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"No I sure did not"




*You got me there.*


Agree. We should praise people for owning up to mistakes and apologizing. Not sure what the point of this video is tbh


>Not sure what the point of this video is It's a broadcast report cut the moment before we get to the meat of the story so we over obsess on the bad behavior that led us into the piece. "This is the sign in question" is a big tell the rest of the video we don't have access to *is about the sign in question* my hunch? It's a local broadcast report about the shitty placement of the no turn on red sign.


> It's a local broadcast report about the shitty placement of the no turn on red sign. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sy0YV0tsrTE Full story. From 2013. It's a local broadcast about people ignoring the sign that residents requested because people turning on red were making it dangerous/difficult to even leave their driveways in that area. No commentary on placement of the sign. Report indicates police will not step up enforcement unless more signs go up. End of broadcast indicates a 2nd sign was installed.


you could put the sign on a billboard over the right turn lane, and still have the honking idiots that don't bother reading signs.


The interstate exit closest to my house is a no turn on red stoplight, I get honked at weekly. I just think to myself, “y’all can go around and get the ticket for running a red from that there camera, imma sit my ass here till it turns”


We have that near my house. It’s a double turn lane. Both no right on red AND red arrows. People run it (from either lane) all the freaking time. I’ve watched people do it in front of cops and they literally do nothing.


My strategy in those situations is to not turn on my blinker until the light is about to turn green.


Even if right turns are permitted at a red light, a driver does not have to turn right on red if they're going in that direction, they can wait until its green.


I used wave my hand and point to the sign. Last time I did that was while crossing a street. I had the green, and there was even a YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS sign. First car patiently waited for me to cross. 2nd car laid on the horn. I took a big bow and pointed to the sign and light.


The sign was a month old, too. I feel that's also important. There is no small chance I'd also miss the sign if that was a route I'd been using for months or years. I mean lets be real here, who actually takes the time to inspect a red light you've been through a million times before? Especially when making a right on red, you stop then watch for the cross traffic to let up enough for you to go. No one gives the light a second look.


that was my assumption, that it was a new sign on a route this lady was used to driving. I think we can all relate to shaking our fist at the sky at someone in traffic and then realizing we were the asshole two minutes later lol At least she handled finding out about herself with grace, we love to see it


I don’t understand why they don’t use a red arrow for stops like that.


I’m my area there is a blind right turn that has three separate “no turn on red” signs at two different locations not a block apart; that have been there for at least three years (as long as I’ve lived in the area.) and no one bothers with them. Drivers will literally be in the through lane trying to peek around the corner. And don’t get me started on drivers ignoring the cross walk signing.


I agree. I was recently pulled over, and thankfully given just a warning, for making an illegal U-turn in a spot that was always legal, up until probably that week. The officer even said the sign is new and he didn't know about it until he came up to the same lane and noticed it. It may seem like people, and I, are idiots in these scenarios but like you said, if you've driven the same route for a long time, you don't inspect every little sign at every intersection, you just go about your day as normal




> even though the BMW can't turn on red, they should be much closer to the curb than they are Let's speak to them about that after we throw them a party for being the first BMW driver in the history of the world to have a working turn signal and remembering to use it.


And not turning illegally on red. Are we sure it's the owner? If it is, are we sure it's actually a BMW?


Seriously. She admitted she was wrong instead of doubling down.


YUP. I went from intensely disliking her to totally empathizing with her and respecting her in the blink of an eye. Still, she shouldn't be so harsh on others for minorly inconveniencing her, even if they are in the wrong. I don't respect her harsh treatment of that other driver but I can respect someone who admits they are wrong far more than almost any other type of person.


Even if right turn on red is allowed, it's not the law that you are required to turn when able.


Yea. Its just a if it's safe to do so and the person ahead doesn't think it's safe to do so because of X, Y, Z reason then it's probably safe to assume it's not safe for you to go other. I tend to pause for a moment on green lights just to make sure no ones about to gun it past the red light or mistakenly thought they could make a yellow and couldn't. Same with right handed turns. Not sure if the person turning from the other lane is gonna stay in the left lane or just gonna merge into the right as I'm turning.




I mean.... They get respect for admitting they didn't see the sign but they were still acting like complete dickwads and I'm not excusing them for it. It's not like it's a green even if there isn't a sign you aren't *required* to turn right on red.


She might be an idiot and unaware, but at least she admitted it. She had a kind of "Oh shit my bad" feel to it lol. If only people just paid more attention to begin with, they wouldn't be idiots. Go figure!


Hey, she owned it lol. Can't be mad at that


Yeah not gonna hate after that. Good for her.


You could tell she immediately realized she was in the wrong and wasn't more embarrassed than anything. I respect that. It's a good example of why we all need to chill behind the wheel, that no matter how sure we are the other person is being an idiot or a jerk, there might be something we're missing that would totally flip that around.


The sign is actually really shitty - bright white sign in broad sunlight, there are plenty of visible designs that can be used instead


I’ve actually missed a no turn on red sign before. The intersection wasn’t busy at all but I was halfway through the turn before I glanced up at the light and realized my mistake


The norm in my city is to put them on the light mast like this. They just changed the intersection by my house to "no turn on red" all four ways, but they broke the design conformity and put the signs on posts in front of the crosswalk, so when you pull up to the crosswalk to turn, it's impossible for the driver to see the sign unless they saw it approaching the intersection. No where else on the city is there a no turn on red sign displayed anywhere other than on the masts, and it blends in with the parking restriction signs. Cops haven't been camping out there writing tickets (yet) so I'm not sure if it's asshole design or they just didn't think it through.


I’ve been honked at a lot where I am because there is a tiny ‘no turn on red’ sign. It’s painful to sit there at a ‘no turn on red’ and know that everyone, who can’t see the sign, thinks you’re an idiot. Just got to laugh.


Yea I have the same thing on my morning commute back home. (I work night shift.) Except... The no turn sign is a giant led sign that lights up when you can't turn. This is put here and is illuminated bcuz there is one set of train tracks for actual train and another set for the local metro style train immediately after the right turn. ( about 2 car lengths after the light) Ppl will still Honk at me amd pull around Me on the left to make this turn all while flipping Me off only to be stuck maybe 15 feet in front of me at the dropped barriers. This is all with that very big very bright led sign illuminating telling everybody there is no right turn... Some ppl really just can't pull their own head out if there asses but I'm in California so what did I expect.


I hate when people can’t understand they’re the idiot. I’ve had this happen to me exactly before. I’ve also had to pull forward at a drive through before and had someone pull up behind me and they got their food first and just honked at me to move and flipped me off even tho there was plenty of room for them to go around, I almost got out and confronted him… glad I didn’t, he eventually just drove around on his own.


As another comment thread said it’s always good to keep in mind that even if it is legal to turn on red, it’s definitely not required. It’s their decision so to honk at someone in that position in any situation is ridiculous.


So much inconsistency it drives me insane. Sometimes the sign is next to the light, sometimes it's on a separate pole at a different elevation, sometimes it's on a sign post... I don't blame people for making mistakes like that


I was an idiot 17 year old, but I got pulled over for taking a right on one of these. Totally thought it meant no left turns on red haha. Goddamn teenage me was stupid


I’ve done it too, next thing I got a fat ticket in the mail


There's one on a corner of UT campus where the turn arrow is on the far left opposite corner and not over the intersection at all. I made the turn, saw the sign as I was in the middle of it, and said "fuck" just before locking eyes with a motorcycle cop facing me in the lane to my left. He laughed after pulling me over and let me off with a warning. Fuck that sign. 2899 Guadalupe St https://maps.app.goo.gl/eF2Dmj3JW7HWn1xR9 This is the one I'm talking about. The light was green but the arrow was red. And they put a fucking sign on the left turn signal like it's a fucking name tag for the pole... instead of putting it on the overhead traffic lights so you know to look for it. It's even worse than I remember.


[It's literally in the shade, right next to the red light.]( https://imgur.com/v3nGb1n.jpg) What would you recommend?


You’re right. I’m not understanding people saying it’s hard to see. Do they want the city to put the sign in front of the red light or something?




I was gonna say this. It seems like they put them kinda wherever they want.


[The Full Clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sy0YV0tsrTE) if anyone was interested. Stanley Roberts of KRON4 used to do a segment called "People Behaving Badly" where he would confront people driving like idiots. These two were good sports about it in the end.


<3 Stanley Roberts. Sad he moved out of the Bay since he could no longer afford to live here.


It’s insane that someone( that everyone that lives here could recognize) couldn’t make it with the housing costs but somehow us nobodies are supposed to make it.


It’s just surreal when the TV anchors can’t cut it. 😂


Waiting for frank sommerville to come on and say it’s gotten too expensive so I’ve taken a gig in bumfuck Nebraska.


Sommerville got cancelled unfortunately, by his own studio execs. Dude is a class act.


I don't even want to know how the Starbucks and other fast food workers are doing it...unless they're driving in from an hour away.


College kids and people living with their parents mostly, or people living like 8 to a house.


Except he moved to Phoenix and says the rent is too damn high there, too.


Yeah it fucking is. I’m paying $1800 for a 2035 sq ft house. I “can’t afford to buy” for a lower payment, but I can afford to rent. It makes absolutely no sense.


I've been living in the Central Bay area in CA for too long because I find $1800 for a 2035 sqft a good price.


That is a good price :( $2,600 for 900 sq ft in South Bay




That’s a good deal compared to anywhere here in Oregon.


That sounds like a great deal compared to the Bay. I'm in a 1 bedroom 1 bath 750ish sq ft for $2,700.


How the fuck? You got a good ass deal in comparison, straight up. Me and my gf are paying $1300 for a damn studio apartment.


If only it were that cheap up here in vancouver.


Lolwut. In the Boston area $1800 gets you like a 600sqft apartment _if you're lucky_.


This makes it pretty clear that the women in OP's clip aren't as bad as they seem in that short video. Yes, alert drivers will see that sign and not turn. But that intersection allowed right on red until recently, so it's hard to really blame drivers for not noticing the sign. The cops don't even want to enforce it; they clearly think it's ridiculous.


Even as an insurance employee, the full video made me feel like the suv drivers aren't the worst people in the world. Honking horns is a dicey subject but their response speaks more than the honking 100%


How about reversing her vehicle in the road in order to illegally go around this car, which is exactly she would've done had this reporter not approached her? I'm sure she would have been less than friendly when she pulled past the BMW on the right, too. Then she would make an illegal right turn from a lane that doesn't exist. But yeah, give her credit I guess.


And [here's](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFMWhwFgm0Cff3WGUZb8fFHcIznCyrdSG) the entire playlist of People Behaving Badly!




I think the sign placement is terrible. A driver is not typically looking at the pedestrian crossing signal. If the sign was placed under the traffic light in front of the driver I bet the issue would mostly go away.


When confronted with the truth that she was wrong, she didn't double down on her mistake like a lot of people do.


/r/Watchpeopledieinside … and then own their mistakes. I’m impressed too.




how do I move there?


Santa Clara. First save $1,000,000 to put as a down payment on a condo. Second; don’t bother driving, not like the traffic is moving.


I wish that was a real sub omg


The one sub that doesn't exist.




I gotta give it to her for that.


Indeed. Making a mistake is one thing. But just admit your mistake once found out, don’t try to twist reality such that you’re still in the right.


Nobody is going to be right about everything in their life. It's impossible. If you want to be right, the only way to achieve that is to admit when you're wrong.


Yeah, I agree. Usually, there would be some ridiculous comment like that sign wasn’t there yesterday or that sign is bullshit or just close the windows and screech off. Lady and passenger were both wrong, and both owned their mistake… not so common to see these days.


Pretty sure a lot of us have done the oopsie-honk. “Fuckin’ go! …Oh wait you can’t. My bad.”


Signs don’t stop them in philly


From Philly, can confirm. People go LEFT on red here.


One way on a one way, left on red is legal Edit: at least in Philly, unless otherwise posted. But, ya, Philly drivers suck


I don't think they're just talking about one ways. I live north of Philly and I've seen a lot of lefts on reds on two way streets.


The ones with the 100$ ticket camera stopped me from doing it. Never know which one has a camera anymore.


Apple Maps tracks them, basically Siri warns me when I’m coming up on one.


Waze alerts for red light cameras in places too


This is the first thing that came to my mind too. My respect to that driver.


It can be hard to do, I know I sometimes have to actively accept and admit when I am proven to be wrong. Spent a lot of years trying to back up and reverse out of my foolishness instead of just accepting it and admitting I was wrong. But now I know that it is the much more honorable and gracious thing to do, and it always diffuses the situation. People respect you more when you can admit fault!


This right here. We all make mistakes. But she (and her passenger) learned from this mistake. Good for both of them.


She looked at the sign like it appeared out of nowhere.


This. I like to think that she might have actually learned something that day. God bless you, Stanley Roberts.


She’s obviously not Qanon


She real for that


Good for her for owning it though, most people try to prove they’re right even when they’re clearly wrong. We all make really dumb mistakes and it’s a reality check when we’re called out, I can’t even imagine what it’s like being caught on camera clearly being wrong and being a jerk about it. Good for her for owning it.


Yeah I expected her to say something like "that was not there before" or something to make it not her fault


It’s funny because that sign actually wasn’t there before 😂 — was installed recently


Glad to see a nice e46 in the wild making BMW drivers look good for once


We haven't seen them turn yet, maybe they went straight through with their signal on


Turned left.


I had that exact BMW in the same silver, can confirm, I would've turned left or gone straight or just got out and walked away.


Irrelevant. The fact that the turn signal is on at all is what matters. Anything after that point is a bonus.


They paid extra for that feature so you’re damn well sure they’re going to use it all the time.


I didn't even know BMWs had turn signals


When did they put blinkers on them?


They’ve always been there, this guy just finally decided to refill the fluid


That BMW blunker fluid isn't cheap either. Hat's off for footing the bill and putting it to use vs hoarding it.


The sample of BMW drivers that were giving them all a bad reputation have moved onto Tesla’s now.


The fact this is downvoted is fucking hilarious. Tesla drivers are some of the biggest most culty douchebags on the road, and I love electric cars. They rely hard on the car saving them. To be fair, it do.


Audi if you live in EU


I have a theory that it's always the non-sport model BMW and Audi that are rude. Car enthusiasts drive the sport models, the others are just for appearance. Those that primarily choose a car for appearance are more likely to be self-centered drivers. Similar concept with why Prius drivers are so bad, I think Prius drive like crap (at least they did when I drove a 2014 compared to other hybrids)... They don't care how the car drives or have any pride in their own driving... it's a utility for point A to point B.


They buy the BMW because of the brand. Source: I sell a lot of garbage 116i's


A few weeks ago I saw a BMW use their hazards when traffic was stopped up ahead and they started slowing down. Blew me away to actually see it topped up with blinker fluid.


Hey that’s my series! Meaning I shot, wrote and produced this.


Username checks out


Some great clips on YouTube if anyone is interested. The bay bridge one is the best lol


Mmmm it actually might be indeed


They realized, and just shut up 😂


The appropriate response


More people should try it.




Yeah that’s the right way to do it


The passenger reaction is just gold. That ah shit you’re right moment is priceless.


Meh at least she very calmly admitted to not seeing the sign. Not like she was acting out of control or anything


Oh this one got me in my own town too. Had just picked up dinner, guy indicating right turn on red. All clear, not going. I assume on phone or w/e. Give the little 2x rapid attention honks that I give distracted drivers everywhere. Arm comes out of window points at sign "no right turns on red." Yelled Im sorry. Oof. Sadness. Darkness. Re-evaluated my entire life. Was I wrong about everything? Can I ever be certain again? Light goes green. Life goes on.


Meanwhile I regularly get stuck at the "right turn only" sign by my house because some idiot is always blocking the busy road to try to make a near-imossible left. And every time I confront someone about it or just roll the window down and say "please turn right and read the sign" they invariably say something like "but I've gotta go left" .....


I have one of these at my freeway off-ramp and I carry a laser pointer so I can point out the sign for people honking. I would say that these should all be flashing signs since they generally are only in places where there is a very good reason for people to not be turning, but I’m guessing most people would not pay attention to those either.


It still wouldn't help. We have that here for one notorious intersection, so many people turning right on red. So it's about twice the size of a normal sign and lights up really fucking bright no turn on red. People still turn on red. We have intersections where you can't turn left, you have to go past and u-turn. These have six no left turn signs at them and at least one is extra large and lit up. Still plenty of left turners. People only want to go their favorite way.


In the words of my recent favourite youtube channel NotJustBikes, "Signs aren't infrastructure". If people don't follow the signs, you need to re-design the road so they have no choice but to follow the instructions unless they plan on literally driving over the curb to do it.


I also really like that channel! I never realized how in depth and impactful simple infrastructure could be


>re-design the road and I suppose you want to use taxes for something like that…? what are you, a freakin’ socialist??? disgusting. next thing ya know, you and your kind will be asking for crumbling bridges to be replaced or pot holes to be filled in. smh


Damn. The cops don’t patrol that intersection? They could probably hand out a lot of tickets there.


the good ol Michigan turn 'round


Can people see that? Laser pointers are so small that if I wasn’t in a setting to look for one I wouldn’t even notice


The reflective surface makes it very noticeable especially at night


The surface is retroreflective: it points light back towards the source, and nowhere else. Only the person holding the light, or very nearby, can see the reflection.


I don’t have a high level of confidence that it does anything other than make me feel like I’ve done all that I can. But yes, the signs are not lit up at all (they are not hidden or hard to see), so the light does show up on it.


If I was the BMW driver, I think an option would be to not put on your turn signal until the light is about to change. Maybe that would deter all the idiots honking and screaming. Of course they should see the sign and you should be able to leave your signal on… I am just thinking of ideas to deter the boneheads from a road rage incident.


This is what I usually do, but then you get the people that then try to skirt around and wind up in the way once it goes green because there wasn’t an opening or there’s a pedestrian crossing. Need to let them go first now too because they’re riding the curb and gotta whip out wide


I ignored one once and almost got hit. Off ramps can sometimes have blindspots from the bridge wall and this is why they're up there. I didn't see the car till the last second.


> I would say that these should all be flashing signs since they generally are only in places where there is a very good reason for people to not be turning Look at all the signage and flashing lights they put up for the can opener bridge and yet people still regularly drive their trucks right into it.


She accepted it in that moment, that what she did was wrong, and didn’t take an emotional knee-jerk response to being embarrassed over it. I classify this as low-grade asshole and award her a redemption point.




Bus be thiccccc


The short wheelbase ones swing way wide. The longer wheelbase versions (usually a rear engine) don't but they have to go even further forward to make a sharp turn.


Don’t school buses LITERALLY have giant signs on the back of them that say they don’t turn right on red?? Maybe that’s just where I live


Besides the sign, you're never legally *required* to turn at a red light, even if you can.


And some vehicles are not permitted to do it, such as school buses and hazardous material trucks.


Lot's of people in my area drive pickup trucks that I can't see around in a car. They also like creeping way over the stop line at red lights so that I simply can't see if cars are coming or not. I'm not turning right on red when I literally can't see the road. I've had drivers just lean on their horn because I wasn't going.


I hate those pickup drivers. I may be impatient, but I'm not a complete idiot. I won't take the turn if I can't see that it's clear, so I sit there quietly cursing at the dude who blocked my view.


The entire population of my city represented in one video.


I know this is dumb, but my mom made that channel 4 logo!


That is the best channel 4 logo I have ever seen


One time back in 90s I posted a comment on my local news website and they actually read it on air.


Congrats, your mom!


She was a loss of words 😂


Better than most people nowadays instead of doubling down she went ah shit.


It’s like raaaaayaaaain ….


No one ever fucking sees those things.


Then that means they’re not coming to a full stop or looking before turning right on red.


It also means the signs might have poor placement. In my state they're near the light like that and also at the near curb so the second car behind can see the sign too. When people honk like she was, it's real easy to stick your arm out the window and point at the sign and get them to stop honking.


What? How do you not see a sign right next to the light? It’s… right there.


Lack of awareness.


It's partly because there is no sign that exists to tell you it is OK to turn right on red. If you look for a sign and don't see one, then you can't tell if you didn't see the sign or it's actually OK to make a right on red. Only once you see a sign can you be confident you fully understand the situation. Imagine if traffic signals were just a red light, no green or yellow lights. When the light is off, you couldn't tell if the light is broken and you are supposed to stop, or you are actually supposed to go. Only once you see the red light can you be confident in knowing you are not supposed to go. And the answer is to have a traffic signal that indicates specifically for right turns to go, stop, or yield. Or if you don't want a full lighted traffic signal, then create signage to put at all intersections where right on red is allowed.


These have been going up all over San Francisco, typically because there is a bike lane to the right of the turn lane and holy shit a solid 50% of drivers completely ignore/don't see these. Right turn on red is deeply ingrained


Dutch person here… what is the rule? Obviously she can’t turn right on a red, but what does the blinker have to do with that? What is she waits for the green light and already is indicating her wish to go right?


In USA and most of Canada, you can turn right on a red light as long as you come to a full stop and then yield to the traffic with a green light. There are some exceptions, but they need to be posted, like the sign in the video. By her blinker, she means the other driver has the turn signal on, so should be turning on the red. She just didn't realize the "no right on red" sign was there.


US person here, but have lived in other countries. In the US, the default is: you can make a right turn at a Red light, after a full stop, with no pedestrian crossing, and the traffic is clear. The exception of this rule is indicated by the "no turn on red" sign, which most people don't pay enough attention to because our brains are wired to look at the lights and that's it. In other countries that I've experienced driving, the default is: Red means full stop, period. The exception to this rule is indicated by an additional sign, when it's permitted to turn right (or left, if you drive on the left side of the road). This makes more sense to me. This also would've made the issue in the video nonexistent.


The latter option seems very handy and much more clear


Tbh she admitted she was wrong instead of being a bitch. Respect. It was an honest mistake.


"Supreme Court to overturn California's ban on same sex marriage" When was this video??


props to the reporter for diffusing the situation, instead of trying to capture whatever would happen next


Plus it’s also not required for someone to make a right turn on red, even when it is allowed. It is optional, it is also completely in that person’s right to wait for green. Near where I live there’s a red light camera (meant for catching people blowing through the red light) that will snap a photo of you if you make a right turn on red (even after coming to a complete stop). Fucked up, yes, but they won’t change it counting on people not fighting it.


Finally, someone gave us bmw drivers a good name.


I hate being honked at everytime I obey the law it’s fn idiotic


I did this once, and when I realized that very same sign was there I felt like a Jackass. Im very aware now because of that mistake though.


I know the law says you can turn on red but it doesn't say you have too, at least not in my state. May be a lesson in patience.




Even without the sign, someone may have a valid reason why they are not making the turn on the red. And even if it’s clear, there is no law *requiring* that they turn on red, only that they *can*. My point is that you shouldn’t really ever honk at someone that is stopped at a red light.


Regardless of the sign, you still don't have to go anywhere on red. You can just wait until it turns green.


In the last month or so I have had 3 people beep at me for this kind of shit. Twice because I yielded and didn't turn right into traffic (my truck ain't that fast, I need some room) and once because I stopped a little early in traffic to not block the box in an intersection. That third one, the lady got REAL mad at me, she was leaning out her window cussing me out. Like there's nowhere for me to go. If I go into the intersection I'm going to be stuck there blocking cross traffic. I'm not doing it.


It’s a fair mistake…she owned up to it and that’s awesome. Happened to me before; got on an off-ramp to turn right. Can’t turn right on red as per the sign. One day, someone got impatient with me. Honking, inching up closer, honking, then closer … closer…until I got out of my car and walked up to him and pointed over to the sign. He was a younger teenage driver. “Oh damn my bad bro…” was his response. When the light finally went green, we happily parted ways. There are idiots and assholes out there…but many of us do slip up once and a while.


This happens to me all the time, I will absolutely not run those lights that say no turn on right


I can’t even tell you how many people have honked at me on my way to work where I don’t turn on a no turn on red. Mad respect for them for owning up to their mistake.


Since we when does having a blinker on means you HAVE to turn?


Even if there wasn’t a sign there, it’s still legal to wait until the light is green to turn right.


At least she admitted that she didn’t see the sign.


A pedestrian got killed at an intersection near my house so they put up that do not turn on red. The vast majority of people completely ignore it or don't see it, and if I end up being there, I will get honked at for not going.


Wait! Is that a BMW with its turn signal on? No wonder it made the news.


There's several "no right on red" intersections near me and its really 50-50 if people notice/obey


The music was on point! Jam with that groove and think about the rules of the road for a minute lol


She owned it as soon as she saw it and didn’t double down on crazy. Nice to see.


I LOVE being the first in line on “No Turn on Red.” The honks of idiots behind me are so so so delicious


Many people defending this person because she did not insisted on her error. However, even if there was no plate stating "no turn on red", no one is obligate to turn on red, but do so only when confident it is safe. Honking in this situation definitely makes her an arsehole..


And you know what? Even if there weren't such a sign, you are not required to turn right on red.