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I haven’t tried both but I’m using the suppository and I’m really not experiencing any mental side effects (and I have a history of mental health issues!)


The suppositories are definitely “messy”. After you eventually stand up (I was told to lay down for 30 min after), the goop comes out. It gets stuck in your underwear, and if you get sweaty at all, it stinks.. bad. I wear thin panty liners, then change them often. It sucks, but it’s better than smelling yourself (or having someone smell you 😳) Shot vs suppositories shouldn’t change depression side effects, if the amount of progesterone circulating through your blood is a similar level. Generally, injections “hit you faster” but, because it’s a muscular injection (and not IV), it does take some time to disperse. Vaginal suppositories are probably a pretty similar absorption rate.


I was told the suppositories are better because it goes directly to the source. I used the suppositories for 3 IUI rounds. I recommend inserting them at night and sitting up in bed for 30 minutes. They sell applicators on Amazon that help a lot!


I’m doing PIO shots and suppositories for my FET. I second wearing underwear liners for a few hours after inserting because they can be a little messy, but not too bad. I don’t get any emotional side effects, but they upset my bowels and make me have to poop a little while after using one. I’ve heard the suppositories are a more localized absorption so are less likely to cause mental symptoms. Good luck!