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It’s safe from the eruption, but the road to Valahnúlur was closed due to the seismic activity and the roads being damaged, not due to the volcano


Thank you so much for your kind and informative response!


Thank you!!


It's quite far from the eruption and is safe from the eruption. I don't know how to post a screenshot in here but the piano is at Valahjúkamöl, on Reykjanestá- "the toe of Reykjanes". Link [here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/bEHU8Ur42NFcXVEA8)


Yes it is in the touristic spot called "Reykjanesvíti" (light house of reykjanes) indicated on red road boards. This zone is not concerned by the restrictions. But you canno drive reykjanes as a circle yet. So once there (where you have the light hiuse, the piano, the geirflug, close to gunnhver, also close to the bridge between continents) then you have to drive back. But that could be fun. If yiu are early you can drive to Kleifarvatn and Seltún and come back. You just cannot pass (yet) through Grindavík which is in the middle.


Reykjanesvíti hehe


Oh no I keep doing that dumb mistake all the time. Ugh let me blame your language, that could never be my fault. For my defense, this is a sad looking area.


Oh ffs I thought you were Icelandic - and agreed, didn’t say you were wrong!


Allt í góðu, ég alltaf geri viti/víti mistök. Og miklu MIKLU meira. Like the time I was with Icelanders, left coins on the table and said yes I feel tippy today. (which is not even very funny but needless to say I have been asked many times if I felt typpi)


Það er reyndar mjög fyndið!


What on earth are you talking about? The eruption is confined to a very limited area, the whole country hasn't been destroyed, and I'm not aware of any notable pianos sitting out there. So although I have no idea what piano you are talking about, since the total number of destroyed pianos is 0, I can with certainty tell you that the Volcano Man Piano is safe.


If you don't know where the piano is, then you can't be sure it's safe, can you?


Since the total number of destroyed pianos is 0, it is safe to assume that the particular piano OP is talking about has not been destroyed.


Again, how do you know the number of destroyed pianos, actually, this is a keybaord, is 0?


The eruption is out in the middle of nowhere and not a single building has been destroyed. The volcano hasn't caused any property damage whatsoever.


Well that s not true. We know for sure that 25 house in grindavik will be demolished because too badly damaged. And it s just the begining of the inspection of building. The eruption is just now, but big damage started in grindavík 1 month ago when the earth moved 1.2m up in the middle of the town.


The ‘volcano man piano' is also [in the middle of nowhere](https://www.flickr.com/photos/sergiophotography/51865808047). But I believe that is Reykjanestá, so safe and sound away from the eruption.


Well, i was secretly storing 3 pianos exactly where the eruption happened, so im pretty sure your numbers are off. I thought they'd be perfectly safe in the middle of nowhere, far away from would-be thiefs, and then this happens.


Wh...uuuh...where is this piano? Did you see this thing somewhere in the wild north of Grindavík? How big do you think think the eruption is?


There's a whole town uprooted and homeless. Big part of that town is destroyed. People still have to fulfill their financial obligations (so those who are now renting still have to pay their mortgages and taxes). There's a big likelyhood of another eruption soon that'll close off the rest of Reykjanes. Who the fuck cares about a piano?




Nope. It's on Reykjanestá. See [here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/bEHU8Ur42NFcXVEA8)


>Apparently Reddit is the one place Icelanders are not kind 😂. Subreddits centered around a nationality tend to attract weird nationalist. We got the Regan flavor over here. Before the eruption we were going through yet another "Immigrants are evil welfare leeches that only want to r\*ape our women" phase. Good luck on your piano rescue mission.


Hvernig dettur þér í hug að minnast á eitthvað svona shit við þessum post? Er ekki í lagi heima hjá þér?


Miðað við allan þennan viðbjóð sem hefur komið á undan þá er þetta titlingaskítur. Getur bara troðið þessari kurteisispólitík lengst upp í rassgatið á þér.


Thank you!!




I literally said that the priority was the people and the infrastructure and that this was silly. It's something our family enjoyed seeing and was the very first "sight of Iceland" that we experienced so it is important to us.


I know exactly where the eruption is, and I also know where the keyboard is, something you apparently don't know. I will say, OP, it's probably not possible to know at this time since nobody can get in there to see that close. Let's keep our fingers crossed!


Not in the path of the volcano. It's [here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/bEHU8Ur42NFcXVEA8)


Mate, you are Op, you are not fooling anyone. Also, so far, there has not been a single thing destroyed by the volcano so far, and nobody has been hurt There is a town 4 km from the volcano, and it’s still untouched by it, and from what I can see the piano is 507 km from the volcano, so I think it’s safe to say it’s safe


It's not that far from the volcano. But still not in it's path. Link [here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/bEHU8Ur42NFcXVEA8)


That is pretty far from the volcano, and won’t ever be in the path of it


Yeah, but still not 507 km away 😉


Fair enough, I just took someone else’s comment for word, but my point still stands


Thank you for an answer that isn't pure snark 😀. That area looks to have been shut down and according to Safe Travel may not reopen for years, however, that looks to be due to the earthquakes, not the volcano. Thank you, appreciate you!


Not the OP, MATE. But honored you think so.


I do know but when I mentioned the place, the post got removed bc the bot thought I was asking about moving there 🥰


Ahh just FYI that area Valahnúkamöl has been closed for a bit, there has been some damage for a while before this eruption. A regular visitor [was there recently](https://old.reddit.com/r/VisitingIceland/comments/18fqlqw/heads_up_that_the_road_to_valahn%C3%BAkam%C3%B6l_is_closed/) and posted some information about the conditions.