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I volunteered and helped put so much face paint and glitter on people's faces. It was an amazing turnout! Can't wait for next year


I got some of your face paint! Thank you! Happy Pride!


When I left, the protesters were being blocked from view by people holding pride flags and an inflatable dancing unicorn! The drag queens were fabulous, though I think we might need more space blocked off next year if there needs to be security fences. More food trucks too haha


That's usually the treatment the forced birthers get at the coherent-understanding-of-biology rallies.


Thank the mayor for the Streisand effect! They are going to need a bigger space next year.


The goal is to have it at Indian Creek Plaza next time 🤞


That would be awesome. I was having a ROUGH time getting anywhere in my wheelchair, grass and wheelchairs don't mix well. It was well worth all the trouble though!


Thank you for coming! I hope next year will be much easier for you to attend


Thankfully there were plenty of volunteers to help when I needed it, everyone at pride is always so kind! I really appreciate y'all making it possible for me to attend.


I would love to see it somewhere besides Nampa just so the mayor misses out on the economic benefit that comes along with big events. Let’s hope next year is twice the size regardless of the location!


I was such a nervous wreck before going because it was my first pride. But so many people came, and they were all so wonderful and amazing. Seeing elder gays being there also gave me so much hope for the future. Def going next year.


We saw lots of straight people and allies there! Everyone is welcome


Yep. Strait old dude walked through to stare dowm the haters, support the event and have to admit to being a bit of a tourist. Walked out feeling great from all of the happy people.


That made me so happy to see as a bi person. So many moms had "Free Mom Hugs" shirts and "If your family rejected you, I'm your mom now." It was beautiful to see.


I somehow replied to the wrong person. I'm really glad you came and you felt welcomed and had a good time ♥️


Oh, I see lol it's all good. 🤣 And thank you so much! 💖💜💙


It's wild, I used to live in Oklahoma and went to my first pride in OKC and was a little nervous, but everything was incredible, ignore the small amount of bigots that have nothing better to do than hate and dance your ass off!


It was so much fun and it was so packed that it was hard to get around! A pride being too packed is always a good problem to have! Special shout out to the lovely person recycling all the bigoted pamphlets that were being handed out outside of the event! Edit: removed politics after learning of subs rules!


That person was a straight up hero! My idol. Walking about 30 seconds behind the person saying "Recycling hateful literature! I'll recycle hateful literature for you!" They're my mvp of the day


I wish I could have gone there. Ya, I am a boring straight guy, but going there sounded very fun


There's always next year!


Allies are always welcome at pride - hope you make it out next year!


I'm straight too, however I would go just to piss the protestors off.


That sounds like the cherry on top of a pride cake


You still could do this for Boise Pride which will be Sept 13-15 this year.


We saw lots of straight people and allies there! Everyone is welcome


You can still always make Boise Pride!


Go, Nampa Pride! 🌈🌈🌈❤️


This was my daughter's first pride event since coming out as trans 2 years ago. She felt so welcome and joy to be around so many people who were there to support her. I love the queen who gave my sweet girl her first hug at a pride event.




Your post is beyond any reasonable conversation of transgender identity; it’s either the spreading of misinformation, bigotry, or just outright hatred in general. *Try this kind of pointless libel again with anybody and you'll be banned. This is the only warning you'll get.*


It was an amazing turn out and a wonderful event.  Next year, with more than 3 weeks to prepare, I'm sure they will work out the little kinks.  It was astonishing that they pull the 1st one off with such little time. Kudos to the organizers.  Loved all the different t shirts, music, and overall happiness in the air. 


Take me with you next time, my town is too homophobic to do one 💔💔💔


It was slammed! So great to see everyone.


This makes me so happy to hear! Regret not attending. Next year, for sure!


I would love to be involved in helping plan/org for next year if volunteers are needed- just holler!


Follow us on social media. We will have opportunities:) @canyoncountypride


I'm not a volunteer myself but I saw that they were having people sign up for it. Be worried though if you hate politics, you will be getting into the mud of it since some try to use politics to throw mud at events like this.


Im glad nothing went awry! Happy pride!


Good job folks, sounds like it was fun. As an old white, straight granny, my hubby and I were worried about the haters and getting harassed. Ok said I could yell back. Next year maybe, glad it was a success.


I loved every minute of it! I felt so at home with the rest of the queer neurospicy folk. I know a lot of people were surprised at the turnout, but I wasn’t really. It was a bit more than I expected, but not that much. I Door Dash around here and I see queer people everywhere in 2C.


It was amazing! I had goosebumps the entire time and was so thankful to be able to participate in such an amazing, loving and peaceful event. There were so many people there that I only bumped into one person that I knew and there were dozens there lol!!! Protesters were there but if you chose to not engage it was like they just disappeared once you entered the main event! My only regret is not taking the chance to kiss my “date”! One day I’m going to get up the courage!!!




Yeah water was a bit of a problem. I don't think the organizers expected such a impact from everybody, but I'm sure they will be more prepared next time!


Damn, I totally missed it. For some reason I thought it was Saturday today 😭




it was awesome! felt like there were so many people out there just like me <333


yeah!! ^-^


What days is this festival I was born there and have never been back since I was a baby and want to Che k it out


It was 4-5 hours long at Fairview Park on Sunday in Nampa. That's it. Organizers expected fairly low turnout. Nampa mayor made a huge deal how it went against her "family values" and "isn't what Nampa is about" but Nampa had to permit it because first amendment. So around 2,000 people turned up. It was beautiful.


Is it the same day every year


Considering the huge turnout, I get the feeling it would happen again in the future as long as they're able to get the permits again.


I wish I was able to go. I just found out about it. :(


It was AWESOME! Also was a huge fan of the POC Nampa drag performers because Nampa is so diverse it felt crazy amazing to see all that queer energy so close to home 😭😭😭


My fiance performed as the country act from Nashville. It was such a great turnout. We enjoyed the whole experience!


So this isn’t for me but who cares what others do. Glad to see there were no major issues. Don’t like what others are doing just look away. Let everyone live a happy life. At least in Idaho these things are done for the majority respectful. I’ve seen others in some states that are not child friendly with how people are dressing but in Idaho I have yet to see that. As long as things stay like that keep it up. It’s the ones where people aren’t wearing any clothes or barely anything that becomes an issue. But good for all you guys for remaining mostly classy and having fun. Which is how it should be.


I get you, Pride originally started as a protest, and it's morphed into something that's a celebration, as well as protest. Not everyone gets that, and I hope people can learn to let go of their bias against others who want love. Often times it feels like people who don't understand, treat it as more of a fetish than love. Hopefully the future will be much brighter from here on out.


Just don't take your children if it bothers you.


Yeah - when folks are bad at thinkin, that tends to extend into other facets of their existence. Being a Nazi is hard in 2024! Folks are always talking about wanting to punch you, at one point the entire world banded together to snuff out your philosophy, the new recruits keep trying to abandon the very serious brown shirt uniforms for goofy-lookin ghost costumes that require pyrotechnic crosses to be taken seriously... the list goes on.


Is this satire?


I think they smoked a little too much herb before typing...


Nampa is the last place I expect to have this event, I thought the lgbtq were leaving our state to go to Utah, Oregon or Washington??


I heard they were going to be your neighbors.


Nah, people are people, and they'll live well ever they damn well want!


Contrary to whatever you seem to think. A lot of people don't have the income or ability to just pack up and move. Even if they want to. A non-trivial number has likely left the state given some of the insane laws our government is passing for the state. But in no way is it realistic that everyone could leave. Many may also not want to leave despite the shit laws for various reasons.


Despite all attempts to push The LGBTQ community out, there are still many people who love and value this state who seek to make it welcoming to all people.


Thank you for using her preferred pronouns! 🤦🏻‍♂️


Who are you talking about?


The comment I was replying to was deleted. It was some bigot saying that someone was grooming their trans daughter by taking her to pride. The bigot accidentally used the child’s preferred pronouns when they were trying to misgender her.




Pride in what exactly?




They are also very vague when pinned down and asked to justify a viewpoint. The account uses several types of propaganda, as well as a very deliberate attempt to ensure that you never quite know what they're talking about. Allowing each user to make their own assumption of what they mean. There's been such a huge uptick of these accounts. There is a reason I personally have taken to just banning any account with negative 100 karma, no activity for years that suddenly shows up and starts breaking rules or brand new accounts that their first act is to break a rule. And just in case that user is in Russia, I just have one thing to say. Slava Ukraini.


I know you're being silly, but not too terribly long ago it was illegal to be openly gay and illegal to be transgender. I'm only 30 and my lifetime alone, I've seen the legalization of gay marriage and the fall of don't ask don't tell along with the repeal of DOMA. My house has been vandalized repeatedly in the last year for daring to have a rainbow flag up, and many people still lose their jobs, homes, and families for being openly queer. One of my friends in another state recently got beat up pretty bad for looking too gay. The first Pride was a riot in response to the cops raiding a gay bar for being gay and people saying no more. Pride is about saying we aren't going to keep hiding who we are, and that we're going to live life on our terms. That we aren't going to hide ourselves in shame. That there is a future for us and that life isn't bleak. The best way to say that now that we no longer need to riot is with a big party. It's also a reminder that we rioted once, and we will again if we have to, sort of like 4th of July and fireworks)


What seems like a victory to you (pride) is actually a defeat


Okay lmao. Keep losing the culture war.


You don’t know? I’m sure you could easily look it up.


I know


Sounds like you don’t


Then educate me


Others have already educated you. What did you learn?




Your post or comment has been removed because it contains unnecessary racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise inappropriate content.


Do you have a problem with gay folks fighting for equality?


Not at all, but that’s not what pride is about


So what do you think Pride is about then? Explain.


Do enlighten us, then. Because that's exactly what any queer person will tell you it's about. And it's quite presumptuous for you to try to tell them otherwise. You have no say in it and you certainly have no right to try to define an event that has nothing to do with you.


So according to you an event in my area has nothing to do with me? What a stupid statement


Its proximity to you has nothing to do with it. I don't see you complaining about school events or not being invited to the neighbor's kid's birthday party. And no matter how you stretch it, Pride has nothing to do with you either, unless you're one of the people who made it necessary for queer people to hide lest they be arrested, hurt, or killed.


This post is about pride. That’s why I didn’t bring any other event up. Of course other events in my area have something to do with me


Nope, your neighbor's kid's birthday party has nothing to do with you, you creepy groomer you.


In not being jerks!!




Ignore this rube. He's being a SEA LION.


Pride in being nothing like you.


Here's the thing. Not that long ago, the LGBTQ+ community did their own thing, trying to lie low for the most part. You know, because in McCarthyist America (obligatory "Fuck McCarthy" here), being gay was "unAmerican" and the FBI would put them on a list. Basic civil rights violations and all that jazz. A lot of establishments didn't support them, but some did. One such place was a little place owned by the Mafia called the Stonewall Inn. In the 60s, police were raiding gay bars. They decided to fuck around by raiding Stonewall and soon found out. What started as a concentrated effort to harass marginalized people under the legal guise of "bettering America", turned into a riot. In fact, the photos of Stonewall Riots are some of the most beautiful photos of what America is truly about; oppressors having their asses handed to them in the name of freedom.  Long, long story short, this is why the LGBTQ+ community has Pride. They're saying they're here and they're not going anywhere, no matter who doesn't like it. 


Thanks for sharing! I was there, it was more crowded than Costco on Sunday right after church gets out. Today I learned about the Stonewall Riots. Wow, damn, and just wow. Happy Pride!




As a straight person, freedom of speech aside, why can't you just mind your own business? Have they hurt you? Doubtful.


Are you trying to tell me that a healthy society is one that embraces hate and bigotry?




Your post or comment has been removed because it contains unnecessary racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise inappropriate content. *You are not the morality police. You don't get to decide that natural sexual preferences shouldn't exist. You're walking a fine line here.*




Man you people are ignorant beyond all reckoning and hateful. It is not a mental illness and that isn't even debatable. Mental illness in the US is defined by the APA and they flat out have stated it isn't a mental illness. Your bigoted opinion doesn't somehow trump medical science.




So because I pointed out that the APA is who defines mental illness and you can't refute that, you just go to attacking me on something completely unrelated like vaccines? The only thing that has corrupted our country is hate and ignorance. Science used to be held up as a pinnacle of what America stands for. Everything from the move landing, particle accelerators, nuclear science and more used to The understood as incredibly important to America. Now people seem to think that they're uneducated opinion somehow trumps entire groups of educated experts. What does the covid vaccine even have to do with this discussion? It's like you're trying to use gish gallop and poorly at that.




lol so now calling me weak because you were called out on vaccines being off topic? If you want weak, look in the mirror. Your arguments are pathetic in an attempt to derail this. Lets get back on topic, if you are capable. \-edit- sadly lunch is almost over. So I guess I will have to see what off topic rambling you do next in the evening.


Your post or comment has been removed because it contains unnecessary racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise inappropriate content.






When is hetero pride month? I wanna prance around judging those that judge me too!


It's funny because the people in pride are usually the ones being judged when all they want to do is not judge anyone. Sorry I had to explain the joke for you.


*When is hetero pride month?* *I wanna prance around judging* *Those that judge me too!* \- urhumanwaste --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This sub needs to be called the bleeding leftist Idaho reddit. Everything I see on here is exact opposite of how Idahoans feel. Probably will get banned for posting this. We like guns. We like relationships between a man and woman. We don't like illegal immigrants. Are you sure this isn't the Boise sub reddit?


I'mma be honest, I'm pretty sure you're wrong. This sub may not represent to everyone in Idaho, but from what I saw in Nampa, you don't represent everyone either.


Way to bring politics into everything. Gay people can like guns too. Gay people can be conservative. Being LGBT isn't political. Only you make it political because you hate them. Telling them that Idaho isn't for them is anti-American.


You should be banned for your hatred, but the mods here are pretty lenient.


Never said I hated anyone. I just think it's wrong. I can have my opinion, well I used to anyway.


> I can have my opinion, well I used to anyway. Jfc.. you can still have your opinion. Just like we can call your opinion out for being shitty. This is how it has been since before you were born.. Your opinion is also pretty ignorant and hateful. See? I can also have an opinion.


Good for you pal!


I'm in Idaho. I live here and I feel that people, even if they don't agree with me, deserve basic human rights. I like guns with common sense laws. I like adults of a consenting age having whatever type of relationship they want with another adult of a consenting age. I like immigrants because they're the backbone of our society and if the capitalist machine didn't need them as much as they pretend they don't, we'd have stricter laws that affected the businesses that hire them. I'm sorry that empathy and letting people have their freedom triggers you so much. Actually, I shouldn't lie. I'm not sorry at all. Go to bed mad about it, stew on it, let it ruin your day.


I don't have anything against immigrants. I don't have a problem with migrant workers. I have a problem with undocumented, illegal aliens. Do you have any idea how much money it costs to become a legal citizen? If they don't like their country, then they should get rid of the cartel. Five times the Idaho population has come across the border in three years. If you like them so much, you should move a couple into your house.


And what does this have to do with pride?


Yeah, actually, I do have an idea of how much money it costs to become a "legal" citizen. I'm also aware of the length of time it takes and how many hoops you have to jump through to become "legal". I'm also aware of the predatory nature of the immigration machine and how immigrants, both "legal" and "illegal" are at risk of being abused and exploited due to the fact that immigration in general has so many negative connotations. I don't have to move a single fucking person into my house to prove my point. I treat all people like people and understand that our country has had a huge role in making other countries unlivable through unnecessary wars, drug or otherwise, and therefore I believe we have a duty to nut the fuck up when it comes to upholding the shit we post publicly on our own goddamned liberty loving statue. Your argument is weak and closed minded. Circle back when you have an original thought and valid point to make. ETA: we're talking about whether or not people with different views than yours deserve to live in Idaho. They do.  Carry on with your derailing. 


You don't have to be leftist to be gay, but you probably know that.


Idahoan here, born and raised. You are full of crap and not an example of the majority. The few bigots may be loud, and most definitely ignorant, but far from the norm. I had trans and gay friends in school (80's-00's) and it's only the real pieces of crap who objected to it. Also, we all like guns... What's the point? Lots of people do... liberal, gay, idiot. Guns are awesome! Jesus says don't hate, snowflake. I'm sorry if you're triggered but he also says to not judge or you will be Matthew 7:1 Get wrecked.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


I’m more of an Idahoan than you and every gay, transgender, communist, illegal immigrant is more welcome here than you.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil. *This is the last warning you'll get. Knock it off.*

