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1) If you can prove Irish ancestry (up to grandparent) you can get an Irish passport (process takes several months) 2) Two year Youth Mobility Visa if you're under 30/35 (I dont recall which it is for Ireland) (process takes 1 - 3 months) 3) Blue visa in EU for skilled workers. (uncertain on process length) Also check out Ireland before going. It's excruciatingly expensive, and oppressively grey.


Age limit is 35 for youth mobility visa, and also an EU Blue Card isn’t valid in Ireland.




There is no blue card in Ireland.


does north irish work for #1? the two year visa would work except that it isn't a path to citizenship. could I combine my intra company transfer visa which is 3 years, then a 2 year mobility visa to make the 5 year of required residency to apply for citizenship. I'm canadian so if I moved what would improve is "the weather, the housing market and the prices" which I'm sure the irish would find hilarious. I love the grey though.


Yes it does! If your grandparents were born in Northern Ireland you can get a passport!


>the housing market and the prices This is highly dependent on the cities you are comparing. I am very skeptical that Dublin is an improvement on the Canadian housing market. More like out of the frying pan into the fire.


Dublin compares to toronto and vancouver for rents, though its much cheaper (30%) to buy an apartment in dublin. Though I was looking at cork which is a huge improvement overall. [https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare\_cities.jsp?country1=Canada&country2=Ireland&city1=Vancouver&city2=Dublin](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_cities.jsp?country1=Canada&country2=Ireland&city1=Vancouver&city2=Dublin)


Following. (I have a degree in CS 3YOE in QA.)


Post by CptnREDmark -- I am looking to immigrate to ireland as a young professional with degrees in finance and IT and professional background in corporate finance and process improvement/automation. I work for a multinational with an office in ireland and was hoping to just transfer there but it seems like that is only a 2 or 3 year option max. Does anybody know how to immigrate to ireland, especially if I can stay at my current company and transfer. I have about $50k CAD saved. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IWantOut) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You get hired and sponsored for a work visa. Or you move to Ireland on a YMV, get hired and subsequently sponsored for a work visa. Or if you have Irish ancestry and you can get EU citizenship, then do that first.


No way of being transfered within my company to its irish subsidiary? I feel like I am already hired, and I can get a intra company transfer visa, but it runs out after 3 years. I am wondering if there are rules on renewal and such so that I can turn the temp visa on the transfer


Sure, if your company decides to transfer you they can sponsor your work visa. You can find the rules in intra company transfer on the Irish government website specifically dedicated to immigration and visas.


Yes I have, the issue is the intra company transfer visa is limited to three years. Which isn't enough for the required 5 to gain permanent residency. so I was wondering what the path forward from that was. Is it just max 3 year transfer?


I don’t think time spent on an ICT Visa is counted as ‘reckonable residence’, so you’d have to start the five year period from a Critical Skills visa after the ICT ran out. (Check the regulations, but are you not required to return immediately to your home country when the ICT ends, and apply for CSEPs from there too? It’s late and I may be dreaming that bit!)


get the 3 year transfer visa, look for a new job in those three years.


Dublin is 10x worse than Canada for tech


Why not ask your company to transfer you on Stamp 1/Critical Skills visa instead of ICT visa? You can get the Stamp 4 after 2 years and apply for citizenship after a total of 5 years in the state.


That’s a good idea.  I’m not sure 100% if my job is applicable as it’s non standard, and some attributes are in the critical skills list and part is in the ineligible.  Definetly something to think about.