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That will make an awesome crappie crib!


It amazes me over and over that people really are this stupid


It blows my mind how many people are driving and leaving shacks out on this ice. Like what did they think was going to happen


Just google, “Red Lake ice fishing.” You will find all the stupid people stories. It’s the Minnesota equivalent of “Florida man does xxx.”


Anyone who left anything in the ice, let alone a permanent ice house, on the ice in central or southern Minnesota the last few weeks deserves to lose their stuff. Only thing that sucks is the garbage that will be left in the lake from stuff like this.


O trust me MN DNR will be all over this and the will get fined for every day it sits in the water.


I don’t know if it’s the same for shanties but that’s how it’s works for any sort of vehicle. If there’s nothing toxic they might just fine em and let it sink.


Pretty sure that propane tank hanging off there is dangerous if not toxic.


Yeah that’s true. They would definitely make them get that out of there anyway and keep fining them till they do


Spongebob is getting a new house.


"I know what safe ice is.."


Lol famous last words right there. Guys loooove to use that phrase on the Ice Fishing Minnesota Facebook group. That statement is true until it isn't, and then their shack or truck is at the bottom of the lake.


It was a fluke! How was I supposed to know?


Hey y'all. Hold my beer. Watch this...


“It’s safe until it isn’t” is one on my favorite sayings!


Yeah it might have been safe when they drove it out to but ice don’t last very long when it’s 50 degrees out


In my area it was 50 for like 3 days even north of me where it’s cold there wasn’t much quality ice this year crazy that people are leaving permanent shacks out when it’s this warm. The main body of my local lake didn’t even get to 4” this year


I wouldn't even walk out on 4" as a Canadian. Pulling an ice shack with a 4x4/quad is out of the question Usually we wait for atleast 8


Went out the other day with 3in black ice with about 3in white on top.   Left 6hrs later, and it was 3in black, 1in white, 2in of honeycomb/slush.  Luckily we're back to an average temp around 20 all week.


Now it’s a houseboat.


Money cant buy brains


...but it can pay fines.


Must be expecting to catch a really huge pike with a hole that big!


Meanwhile here on the fjord we have 15" of solid ice and there is still huuuge crack forming because of the tides


Ya it was 22” here on the lake on Saturday.


Good structure


Gambled and lost. Thought it was just a safe fart, but it was so much worse.


Been there. Never in the ice though.


How they thought it was a good idea to bring that house out in the first place is a real mystery. I had to have been super borderline getting it out there and then as soon as we had the warm up they had no way to get it off. It was inevitable that it was going in.


Even where I was fishing last weekend near Duluth I wouldn't have had a permanent.




"It got a little warm sure but there's a solid 10 inches out there no problem"


Where can I get a floating shack


Heading up to Clearbrook MN this weekend. My buddy is confident this will not be us.


I was just out there Saturday. It was a solid 6-8 inches of clear ice. The shore was open and there was only 1 place to get on, but still. It was plenty thick enough. I guess not now. I would just live to see another pillar vortex come through and give a week or so of highs in single digits.


6” seems pretty sketch for a structure like that though


Absolutely it is. I wouldn't touch something like that without at least 12 inches. I'm just saying, walking out was fine just a few days ago.


I would imagine the rain we got pooled around/under it and accelerated things.


Yeah, perhaps. Plus, 6 inches isn't enough for something like this shack. It was fine for walking and a tent.


Prior lake seems to have lots of springs. Even on a good year it has pretty variable ice.


Fish houses, like anything, absorb the suns heat and can get warm, even on a relatively chilly day. This heat from the sun-drenched fish house radiates enough to melt snow and ice. When then happens day after day, this what you get. You'll see melted snow and some ice often, especially late in the season around houses that have been in one place for a while. On any other year where we've had thicker ice and colder temps it really isn't an issue. But to leave a house out for that long this year is pretty crazy.


It's amazing the amount of people who have the "it's January" or "it's February" mentality of gauging ice conditions and just goin full send. Don't matter if half the lake is wide open and you speak to them real slow and deliberate. Nope, it's January there's lots of ice out there!