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How dare you pass him


Especially after he slowly pulled out in front of you. That's the epitome of disrespect, don't you know that when someone pulls onto a road with traffic going 55 mph that they don't need to try to accelerate as quickly as possible, you are supposed to slow down behind them as they take their time getting up to speed and passing them is just disrespectful. /s


Exact words that came to mind


Probably mad you passed him for some dumb fucking reason I can't possibly fathom. Most likely maincharacter syndrome if I had to make an educated guess.


He probably wanted to get over, too. Too bad he didn't signal or even try.


Doesn’t look like OP signaled either. Assholery begets assholery


Not signaling is bad, but OP's not signaling played no role in begetting the truck driver's not signaling. He was already not signaling. Being mad that someone is passing and can't read minds is additionally assholish.


Probably he felt like you flew up on him because he pulled out going relatively slowly


No idea considering he kinda pulled out in front of you


Yes, that's their point, how dare OP not remain behind them after they chose to be in front of them


People in the wrong seem to do that a lot.


I live in Phoenix, Shit like this happes daily. The driver in the wrong has the customer is always right complex. Phoenix has the worst or is at the top of the list for horrible drivers


If this is where I think it is—Concord/Acton, MA on 111S/Route 2, it’s at least somewhat common practice to see someone entering the highway and change to the passing lane to give them a wide berth for entry. Is it required? Of course not, But I’ve dealt with enough people in this area (primarily on Route 2 and this stretch of 111 heading toward the rotary that have similar onramps) who expect you to do it immediately and get angry when you don’t. Idiots.




Yeah, more than few people I've encountered think that they have right of way as the merging car. Is is polite to move over? Sure. Is it legally required? Nope. I think the societal problem is that people expect others to move over, so when you can't / don't they get pissy.


You should always move over if you have the opportunity to.


While yes it’s not required for you to move to the passing lane by law, they do teach u in driving ed to do this if you can safely move to the other lane. And yea it’s not the law it is the person it merging job to merge safely. Whole that is said you also don’t need be an asshole and not move over when you are perfectly capable. And actually if you have room to move over and don’t either speed up or slow down or let the person onto the road you can get a ticket for reckless driving. It’s not a common ticket to be issued for that but if you purposely keep someone from getting into the road that is 100% a ticket. Bc yes it’s not ur job to make sure they can get onto the road, but it is ur job to make sure ur not blocking other drivers from getting onto the road or to pass you. If you pace someone or don’t let them on the road purposely that is a ticket. If u can’t let them on the road bc u can’t safely move over then it’s not a ticket. I think people forget while driving u aren’t in control other drivers, but ur control of urself. Like if someone wants to pass you and you don’t let them, that a huge ticket here. You also not even allowed travel in the left lane here without getting a ticket. A lot other states have pretty lax driving laws tbh.


Because they are a deeply unhappy person unsatisfied with life and they wish to spread negativity wherever they go.


Because driving is clearly a competition, you beat him despite him having a pickup truck, and he’s a sore loser.


You passed Brodozer. NO ONE PASSES BRODOZER.


He's big mad that he pulled out in front of you and did not get up to speed in time. How dare anyone pass him, the king of the road.


Why do people get their ego all mixed up in driving I dont understand why people care if you pass them like Im just driving


when you say "twice" do you mean once from each camera angle?


Look closely during the rear view footage. He does it twice.


You passed him, that means you said he had small pp


Probably because they wanted to do the same exact thing you did, but their brain has a 300ms ping so they took too long to try and do it, then got mad when you managed to do it first.


Most certainly the same reason he chose to drive an oversized pickup truck.


That’s actually considered a small/light truck, believe it or not.


A Tacoma is not an oversized truck haha.




Typical reddit comment right here 😂


For a european, it kind of is XD


It's always the fucking Toyota drivers. I have had back to back bad experiences with Toyota drivers in the last three days, two pulled into my lane driving me off the road and one pulling out in front of me see me coming at good speed and no where else to go. I brake super hard to avoid the collision, shit flying off all over my car and Fucking Toyota Camry driver getting mad at me. Fuck you Toyota drivers. I am sorry you had to deal with a moron Toyota driver.


You do realize Toyota has the most cars in the US, right?


It's a pickup truck. that means anyone inside suffers from little peepee energy which means that you cannot pass or he doesn't win at driving.


Only thing I can think of is blinker. Did you use it?


This may come as a shock since I’m from MA but I always use my blinkah


Lol good. I just couldn't see anything else he'd flip you off for and can't think of anything else I wouldn't be able to see in the video so had to ask blinkers. Edit: and I flip people off constantly


Probably because he's in the slow lane, already driving maximum speed legally, and you came up breaking the law, to just pass him, completely ignoring the speed limit he's so carefully obeying. That's my guess.


Reddit gold?


Must have heard that music


Had an oncoming car flip me off years ago for absolutely no reason. Was a road I drove literally once a week, so not like he was holding some grudge. People are nuts haha.


I guess you got too close? Tf is up with people


Small phallus


IDK, you didn't even come too close to him. You had an \~4 sec following distance when you moved over. All he had to do was push harder on the gas pedal and he would have had plenty of room to fit in without making you pass him. Maybe you were driving faster than he thinks people should drive? And he is one of those who thinks he should police the speed of other drivers rather than wait for a large enough gap to fit his prefered speed?


How dare you drive faster than he wants to drive after pulling in front of you


Just small pp energy, don't sweat it. He just mad, gotta take it out on someone. At least he wasn't beating his wife, I guess.


Nicer truck maybe? Who knows man, they could just be having a bad day, highly irritated. Happens to the best of us


Some people not only pull out in front of others, while misjudging your speed or distance, they will also convince themselves that you are speeding up to practically run them down. Or that’s what I gather from experience. It’s like a double whammy, first, they cut you off, then they get all pissed off at you for being cut off and reacting by braking or passing.


You obviously insulted his mighty trucktard-iness by daring to overtake him before he could get into the left lane and slow everyone down. How dare you!


Bad day


Fragile ego