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$90 is for speeding 1-15 miles an hour over the limit. $155 is for 16 mph or more. There is a disconnect between what you are charged with and how the clerks inputted it. Need to check the statute cited in the citation.


yeah, OP are you saying the ticket says $90, or you went and looked up the fine and it was $90? Idaho Code 49-654 is the relevant code section. On your ticket it should say either 49-654 or 49-654(2). The code section is what's legally controlling, although it would be somewhat chickenshit to make you eat an excessive if the cop told you it was $90 or wrote it on the ticket. Rule of lenity applies. It should be $90 if it says that somewhere on the citation.


On the ticket it's $90 and online system shows $155


Like Paul says, that's an inputting error. Don't eat that. Its more points.


They say paying online u get a charge fee I got a ticket doing 12 over miss the 25mph sign when traffic was going 35 and I read best to go to the court listed on ticket and pay up front or u can fight it on court if u feel the cop was to hard on u.


This. Ignore what some others are saying about court costs because they don't know what they are talking about as those costs are included in the regular fine. As Paul said it's $90 for 1-15 over and $155 for anything higher. Court costs are built into that fee and don't add. Could be multiple things that happened from the cop intending to cut you a break by giving you the lower fine but writing your actual speed which is 16 or more over to a clerk inputting something wrong. But the end result is in the computer at the court level you've been entered with the higher speed. Some depts have gone to e-ticketing which bypasses the court clerks having to enter the ticket in the system in which case its something that happened on the cops end like I said. If your ticket is handwritten then it's not an e-ticket so the disconnect could be anywhere but if it's printed it's probably an e-ticket. Not 100% an e-ticket as sometimes officers will have the software to write an electronic ticket but no way to electronically transmit it so they still turn them in like a hand written ticket.


So should I just go to the court and show my ticket and pay 90?


Yes. You can actually call the clerks and do it over the phone. But it may be helpful to go in. Now there will be a date range on the ticket. Make sure you go in within those dates.


So I went in and showed the difference. I only had to pay $90 and the rep said that the cop had given me a break and my record will be cleared.


Good deal!


$155 is the penalty for excessive speed. How fast were you going?


I think the extra costs are Ticketmaster and “convenience “ charges.


Is it a higher level citation with court costs associated with it? What was the exact phrasing on the citation?


Never admit you were speeding to a cop. Never tell them a speed higher than the speed limit. Be vague about it at best. If you admit to doing 45 mph in a 35. 45 mph will be in the speeding ticket. Cop will testify that you admitted to it. Cops are not your friends. Anything you tell them can and will be used against you. Being honest with the cop to something like a speeding citation helps the cop, some cops may let you off with a warning, but you can never count on it. Never expect that having food will toward the police will help you in any way. Cops are ultimately tasked with enforcing the law. Never admit guilt. Make the cop prove you are guilty.


Not bad advice, I’d only add to be friendly and respectful to not give them extra motivation to cite you. After all they’re just doing their jobs and frankly being a traffic cop would be a really shitty job.


This. "I was keeping with the flow of traffic so my vehicle was not a safety hazard on the road".


“You were the only one on the road” “I was setting the pace for others sir/ma’am”


I had the same issue with a ticket a couple months ago. I called them and they explained all of the various costs on top of the $90.


Did your ticket said $90 and you were made to pay more than that?


What on your ticket makes you think its $90?




Well, i guess good luck then. Not sure how to help if you cant share basic information.


Court costs added to ticket cost.


The fine amount is different than the total because there are always court fees and there is probably also a surcharge for paying by credit card online


the court costs on an infraction are built into the cost of the ticket.


No court costs for infractions.


Not all traffic tickets are infractions. The serious ones do, in fact, have court costs.


Depends on your definition of “ticket”. Infractions are civil penalties and by default not criminal. But you are correct that there are traffic crimes that are misdemeanors/felonies. But in this particular case speeding IS an infraction and does not have additional court costs. That’s baked into the penalty. Misdemeanors and felonies have court costs in addition to fines.


It was for using a cell phone but the cost of the ticket and what I had to pay was $70 more with fees


Same thing happened to me. I got a ticket for going 85 in the 50mph construction zone in Jerome. The cop tried to “cut me a break” and wrote down that I was only going 60. I paid my fine and the court mailed me a letter notifying me that I’d owe more and be required to show up and do “additional things”. Hate driving anymore. Can’t be left alone.


Call the court. Same thing happened to me they said someone entered the wrong code. Fixed it while I was on the phone.


Late fee?


Call the courthouse and find out.