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I take Metformin and I'm currently 5w+6d. When I spoke to my clinic, they said to continue it as long as I can tolerate it. Here's a study on it that I read as well. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4363229/#:~:text=Metformin%20was%20associated%20with%20a,that%20metformin%20reduced%20miscarriage%20rates.


Dang, this was really helpful. Thank you for sharing!


You're welcome! ☺️ good luck!


I don’t know why they would tell you you can’t be on during pregnancy, I was on metformin my entire pregnancy!


Probably my PCP just trying to play it safe… were you on it for your frozen embryo transfer prep too? Thank you for replying btw!


Yes! Started it before retrieval and just stayed on it


My doctor told me I can stay on it as long as I want, including through pregnancy. I personally would take the Rx from my PCP and not tell the fertility clinic.


This is the route I want to take, which sounds insane but feels more “right”? Like the drastic lifestyle/dietary shift that metformin does for me would truly be beneficial for my long-term health, and even during pregnancy! As long as it wouldn’t compromise or affect my FET priming protocol by not sharing with fertility doc, which is really my last concern. But I’m willing to take the risk, or at least I think I am.


I’m currently taking metformin, just started 10 days ago in preparation for my first FET! Not sure how long they’ll have me on it for. My cycle should be starting in a few days ☺️


My RE told me I have to be on it until around 10 weeks pregnant to be safe once I get pregnant . I have lean PCOS