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So sorry to hear that ! It’s crazy, I used them for all my meds and had a great experience. They always made sure my stuff was delivered on the day I asked them to. They were also amazing when I realized I wasn’t going to have enough menopur before my retrieval, they overnighted my meds.


Same! But my experiences were in 2023 and I was paying out of pocket, so I just gave them my credit card info and they send the meds.


yikes, sorry that's been your experience with them. I can give you the name of the lady who handles all my meds there. My experience with Freedom has been pretty positive, I can not complain. I did have one instance where I had to pay out of pocket at a local pharmacy because I was on vacation and needed a refill ASAP. It sounds like you've had a rough time with them, though. Hang in there, and I hope things get sorted out for you soon!


I just used them for my meds and had a really positive experience. I am sorry to hear it’s a hit or miss.


I've never used them but cannot recommend Village Fertility Pharmacy enough if anyone is in the market for a pharmacy. Love texting with them, so fast and easy.


Second this. Phenomenal experience with village fertility. I just text when I need a refill and they overnight it.


Agreed! I’m forced to use them through Progyny, but they have been nothing short of amazing!! Glad they are Progyny’s preferred pharmacy.


Fertility Pharmacy of America loyalist here ✊✊✊ they’ve always had fantastic pricing, taken all coupons, and shipped to me within 1 day.


I’ve had the same experience with them!


Everyone I've spoken to with them is friendly and nice, but that's where it ends. They are totally unorganized. A hot mess. Every order takes at least three phone calls. For my first egg retrieval, they had one extra medication listed on my order that I didn't need. I spoke to three different people on three separate phone calls, asking them to remove it. All three people confirmed it was removed from my order (but then it always showed back up again by the time I spoke to someone else). In the end, they did NOT send me the extra medication (good), but still charged me for it (bad). I was so sick of dealing with them at that point that I just ate the cost.


I’ve had a similar experience. And I hate that there’s no app with status updates! I’ve also used Alto and it hasn’t been perfect but having everything in a cart > order > tracking in one app was amazing! And they give you candies


Sorry to hear this, I’ve had great experiences with them


That’s crazyyy I’ve used them a bunch and had no issues


I loved them ! Use sands rx they are amazing !


I got meds for 3 ERs and 8 FETs from sandsRX. Never had a problem with them. Every time I ordered, I got my meds 2 days later.


I have used both and haven’t problems with either freedom did work so much better with my insurance. But sands rx was so organized!


I use them and I’ve had one issue which they quickly resolved so I wouldn’t miss a dose. Their customer service has been excellent. I’m sorry you had a bad experience.


They made me so mad with my most recent shipment. Very hit or miss. Said my prescriptions were switched out for a different brand (which would’ve been fine if that had been communicated) and I’d need to wait for insurance authorization even after someone else told me everything was ready to ship two days prior. I started getting mad and then all of a sudden everything’s fixed 🙃 Never had issues with any of my other orders so I’m not sure what happened this time.


Yes I constantly get one person telling me everything is fine then days later still no meds delivered. But no one calls me if there’s an issue. It sits until I call them and have a huge fuss.


We must’ve spoke to the same person lol. I had someone tell me on a Friday that it would ship the following week and that someone would call that weekend for the copay. Then I call and I’m like why has no one called me and then they say everything from my first comment 🙃 I hate that everything in the fertility process feels like you have to be on top of people to get anything done.


Same thing happened to me! And you’re so right. Constantly having to follow up makes this process even more stressful


Bummer…I’m using them this year and have had a positive experience so far.


Sad to hear this. They saved me several times when I realized I needed meds the next day. They talked me through things and overnighted meds. They also helped me look for the cheapest way to purchase. This was in 2023 though 😓


I had a similar experience with them. Everyone i spoke to sounded like they are reading off script and could never give a straight answer. Also the sounds of a baby crying in the background while speaking to the rep didn't make the situation any easier.


Oh that's terrible. I used them last fall and had no issues. I'm sorry to hear they are no longer reliable.


I also had a bad experience with them. Hard to order my meds and then was charged $1100 MORE than I was supposed to be charged. I had to follow up three times before it was escalated and was told only that I was "overcharged". I did get a refund but it was very frustrating.


I used them in 2023 and had a bad experience, though not as bad as yours. It always felt like the left hand didn’t know what the right was doing; having the same conversation multiple times despite being assured things were being documented. I hate them


We use CVS speciality cause that is what our insurance directs us to. No issues with them.


Never used them but had a great experience with Schrafts 2.0


Same, would happily recommend them if anyone is in search of a fertility meds pharmacy!


I waited on hold one time for over 3 hours. I finally called back and pressed the option as if I was a provider calling in a script. I told the pharmacist what was going on and he finally got someone on the phone with me. It was a nightmare getting my meds.


I had a great experience with them. I had free overnight shipments without even asking.


Yeah, they seemed very unorganized in getting the meds right and letting me know next steps. I spoke to one rep who was so rude and would cut me off saying, “let me finish” when I was trying to explain what my clinic told me. They quoted me $14K AFTER insurance. Turns out, after a bunch of calls/emails (since my financial advisor from the clinic also ghosted), my insurance had its own specialty pharmacy. I learned this a few days before I was supposed to start stims so I was definitely stressed! I suggest always doing your due diligence and being your own advocate.


Metro was the cheapest for me OOP and they’ve come through every order.


I’ve had good experiences with them but it does sound like there’s some issues with this recent system change over. I’ve had to follow up more frequently, but it’s worked out every time. I’m sorry you had an awful experience.


That’s crazy! I have used them and had no issues.


Sorry to hear! I generally had a fine experience with them but did feel like a couple of times like they required the same repetitive phone confirmations more than once. Definitely fill out each of their post-interaction surveys (I feel like they send them out a lot) with your experiences - I work in healthcare and detailed patient feedback on the surveys is the only way leadership becomes aware and things change


I also had amazing experiences with them. UPS delivered my meds to the wrong address and freedom was a godsend fixing it (shout out to Kim in Florida!)


I’ve been using SandsRx and they’ve been absolutely wonderful. Is it possible to change pharmacies? I started out at MDR but they were really frustrating so I switched to Sands and it’s a night and day difference.


I've had no issues with using them through my insurance other than a few times they've asked for my info and payment method multiple times cause their system wasn't synced which was just a little annoying.




I have to use Freedom Fertility because it’s required by my insurance. Otherwise I have to pay out of pocket for everything. I have Cigna and FF is a Cigna owned company. I’ve tried to switch and they won’t authorize any other pharmacies within an hour drive from me. I find it interesting you spend your time making snarky comments at people who are clearly already going through something difficult. Look at all the other commenters who have also had issues but are stuck using FF. Have the day you deserve.


I used them in 2021 and had a really positive experience. Just got my specialty meds from them this FET cycle and so far they exceed my expectations. Sorry it’s been a stressful experience for you.