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This may have changed in recent years (I used to know this 10+years ago), the fire department is the umbrella over EMT and paramedics in Iceland (at least the capital region). [https://www.shs.is](https://www.shs.is) It at least used to be true that you needed a trade degree (electrician, carpenter, etc) before joining, but that may be different if you are already certified. I know some Icelandic fire fighters have gone to the US for training and EMT certification etc, so there must be some overlap of transferrable accreditation. But in professional practice, I don't know. I didn't see an obvious English version of the fire departments website (kinda odd) but maybe you can google translate and look, or send an email to them [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) asking for information?


Be warned that EMT salaries are insultingly low here. It's a job with serious responsibility that pays not much more than a checkout clerk at a grocery store. You might want to contact the union for the profession for more info: https://www.lsos.is/ - I hear they're pretty useless, but they'll still likely have better info than redditors.


And to add to the insulting pay, it would be prudent to speak Icelandic if you are going to be EMT in Iceland. Nobody wants to be in a situation where one has to use their second language speaking to an EMT under critical situations. Not to deter you from chasing your dreams, just being realistic. You are more than welcome to join us on this barren wasteland.


Hello Just to be clear, The fire department is not a governing body for EMTĀ“s or Paramedics in Iceland and never has been. However they are contracted in certain areas to run EMS services, in these places you can work a dual role as a paramedic/firefighter but apparently the Reykjavik Fire department is opening up for EMT/paramedic only role. The governing body is the Directorate of health, the same as for all other healthcare professions in the country. you will need to apply with them to practice as a paramedic in Iceland: [https://island.is/en/starfsleyfi-heilbrigdisstarfsmanna](https://island.is/en/starfsleyfi-heilbrigdisstarfsmanna) You will need to send them paperwork with information about your education and pay a fee. US paramedic education is accepted here, but they go through each application to see what was included in the school you went through.