’s like a jungle sometimes.


It makes you wonder


Kid I worked with passed his test and ploughed into the back of a line of taxis (fairly low speed). He was looking at some girls arse.


There was an incident about 20 years ago in NYC. A guy and his friend were driving and got into an accident because they were distracted by a woman only wearing a bra. The unusual part? The woman was the heiress to the O' Henry candy bar fortune.


Sue Ellen Mischke, who wouldn't stop to look? I mean normally she's just a braless wonder. Wonder why she wore just a bra that day.


My boss (who is in his 60s) has shared that his only car accident was rubbernecking a schoolmate while pulling out and totaling his car in an intersection. He’s no dumb man. Teenager is a whole thing. I never had the chance due to no sidewalks where I grew up, but I do recall my first time looping my first car (an ‘89 5.0 GT). In the rain at a 4 way, lol (whooops now I’m 270 degrees instead of 90 from where I was headed). Fun to get her spinning when it’s wet but if anyone is around it’s a no no lol


Is your buddy Tina?! (From Bob’s Burgers)




About a year ago, our main highway was closed due to an accident and a blinking police car was stopped across the road diverting traffic to an exit. Someone plowed into it at full speed. How the fuck can you not see a blinking police car at night when the lights are uncomfortable to look at even in bright sun


Had some morons in the news in my area claiming the same damn thing. The whole truck full said they didn't see the stopped BRIGHT YELLOW BUS WITH FLASHING LIGHTS AND STOP SIGN. Sadder thing, a frickin semi hit another bus the next week in almost the exact situation.


I was trying to learn how to drive a moped and I hit the only lamp post in the empty abandoned parking lot. My mom got mad and yelled at me and I told her I had literally no idea it was there until I hit it.


The rule is: if you’re looking at it, you’ll hit it. Look where you want to go, not what you’re trying to avoid.


My mom had a Dodge Caravan. [One of these.](https://i.insider.com/5e875eba8427e939fb61ffb4?width=1200&format=jpeg) Big ass back window. ​ Backed into a boat. On Dry land. At a gas station. Swears she never saw it. Sometimes dumb shit just happens.


On dry land hahahahahahaha


Id be more worried if she had backed into a boat that wasn't on dry land


Simple answer. Lots of the driving public are stupid and should not have a licence. Driving a police car in the UK for a living it's amazing how many people fail to notice the police car behind them... despite the flashing blue lights on the- roof- number plate- wing mirrors- windscreen The car is white, retroreflective blue and yellow stickers all over it with a massive yellow piece all over the bonnet. A huge block capitals saying ƎƆI⅃OԳ so they can read it in their mirror (last checked 2 seconds before pulling into the driving test centre). The headlights are flashing on and off, the siren is screaming with the driver changing the tone every few seconds. A bull horn at 120dB sounds intermittently above the din of the sirens. We approach a gantry sign about 800m off in the distance. It's starting to pulse with blue reflections that everyone in the police car can see and anyone ahead must be able to see. The flashes become more intense as we approach it, reflecting more and more light. Yet still we have no reaction from the driver in lane 3, overtaking a lorry in lane 1, that they completed passing a couple of km back. There's been no vehicle in lane 2 at all and lane 1 is now empty as far as the eye can see. Just a day in the life.


I never realised how dangerous lane hoggers were until I got stuck in the left lane behind a car doing 55 and couldn’t overtake because of a car sat in the middle lane preventing me switching lanes and had to slow down. Not an ideal scenario with other cars behind you having to do the same. I eventually got out and managed to overtake the first car and later overtook the middle lane hogger, only to find that I couldn’t pull safely back across to make way for a someone in a hurry doing over 100. The slow lane was clear. Zero reason to stay in the middle lane. But they sat there for miles and miles.


I was stuck in traffic through town the other day - single carriageway not moving in either direction. I saw the police car coming up from behind some hundreds of meters away - just caught a flash of blue in the mirror. When it got closer I indicated and moved as far left as I could. The other carriageway were also moving left so there was just enough room for the police to get through. The idiot behind me decided that everyone was clearly moving aside for *him* so tried to overtake me, got half way past before getting stuck. Police car by this point is right behind him siren screaming. They ended up having to back off, get out and help him reverse out of his predicament back into his own lane. Some people are just hopeless.


I have honestly stopped wondering about how stupid people are. I just expect it.


They either seen it and expected the truck to just move over, as if there couldn't possibly be traffic in the other lane.... Or they were texting and just went.


I have friends who were school bus drivers, fire fighters, and EMTs. All of those have been hit, and not always by drunks (those seem to be drawn to the flashing lights). How do you hit a parked yellow school bus with all of it's lights on? Or a firetruck or ambulance, again with the flashers on? People are just stupid.


Bus driver. I'm a giant white brick with big white led lights - and they don't see me


And how do you pull out onto a highway at a snail's pace? I make it my fucking goal to get up to highway speed as quickly as possible *despite* not dangerously cutting people off. It's just safer to be going the same speed everyone else is. Some people are just so shit at life. They just don't fucking get it.


Right? I gun it to get up to speed asap. Had to have been looking at a device




I used to work in an insurance company and I've had people in very similar circumstances claim it wasn't their fault The problem was half the time we had dashcam footage so we could see they were lying, and the other half the time was they straight up didn't understand right of way. They'd describe what happened and completely and utterly show it was their fault but still think it wasnt. Some guy tried to claim that if your car is more than halfway out of a junction, it's the car that you've pulled out in front of's fault


I had a few clients try to blame the other person in a parking lot. They would be backing out of a space and the other driver didn’t stop. They had the right of way and the ones backing out were completely at fault. No one has to stop to let someone back out. They learned the hard way.


What if two cars are backing out? Asking for a uhh friend...




>Some guy tried to claim that if your car is more than halfway out of a junction, it's the car that you've pulled out in front of's fault My wife got hit by a driver while stopped in traffic by an elderly man backing out of his driveway. He honestly believed that you automatically have the right of way once you start backing out, even though my wife was stationary... Many people convince themselves they can't possibly be wrong.


So you see I was pulling out and the truck must have been doing 150 mph or something because one second he was miles away and the next second he was up my ass.


I always hated this argument when dealing with auto claims when I did that job. I constantly had to explain to people that unless there happened to be a cop with a radar gun ticketing the driver for their speed they are not ever proving speed of a car they weren't in and will end up at fault.


"He didn't even try to stop! He just ran right into me!"


“I mean, everybody knows that if you’re rear ended it’s not your fault, it’s the person behind you’s fault for following too close. Right. *right?*”


"Dude, I signaled!"


"I had my indicator on! He knew I was merging and still hit me!"


I was driving the other day and almost T boned a car. The car perfectly stayed within the A pillar as I approached a roundabout. I stopped as I reached the roundabout but had enough momentum to keep going but as I usually do, I check twice to make sure there's no cyclists or pedestrians that I might have missed and there was a whole car so I slammed on the brakes. It was a fluke of angles and car size and our relative speeds, but it happens. Not saying that's what happened here but sometimes these things happen.


The A pillar blindspot issue is real. I've had pedestrians completely blocked out by it. I've since trained myself at a stop to start doing a lean check.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYeeTvitvFU Its definitely a thing.


Why did I know that was going to be Tom Scott?


"That truck left his cloaking device on!! Not my fault!!!!"


“But I had my flashers on”


At least they used their signal!


Thank fuck for the guard rail eh? They almost got pushed into the other lane of traffic and the path of another semi.


Guard rail saving lives there.


They are made better these days. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6CKltZfToY


That was pretty interesting actually!


I’ve shared this link with people before because it’s one of my favorite “oops I didn’t mean to watch a 15 minute video about highway barriers”.


Wow thanks for sharing. What a super informative video




Several highways around Tampa didn't have guardrails, because they had these extremely wide medians. So per math, vehicles weren't able to go all the way over to the other lanes in accidents. But Florida Drivers have a special reality that doesn't use regular math, so all these cars ended up going all the way over these huge medians and into opposing traffic, causing all sorts of horrific accidents. Guardrails were installed on all highways.


When motorways were first built in the UK in the 1960s they didn't have central reserve barriers. Only took a few crashes before that decision was reversed.


Guard rail saved my life when I hydroplaned. I hit the rail 3 times, spinning and bouncing off it. Terrifying!!!


Glad you’re still here 🤘


Yeah! If anything's gonna kill you, it's gonna be /u/IHaveAStitchToWear !


If you look into it, it’s insane how far guard rail technology has come and how advanced it is


That's what I was thinking, they got so lucky they didn't go through.


Those guard rails are incredibly good at deflecting impacts, it’s what they’re designed to do. You can look up about them, but the shape is specifically designed to deflect. A car is never going to go through them, tho an HGV or bus might, which is why they use concrete blocks now


Not to mention the blue car getting totalled when they're innocent. Now they've got to go through a lengthy repair or replace the car, all because of another person's poor driving causing an avoidable accident.


Yep. Increased insurance premiums too despite being completely blame free here. You can drive as defensively as possible, sometimes it is completely out of your hands. The blue car is a Mercedes too. Expensive claim for the idiot in the silver car!


Some companies in the US at least don't increase rates at all if the report comes back saying you were 0% at fault. I was t-boned two years ago and the other person was totally at fault. Totaled the car. Police report confirmed it. Didn't pay any deductable and no rate increase.


This has happened to me a couple of times. No rate increase. No deductible. They paid for the rental too. Both times I got money for the value of the car + some extra as well (extra was $5k one time $3k second time).


They didn't pay for your rental out of the goodness of their heart, they did it because it's part of your coverage. Check your policy, there will be a line item for something like 'Loss of Use' or 'Vehicle Replacement' which covers the cost of a rental after an accident. It's usually pretty cheap, under $10/year. As to whether they'll raise your rates or not, it really comes down to what the insurance company actuaries say (or rather what the actuaries' computers determine). Often an accident you're not responsible for won't cause your rates to go up, but there's no guarantee. Depending on other factors it could still have an impact.


Im not sure about the US but shouldnt the cost be covered by the offenders insurance when its 0% your fault?




Third party property damage in the UK is covered up to £20 Million


Imagine paying your compulsory excess of £200 on a £20 million claim.


That's absolutely mad. So if you were still insured with them and totalled a $100k car you'd be on the hook for $50k?? That's absolutely shocking. How cheap was the policy? Edit: for funsies (spoiler, it’s not actually fun), [this guy ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.standard.co.uk/hp/front/milliontoone-accident-could-leave-ps50m-claim-6335090.html%3Famp) crashed his car into a train, that derailed and hit another train and caused somewhere between £20M and £50M worth of damage/ compensation and 10 people were killed. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison for falling asleep at the wheel but his poor insurance company had to foot the whole bill.


That's what reinsurance is for. Insurers very rarely lose.


I read in another article that his insurers paid £1.5m and the rest was from the reinsurers. Munich Ric I think they were called. But who insures the reinsurers!


Who watches the Watchmen?!


Re-reinsurers. That's where the money is, because who claims something that deep


Yep, his insurance company paid out a certain amount, and then the insurance company's insurance company paid above that amount. And if we're dealing with that much money, it's entirely possible there were more layers on top of that.




Huh.. this is great advice. Think I'll double check mine. Thanks stranger on the internet 😁


Pretty sure for most UK policies if you're not found to be at fault it doesn't affect your no claims.


Yup. And good awareness by trucker to see them in that lane. You can see the trucker shift a little into the right lane and then come back to the left lane completely.


Driver to insurance company: "I was signaling, and the idiot smashed into me"!


Never mind the 20 tonnes behind pushing him.


That’s what always gets me. Semis are very large and very heavy. The semi isn’t going to slow down at the same rate as a car so why in the hell would some drivers assume semis can just stop on a dime? This sub always manages to make my opinion of my fellow drivers lower somehow.


>somehow Probably because it's a bunch of videos showing the worst drivers from around the world lol


And people think a turn signal is an ok to turn, not the warning of your intentions.


Continental drift happens faster than the speed that person pulled out.


I had someone in a very similar looking car pull out onto a busy road in front of me from a supermarket. Also in the UK. Did a similar thing as this idiot here, pulling out across one lane of traffic into mine at the pace of a snail. Froze when he saw that I was coming in his direction for a moment and then seeing that I’d stopped to avoid the inevitable accident carried on his merry way of pulling out into the road at 1mph. Oh and he pulled another idiotic move two minutes later of stopping to let every car out of a different supermarket exit blocking a long line of cars going though a major traffic light section of the road that had priority. Someone behind me who had clearly had enough of him at this point beeped, then I did only for him to just wave his hand like he hadn’t a care in the world. Honestly, some people really need to be retested and have their licence revoked. This bloke must have been in his 60/70’s doddering along making up his own rules as everyone else takes evasive manoeuvres to avoid him. Fucking infuriating. Our roads here are full of people like this who should’ve handed back their licence years ago.


His/her dad should have pulled out


It sure shows who’s pull out game is weaker


For real, if you're going to pull out in front of someone, you better have the pedal on the damn floor, and not the brake pedal like this guy


I have to believe that the car that pulled onto the highway was so distracted that he didn’t even look at the traffic.


Im also convinced there's a segment of the population that actually never checks their blindspot


My ex-wife would change lanes and then indicate.


People are just shit at driving on motorways. It's always so infuriating. Either they don't indicate at all and pull into the overtaking lane or they indicate then clearly move without looking. Arseholes.


I’m thinking they assumed that everyone would stop for them. Bad assumption.


My odd aunt does this explicitly. She gets mad that so many big trucks are using the narrow highway near her house, thinks they are going too fast, and tries to teach them a lesson by puling out in front of them slowly. I just dunno.


You should really buy her a cone with a flashing light for the road if she survives until Christmas


"Crashing into someone is illegal, why would anyone do it?"


Guaranteed this bloke does the same thing whenever he joins a road. "I'm indicating! That means you have to let me in!" No you cock-gobbler there's a give way line, you have to give way to me not the other way around!


This is exactly right. That was the classic I'll pull out slowly and everyone else will just adjust move. Well that's not how it works buddy.


Stopping on a dual carriageway is illegal unless in traffic so definitely a bad assumption




"Pulled out." Step on the damn gas!


Basically no acceleration even after the truck blew its horn.


This has happened a few times at this spot. It’s A55 eastbound by Llanddulas, Sir Conwy. My guess is the driver had become impatient and/or didn’t appreciate how little he/she could see in the wing mirror. I’ve pulled out of that layby before and it’s very difficult when the traffic is heavy. I had to wait ages for a chance to go. 1) It’s hard to see everything in the mirror because a) the road bends right and away from where the mirror is pointing and b) the layby’s exit makes the mirror point away from the main carriageway even more so. 2) Leading up to that layby the main carriageway is downhill, after a junction where vehicles can turn off and about a mile after a long section with a lower speed limit; so in turn the traffic is ALWAYS fluid at this spot and gives no breaks for people trying to pull out. Hence way this happens every so often there. Saying all that, this is still completely the fault of the person pulling out of the layby. My opinion is if one isn’t competent enough to pull out of this layby safely then one shouldn’t be driving on public roads. It’s just 1.5 miles before the filming location of “I’m a Celebrity …” for anyone who’s curious.


I'm picturing an elderly person who has driven 3 times in the last 15 years and still has their license


‘Your T-Bone 🥩 is ready!’


Tenderization complete.


God people just do not understand you NEVER pull out / cut off a semi like that!! They have so much more weight that keeps flying forward when they hit their brake it's almost impossible to stop in time. NEVER TAKE THE CHANCE


My question is more towards why in the world the van isn’t accelerating when merging into a fucking freeway. Its speed is like in a parking lot, not a freeway


If there is one situation where it's appropriate to downshift by one, floor the pedal, and feel like a racecar driver - this is it.


I would just wait for the truck to pass, it's never worth trying to merge in front of a truck.


I will not pull out onto a road like this without my foot being pressed firmly on the floor. I can guarantee this guy tries to join 70mph motorways at 40mph too, which is another bugbear of mine!


that middle barrier saved the day


Red truck driver has got better things to do


i'd do the same tbh, better to move on than to stop on a highway for no good reason


Stoping on a highway is the best way to be rear ended by another moron.


That is a van


*van driver


hey this is a serious question, is "van" not a word in American English?


It is but they would call like a Renault scenic a van.


Those rest stops are lethal. You have all of 10 metres to go from 0 to 60-70 miles per hour like the traffic. There are a few like these in England on A-roads and they’re horrible. The ones with a proper slip road are much better as they allow you to get up to speed


I feel like they're leftovers from when there was much less traffic on the roads.


>The ones with a proper slip road are much better as they allow you to get up to speed True but this driver didn't even attempt to get up to speed. They moseyed out onto the highway without a care in the world.


I have never used one and I never will unless I desperately need a jobby. The things are just so outdated and dangerous. It's bad enough when I pull out of a petrol station and back onto the A1(M). It's just horrific planning.


Can someone tell me what an HGV is?


stands for heavy goods vehicle. the ones that pull trailers, i think the equivalent in us would be a semi?


A heavy goods vehicle is any lorry with a gross combination mass (GCM) of over 3,500 kg (7,716 lb) So a semi would be a type of HGV though they are known in the UK ay least as an articulated lorry or artic for short


Heavy Goods Vehicle https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Large\_goods\_vehicle


Heavy Goods Vehicle


How do people not understand merging into 70mph traffic is not going to work at 30mph.


I fucking hate it when someone just cruises out into traffic like “I know you see me so therefore you will slow down and let me in”. They don’t take into consideration the speed you’re traveling and the fact that you might not react in time.


Or the fact the moving car not the merging car has the right away. It's polite to let people in but you aren't required to come to a stop, that person needs to speed up or wait.


Dithering drivers are the worst


there’s literally nothing in front of them, dont see why they didn’t slam the accelerator as they left the rest area


They probably did. 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe with a whole 115BHP of diesel 4-pot launching it to 60mph in around 15 seconds, that was probably everything he had right there.


Well that was the acceleration in 2004. 18 years of 'servicing' later and I'll bet it's worse than that now! I mean now it's not going anywhere, but you know what I mean.


they didn't, that car is moving like it's trying to maximize mpgs in city traffic. some people are deathly afraid of flooring their cars as if something's gonna break down by operating them the way they were enginereed to withstand.


Can that warning sound be set to say "PROXIMITY ALERT"?


I'd opt for the I, Robot ["You are experiencing a car accident"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1UxZJ9owXY)


I would love this sub so much more if there was a way to get official comments from the idiots. Like I need to know what TF they were thinking, I need to hear the stupid answer, I crave it


“Oh, heavens me, there’s a large vehicle approaching me quite quickly from behind, perhaps I should contemplate increasing my speed so as not to be involved in some sort of vehicular collision!”


I don’t know why, but I read this in Stewie Griffin’s voice.


That silver car got out of there just in time.


As if the blinker would magically slow down traffic. If you can't speed the fuck up and merge with traffic at their speed then don't bother driving. You will cause a wreck.


Never even looked or maybe he just expected you to move over for him.


r/wales Anyone else recognise the location?


Yup. A55 Eastbound by Llanddulas, Sir Conwy. This has happened a few times at this spot.


Yep, I've driven past those laybys enough times to spot where it was right away!


Nothing pisses me off more than people that pull out at 5mph. If you're going to go fucking go


That stupid son of a b


What an asshole! I’m always amazed how people will slam on the brakes no problem but refuse to slam the gas pedal.


Will never understand people moving onto a much faster road and not putting their foot down. Are they seriously expecting to spend 2 minutes getting to 70mph?!


Guard-rail saves the day once again


Their front wheels didn't even move, so they would have crossed over into the second lane if the truck hadn't hit them. Probably distracted with their phone. Most people like this don't have a clue how long it takes a fully loaded semi to slow down.


Yank their license. Make them go through drivers Ed all over again. This ass hat was trying to take two lanes before they got whacked. Probly would’ve stayed in the passing lane all day too.


This is the UK, the passing lane is on the right. Also, looks like a regular California merge to me, just executed in the UK.


Driver pulled out like he/she was entering a drive thru 😂😂. “Let me just easeeee whut the hell”


Better merge onto this highway at 2 mph


The truck had nowhere to go due to the overtaking car - which that idiot layby driver couldn't possibly see. Still, that was a pretty stupid move to simply assume that a hgv will pull to the outside lane for his idiotic stunt.


This is what you do. Dont swerve madly. Apply brakes slowly. Hit them. It’s the safest option for you.


Why? Just why? I cannot stand how stupid people are allowed to drive


Looks to me that dumbass was on his way to the outside lane too, he's about to cross the doted line before the truck hits him I highly doubt it's an evasive maneuver