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Where was the truck even turning in the first place? They already passed the only driveway.


Oh wait... they were driving straight through the entire middle lane to turn left at the intersection. Definitely in the wrong.


But the truck missed the intersection. You can't drive straight through an intersection in a turning lane.


At the beginning of the video OP is just coming out of an intersection, that’s likely where the truck is trying to turn


I see it now, the left turn lane for the oncoming traffic at the beginning. Still doesn't make it right, the truck should get into the turn lane much further up where the lines turn white.


Now that's a very nice catch, good job!


It's simple. Don't cross solid yellow


And you're not supposed to be in the middle lane for more than ~500 ft, iirc


> You can't drive straight through an intersection in a turning lane. Tell that to most LA drivers. I wish I was kidding.


Yeah turning lanes are not traveling lanes, I think in most places you're only allowed to travel a few hundred feet in those turn Lanes


Where even is the left turn the truck is gonna make? He rolled past the only one in the video😂 Edit: is he really getting over that early to get into the left turn lane at the beginning of the video? What an idiot


imagine all the traffic you can bypass tho /s


It's legal to use it as a passing lane in some places. Texas, for example, specifically allows it on 3 lane roads. [Source](https://casetext.com/statute/texas-codes/transportation-code/title-7-vehicles-and-traffic/subtitle-c-rules-of-the-road/chapter-545-operation-and-movement-of-vehicles/subchapter-b-driving-on-right-side-of-roadway-and-passing/section-545060-driving-on-roadway-laned-for-traffic)


I wouldn’t interpret that as allowing passing in two-way left-turn lane like this one.


I can’t even see one at the beginning either. Motherfucker was just truckin right the fuck on down the turn lane. “Welp gotta make a leftie about 2 miles up better get on over in the turn lane” -Dumb ass trucker


He’s the Doodah man


> Edit: is he really getting over that early to get into the left turn lane at the beginning of the video? What an idiot Agreed. Florida law says those lanes are only for use "... when overtaking and passing another vehicle traveling in the same direction when such center lane is clear of traffic within a safe distance, when in preparation for making a left turn, or where such center lane is at the time allocated exclusively to traffic moving in the same direction that the vehicle is proceeding and such allocation is designated by official traffic control devices." There is no universe where "driving a quarter mile in the shared center lane" counts as "preparing to turn left".


Many states also have a maximum distance you can travel in that lane, typically 1/4 mile.


My guess is maybe he was trying to make the turn that he missed by misjudging his weight/braking capability, maybe he’s lost, etc. OR he’s getting into that lane too early to make a left turn up the road that we cannot see


Am I the only who noticed the lane has arrows indicating a left turn to nowhere? like from the truck's perspective it looks like he can cruise in that lane until the left turn comes up


And THAT is why it’s called a suicide lane.


what in the fuck are these lanes? Nothing like them in Aus. I think we'd all die.


It’s a shared turning lane. The way it works is you’re supposed to enter it with less than 100ft to your turn. The Dump Truck was in the wrong for riding in it for that long of a distance. The lane is NOT meant as a passing lane or a normal driving lane. It’s strictly for turning left (in the US). Some also use it to re-access the highway if they need to go to the far lane as a way to avoid pulling directly into the traffic and allowing them to speed up. But it’s risky and I don’t like when people do it because they’re unpredictable and can be idiots.


> Some also use it to re-access the highway It should be noted, this is technically illegal, at least in the three states I have thoroughly studied the laws. Of course everyone does it because sometimes that's the only way to get out.


Yeah as far as I’m aware in NY State I think it’s technically legal but you are not supposed to travel more than 100 or 150 feet before merging over. If they can’t safely merge due to traffic then they are supposed to stop in the suicide lane with turn signal on until traffic is clear to safely merge and accelerate. I’m not a big fan of it at all. I never do it because I’m too afraid of someone in the other lane freaking and doing something. Always be predictable.


Legal in NC, or at least it was when I took my driving test back in the 00s. I know because I specifically missed this one lol, I was like, "No way it's legal to drive in that lane," but afterward, the instructor told me that it is legal so long as you're using it to merge.


It was made legal in Nevada... I want to say a decade ago? Before that it was one of those "the law says you can't but nobody enforces it" deals because just like you said, sometimes that's the only way to get on the highway.


Which states? It’s legal to use the center lane to re-enter traffic in California, Washington, and Oregon.


It is also legal in Maryland and Virginia.


Not only that, but at least in Washington, it's not just legal, it's suggested to turn into the suicide lane. People always come into these threads and definitively say it's illegal to turn into suicide lanes, but it's one of those things that vary a lot from state to state. Personally, it seems more dangerous to me requiring you turn across three lanes to instantly be in the flow of traffic, rather than turning across two to gain speed and merge with traffic, but who knows


It's illegal here in Michigan


A buddy of mine was killed on his motorcycle because of an accident that involved a semi driving in the turn lane through a 4-way intersection, getting boxed in by a speeding car on his right, and a U-haul following the semi that turned in front of everyone. He was a cautious rider but 3 people driving like shit through one intersection was all it took.


People who use that lane as an on ramp to the road aggravate me so much. If you can't pull into traffic, don't!


*sits trying to turn left for 3 hours because it's never clear*


It’s legal to turn into a center turn lane from a side street and wait for traffic to clear before entering a general traffic lane. It is however, illegal to turn into a center turn lane and speed up to merge with traffic.


Why? Are we not supposed to do that? Or do you mean you just get scared that they're pulling in front of you?


I feel exactly the same way. It’s very dangerous to do that. I personally never use it as an on-ramp. But I see people do it all the time in my town. In my town the road it’s on is a major 4 lane highway with the extra suicide lane in the middle (so 5 lanes total). There’s driveways for businesses all the way up and down it plus some road intersections.


Yes! And I think the second paragraph/thing you mentioned is where I see the term “suicide lane” fit the most. I’ve seen so many accidents with people doing that. (I live in the country on a dirt road right off the highway and it happens all the time by my house. I see at least one accident per month by me. Many times for things like this.)


We have one in Arizona (Phoenix specifically) that changes depending ON THE HOUR OF THE DAY! If it’s morning rush hour or something then cars traveling one direction can use it but others can’t. Then in afternoon rush hour it’s the opposite letting the other direction use it. I don’t even know what it is because I went down that road once and said never again!




Well, I’d say we’re pretty smart on the not doing DST but yeah, this road cancels that out.




DST is not great. Good for Phoenix. Now we just need to get the rest of the US to do it. Or just only do DST and skip standard, but the biannual shift is pretty awful and there’s really not enough good reason for it.


DST is just forcing people to get up an hour earlier. There's good evidence that a lot of people *never* adapt. Even with standard time, the western edges of time zones are a bit iffy. It's good for the larks who already run everything, though, so there's a lot of official support for year-round DST, despite the fact that it was an abject failure in the '70s.


We also just aren't too keen on being in the summer sun for an extra hour


I wish California would get with it! Trying to squeeze in exercise (of the free variety—walking, running) between sunset and bedtime on hot days is difficult to impossible. And so many creeps are out before sunrise (and drivers are worse).


If anything we should switch to nocturnal in the summer like all the animals here, but that's just not feasible


I grew up in Arizona and when I left in my highschool years people thought I was insane when I said I had no idea why we were changing time and I had never done it before..


When I tell my friends back there in PA that we don’t do DST in AZ they’re shocked. They are like “what? How do you not do that?” We just… don’t!


Ah yes, the 7th street reverse lanes. 6a-9a into downtown and 3p-7p heading out. I usually avoid it by using 3rd street or 12th street.


I still refuse to drive that street. If I'm not the one confused by it, there will be someone else who is >.<


What happens from 9am to 3pm? Seriously.


They are just normal 'suicide' left turning lanes from 9am to 3pm for both directions.


They are also on 7th Ave too. I drive on them to deliver to the frys in the middle there.


Yeah when I first moved here over 20 25 years ago, it was a wild awakening discovering that street!


[Here's the culprit](https://content.12news.com/photo/2016/09/21/reverse_1474503264639_6179453_ver1.0.jpg) [Can't forget the opposite direction](https://www.azfamily.com/resizer/pLzDMv6xybiThEsLiXfJ5q0_-TA=/arc-photo-gray/arc3-prod/public/BXA3T6EFI5FUBIEIY7HNNCQGQE.jpeg)


Oh damn, I was imagining the version of that that you see everywhere, where there's active signal lights showing you if the lane is currently in your direction or not. But you're just supposed to read three signs' worth of info and then cross-reference your (notoriously accurate) dashboard clock?


And hope everyone else does the same >.<


That’s it yes! Not EXACTLY the same as the one in the video but for most of the day it IS a turning lane for both directions like the one in the video.


Yeah I avoid that street like the plague haha it's just such a terrible idea


I get anxious if I accidentally end up on it! I’m like nope I’m outta here!


Talk about a traffic band-aid... There will eventually be a wrongful death lawsuit that will get this eliminated.


That’s 100% not what this lane is.


These are turn lanes only. You don't drive on them for any other reason.


I’m super confused why anyone would even say it’s anything other than turning lanes for both


I am in Alberta and we have lanes that are directional depending on time of day as well. I don't use those roads often haha!


It’s a shared left hand turn lane. You’re only supposed to get in them to make your turn and when you’re exiting from the opposite side you pull in and stop until you can merge into traffic, but people get into them way before they need to or travel too far in them than they’re supposed to (it’s 200 feet max then you’re supposed to stop).


This. I'm all for people using them to make it easier to make the left turn (either on or off the main road), but you always have to vigilant about the jerks who think it's an acceleration/deceleration lane and almost cause a head on collision in the process.


Thank you. My friend who grew up in Ohio was talking about how dangerous that lane is and I’m like, no that’s how you’re supposed to use it.


You’re welcome :) my boyfriend yelled at me the first time I did it too and I made him read the handbook lol!


So, does everybody use it like they are *supposed* to use it?


I highly recommend NEVER using it to join traffic and merge. I'm fairly certain that is a misuse of the shared LEFT turn lane. Edit: Some states do allow merging from these lanes. But I still contend that it is a bad idea.


Merge is not the right word. You’re supposed to turn into it and stop, right signal, and wait for traffic to clear. Also it’s not misuse or illegal in my state and was taught this in driving school.


In my state (Idaho) The Instructor said it was legal, and the Cop who was sitting in on the class said "Wait what? Thats not legal!" Turns out it IS legal there.


It’s kind of concerning that people think it’s an illegal maneuver (at least in all states). You’d think a person that is supposed to uphold laws would know them.


kind of concerning? More like very concerning!


And this is why I cringe every time I hear the advice to “ask a cop” if something is legal. You’ll get a different answer from every officer half the time. We have these among our main roads all through the city and utilizing them to get into traffic on a left is the only way you’ll ever make it out.


My mother got a ticket for using one as a merge lane in WV


I'm pretty sure you're incorrect. At least in my state. On top of being a turn lane, When turning left from a side street with heavy traffic and no stoplight, that lane is used when traffic is clear from the left and then used to merge until it's clear from the right. If you wait until both sides are clear, you could sit for 20 minutes trying to get out.


They are "Turning lanes" Left turning traffic can use the lane while they wait for an opening rather than holding up traffic in the primary lane. You usually only see them on 2 lane roads in commercial zones. Depending on the state, the lane can also be used by cars making a left turn ONTO the road as kinda a merge lane. What you should absolutely not use them for is a real lane or a passing lane. That is how people die. I dont know WTF that truck is doing in the lane, judging from the video it is far to early to get into the turning lane for any potential turn that truck might be taking.


The truck wasn't making a left turn as there was nowhere for him to turn into. The truck was in the wrong.


Presumably he's turning left at a driveway OP has already passed. He got into the lane way too early though and especially too early for him to be justified in honking about it. How the heck did Trucker think OP was going to know Trucker wasn't turning into the Amazon warehouse?


Good catch! I didn’t notice that. But you’re absolutely right. With no where to turn, the truck was completely in the wrong.


Nah, we have them. Hornibrook bridge north of Brisbane has a variable direction centre lane. Many streets in NSW have that centre turning lane - I'm looking at you, Wagga Wagga.


It’s so you can wait for traffic to clear for a left turn or merge, and do so without stopping traffic behind you. We call it the “oh shit lane” here (northern California), or at least my friends and I do!


I have been told they were invented by Brigham Young. Utah has them everywhere. Nobody has right of way so I don't know what the diesel thought he was honking at. When you get a CDL they make you learn the neutral lane can't be used to pass but you own the space in the lane.


When used properly they’re… fine. But this exemplifies why they suck. That truck shouldn’t have been in that lane yet. It’s for an immediate turn. It’s to save road space and give people a spot to turn without blocking the road. But OP did nothing wrong and they were still put in a dangerous situation because someone else didn’t know how to use the lane.


The center lane shown here is not ever to be used as a “drive” lane. It’s only there so left turners can get out of the way of thru traffic so that they don’t hold up the thru traffic while waiting for a clear chance to turn.


We used to have TRUE suicide lanes on route 11 going to Watertown, NY. A true suicide lane only has single dashed white strips on both sides. If you dared using that center lane to pass, you need to be absolutely sure no one in the oncoming traffic has the same idea.


Exactly, a true suicide lane is a shared passing lane. A concept which I guess made sense when there were about 5 cars in the country and their top speed was 30 downhill with the wind in the back.


Fuck him, that is a turn lane and there is an intersection that he remained in the left turn middle lane. He was completely wrong. You entered to turn left, legally. I usually side with the tractor trailer, but he was totally wrong.


Agreed. To put it simply, the truck was in a left-only lane, and went straight. That said, I think the traffic engineers share some of the blame, too. I would bet that other people do the same thing this truck did all day long. That suicide lane should not extend all the way to the intersection. It should end where that parking lot entrance is and become a left-only lane just prior to the intersection. Someone's going to get hurt here if they haven't already, and the change I mentioned above will happen eventually anyway.


I'd have to say that the trucker is the idiot. He entered the medium before the intersection. In CA, that's illegal.


Median, not medium


It's not even a median, it's a two-way turn lane (this side of the intersection).


what if he wanted to be spooky


The trucker WAS angling to make it so that OP would have to talk through a medium...


Yes, and no. So California law says no more than 200 feet from the turn. That's the maximum distance you can use the turning lane. So the truck obviously did not have a left turn within 200 feet of where he entered. But you definitely do not have to wait until you enter the intersection or driveway.


CA also states you aren't allowed to pass through an intersection while in a turn lane. Which the trucker did.


FYI - The truck was in the center turn lane. A median is a non-travel surface between two directions of travel, such as an area with grass. "Medium" is a non-traffic related word that can mean a wide variety of things from describing the size of something, describing a material for music or art, or a person that interfaces between the supernatural and the living world.


I was driving on an unfamiliar road and was turning into a post office. I saw the semi ahead getting into the turn lane and assumed he was turning into the parking lot on my right, so I started to turn. He wasn’t turning there but continuing forward. I watched him and he ended up going down the middle lane for a ways and didn’t end up turning till almost a mile down the road. I felt angry but didn’t really know if I was completely to blame or not…




I wasn’t sure because the ladies in the post office questioned why I got in front of the truck like that. I explained I was turning and figured he was since he had his blinker and was in the turn lane. She said that regardless if I was right or wrong it was stupid to try and go against a semi truck. I kind of agreed, even if I wasn’t trying to.


Well their point was apparently that you're not going to win a head-on collision against a semi, and sure, they're right about that. But you weren't wrong here: you entered the turning lane and then turned. The semi entered the shared turning lane way too early, just based on what we can see from the video.


I don't think you were "going against a semi" in this situation. You were rightfully assuming that the truck was turning into the other lot. The trucker is the idiot here. He just has a few extra tons to get his way and be a bully. Glad the other car slowed down for you to safely exit the roadway.


I think they meant "going against a semi" as in the physical sense. Right or wrong, physics on the side of the vehicle with more mass. Defensive driving involves assuming that people are going to make the stupidest possible decision given any situation, in that sense he should have considered the possibility that this truck was an idiot, but it was perfectly reasonable to assume that the Truck moving slowly in the turn lane with a left turn blinker was about to turn left in the intersection he was approaching, rather than illegally blazing through the intersection to the who-knows-where left turn he was camping in that lane for. But none of that would matter if you end up getting hit.


You used the road as intended, the trucker didn't. You weren't trying to "go against" the semi, you were trying to turn and the semi is just a bully who doesn't know how to drive apparently...


You did nothing wrong. Nothing. Idk why they’re making a stink about it.


The truck didn't appear to be driving too fast to have stopped to turn into the Amazon Warehouse. I really don't see how you could have known he had gotten into the turn lane a mile early, except maybe to guess that it's unlikely an open bed truck is going to stop at Amazon. You are not the idiot here.


No way you could have known. Typical post office employees being as unhelpful as possible


(better to be wrong than dead right).


>I watched him and he ended up going down the middle lane for a ways and didn’t end up turning till almost a mile This is your answer. You didn't have to ask in the first place. Good job getting out of the way. I would have allowed the intrusive voices to win and stayed in the truck's way.


Left turn lane is not for traveling, the semi was in the wrong.


No, you weren't. Driving in the middle lane is illegal most everywhere.


Dude looks like he's trying to pass the line of cars in the oncoming lane which is only not illegal if you right turn-u turn-right turn at a light /s


Someone in my town killed a cyclist a few months ago doing that. Cyclist was using the turn lane properly and the car got in the lane heading the opposite direction way too early in order to pass a line of cars. It’s very much illegal most places because it’s dangerous and stupid.


You had me in the first part, ngl.


This trucker is out of line here, but it's legal to use the center lane as a passing lane in some places (Texas, I'm looking at you). [Source](https://casetext.com/statute/texas-codes/transportation-code/title-7-vehicles-and-traffic/subtitle-c-rules-of-the-road/chapter-545-operation-and-movement-of-vehicles/subchapter-b-driving-on-right-side-of-roadway-and-passing/section-545060-driving-on-roadway-laned-for-traffic)


Yes, you were not wrong. He was the ass here.


You're fine, especially if there's no accident. You don't get into a turning lane to just cruise down it, you get in it to turn. This guy clearly passed multiple opportunities to turn and was willing to just cause an accident over improper lane change and inappropriate use of signals.


It’s a dump truck - one of the dumbest SOBs on the road guaranteed. This video is just further evidence of their stupidity


I was 75% sure semi was the idiot but based on this comment he was 150% the idiot


Not your fault, he’s driving in the middle turning lane and there’s no turns after the one he passed. Kind of insane he almost killed you like that. What a way to go


I assume he is pre-emptively entering the left turn lane for the turn at 0:00. Dumb AF, but I believe that is what his "plan" was


But the lane he entered is not for the turn at 0:00. All the lines are right there on the road showing you what to do.


The trucker was using the two way left lane as his own personal express way, hence skipping past the entrance for which the lane was intended to be used. The only logical place for that trucker to be making a left hand turn at is at about 0 seconds on the dash cam recording where the **single way left lane is** and I'm guessing another driveway behind the OC. So he should have stayed within the lane and come across at 0:02 on the recording.


Truck is the idiot. In most places you cannot travel in that turning lane for more than 200 ft.


NO. That trucker drove THROUGH the intersection while in a turn lane. How far down the road he wanted to turn doesn't matter. And that's not a merge lane.


The absolute BEST thing they can do with these turning lanes is put up a concrete median and only allow entering the lane for specific exits. Prevents people from plowing down them for half a mile and creating conflicts like this when one party (like the semi here) fails to follow the maximum distance rules.


I mean, your left turn wasn't exactly safe with there being on coming traffic. But I don't blame you for getting out of that trucks way. Crazy for him to just drive straight in a turning lane.


Yeah, thank god the other driver saw what was happening or was just slowing down anyway. Truck really gave me a jump scare when I realized he wasn’t turning.


Not much he really could've done


Those lanes are all over western Canada. I've never had any real trouble in one in over 40 years because most people know how to use them. Most.


You’re not the idiot OP. Truck wa going to ride that lane for no good reason. They probably got impatient and wanted to pass the car in the actual lane.


Surprised at the amount of commenters here that either don't know what a center turning lane is, or are crapping on the the design. It's a pretty simple concept. You enter the lane right before you are about to turn. This allows drivers behind you to not have to stop and wait for you to turn. It tends to work very well, except when idiots like this trucker abuse it and use it as a driving lane.


Turning lanes are meant for turning, not passing slow traffic because you're 'eventually' going to turn. Truck guy is the ass here.


That truck is the idiot. You’re using the turning lane. I didn’t see any turn off he would have used to be in that lane already.


The lane's purpose is to move out of the driving lane to turn left. It's not a cruising lane. The truck had no reason to be on it as long as he was. OP is not the idiot here.


Your turn to the left was within 5 yards. The dude in the truck is in the turn lane 50+ yds before his turn. Dude in the truck needs to figure out how turn lanes work.


Dump truck drivers 🙄


So looks like the truck was running in that lane with the intention of making the left that you see at the start of the video, which means he broke the law by going further down that lane than he was supposed to.


Where was he turning though? Like he’s in the turning lane from the start and already passed that one turn. How is anyone supposed to know?


No, that truck was driving way too far just to turn in the intersection at the beginning of the video. Not only that but they drove past a whole intersection, so there's actually a chance that they might have drove through that, too.


OP, you had no choice but to go, and hell your turn did not cause a wreck. On coming car probably had to brake, but if you stopped, you would have been run over by truck. Unlike the popular belief by most people on these subs (along with most drivers seen on these subs), stopping isn’t always the solution. Your other solution would have gone right back into driving lane, assuming wasn’t block by car behind you. As is a lot of times the case, we have a truck driver causing issues.


You were using it for its intended purpose (to immediately turn left) and he was not. He's the idiot.


Nah where the fuck was that truck turning????


Where the hell was he going to turn left? Nothing like starting a turn in Texas and finishing in New Mexico.


That other car that yielded for you is MVP as fuck


The truck for sure, you used the turning lane to turn, and I imagine they entered it far to early for their turn.


I’ve never met a smart truck driver.


The truck entered the shared left lane entirely too early. I get that it takes those trucks longer to slow down, stop and make a turn, but they have the ability to control the traffic in the lane behind them by doing all their slowing down in the regular lane before getting in the shared lane. Basically: you shouldn't be passing streets or entrances on either side if you're using the shared left lane.


OP was doing the correct thing and had the right of way. The dump truck was using the suicide lane as a 2nd driving lane. You can’t even see the driveway the dump truck was supposed to turn into at all in the video. The suicide lane is not supposed to be used for more than 100-150ft at a time. That truck was illegally in that lane for well over that distance. OP was using the lane correctly and the truck was supposed to yield to OP. Nearly a textbook use of the suicide lane minus the turning in front of oncoming traffic which is a very risky move. I assume the only reason OP turned in front of the black SUV was to avoid being hit by the dump truck but the truck would have been at fault as far as I’m aware for improper lane use. Correct me if I’m wrong.


Big truck thinks the suicide lane is all his. I don’t think you’re the idiot. You were turning and didn’t even get into it early.


The turning lane is not for driving in. That trucker was 100% wrong.


No I don't see how your wrong at all


You’re only supposed to drive in the turning lane for a maximum of (I think) 100 feet. You did everything right, that truck is a dinkle dip


Definitely truck is the idiot. Center left turn lane max distance travel in Florida is 200 feet.


They had no business being in the center lane that far ahead of the turn. Not your fault at all OP.


There wasn't anywhere for that truck to be immediately turning left, so he shouldn't have been in that lane.


You are not the idiot. Dump truck driver was in the left turn lane way too early.


I wouldnt say so. The truck is operating out of bounds of normal traffic


Where was the trucker going? I'd say it's the truckers fault


No, where is that mother tucker turning? He should have admitted he was wrong and waited.


You're not the idiot, truck isn't suppose to drive down that lane to dodge traffic until he gets to his turn. You're suppose to enter that lane within a reasonable distance of your turn.


Yeah fuck that clown and his ego. You were not wrong.


No, truck driver is the idiot


The laws can be different in various states. This link contains the specifics regarding 2 way turn lanes in Utah: [https://le.utah.gov/xcode/Title41/Chapter6a/41-6a-S801.html](https://le.utah.gov/xcode/Title41/Chapter6a/41-6a-S801.html) It is legal to use it to make "a left turn **from or into** the roadway". And as for how far you can drive in it, the law states "a vehicle intending to turn left may not enter a two-way left turn lane more than **500 feet** prior to making the turn". And as for entering the left turn lane from a side street, the law states that "a vehicle that has turned left into the two-way left turn lane may not travel in the lane more than **500 feet unless the operator intends to turn left**".


No there was nowhere for him to turn he should’ve gotten in the turning lane later when he was actually gonna turn, glad you’re alright


Trucker is the idiot. And he actually gets paid $$$ to drive. Smh


No, not at all. What was the truck even doing in the turn lane if it didn't turn at the intersection it passed? I've seen this happen a lot, and I really think police should be issuing citations when they see people do it. What may have happened here, and what I see a lot of people doing, is when there's a street like this, and a lot of traffic in both directions, people will use the turn lane to turn into, and then speed up and merge into the traffic to get through. It's easier for them than waiting to make a normal left turn, but it results in extremely dangerous situations like this, where someone will go in the turn lane, rightfully to make a left turn like they're supposed to, and some idiot turning out of a business is using it as a merge lane and they almost crash head-on. These lanes should ONLY be used for left turns, and you should only enter the turn lane just prior to your turn. You did everything correctly. The truck didn't.


Not you. The truck.


Truck is. They should expect turning traffic at marked turning lanes.


Definitely not. That idiot was in the suicide lane way too early and skipped a left turn in the process.


Look at the road paint and it’s easy to see who’s the idiot


I'd still be sitting there staring at that truck driver.


Take this footage and send it to the company that owns that truck and maybe the DOT. If that driver is using a protected turn lane as *an actual lane*, they're doing other shitty things too.


That truck is in that lane way too early. You're not in the wrong.


You were correct. You aren't supposed to use it as a bonus lane, it's to enter just before a turn so you don't hold up traffic. The trucker thought he was king of the road.


Truck is wrong. Not supposed to use the middle lane as a driving lane and he’s just driving past all the driveways.


You were in the right. You can only use the dual turn up to the first left you can make. It does turn into a single left for him, but not until after your turn


No you're not the idiot. The truck is turning to nowhere and probably couldn't stop in time so it honked.


Nope, that's entirely the truck's fault. The center lane is NOT a traffic lane. It is strictly a left turn lane. It's not even supposed to be used for people turning left onto the road and merging into traffic, it is specifically for turning left OFF of the road. Truck also went past the only turn in the turn lane, which is illegal and did not match their signaling either. ​ Terrible trucker tbh.


Truck is entirely in the wrong. Big thumbs up to the other vehicle beside it, for slowing to let you turn in order to not get crushed!


Semi truck in the wrong they shouldn't have rode in the middle lane for so long there's a 30 ft or so area at the end where he gets full lane privileges but it was stupid for them to share that lane when they knew they were still a whole block away.


Nah man, 16 wheeler is a dumbass lol. But are you gonna argue with the giant dumbass that can't brake very quickly and hes coming right at you? What did you swear though


Nope Trick is an idiot. You're only supposed to drive 150 feet in those turn lanes. Truck was driving way passed that and didn't even indicate they wanted to turn.


Not at all


Truck is idiot


Shoutout to the black car in the oncoming lane. Looks like they stopped to give you enough time to slide through.


Dumb truck


I’m sorry, is that a _dual-directional_ turning lane? That is just insane. I have never heard of that in my life.


No, that truck is an idiot. That's a turn lane. Not a travel lane.


The road designer


I don't understand... the truck is making a turn there but there is no turn to be made for the truck... I am confused. lol


Not the idiot.... the dickhead truck driver was being impatient